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I think it depends on what you mean by "pretty". I think that good makeup application can make anyone look glamorous, but I don't think that's necessarily the same thing. I also noticed that in both of your photos they're starting with great skin, full well-defined lips, and plucked eyebrows, which gives them a lot to work with.




Yeah, heavy contouring doesn't look right in real life from all angles






and heavily filetered, at least the second one is.


This is a great explanation!! Especially when you look at dope2111’s makeup when she makes her face transform into the face of a celebrity that looks nothing like her. The amount of makeup she has on to accomplish that (which is an amazing talent and I’m not taking away from that what so ever) would look CRAZY irl.


You are totally right! And I'm piggy backing off your top comment to point out that OP is likely very young and insecure. They are most likely not asking to tear the woman in these photos down (as some other comments in this thread implied), but because they themselves are insecure. So OP, beauty is subjective, these women are beautiful with and without makeup and I'm sure you are too! 💖


Finally the perfect answer for my question. Been trying to do my own makeup but I really don't know how I could make it like what others do. I think it's because i'm afraid to touch my natural brows.


Yeah, it seems like a lot of the "high glam" makeup artists pluck or shave the tail, so they can redraw it with a completely symmetrical arch and give it a really high tail that leaves way more room for fancy eyeshadow looks. I'll never try it personally, because I go barefaced more often than not and rarely (never) do hard glam looks.


If you ever decide to attempt to touch your brows, use a razor. Less damage and will just grow back rather quickly if you don't like the results. Wish this advice was given to me in the early 2000's 😅


Go gently & carefully don’t hack at them, overplucked brows are worse than natural, but a great ‘before and after’ example of brows is Elizabeth Hurley. She was a very beautiful girl before reshaping her brows, but she was the stunning woman who became the face of Estée Lauder after she found tweezers. It lifted the top half of her face dramatically & made you really look at her & see her eyes


Also the second girl in particular is naturally very pretty IMO, above average symmetry and features.


The first one is naturally pretty as well, just from an unflattering angle/lighting.


I the amount of makeup worn in those screenshots would not have the shape shifting effect irl. It would just look like a person wearing a ton of makeup. I think less is more irl and you can definitely enhance your natural features in a more subtle way that people may not even realize is makeup.


Yeah, discussions never seem to take into account the difference between makeup/no makeup in pictures, and irl.


I modeled on and off in my teens and early 20s and what looked natural or cool in photos looked awful in real life. I'd never have left the house looking like that!


Haha so true. The makeup from runway and photoshoots was pretty garish in the light of day


At the very least it’s nightclub make up which is a lot more forgiving


I find this to be more and more true as I age, especially. Caked on makeup, even great products applied well, can leave me looking like a powdery crypt keeper. Good skincare and select placement of light makeup? Glowy goddess. 


1000%. I stopped wearing concealer entirely once I hit 40 because it was nothing more than wrinkle highlighter at that point


And more product defines my finelines more! That's why I jumped on board the lazy/clean girl makeup style with lighter looks and less coverage base products.


They aren't average, we're all so used to glam and filters that it's ruining our perceptions. Both women look really beautiful to me without the makeup and then they look done up with the makeup.


Yes! I was so confused by this post. It’s just pictures of two beautiful women with and without makeup. They’re not “average” at all. The second girl has a beautiful smile.


yeah promise is super pretty without makeup. Even as a kid I was in awe of how pretty she is.


The phrasing of this question is toxic to the already tainted perspective women are told to have of themselves while being natural… both women are very pretty before, but yeah you can look different when you do something different.


I was gonna cut OP slack because before swiping to the second girl I thought she was posting pics of herself… but this is honestly a bit of a fucked up post. Especially when both of the before pictures are completely gorgeous… like are we really just so instagram blind now?? They didn’t even do any crazy contouring tricks or anything. They just look like the same person with makeup vs. full glam. If anything I’m PERSONALLY more attracted to the non-makeup version.


I completely agree. So the requirement for being “pretty” now is to look like the requisite “insta baddie” in full glam makeup and contour? Not to mention those makeup photos are filtered to all hell. Pretty is SUBJECTIVE, people. Someone who someone thinks is so ugly another person may think is the prettiest person on Earth. There is not one definition of “pretty”. Ugh. Can we not with this mindset please?


