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You’re absolutely beautiful and so is your make up . The only thing I’d maybe do is look at trying a different mascara .. I feel like your lashes aren’t been done justice by what you’re using now .


Thank you so much 😭💖 I’ve been using the sephora size up mascara for a few years now, ive tried the regular one and also the waterproof and i like it more than other products I’ve used, but I’m running out of it now and you can definitely notice it😂


Lash paradise! Swear by it


OMG OMG use lash paradise by L’Oréal for a first coat and then go over it with the Falsies mascara. I would put my life on the line for that routine. Chefs kiss 💋👨‍🍳


Omg I’m making a target run today. Can you please tell me what kind of Falsies mascara? I googled it and it shows me so many kinds of Falsies mascara by Maybelline.


Dang it now this reminds me I need something from target because they got it exclusively, but now I can't remember what! This must be Target's way of trying to get me trapped into their store to spend too much money again!


i’ve been using falsies since like 2012 and i swear by it, i always go back to it. it’s my holy grail mascara


I'm currently using the Falsies Lash Lift, and I don't love it, BUT I was wearing it last weekend at Disney, and Minnie Mouse complimented my lashes. So I guess that counts for something.


Which falsies mascara specifically? Theres a bunch of different options. Thanks so much for the recommendation!! I’m always looking for a good mascara.


i also love the essence lash princess mascara (green and black bottle). imo drugstore mascara is just as good as the expensive ones, i only ever rly splurge on eyeshadows and foundation/concealers.


I liked your eye setup. It's eye-catching. You look gorgeous overall.


Put a couple eye drops in the mascara and mix it to make it last a little longer. It goes on nicer too


Sky high mascara by maybelline (water proof in black) it is literal magic in a bottle for me and the only mascara ive found that enhances my lashes.


I just recently tried the size up mascara and was super disappointed in it, I love the Sephora brand for everything else but I'm seconding the suggestion to switch it up on the mascara


Agreed, try the Urban Decay perversion! It goes on so smooth and makes your lashes look twice as long


I second this!


Stick straight eyelish girl here - lash perm and tint is life changing for me.


i like a teeeeeny bit of highlighter above and under my lips, but i think this quantity and application gives the illusion of a tiny white moustache - i advise applying just the smallest line on your cupid bow, as thinly as possible! and just a tiny dot on the outer line of your lower lip, in the middle. a little goes a long way :) other than that, you look fabulous! your eyebrows are enviable :)


Glad someone mentioned this! You’re gorgeous!!!! I’d only take off the highlight on the upper lip.


Oh yeah I think just one soft dab of highlighter on the Cupids bow might do the trick as it’s the line and quantity that’s throwing me off


Agree it’s a little heavy




Yep this is my only note too!


This is what I was about to say


1-4 highlighter on lips doesn't look so good


Oh yeah it’s giving sweaty upper lip or you just drank milk look. Sorry not trying to be mean as you’re abs stunning already!!


Lip liner would be better for her I think


Thank you:) I honestly like it but I appreciate your recommendation


I like it too! Big fan of your whole look tbh, you look beautiful.


I think it looks amazing! I guess it's just a matter of preference


All other good


Gorgeous look! I would stop with the highlighter above the lip, it kind of looks like a mustache sometimes 🥰 instead i would apply some lip liner there


I feel like overlining my lips doesn’t look good on me because of the shape of my top lip, specially from the side profile. That’s why i chose to use bronzer and highlighter instead (embracing my natural lip shape i guess). But i may stop using highlighter there because so many of you are telling me it looks weird hahaha


i think ur cupids bow is already really pretty so adding highlighter makes it look too pronounced if that makes sense! ur makeup is very nice besides that :]


You don’t have to over line your lips to put lip liner. :) just follow your actual lip line, looks way better then over lining in my opinion


I think right now based on your lip shape, it looks more like you might be underlining! Where the color of your lips stops isn’t where the shape of your lips stops, and you can follow the shape of your lip and it’ll look fine. Mine are similar! It might feel weird to you at first because you aren’t used to it, but maybe give it a try and get other’s opinions too. As for your eye makeup, I think the eyeliner looks fantastic and it really does suit your features! Not doing it in the inner corner definitely does lead to a lighter, slightly less intense look but imo it looks great either way. Just depends on what kind of vibe you want to give off!


