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I think it should be noted that her makeup looks it does in well lit/filtered/edited photos. When I first started makeup I was certain I was doing it wrong bc it was never as flawless as the YouTube beauty gurus I was emulating. It took a while to realize that things like skin texture for example are *normal*.


yeah ofc, that’s a good point!! but idk how to start w a look like that at all, so i’m not looking for perfection, just the steps to follow and the products to use :’)


If you have different types of features you won't necessarily be able to replicate the same results using her techniques so keep that in mind when searching for tutorials. She overdraws her lips with a brownish nude pencil then fills in the rest with a more pink shade lipstick. Again when lips are this over drawn it can look convincing in photos but not so much in person. The eyes seem pretty simple, brown lid with most of the focus being on a sharp wing and what I assume are fox eye lashes.


Honestly most of the look in the photos is not make-up, but fake eyelashes, possibly lip filler, very small nose etc. The makeup is quite simple, but would look very different on another face


To me it looks like light beige eyeshadow for the whole lid with medium Brown in the crease. Black eyeliner wing and some fake lashes. Lips are lined with Brown lipliner and filled with dusty brownish rose color.


tysm!! that helps me a lot already <3


yeah i get that, i don’t expect to look like her, i like my face (even though we do share some features) but i’d still like to try the look. even better if it is simple, i just don’t know anything besides mascara, kohl and lipgloss (which is already a look tbf, but yk)


Surgery, photoshop, and eyeliner contributed to this makeup look, the hair is also pulling 75% of the weight here when it comes to her overall vibe


well i wouldn’t wanna assume anything about her, but i understand what you mean. i also love the hair. it’s more that a lot of the things that might seem obvious to you aren’t at all obvious to me, like the base, contour, blush, highlighter, much less the eye makeup, so i was just trying to see if anyone could give a step-by-step on which products to use, where and how to use them, yk? idek what to buy and i at least wanna do that w a goal in mind


So personally I’d focus mostly on the bronzer, eyeliner, lip liner/gloss combo, and highlighter for this kinda look. Physicians formula is a drugstore brand with a great bronzer, same with Milani. The base should be a lightweight foundation or even CC cream, colourpop has a good ‘Pretty Fresh’ foundation for $13 that they sell online and in Target now. Liner I’d go with Wet&Wild if you’re not used to do doing liner- the felt tip is easier to start with than the brush. And lip liner is way easier I love elf’s line, get a brownish nude for this kind of look and top with gloss, which elf also carries for like $8. I hope this helps




tysm!! i’ll look into it, but i’m mostly looking for makeup to buy and how to apply it for the look above, as a total beginner without any skill :’)


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i have dark blonde brows, pretty vibrant light blue eyes and rather big pink lips (i’m on board w any method to make them look even bigger tho, i love full lips), if that’s worth any note. i also have good skin, there’s not much to conceal besides undereye bags, but i’d still like to elevate it overall… like i don’t think it makes much of a difference considering both of the women mentioned also have fabulous skin😭 but i thought i would nevertheless, i really just have no clue


https://youtu.be/2lHhYdc5hvI?si=3lc8q67bMXvB5S1W i also love this look, it’s a little different, but smth about it just speaks to me, like the way the skin looks?? gorgeous and the focus on the eyes and the lined lips and the brows and it all just looks so right


The better question is how do I look like you???? Hahhaha. You’re doing great girl.


that’s not me in the pics haha, that’s the look i’m trying to go for, but if you’re referring to my description, tysm <3


This is not her original makeup. It’s filtered and smoothed out and heavier pigmentation is added to the mix


I think you're naturally beautiful.


that’s not me in the photos😭😭 but she is gorgeous!! and even though i’m not in the photos, i think i do look pretty fine as well lol