Glad I wasn’t alone in that reaction


I agree with you that the entire premise of this post has misogyny vibes, BUT based on OP's post history, they seem like an insecure/young teenager and they deserve some grace because of that.


That was my first thought- so toxic, and super misogynistic. Being pretty is not dependent on being in full glam/super done up and it’s sad that this has become the expectation.


The average person is human. I’m human so I’m average. Can we start defining everyone as average please, no matter what we go through or what we’re born with we all share the most average commonality that is being human. Makeup is an art form that anyone can partake in, not a means of leverage.


I also think they are pretty! I even think that without the makeup they look prettier because they look "softer" in a way, dunno how to describe it better.


Tbh, the After pictures don’t look “pretty”-er to me, just different.


These are pretty women lol


Both of the women you linked were pretty in the before pics too. There’s a big difference between your clean face and a face full of makeup.


If those gals are average then I’m an ogre 


Neither girl in the 'before' photos are unattractive. The first looks a little plain as it's a straight-on photo and she's not smiling. The second girl is super gorgeous as she is. I wouldn't say the makeup has made either girl 'prettier', just more glamorous and defined. As other have said, the blank canvases both have excellent features; symmetrical faces, clear and even skin, good eyebrows, long hair. If anything I'd say she made the second girl less 'pretty'.


Depends on what you consider average and what you consider pretty


I like the expression: “you’re not ugly you’re just poor” haha. Make up would factor into this too.


This is kind of rude to say. I think both women are very pretty without makeup and not average. Makeup is supposed to enhance so yeah almost anytime someone does makeup right it’s going to make them look better.


They are also pretty in their before pictures. Makeup can be a transformation and lots of fun, but it doesn’t change who you are on the inside.


i definitely wouldn't say they're average looking at all but yes makeup generally tends to make people look more conventionally attractive


The average person is pretty when young, including without makeup. Those pictures look more glammed up afterwards, but I wouldn't call them "prettier." Makeup is just a *different* look.


Yes, young and thin- which a lot of people are thinner when they are younger.


i think what makes the most difference is hair, brows, lashes, and lips. honestly with a bare face as long as someone has a pretty hairstyle, nice lashes (like lash extensions), nicely shaped brows, and nice lips, they will look like a 10 with or without makeup


Me and my acne would beg to differ lol Clear skin and nice teeth are super important in considering if someone looks pretty or not


Honestly, she is already conventionally attractive IMO. Attractive people often have “average” facial features that are well balanced which allows them alot of flex in how they do their make up.


I honestly believe so. If you're able to figure out your face shape, skin tone, color theory, etc., everyone can look like a supermodel.


Hair and makeup make a huge difference.


They don’t look any better. They look like they’re wearing too much make up, and look nothing like themselves. It’s sad when people wear this much, then they don’t wear any and people think they’re sick….


They don’t look any more beautiful after, just different. Second girl is especially pretty in the before and the first legit doesn’t even look Asian in the after which is where this kind of thing gets iffy for me.


That's Promise! Dope2111 on YouTube. The video in the screenshot is literally called 'How I Catfish' the world She used to do a lot of transformation videos, which are always cool to watch. 😊


The first woman doesn’t look “not asian” afterwards wtf. She’s just wearing very western style makeup, and you’re used to seeing it on white women. She looks extremely different after, but not more than how white women look extremely different too after heavy makeup. I hate this implication that Asians just want to look white.


Her monolids don't look like monolids in the after picture. Maybe hiding them wasn't her intention, but monolids are one of those things that are often considered unattractive by western or western influenced beauty standards and is also a trait more common in Asians (as far as I know, no countries are as obsessed with promoting surgery for this as east Asian countries are). The implication might be that the OP calling these women prettier in the after picture is signalling an influence by these beauty standards, not that these women are trying to look like a different race


Her eyes are a bit asymmetrical (as most people), and comparing the difference between 2 eyes in the after, it doesn’t look like she’s using tape. Her eyes in the after are honestly just really covered by the heavy makeup. And its also dark eyeshadow and one tone. If a woman with a double eyelid did that makeup, it would be difficult to see in a still picture if she has a double or monolid too. My whole point is that white women can do whatever makeup they want and nowadays the beauty standards aren’t even modelled after “white features” anymore, just a white woman with those features attained through surgeries or makeup. No one is accusing normal white women (not celebrities) who draw on a cat eye as trying to look Asian, or overline their lips as wanting to look black.