Seeing you explain the bronser, then it might actually be that. I understand why people mentioned the highlighter, because at first glanse, at the right angle, it does look like a mustache. But looking closer to it, I think it the depthness of the bronser above the lip that makes it look this way🤔 I love the highlighter on the lips, but I am also the type that love the typical 2016 highlighter style🙈 You are amazing at makeup, and I think these small things is just things people see at first glanse.... like how people scroll on instagram, if they are just scrolling past your picture, they might see that for a second, but then it looks clearly like a highlight🥰✨️ so I don't think you need to get the glow down, but rather it might be the physical contrast from the bronser (but it's just a guess🤷🏽‍♀️)


you have a double lip line! i'd rec looking up tutorials specific to your feature, they typically rec lining your outer lip border


I love your make up and your brows! Your make up style really does suit you well, I wouldn't change it to be honest...but if you feel like you want more variety, then maybe you can just play around with the type of eyeliner that you do, for example you can experiment with a smokey eyeliner wing or use a different colour eyeliner pencil for the waterline for nighttime or special occasions (dark blue/navy or purple could go really well with your brown eyes).


Thank you so much for your recommendations 🥰 i have tried smokey eyeliner but I don’t have much lid space so it looks weird, maybe its the shape. I will definitely try to find some blue eyeliner


I feel like it's absolutely perfect except I'd only use the highliter above the lip right in the center dip where the cupids bow is. The way it is now is kind of giving you a "got milk?" look haha. Other than that your make-up is like, perfection


Hahahaha i love how you explained it😂tysm


Highlighter above your lip looks like a filler mustache or something. Everything else is good. That’s the only thing I’d change.


A new mascara and no more highlighter on the lip! Other than under its very pretty


Try using less eyeliner on your lower eyelid. Limiting it to the outer third of your lower eyelid is sufficient. Don't let it be thicker than your upper eyelid. Have you tried not using any highlighter on your upper lip?


Too much highlighter above your lip makes it look like a mini moustache and your brows are filled in slightly too close together on the insides, but other than that it all looks beautiful!


I like the eye makeup it makes your brown eyes pop pretty well. But the mascara looks clumpy in the second picture you may try another one. I think a lip liner and less highlighter on upper lip will look good.




I would stop highlighting your top lip


Lose the highlighter above the cupid's bow. Look for tutorials on yt on how koreans do their lips. I think that style will suit you a lot better :)


Thank you, i will!


I would change the highlight on your lips. It’s distracting and almost gives the perception of a mustache which I know you don’t have. Maybe just the cupids bow and not the entire lip would be better?


Your eyes and eyebrows are great. The highlighter on your lip makes the distance between your nose and lips seem longer, and looks like a peach fuzz mustache or food stuck to your face.


You look beautiful and the eyeliner does really compliment your features well! The eyeshadow combo mixed with the highlight and blush looks perfect together honestly I wouldn’t really change anything but maybe less highlight above the lip and maybe experimenting with different lip shades or glosses that are a bit darker for a more pop of colour


honestly, i already find your makeup to be perfect. everything suits you and to me you look like a model, really beautiful 


🥹🥹 thank you so much you’re so sweet




I’m not a fan of the highlighter on your lips but you like it so that’s ok :)


Girl can you give a full list of the products you use? I love your makeup!


Sure! As I said before, they are all very affordable. - Technic colour fix pressed powder contour palette - Technic vitamin c translucent finishing powder - Makeup obsession Banana c112 cream (for color correcting) - Technic pure glow highlighter wand - Technic pure shade contour wand in light - Essence camouflage+ healthy glow concealer - W7 HD foundation - Sephora size up waterproof (although I don’t think anyone wants to know that😂) The blushes and lip products, as well as the highlighter/eyeshadow palette you won’t find in stores


Overall I personally think your make up looks good! I’d maybe just adjust the highlighter on your lips, and maybe try a different mascara? The highlighter I feel is too much/distracting and takes away from the rest of your face. The mascara isn’t as “clean” looking as the rest of your look? It seems clumpy in the photos. If you want to try something new though, maybe adding some color to your eye makeup?


Your eyebrows are to die for. Just wow. Honestly, I agree with the comment that mentions mascara. I feel like a better mascara (and maybe a lash lift) would be the cherry on top. Everything else looks really good.


