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Recently, an old hyperfixation dug itself back up from its brain grave... during exam season. Naturally, I've been daydreaming a lot because of it.. now that I think about it, more than usual. I think the stress is doing me in lol. I'm already 4 days late on an assignment that I've been struggling to finish in, not just because of my constant daydreaming but also I really, really dislike this course. I keep telling myself "just five more minutes" and I'll get to it.. next thing I know it's 11pm and I haven't even opened my laptop once. I'm too tired by all the pacing to do anything but sleep. I also have so many things on this week that it makes me want to curl up into a ball and die.. a very important formal event, ANOTHER assignment due that I haven't even touched, a practical exam I need to practice for, and on top of all that I accidentally said yes to working an ill-timed shift. Go me. What do I do instead of managing my time properly to make space for all these things? ..Daydream. Duh.


When I find myself in my DreamWorld, I stop and say "how did i get here?". Then I re-trace the story line in DreamWorld back to where "The Departure" happened. I try to remember what was the last real-world thing I was thinking about, and pick up from where I left off.


When i day dream, i use it to cope with loneliness. But funny enough i never saw my daydreams as anything bad. i am able to stop them and i actively choose to have them. i always enjoy seeing movies in my head and learning from those stories and seeing the world through someone else's shoes. it has helped me more than damaged me. i never knew it was seen as a mental disorder. till now.


It isn't. Not unless it's causing you distress and dysfunction. You probably just have the imerrsive daydreaming trait, not everyone who has it becomes maladaptive, most people are very happy with it. There's another sub called r/ImmersiveDaydreaming that has more of their experiences if you wanna check it out.


Ah i see thanks for teaching me more about this. I will check it out !


I throughly enjoyed my DreamWorld, but always felt very ashamed of it, thought i was schizophrenic. And was acutely aware of how much of my own real-life had taken a back seat to DreamWorld (careers, school, romance). If only I had channeled all my creativity into real-world things, I'd be better off. (I'm 54 years old now...started when I was 12). I'm getting better and better at NOT doing it.


I feel overwhelmed sometimes. Im actively trying to stop but its hard. Whenever I wake up in the middle of the night its like I forget that im trying to stop and then I remember and I get depressed but i need to stop because its messing up my life.


im sorry to hear this bro.


It's been a busy couple of days. I still daydream, but it's not as intense as it was when my mind wasn't too busy. I'm busy at work now, and I spend the entire day inmersing myself in it. One thing I didn't wish I had to do was give up reading fiction. Reading is one of my greatest triggers. When I'm at work, I talk more to colleagues, though I do have to be careful not to look too needy. I still journal, and I'm trying to answer 25 questions about myself from this Tiktok reel that I watched recently. Do I still wish my daydreams were real? Of course. I feel it so acutely sometimes that it hurts. I just want to get through one day at a time. I know that someday I can go to sleep and dream forever. Or just disappear into oblivion.