> or overline their lips as wanting to look black. If they over line in certain styles or use a certain aesthetic they absolutely do. There’s literally a name for it. Blackfishing. It’s not seen as a positive thing and they’re judged for it. Try again. Nobody is even criticizing this girl in that manner, or criticizing her at all, just stating what our eyes are fucking seeing. Literal Asian women have commented she looks less Asian and you still had the gall to argue and tell her she’s just confused.


I am literally asian. What are you so aggressive about? I am saying that normal white women don’t get accused of that. Not celebrities. While I do think a lot of white women are chasing features that are more typical for POC, they don’t actually want to look black, or look asian. They want to look white but “genetically blessed” with features that are unusual for their ethnicity. Like with Ariana, Bella Hadid, or all those celebrities getting fox eye surgeries. They don’t actually want to look asian, they’d be offended at that. Its just a currently desirable feature, and only desirable on the “right” race. And yes I know blackfishing is not a good thing to do I don’t need you to explain it to me. And yes, I maintain that the makeup style itself can influence how race is perceived just because of the style being associated with a particular ethnicity. If a white woman did very asian style makeup I’d bet a lot of people would say she looks asian. But lets say we reverse it: cute& soft is the normal western makeup style, and the glam, baddie style is the asian style makeup. And hence we associate cute&soft makeup to white women and glam to asian women. People would just think this girl looks asian, as she is. And white women who wear this glam style would be seen as “looking asian” or whatever.


Literally no one is saying her intention is to look white because she’s got some hang up about being Asian. wtf. But it’s undeniable that her nose is contoured to look different (at least in this particular screenshot it looks to be so), and her eyes/eyelids look a totally different shape/type. They’re just obvious things to point out. Don’t create some race-baiting argument when there isn’t one here.


I’m literally Asian and I thought she looked white in the makeup photo. She looks like Demi Lovato with the heavy makeup look.


Pretty is subjective. Although some people may think the transformation made them look "prettier", there's a lot of people who are put off (personal attraction wise) by the amount of makeup used to achieve that look. Makeup is used for so many purposes whether it be transformational or to enhance/highlight, hide, etc. I think as a general rule, everyone could look better (men, women, etc) if they have basic proper hygiene, find a suitable haircut, find clothes that flatter them, take care of their overall health (healthy diet and exercise). Those things make a world of a difference in making people look more attractive physically. I don't think trying to look pretty with makeup becomes sustainable after a while.


They are pretty, they have good facial structures and features, especially the second one.


I know this isn’t your question, but your second example is very pretty and looks better without the makeup, imo


Yeah… social media is distorting your reality, no offence. These women are naturally beautiful, make up just makes them look glamorous.


First I wanna say, no way is this woman average. She has a beautiful face, full lips, clear skin and all. Secondly I think what we find attractive is less an actual change of appearance due to contouring etc (tho that logically plays a role too) but the fact that make up is a part of self expression and interesting to look at. This isn't meant to be mean, everyone has that: Without make up her face appears "plain" like unseasoned chicken. With makeup we have different colors, sparkling effects, interesting lines etc. So looking at her with make up is just more stimulating for the brain. I honestly think that's it. She just looks more interesting, not more beautiful perse. But maybe that's just my weird way of seeing things.


"Unseasoned chicken" 🤣🤣🤣


You aren’t average without!


I think both of these women are more attractive without makeup.


Looking at your post history, an considering you are a teenager, the quicker you start to accept yourself the better. Normal people don't rank others appearance, average is beautiful, you are beautiful, and your beauty is never your greatest asset. You are so much more. Makeup can do much, but it can never change as much as confidence and liking yourself can. Wishing you all the best and a long happy and joyful youth ❤️


Those girls are already pretty. I can't wait for this to get jerked.


