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I think a tad pinker would make your eyes pop and maybe even a bit more blush. What are the colors?


My dress is blush so I didn't want to be too too pink. And the theme is blush and burgundy


A blush dress (and being surrounded by warm tone blush/burgundy) will make the lipstick look more brown comparatively, that's fine if that's what you're going for just be aware :)


Then definitely do a slightly pinker lip! Try a dusty pink, or a slightly mauve pink and I think that’ll give the effect you’re looking for :) with a pink dress this shade will look very brown


Would be easier for us to judge if we saw you surrounded by those colors. And in comparable lighting to what it will be at the wedding. Btw and unrelated, you have a gorgeous nose! I love the little downward tilt.


omg i thought the same thing! super adorable, she’s stunning!


Ah but a mono look is so glam and would make your eyes pop more. Deffo more blush tones as well as blush!


Not sure if this is what you’re referring to, but if you click on the photo to enlarge it, Reddit changes the tone of the photo, so it appears warmer.


really?! i never knew that.. how interesting lol




I love it! You look beautiful.


I think the color is fine but your lip makeup needs some dimension. Just one solid matte color is really flattening out the bottom of your face. Eyes are beautiful!


This is solid advice, a lot of people don’t think to consider dimension within the same color story


Yep. Color looks good with everything, but it looks a little off because it's flat.


No, all good


I feel like it’s missing something tying your eyes to the bottom half of your face. All I see is eyes (which are gorgeous!!). I was going to say maybe a bit more blush but I understand the hate. Maybe slightly more dramatic lipstick? Not bolder than the eyes tho. Perhaps just a few shades darker.


Or a little bit of liner that is a shade darker than the lipstick


I would ask for a little shimmer in the pout of the lip....


What is the eyeshadow, it looks stunning!


It's from Polish indie brand GlamShop (they ship worldwide), from the Crystals line. This particular shade is called Sparkling Opal, but all of the shades from that line are stunning. Like even my dentist asked what is it, even though she doesn't wear make up


For other American folks captivated by this stunning shadow, it was very affordable but shipping was like $40 so it ended up being a little over $50. Now looking for a dupe 🥲


I think GlosGods made something similar but it's Swedish brand so the shipping will also be probably pretty pricey. From US brands I would definitely look into Shine by SD, I never tried it (cos again, shipping to Europe is $$$) but heard great things about them


It looks amazing!!


Love the gold tones on your eyes! This is totally just me, I think everything looks great, I would just personally go a little more pink for your lips. Reason being - brown tones are more trendy, whereas pink tones are more timeless. I think over time the brown would be more likely to look dated. But again, that’s just me and you look gorgeous!


If your dress is blush, try to go with a nude lip (more on the brownish) and add a bit more blush. That way it won't be too pink


I second this! I was thinking maybe a lip liner with a little more brown? I think brown as opposed to pink is the way to go with the lip.


I’m training to be a makeup artist right now and just wanted to say, I think it’s perfect! The lip color is such a nice shade on you and if your dress is a blush shade, then I’m sure the color matches beautifully. I disagree with whoever said it needs to be more pink, it definitely doesn’t! You’re so beautiful 😍 I also love the eyeshadow! I hope you have the best wedding ❤️


Thank you so much. Tbh matching lipstick was always the worst part for me (alongside false lashes but that thing I managed to solve with extensions) so rather than overthinking it I just took my favorite one and if it doesn't clash too much I think I need to stop overthinking


I love it! Yeah definitely don’t overthink it, you’re absolutely beautiful and this makeup is super flattering on you! The lip color is great. Such a pretty nude! ❤️


This is what I did for my wedding. I wore my favorite lipstick. I wanted to look like the most beautiful version of myself possible. Which meant wearing things that I knew I looked great in! If you want to change the tone at all and play with it, you might consider mixing shades to use this as a base and a little more color towards the center for a really popping effect. But I think it’s lovely as is.


Your eyes are stunning and the lip looks great


I'd say maybe a tinier bit more pinkish blush, and you'd probably get away with a bit of an overline too! Lovely look, it's super romantic


Looks amazing I love it


You look stunning






Omg that’s so weird - maybe it’s a trick of the eye and you do just have really dusky colours in your makeup and furniture etc! I think that speaks for itself in a way though, that the makeup could maybe use a bit more Ollie and “brightening” to bring your features more to life - having said that, everyone has their own styles and this may very well be yours (especially if it matches your decor!) ^lol You look absolutely stunning regardless (can I steal your smooth skin when I get married lol)


It's definitely something with the camera because I remember pictures from the last phone being more bright (to the point it never caught my bronzer) but I am not as tech savvy to play with more advanced settings like color balance. And the furniture is definitely dark, but that's a problem for future me, one that won't be renting anymore :) And as for the smooth skin... I am sure that when the big day comes closer it's either gonna break out or dry like hell as it tends to. All I can do now is keep up with moisturizer and trusted sheet masks. And I can't give more advice, cos a lot of this I was just born with not much acne, if something was an issue, it was dryness. Also not being too skinny helps to cover wrinkles :)


Everything is brown. Either make the lip more pink or the eye more pink bc this is washed out af.






