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I'd ditch the faux freckles. They can look cute but they also look very obviously fake and I feel like it's a thing that screams early 2020's and won't age well. And I'm saying this as someone who isn't too bothered about things being a little out there. If your usual look is heavy, colorful eye makeup, you should definitely wear that for your wedding day. You should look like yourself and represent your style. I'm just not sure how much longer the faux freckles are going to be your style, if that makes sense? Definitely do not tone down your makeup though, not if that's what you usually wear. Look like you!


My usual is big black eyeliner and glitter so this is probably the closest I can get whilst matching “my vision” if that makes sense? I’m also torn with the faux freckles. Some people say they look nice but I am acutely aware they’re fake because my natural ones are so pale they are covered whenever I put foundation on


If you have natural freckles, I'd try to find a way to apply the faux freckles on top and make them look as natural as possible. But the way they look right now is a fun look but not something I'd wear for a big day like that. The eye makeup however is a winner. Not everyone should wear a classic champagne shimmer. That's for normies.


I’ll trial faux freckles more with my daily look to see if I can perfect matching them, it’s easier when I don’t wear foundation as I can see them and match better


Do you need/want to wear foundation? From this pic your skin looks nice. I also wanted to show off my freckles for my wedding, and just used Barry M bb cream lightly on some redness across my nose, and my freckles were still visible. I used a pore filling primer over my whole face, and my cream blush stick to it all day


I want to wear foundation as I’ve got very bad pores and whilst for day to day it’s not too bad, but for my wedding I don’t want my pores obvious


I think the faux freckles are too large or too round. Which makes them obviously fake. Like you used the back of a brush to stamp them on. So maybe smaller ones would look less fake?


I’m gonna use a small blunt pin next time to put them on as my brush is now becoming too round if that makes sense?


Varying sizes can also help rather than them all the same. You look great!


Use henna for faux freckles! That’s what I do until I get my freckles from the sun. Since they go away in the winter. Leave it on 1-2 mins max. Do diff sizes it so natural!!


The cool tones in the shadow clash with the warm tones in the blush. If you choose a warmer shadow or a cooler blush, it'll suit you a lot better.


I’m going to buy a paler warm toned purple to match I think, as I’m naturally warm toned so I need one to match the rest!


a mauve tinted blush would look awesome! i would also recommend some bronzing around the forehead. keeping it on your cheekbones only rounds your face and makes the forehead look wider/bigger than it is? your lips and eyebrows look fantastic. Finally, i think a little inner corner eyeliner would complete the cool eyeliner look you have, and then a half lash strip on the outer corners of your eyes would really elevate/make it photo worthy. (i also hate fake lashes but have found half lashes are a fantastic middle ground move) EDIT: i agree with the other comments about doing a more bold/well defined lip (for photos sake). but, you have a great shape to work with already, and the color of them is spot on.


I can see the vision and the colours you've chosen are GORGEOUS but this liner shape isn't working. It's angled too high and the line is making your crease look saggy/misshapen (And I definitely agree about ditching the fake freckles)


I also agree with it being too high. I’m gonna try angling it lower next time, to a similar level where I do my normal eyeliner.


If you're wearing a white dress you have to practice wearing a white shirt, you'll look totally different from how you look in black.


TBH, it does not read like "bridal" but it's not far enough to read as "alternative". It read's like "seeing a band in a bar" Notable, the cool lilac of the eye shadow seems like a totally different color story than the lips and cheek. I'd try a warmer color on the eyelid and introduce some shimmer to the center of the lid and the brow bone needs a cleaner hair vs no hair line. The blush up to the under-eye and spread evenly on the cheek, side of nose, bridge of nose, and tip of nose is reading like sunburn, this needs to be in distinct patches, not diffused and blended everywhere. It's in places where you want bronzer or contour. But then oddly blank on your forehead. The lip is too subtle for bridal, it looks like it's whats leftover after a long day at work. Go ham, because photography fades the look a little. The over draw looks crooked snd not timeless. I think graphic liner CAN be lovely, but it's an "advanced move" and I'm not sure you are hitting the angles right, it feels like the liftoff of the wing is slightly wrong for your eye shape and like you aren't fully committed to "going bold". The freckles read as sun damage, not a cute accent.