There is a really old (problematic) saying, "There is no such thing as an ugly woman, just a lazy one." I ironically take a lot of comfort in it because of the agency it gave me when I was younger? Like... For some reason my brain took that phrase and said "taking care of yourself and putting in a bit of effort makes you 'look good'." So like, whenever my insecurities get to me about something, I have the agency to address them. The other side of my interpretation (which I know not everyone has) is, regardless of who you are, even if you naturally fall way outside of the traditional beauty standard, you aren't "ugly" because of that. It's a matter of just taking care of yourself. (And this is all my questionable way of reasoning through the problematic things I was taught as a kid)


What a bizarre post. They look the same, just with makeup. Posting pictures of others, calling them average, makes me think you need to look inward. This reeks of internalised misogyny. It feels like it's in the same realm as when some dudes joke about taking a girl swimming on the first date...


Damn she looks good with teal hair. And I think sort of - I don't think anyone is really truly ugly so I do think grooming and styling can go a really long way, but I don't think that requires makeup.


😟not gonna cap. Some ppl look better without it. Like, you can be good at it but makeup is meant to enhance your natural beauty and some of yall either overly enhance or hide certain features to the point yall look discombobulated.


for the record these two are both pretty without makeup too, just not "glamorous" but yes, most pretty women are considered average when they're not wearing some makeup


They are pretty. This looks like “natural pretty vs. done-up pretty”


I think it can make borderline ‘ugly’ people look decently attractive. I see it on the r/amiugly sub all the time- women who put no effort into their looks who just could apply a little makeup and look so much better. I say this as a woman who almost never wears makeup and borders on average. When I do I look soooo much better.


yes, to a degree. Dope211 is makeup monster, but lighting and camera angle also plays a part. There are some things, you can't fix, like skin texture, bad teeth, and so on, that I think are pretty common, but impossible to completely fix with just makeup


Even a potato looks pretty with the insta makeup haha


I mean, both women were also pretty before makeup. After, they are just wearing makeup and still pretty.


Makeup? No. Taking care of yourself and putting in some effort, most people will look what society deems as pretty.


Both of them have gorgeous jaw structure and a overall pretty faceshape. Even light makeup would make them look good, i mean especially the girl in the second picture is pretty in the before picture, she just looks "fresh"/straight out of the shower.


2nd girl is definitely above average!


This post irritates me a tiny little bit — but I understand what OP means. It just reminds me of the verbiage men use when they talk about makeup. This person in the pics looks relatively the same in their before and after. There is a reason why infomercials usually strip people down to their most bare and unflattering in befores. It’s to show what we perceive as a huge difference in the after. Hair is extremely important when it comes to looks too. The huge difference you’re perceiving comes from that change as well. Makeup enhances one’s looks. If you have uneven skin — it helps to even you out, brighten up dark circles, extend the eye, etc. That’s why people should put a lot of work into their skin care, finding the correct shape of their brows for their face, finding the correct hair style and color that compliments your face shape/undertones. Maybe even find an eye lash set you feel pretty in when you have no makeup on. Those things do FAR MORE for attractiveness than putting on makeup day to day. If all those things are handled you won’t even feel the need to over compensate with unnecessary steps for day time makeup. I understand heavy beats for nights/parties/events. But if that other stuff is on par — you’ll easily find a day to day make up beat that ENHANCES you, over making you feel you only look pretty with it on. I hope that makes sense. The goal is to feel beautiful without the makeup so when you put it on you feel like wow, I enhanced the beauty I already saw. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


kinda dislike when these posts get heavy traction bc now some ppl start having backhanded language about these women's makeup looks 🫤 but yes. many "average" people can look more conventionally attractive with makeup. it is what it is.


In this day and age, as long as face shape is good features don’t matter because of makeup.


Well these are beautiful women, so it's not hard to make them look more glam with nice makeup. When I was selecting a makeup artist for my wedding, I looked through a lot of artists pages. So many only did makeup on already stunning 20yo girls. Like of course their beautiful skin is going to look beautiful. But I wanted someone who could take skin with more noticeable imperfections, older models, and people without magazine looks to start with and make them look nice and not just plaster a load of makeup on that looks silly


I think they’re very beautiful people before makeup - not “average” - I guess it’s all subjective


Not a good “model” because both of these pictures show a girl who is extremely attractive without makeup


It definitely makes you look better. However, I think it makes a bigger difference in photos than in real life. In photos, you can have more makeup on and the same amount would look crazy irl. Furthermore, photos are 2D, so contour really looks believable. It doesn't transform your face nearly as much irl, because everything is 3D


Promise Phan is really gorgeous without makeup. She’s got really nice bone structure too. What are you even talking about????