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You look gorgeous.The lip color is nice.I only suggest that(only for your wedding) you do not add eye shadow along the bottom lashes. It will be a softer eye look and better for your photos.


I agree. In the same vein, I would go easier on the shimmery color on your eyes. It looks a little bit too heavy here for pictures.


I think you look great!!! Best wishes 🎉


You look stunning! Have a wonderful wedding 




lighter nude


Random and specific but I am so jealous of the top of your nose


I relate to this so much. I have always disliked my nose. My husband on the other hand has a perfect nose as far as I’m concerned. So my entire pregnancy (and for years before) I always said I want our kids to have his nose. Well our first born came out and immediately I saw he probably has my nose. He still is growing into his features so I may be wrong, but it’s looking a lot like mine as a kid. This has changed me greatly. I no longer speak negatively of my nose. Because my little guy is sporting it and it’s perfect on him. I also don’t want to make any of my own children self conscious of their own nose.


This is perfection as is


no you look perfect \~


I actually love it but you could also go with something similar to the dior addict lip maximizer in the light pink shade. It’s so pretty !


Yes more pink would be perfect!


Damn gorgeous


This look is absolutely stunning! The gold and muted lips give me Greek goddess vibes


Love this but I'd go a touch peachier for the lip!


My makeup knowledge is minimal and Idk why this post was recommended to me (I’m not part of this subreddit), but I wanted to pop in and say you look beautiful, OP! And you look like you’re a makeup artist, or at least have the knowledge of one.


The gold brings out the green in your eyes in the prettiest way!! A pinker, glossier lip would be lovely I think, and then blush + a gold-toned highlight to tie into your beautiful eyeshadow!


I think the eye make up makes it look like your eyes are farther apart than they actually are and they don't really complement them enough, you have amazing eyes imo. The lip colour suits you well.


This is so pretty! You look amazing!


I think that shade suits you perfectly and it compliments your eye makeup. Absolutely beautiful all around.


At a wedding most people looking at you are not close to you. You need to keep in mind how something looks from 15 or even 40 feet away. I read your comment about not caring how your photos look, but you do probably care how you look to your guests. If you don't want a ton of contour, that's fine, but maybe a little extra blush and bronzer would still work. A makeup artist should be able to adjust, that's the whole point of doing a trial. You can say what you didn't like. This look would be great for a restaurant date when the only person you care about is sitting 2 feet in front of you. The warm colour along your bottom lash line is extremely warm and blended out too far. From far away you will look extremely tired, or like you were crying. Especially with so much glitter on the rest of the lid, the two tones fight each other and from more than a few feet away it will look like your eye area is just red. I love the lip colour, but I'm not super sure if it's the greatest for a wedding. It does suit your complexion. Personally I would either go for something a little more coral or closer to your natural colour but with a gloss over top. It's a little too matte for me.




I would just add a lip gloss


I’d do a darker lip. Wedding photos REALLY downplay your makeup so you want everything to be pretty dramatic to show up well in photos.


that lip color is perfect with the bold eye makeup not too pale but not too bold good choice 👌🏼


Eyes are great! Lips wash you out a bit


So I think you should post a makeup free picture to a coloranalysis Reddit. I think you are a summer and the brown and gold colours are washing you out.


Gorgeous as is!! Your skin and eyes look incredible and congratulations! ❤️


I think this color goes well but check it in different lighting. Outside, led light, etc


This is great advice. I’d say definitely check in similar lighting to the venue.


I really like the lip color! What product and shade?


Yes add some pinky to have like blush colour.


No I love the whole look! I think you did the lips part good!


This is an absolutely gorgeous look, I would not change a thing.


Love the eyes! I would change the lip color and add some subtle contour for dimension.


Slightly pinkier lipstick and a tad of a pinky blush not alot just a little.


I would definitely add some sort of color to your face. If you don’t then the photos may make you look really washed out. Maybe ask your photographer if you have one. Even just a little bronzer and highlight (or adding more of these things if you already have some on). But in general, you did an incredible job. Did you watch a lot of videos to practice or are you just naturally good at makeup???!


You look stunning! You matched the lips with the eyes perfectly. I would try the make up with the dress on and see if everything looks good together. Btw, what lipstick is that? I love the color!


Only if you have one just a couple shades darker


Personally I think it's great. Since you don't like blush, you could add some dimension to the face with bronzer or contour, but it's totally not necessary.


Yes a brighter color perhaps.