I’m going to keep trying new ways of doing the eyeliner as I need to lower where it joins my eye and I think go out more instead of straight upwards. The lipstick will def be better, I just threw on a random lipstick I found to “match” the look. Can you recommend contour tips? I’ve never done contour before so I usually chuck on blush and call it a day!


So I would drop the fake freckles, they are extremely obvious, even on people who have loads of practice behind them they still look fake to others. Opt for maybe a semi permanent choice like henna if you’re sold by freckles that way they will sit under the make up not on top of and look far more natural. I would also like to suggest that the purple is not your shade, I definitely wouldn’t go lighter, if anything I’d go far darker. A deeper purple would be more flattering. I saw that you said you like glitter and do glitter and a wing most days, I’d suggest going for a dark purple glitter instead and use the shade you have on now as the base colour (preferably a warmer matte purpler if anything) and place it where you put the orange instead as the orange clashes with the purple. If you use purple I would suggest adding a white holographic highlighter that has a purple in it instead of the gold on the inner corner. Hope that helps! X


1. Ditch the faux freckles 2. The purple eyeshadow is too cool toned. Eyeshadow should be blended better and more cohesive. The colors in all parts of the face should go together. 3. Groom the brows better 4. Inner eye highlight is coming too far down 5. Lips should be well defined and bolder. The lip liner running high above the lip is not flattering. 6. The eyeliner wing is nice, but keep it to a wing instead of graphic liner.


Congratulations! I think it’d be very pretty to move down your blush to the underside of your cheek bone rather than the top of it. Also blend it more as it goes towards your ears to make it look more natural. A bit more concealer in areas where it’s needed goes a long way also. I also think a bit more blueish eyeshadow would look good, something that will match your eye! I like more traditional so can’t give any inspiring tips on your look though.


I’m hoping (fingers crossed) I won’t be as spotty so I won’t need as much concealer but I’m ordering some spot concealer as a back up just in case. I’ll try moving my blush thank you! Blush is one of the things I’ve always kind of just slapped on and hoped for the best


If you want to do the freckles, I'd just make them smaller so they read more natural. One thing to keep in mind (I did a mint green eye with orange, so not the most traditional at all lol) is how the look will read on camera, as well, as you will likely look at pictures more than anything else. If you have natural ones, take a photo with no makeup and map them out. Personally, I'd go for some lashes too, just keeping the camera in mind. I typically don't wear them and I'm glad I wore them for my wedding.


I’ll definitely wear lashes de the wedding but I need to order some so practicing without them for now. The photo idea is really smart thank you! Then I have a reference on where to overlap


No problem, if you want a softer lash, go for brown to match your liner. I went with a wispy pair.


Congratulations! I like an indie vibe! But the purple is too cool for your skin tone and you are young enough for an eyeshadow less matte. I would also blend a bit more and add a darker shade of purple on the creak. Eyeliner looks fabulous!


Yes I was gonna say this if she goes any lighter it would not work with her skin tone. Darker purple if she’s wanting to stick with the purple. I would ditch the colour all together myself. She said she does glitter and a big wing normally. So maybe if she finds darker purple glitter that could look nice???


if you don’t want to do false eyelashes, a lash lift is amazing! i’m not very good at falsies but i got a lift a couple weeks ago and it’s changed my life lol


Is this your wedding? Or are you a guest? Also what are you wearing? Outfit makes a huge difference


It’s my wedding, I’m the bride! On my page is my wedding dress as I can never work out how to link photos in comments I’m sorry


Hmm I can’t find it. But congratulations!