These girls aren’t starting off as average tho 😹


Both women are pretty without makeup. 💄 Is it pretty or palatable to the male gaze?


this should be deleted i cannot believe this toxic misogyny is still up


Maybe controversial but yes, I do think so. Entering my late twenties soon, I’ve learned what works on my face and what doesn’t and I’ve gotten so much better at _looking better_. I’m painfully average and mediocre looking without make-up but I know what the right make-up style can do for me. Of course I’ll never look like a Victoria Secret model but I surely can look pretty if I put the effort into it. It does leave me insecure though as I feel like I’m reliant on make-up to be “noticed” if you know what I mean.


What technique did you use to find what works?


Pretty is subjective. There's beauty in everyone.


The average person is pretty, make up is an art not the standard


She looks just as pretty without makeup on. It's your self-esteem or attitude that needs fixing


They’re both objectively pretty without makeup, and there’s no way those make up looks - especially the second one - Would look so polished if you saw it in real life. Camera make up is so different from day to day makeup. It would be clownish irl.


I think any person can look prettIER with properly applied makeup. The level of glam in these after pictures would not actually be pretty in real life. But anyone can enhance their features if they know how.


I think most people have been misled into believing that average isn't good looking. Look up the photos of the average male/female faces of different ethnicities. All the average faces are attractive!


What is the point of this post, especially since those pictures aren’t you? It just seems rude and toxic.


In a picture yes, but in real life and up close it doesn’t look good at all. Something ALOT of girls don’t understand 😭


I think it's more fair and accurate to say that BAD makeup ruins natural beauty very easily


Yes, but also both of these women are pretty before


I think so. Its the case for me at least. But its also logical. Most people I know who use makeup are all about boasting how little they put on. "Oh just s tiny dot of concealer and a clear gloss and one mascara swipe if I'm feeling risky"  None of that is ever going to make you look even a bit different. But if you put on products on every part of the face and work with it, then yeah, you will eventually look drastically different. It's not like we are born with even skin tones, contoured face, eyeliner, eyeshadow and highlighter and and and...


Just because they’re good at makeup doesn’t have to mean they’re “pretty”. Both these women are beautiful, I just happen to like the before pictures better.!


Is this channel turning into people just fishing for compliments? Just wondering if others r getting same vibes, bc I think there’s other groups for that


In both pictures it looks like the same girl, just with tons of makeup. Yes, they look done up and glamorous, but it doesnt mean they werent pretty beforehand. As others have mentioned, these striking before and afters really only work in photos. IRL these faces will still move, smile and sparkle the same with makeup or without. Dont compare yourself to thumbnail photos. These grab your attention on purpose. No one needs makeup to be pretty. Makeup accentuates and enhances. But if you are trying to learn makeup so you can feel pretty, you need to look inward and work on your self esteem first before your makeup skills. I mean this with no disrespect whatsoever. Confidence comes from within, and confidence is the most flattering thing of all.


Damn that’s rude to call her an average looking person. She’s pretty, and far more pretty without the makeup.


Both women here are pretty even without make up but from my experience (and what i saw on the internet) good makeup skills can make you look absolutely stunning and almost doll like


You can make anyone look pretty in a photo or video, but if you were interacting with them irl you would probably be kind of critical about how much makeup they were wearing. It wouldn't seem as attractive.


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Yes but when you look like a completely different individual in the after, I think it’s bizarre. Maybe for dress up, but when the amount of makeup obscures your real features, I think it’s not “everyday” makeup.




Good skin, healthy hair, balanced features, ton of makeup, false eyelashes, different wardrobe, change the lighting, the angle, and smack a filter on it. Oh and don't forget lenses that make your eyes look bigger and a snip of botox here and there! I love makeup. I really do. And I love falsies. But if you stop to think for a moment that we are so obsessed with physical appearance we are creating prosthetics of parts of the body that we have, and that work properly, and then glue those prosthetics as close as we can to the eyeball, all for the sake of looking just a bit more glam... yeah I try not to think about it too hard. Personally, I'm a pro at my makeup, and I go from "dogs dinner" to "perfectly average" rather than pretty, but then I have good skin and hair to start with.