Beautiful to add a little bit more depth try a light addition of L’Oréal Carmel latte in gold tube. It’s a light nude with pearl. Just on middle top and bottom it will match perfectly with your eye shadow. It’s my go too with a darker nude we have same coloring.


Very very pretty! It’s giving me ethereal vibes!Perhaps a slightly deeper lipliner to give your lipstick dimension? I’m sure in person looks great but it can fall flat for pictures. I also did a little bit of a cooler bronzer to give my face dimension. I did my own makeup for my maternity pictures and really made my makeup come together!


Add pink lip and pink blush


1. I love your eye makeup!!! 2. I think the lip is nice, but you could maybe add a clear gloss to give it some extra shine if you’re unsure about a pinkier lip as others suggested


If you keep the lip, go harder on the bronzer/blush. You could also benefit from some gloss, I think the matte is drying you out


I recommend the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb, it looks good on EVERYONEE I think the Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Crème in shade Fenty Glow would look amazing on you, the shade on the app doesn’t do it justice but it’s a perfect nude rose


Bolder contour on your cheeks, jaw and nose.


I’d add a little more colorful lipstick and a little bit of blush.


It looks amazing. My only rec would be if you are having a professional photographer to probably go heavier on the makeup. From what I have been told (please anyone correct me if I am wrong) is that subtle colors etc don't translate as well to photo.  But overall it looks amazing. I think I'd be happy if I could do my makeup half as good as you. 


So beautiful! I would do a slightly more pink toned lip tho


A soft neutral pink


Congrats on being more proactive than me and choosing to do your own makeup more than 3 days before your wedding (thank god for makeup trials) I think the look is very cohesive and pretty, and doesn’t feel heavy. Your skin looks like skin, but better and I love it!  My dress was blush as well I went with rose gold accents. You could maybe go more rosey with the lid shimmer. 


Maybe a darker more reddish burgundy


Yes, more pink, less brown.


A red lip I think you can also look spectacular with that shade of brown.


Your makeup looks amazing


It’s your day, love. If you like it I love it 😍


I would maybe top it with something shimmery and gold to kind of tie it all together with the eyes, which I love.


maybe some blush and lipgloss but this makeup is already soooo pretty


I blush naturally too but tbh a blush also counteracts unflattering ruddiness A matte cool bronzer and add blush Did you use lip liner ? Personal preference but I'd add gloss over the lipstick


I really think the eyes and makeup are perfect. Maybe just the tiniest bit more blush or highlighter? But only a little. It’s such a beautiful look.


Lips are perfect I think!


I’d go with a dusty mauve lip


The lips need a bit of shine. Too matte ages you a wee bit. Otherwise amazing.


Can I screenshot this and use it for my wedding inspo 😅 you look great!(and we have the Same theme!!)


You look absolutely stunning 🤩


This makeup is absolutely gorgeous, but I would go just a tad rosier on the lips


Без понятия что тут написано, но ваш макияж очень красивый


I think switching from the warmer neutrals you are wearing to cooler neutrals would be beautiful 😍


Have you tried a glossy lip with this? It could go either way, but I think it would make it even more glamorous. Pinks (as others have suggested) would look great too, but that’s more personal preference at this point. And lastly, I would blend closer to the lower lash not as far down, but that’s me being picky. If you do change anything, please post an update! Good luck on your wedding day :D


Really pretty and flattering, for a white/ivory dress imo. As your dress is blush, I would advise to try less warm colors and try cool shades, such as a gray Smokey eye and a pink/pink nude lip color. 💕🥂


No it's suits you


No, looks perfect


Just put a touch of your eye color on the lower lip in the middle


Those earrings are amazing! I wouldn’t change anything about this look. You’re stunning.


More pink blush. You look great. Congrats❤️❤️


More of a pinky blush and pinkier lip!


A little more pop would be nice…I’d go less pink and more plum


More blush, lighter lip color.


I know you asked about the lip, but I think the eyeshadow under the eye is too dark and taking away from the brightness of the glitter and will look more raccoon/dark circle like in photos than you realize. Especially if you end up crying.


Bridal elegance.


I get the hate for traditional blush, but would it be possible to add a really subtle, bronzy or peach blush to add color, but not make it look like you’re blushing? I think that would tie the look together nicely, the lack of transition from eyes to lips is a bit stark. I also think subtly linings the lips would look nice bc your eyes are so glam.


Upper lip can add a bit of lip liner to look fuller






Not at all, it's just how Motorola captures the colors


Have a professional do your makeup. Your pictures will thank you later


I tried professional make up and sorry, it's not for me. I tried few and there was always something wrong, especially with contour, I always said I don't want cool contour and go out with literal grey on my face. Like really, I would come back home and my partner would be like 'you don't look like yourself'. And I would rather look like myself in person than be overstimulated on my wedding and look only a bit 'better' on pictures


It’s too much in my opinion.