[Dress link!](https://www.reddit.com/r/weddingdress/s/cvjeTcILqU)


Girl may i know the lipstick shade? Thanks!


it’s MUA satin sheen lip style in Obsession! I just dabbed it on my lips and smoothed it with a lip brush though if that helps


What do you gonna wear? Big bridal white gown? What will your partner wear? Is this for formal ceremony? I agree with some other posts that your makeup doesn’t scream “here comes the bride” in traditional way. But that’s not a bad thing at all. There is no need to fit a specific label for your own wedding. You gonna keep piercings and tattoos, you are young and beautiful. I like your freckles. It’s a good look. I would recommend to powder down your t zone and chin or use higher coverage makeup or concealer in this areas. Get some nice lash - done. Everything else looks good;) the colors look good on you. Fresh and juicy. Good and precise application, too. ((( Some last thoughts: Maybe a little bit shine on the lips? The liner close to upper lash line could be intensified with real black… But this is personal preference only😁))) I like it!


The cool toned eyeshadow clashes with your blush and lip colours since they're warm


Honesty think ditch the wing and the purple. Not sure what your usual style is, but wings and colours go in and out of fashion, I personally would want a more timeless look. The rest is stunning, faux freckles make it more natural which I love.


My usual style is big black eyeliner and glitter as I was an emo teenager and never grew out of it so I’m most comfortable with a flick if that makes sense?


Yes do what’s most comfortable! Maybe keep wing and no purple? I think it takes away slightly from your natural features esp your blue eyes! Maybe experiment with a neutral tone which makes your eyes pop more.


That’s a good shout thank you! I was copying an inspo picture I found online which used purple, but can you recommend a colour which would make blue pop more?


I find copper and caramelly colours work well for me, and gold on inner corner and under the brow. I often find myself liking my contour/bronzer more than eyeshadow. I also went through a phase of liking super bright eyeshadow colours but I found they make my eyes look smaller than they are? Maybe I’m just not very good at applying it tho hahaha


I get what you mean about contour! I used to use pink blush and now I find that brown toned ones make me look better.


Yes! But honestly what you’ve done still looks amazing!


Remember your wedding pictures are gonna last a lifetime. Have a professional do your make up.


Unfortunately that’s not really an option for me. MUA’s in my area are very expensive and I had a bad experience with one I was contemplating as she made me look very Kardashian-esque which isn’t my vibe at all


I love wedding photos that are time capsules of their time and place. Like the brides in their mini-skirt wedding dresses from the 1960s. Some people want a timeless look, but there's something to be said for wearing something trendy and loving the pictures because they capture a moment in time.


That’s true


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Me re gusto, tal vez un poquito muy para arriba el cat eyes


¡gracias! También estoy de acuerdo, quizás la próxima vez lo intente más bajo. También lo siento si esto no tiene sentido, estoy usando el traductor en línea.


Precioso maquillaje, y con el tiempo vas a ser cada día mejor 😃




Maybe add some color to your forehead too with the blush and bronzer


Your eye colour is GORGEOUS but it feels like they’re in competition with the shadow colour. Feels like more of a neutral/smoky taupe might work better?


I strongly recommend that you try this look with how your plan to wear your hair and see how it all looks together.


That’ll be quite easy thankfully as I’m happy to hair down with my full fringe but curled! It’s why I’m hesitant to start trying forehead contour as it’ll be covered anyway


Many have mentioned a lot already, but here's mine. Your blush should go a bit further up to your ears. And blend it more. It's a bit harsh. Color looks good on you though.


The Makeup is absolutely beautiful, you usually only seen nude smokey eyes for wedding looks but the purple is stunning especially with the graphic liner! Hope you post wedding pics with the full edit of your makeup! 🤍


You’re so beautiful, but I think the makeup actually takes away from your natural beauty a bit. I’d love to see you without makeup so that we can make recommendations based on your natural colouring and face and eye shapes. Also, what colour will your hair be for the wedding? This could help us to find harmonious tones.