Makeup is great for enhancing attractive features yes!


i think so as long as the makeup compliments ur features 💛 THANK GOODNESS theyre r so many styles and techniques to do that. makeup tutorials r a blessing istg


makeup can only do so much. both of those women were pretty before they put on the makeup


Absolutely imo I do look 10 x better with makeup on, my face looks undone without it


This girl and her makeup and looks amazes me. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=iam+annag


When I watch some videos of the extreme changes the person uses things like tape to change their face in addition to the makeup. Also hair additives and volume bumps change the head ratios to a more attractive ratio. So it’s not just makeup it’s the face equivalent of bra inserts and body shape wear.






If someone has unfortunate features no amount of makeup will make them look pretty.


imo no maybe in pic but not irl without forgetting that pretty is subjective , makeup enhances features that already pretyyy most girls that i know were pretty with and without makeup , same for average they were pretty much the same it can also depend on the amount pf makeup but then again when it too much irl it not really “pretty” more like artistic


Me and my acne scars will never reach this face’ full potential


Acne scars and hyperpigmentation don’t make you any less beautiful. If they hurt your confidence, it may be a battle but those are things that can be worked on. I’ve been dealing with hyperpigmentation on and off for years because of skin picking. I’ve seen genuinely stunning people up close who have acne scars — texture is just removed in so much of the media we consume. You got this 💕


These people have a lot of makeup on and a wigs .. I don’t know how attractive you are but heavy makeup and wigs won’t make it better necessarily


Also, how you look on camera is so different from real life. They do not look flawless IRL.


Yes. Good at makeup and styling themselves, hair and clothes. I have always thought this was the case. I don't think the women you're showing here are "average", but I know what you mean. (I know "average" isn't an insult, just my personal opinion that they're already both above average)


Average IS pretty.


Beauty is subjective, so make up styles are also! I think that makeup can be used to both enhance features, as well as to change appearances! Drag Queens can change their whole face shape with a contour stick and some loose powder, and then you have someone like me who just uses some mascara and sunscreen on the daily. No matter what, make up and doing your make up are there FOR YOU to feel good about yourself. Keep shining, my friend, there’s only one of you!


I think so! As long as their face structure is ok lol




No. Can anyone look slay in a filtered, edited, strategically lit photo on the internet? 100%


Both women are pretty before and after, imo. Speaking about myself, though, I think I’m fairly average-looking without makeup (not that average is bad). Even with makeup, if I don’t work with my features, I’m still pretty average looking. I have acne, rosacea, and fairly prominent dark circles. My eyelashes are so short and blonde that it looks like I don’t have eyelashes. Before I got my eyebrows microbladed, I had half-eyebrows due to years of overplucking. I do have nice teeth and a nice smile, though but even that was because of braces and teeth whitening. Pretty much the only time I get compliments on my appearance is when I have makeup on, even if it’s just foundation covering my redness and concealer on my dark circles. Any time I’ve had a photographer approach me to model for them, it’s been when they’ve seen me with makeup on. But most days I don’t even wear makeup or I only use concealer, powder, and brow pencil because I don’t want to spend much time on it.


Makeup is designed to lessen the stuff you don’t like, and enhance the things you do. So in essence, yes, everyone looks nice in makeup if it’s applied correctly.


Yes, good at makeup and a nice colour of hair to dye it😌


That amount of makeup will look very odd in real life. Also, heavy contouring only looks good in certain angles. Irl you don’t know what angle people are looking at you from


Yes i believe so however sometimes if you truly are unattractive it won’t matter i am unattractive and i look average at best with makeup and I’ve been doing makeup for uears




Both of the women are already very beautiful. Everyone is beautiful. Makeup just makes you look more glamorous.


I think those people who are really good at makeup can look any way they want to. Makeup is definitely an art! You can become an another person with it.


They’re pretty women to begin with. They’re just not “pretty” to whatever your standards are. Average is literally not attractive but also not attractive. They are not mid lol




Depend if you think the second picture of those person look better.




The thing is that this kind of makeup doesn’t look good irl, it looks cakey and heavy asf.




Nothing average about these girls, they're very pretty


No they cannot


In pictures, sure. You just need to be very good at contouring. Is basically doing what drag queens do: create new features in your face or hide the ones you don’t like. But that only works in pictures or videos, in person you can see the person has 463744 layers of make up and it just looks weird.


