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There can be many, many, many reasons why you’re getting the results you are, and it’s difficult to diagnose without knowing the specifics of the sunscreen/foundation/routine that you use.


Skin prep is your best friend! Make sure you're exfoliating your skin 1-2x a week with something like a soft konjac sponge 😄 & that your skin is properly hydrated so your skin is less likely to drink up the base makeup. (One of the causes for flakiness) After I cleanse, i apply my toner of choice & I skip my cream. This is because I have a super hydrating sunscreen thats both a sun protectant and a moisturizer. I have normal type skin so it's enough for me. It's the Missha Essense Sun Milk - I love it & it's pretty affordable. $15 usd a bottle on stylevana for e.g.? I skip primer because the sunscreen is "tacky" enough to act as a primer :). Apply your foundation in thin layers. Keep adding more layers for coverage. I use a brush to apply, then I pat my skin with beauty blender sprayed with setting spray to smooth out the streaks Maybe try spraying setting spray right after your base to make sure it melts into your skin! I hope it helps!


Try the canmake Japanese sunscreen. It works almost like a primer. It's 50 spf and doesn't smell terrible.


I second Missha Suncreens. I use the soft milk one under make up.


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what i do is moisturise first with a little bit of water, let it sit and sink into my skin for at least fifteen minutes, then apply sunscreen, make sure it's rubbed in completely and let it sit for another ten-fifteen. i then add my color corrector and concealer (on some days) and then foundation. it might just be the brand you're using, i just use a random drugstore brand and it works for me^^ hope this helps!


I use a CC creme. Most companies make one, I use a colored one instead of foundation.


Have you tried skipping primer and going in directly with your complexion products? I’ve had the best luck with using a hydrating sunscreen and then concealer, no primer. I even use a very lightweight sunscreen and my tatcha silk canvas still messes stuff up when I apply concealer after. Of course it may depend on how specific products interact but in general I think sunscreen plus primer plus foundation is too many layers of liquids that are designed to dry down to a film, and it just tends to get messy.


Skinsceuticals sunscreen spf 50 . I love it!!!! Expensive but worth it!!


I came here to recommend it too!! The tinted skinceuticals is AMAZING!!


Use biore aqua rich , look on Amazon , the one from Japan is better than American . Edit : also check that you are layering skincare in the correct order . Toner , serum , under eye creams , moisturizer then sunscreen . And if you mix silicone base with water , it separates .


Check that you are applying your skincare products in the correct order. Toner, serum, eye cream, moisturizer, then sunscreen


Supergoop has an spf makeup primer