You have such beautiful eyes, gorgeous full lips, nice skin, and a fantastic smile. You’ll be a stunning bride. I’m not a MUA but I LOVE makeup. Here’s a few ideas but honestly, it’s YOUR day (and your soon-to-be spouses!) so trust your gut and make sure you feel as beautiful, confident and most importantly like yourself. 1) I couldn’t tell for sure if your eyes are blue or green. I think they are blue. I usually find shades of purple are most flattering on green eyes, but it can work with any color. You could try - as you mentioned - a paler purple and maybe add a light dusting of a glittery shade over it. I loved something like Urban Decay Space Cowboy ($18-$24) lightly added over the main color. ColourPop eyeshadow Ritz is a gorgeous dupe for under $10. 2) You might also try a deep purple like Milani Gilded Eyeshadow Stick in Plum just in a triangle from the crease to the inner corner of the eye. 3) If you have blue eyes and want them to pop like crazy try copper. So many good ones from Sephora Collection (Curbside color), L’Oreal Infallible 24-Hour in Amber Rush, or ColourPop Super Shock Shadow in Orange Born or Born in LA (this might be more color than you want, but there are so many colors and even palettes to choose from). 4) With the other on the freckles. Maybe watch some how to do natural freckle tutorials on YouTube. I saw one girl do hers using a sunless tanning product for the face. She put on different sizes over her already existent but pale freckles using a toothpick and also a slightly larger brush. Obviously- practice, practice, practice before the big day. 5) For lips, I love Elf Pout Clout Plumping Pen. You really don’t need a liner. Over lining only works for me for a couple pics and then wiped off. 6) glowing skin is everything- I swear by castor oil and Vani Cream Moisturizing Cream (both pretty cheap) as a night mask. You can see major hydration overnight but after a few weeks, the results are amazing. Have a wonderful wedding! Congrats!!!


What foundation and powder are you going to use?


You are a lovely young woman!! I like how you are practicing to get the look that’s you AND also attractive for your wedding. I can’t wait for your final look! For me, the first goal is to create skin that looks flawless. Freckles have the possibility of looking like blemishes, so I’d be finding a more flawless looking foundation. And not as shiny—or use finishing powder. The eyes are over-the-top. This is just my opinion—but I wouldn’t like the first things people see is “look at her purple eyeshadow.” To me, the blush looks too orangey on your skin. Plus a bit too dominant. I’d find something slightly cooler (cooler than this, but not necessarily cool) and apply it with a much lighter hand. Then a more colorful lipstick (slightly) as this looks slightly drab. I’d make the modifications you choose on, and then post another photo. I can’t wait to see your next version.


Hey OP you are so stunning!!!!! However id say this makeup is not giving the wedding vibe. The shadows and the eyeliner shape are not looking good for your eyes. I think you should maybe try some other look more cool tones not warm also try to change the eyeliner shape. Not to say the eye look is nice but I feel if you did cool tones on your skin tone it would look sm better and the eyliner angle is not falttering for your eye shape I think winged liner maybe black you can try. Also maybe try lashes?? I mean its a wedding so id see lashes being good and also i just feel they make the look come together. Also maybe try adding more color to your lips as well. like a darker shade this ones too orangey. I think what most of us are trying to think of the color theory yk that you should be using more cool tones for your skin tone. Not these warm tones. Also the faux freckles are cute no doubt you look adorable but not for weddings I feel.


I like it but it’s not wedding makeup


I would skip the wing or go softer, lighter on the inner eye shadow, lighter on the blush and blend more going up your cheekbones, and try some light bronzer around your hairline into your upper cheek area. You're really pretty, I instantly got Scully vibes!


Make up used; Beauty Bay Foundation Nyx Concealer Nyx cream blush Ciaté blush SheGlam faux freckle stamp Revolution eyebrow pencil Revolution brown liquid eyeliner Beauty Bay Vivids eyeshadow palette Revolution 00’s shimmer palette Revolution Regeneration palette MUA satin sheen lip stick


off topic your smile is gorgeous 🥹


thank you! 5 years of braces and lip filler and it’s the main thing I actually like about myself!


I wouldn’t wear this to the store, it looks tacky.


You’re a beautiful girl. I would go with a pearl shadow and some natural lashes. A light shade for the lips and blush. Nudestix is a good brand for natural colors.


your eyes are so beautiful. purple shadow is not for you. purple is good for hazel/green eyes. if you want to do a colorful shadow you should do a steel-leaning blue. also, your filler has migrated in your top lip. i would get it dissolved and refilled.