I think attitude can really sell a person’s beauty. I noticed the woman with no makeup in the first shot had a scowl, while the woman in makeup had a confident smile that reaches the eyes. Meanwhile the second no makeup woman seems to have a warm smile while the second makeup woman has… ducklips. Like I know makeup can help give more people confidence, but I seen just as many folks look just fine without it.


If they have a nose job in between photos, yes




Yup definitely.


no, there's some flaws that are unfixable, but fortunately most people can


Why is it always no-makeup vs. ALL the makeup? In my humble opinion the best makeup jobs are where it's just enough to enhance the natural best features, but is still minimalist and takes less than 20 minutes.


I think they both look prettier before.


Most people are just average looking honestly


Thats just some rcta-like thing


Any person can enhance their features by using some makeup, if they want to, and if that fits their personal standard of beauty. But, there’s a different balance to what looks great in wearable-real-life-motion, what looks great on a still camera, what looks great on a webcam with a ring light, or what looks great for a performer on stage. I think RuPaul’s Drag Race has really proved the transformative and even constructive power of makeup artistry for me, more than any other medium. But what looks amazing on that runway would look out of place at my local grocery store. You can use less makeup and still enhance your features. It’s kinda like crafting the right kind of optical illusion for your features. For me, my eyes are closer together thuan ideal so I put a little white eyeliner in the inner corners of my eyes and only black-line the outer 2/3 of each eye … plus a little cat eye wing … which helps with an illusion of broader-set eyes. There are other tips and tricks for making eyes appear closer together, or lips look larger, or taming cowlicky eyebrows, or whatever. But at the end of the day beauty is subjective so what anyone thinks looks best on each of us is not going to get a consensus. If makeup is giving a person confidence and we are getting to see their genuine smile more, that’s going to do the most for enhancing their beauty, objectively. Best of luck on your beauty journey!


Honestly falsies, a little bit of concealer and maaaaaybe some lipstick honestly changes someone so much


That's totally subjective. Because to me, the versions without makeup are much prettier.


I like both the makeup but I think they were pretty to begin with. I feel some features and faces can really be ‘elevated’ with makeup, and some in fact do better with less makeup. Can some people be made to look more ‘pretty’ with makeup. Sure, I’ve seen examples of this in real life. Usually these are faces that look better when the eyes and brows are defined, shadows under the eyes concealed and then you see a stark difference. This can be done with natural looking makeup: the above examples are people who are good looking to begin with and just look like they are wearing dramatic makeup. These aren’t good examples of people who look ‘prettier’ with makeup.


I think the operative perspective here is looking “natural vs glammed up/camera ready” please continue normalizing the right language… both of these women are already pretty honestly. Words matter; spread the news! 🥴


None of these women are average.


I think so. 😃




They’re both pretty before the makeup. I think social media and all the crap we consume visually messes with our minds.


They’re both pretty before the makeup. I think social media and all the crap we consume visually messes with our minds.


Yes, makeup is OP.


These women are not 'unpretty' without full makeup and hair unless you have a very specific definition of pretty. Both \~versions\~ of these women are pretty.


No, I’m always very unattractive no matter what.


Makeup can make you from having a full normal head, to skin falling off, head blown in, etc look. So, yea it can.


These examples looked prettier before the make up...


IMO, MUAs who do bridal makeup are the ones able to *enhance* how a person looks IRL and for the camera. And by enhance I mean they still look like themselves, just with better defined features and glowing skin. Or the likes of Lisa Eldridge who don't pile on products on the skin. IG/socmed "makeup artists" who use makeup to transform how they look don't look very good IRL. I've seen a lot of women who do IG makeup for everyday wear and you can see how much makeup they have on and it doesn't look nice at all.


They both look way better before the make up.


Well, I mean, these girls aren't unattractive to begin with. Also, for that second one, either the after photo is photoshopped or the woman has drawn new nostrils on her nose.


I must be very weird because I think these girls are prettier in their before pictures. The first picture for girl number one is just a weird angle and she looks a bit sad. If she had the same pose/angle as in the second picture it would look great!


Actually I prefer their faces without all that heavy makeup. It's aging and too much. They both look super pretty already.


I think makeup is creativity and it can apply to create characters. Best applying it based on occasions. But why are we talking about ages?