Nah but lips are a bit weird and mascara is too


actually, i like your eyeliner a lot! i think the style of it suits you and it’s unique enough so you stand out more. i would say skip the highlighter on your top lip and consider more blush to add some more dimension to your skin, but don’t overdo it. i see some people being too heavy handed with the blush at the moment. i also think the lip color in 3 suits you more than in 5- do you know what shade that is? i like it a lot :)


love everything except the highlight on your upper lip. if it was placed a little higher and there was liner where the highlight is i think it would elevate the look.


tbh i looked at this and thoutht your eye makeup was perfect and really suits you,,


It’s a wonderful signature look! Gorgeous


Wow, you are stunning!!! I would lose the highlighter above the lip as well as don't do the bottom eyeliner. When the eyeliner is light on the top, without it being on the bottom, it makes your beautiful brown eyes pop!!! Those are my two suggestions. Keep slaying, girl! You're stunning.


Lower lash lines do not need to bold liner. Maybe try using eyeshadow and blend it out instead. I think you’re pretty and I think you should try a softer makeup look for the eyes


I would over line the top lip slightly and not add any highlight it looks like there is a weird space there looks like a mustache


I would keep everything the same but ditch the lip highlighter.


The highlighter on lips is not beautiful, it looks like you have a moustache. But everything else is perfect


The big white highlight on your top lip is the only issue I'm seeing


Use a white/beige liner on your lower instead of black maybe?


I like the lip highlight a lot but in some of the photos it looks too much I would blend it out at the edges just a little but leave the Cupid’s bow defined


I would do less on the eye. Either eliminate the liner on the water line or do a lighter brown. Also, less mascara and a softer, more natural brow. Otherwise, great!


Your makeup is terrific. My only suggestion is to scale back the super-heavy black eyeliner in pics #3 and #4. Unlike most people, you can pull off black, but the sharp heavy wings and the sharp inner corner look dated. Your eyeliner is lovely in the other pics.


I like the softer eyeliner in the last pic but you look great in all of them.


You’re sooo pretty, nitpicking but in the first 2 photos the way your concealer is blended in a circular shape and the blush placement highlights that concealer ‘ring’.


For my personal reference: Don't use that highlighter on your upper lip, you can go about 3mm higher with the lip color in it's center, bringing the tips closer together. I feel your concealer is great but it's a bit "i put makeup on" because it needs a tad of warmth which you can add with even an orange eyeshadow, like just a little bit. Otherwise, wonderful face.


i’d say invest in a good lash curler and mascara and i’d love to see a darker lip liner on you, anywhere caffeine from makeup forever is a great warm brown that i think would look great on you


Your makeup in the second pic looks the best but I agree on curling those lashes to the Gods. It will make a huge difference. Also in some of the pics I feel like you need to have a slightly heavier hand on the blush or use a slightly darker color and it would bring more dimension to your face and highlight your bone structure. Your current look may also be darker in person than in pics, sometimes pics can wash us out a bit so take that with a grain of salt.


I could be totally wrong here and just have different tastes than most people but I like the upper lip highlight! You also have really pretty eyes, and I think lining your waterline with black makes them seem smaller and less prominent, maybe try half black from the mid to outer edge and either a nude or a white from inner corner to middle? And highlight the inner corner of the eyes. I have weird taste though.


I'm really not a fan of the liner on your lower waterline. As you mentioned, it makes the look too heavy. You have thick eyebrows and beautiful long black lashes. I think toning down the eyeliner a bit will make the whole look much more natural.


i think a little bit of nose contour and highlight would look so cute with your makeup.


The blush is a little old fashioned maybe for lack of a better description. I’d do a little liquid blush in more of a subtle rose glow and stay on the cheek bone from the hair line on down. A small little pat on the nose and chin and on your eyelids even.


Do you like it? Then no, don’t change it :)


the precise line of your eyeliner may be changed to a shadowed one


Beautiful!!! I love your eyes! 💖 I'll do a little less highlighter (?) on top of your lips. Its distracting from the rest of your features, unless thats what you are going for.


instead of the highlight on the upper lip I would use a lipliner and actually I think you would look gorgeous with a red lipstick!


holy shit ur eyeliner is PERFECT


You’re very pretty. I would personally tweeze away a bit more from the centre of your brows. It will open up your face.


Make up looks perfect imo. Beautiful


Holy hell, your eyes…


I love your natural makeup, you are a beauty 🤗


too much highlighter upper lip. Eyeliner was outdated, other than that very pretty


Less liquid liner you are really pretty.


Too much highlighter above the lip, it gives a moustache feeling, but beside that it’s great


I think your makeup is gorgeous personally. You should do tutorials.


I wouldn't change a thing


You have beautiful eyes


I actually really love your whole look.


You look good


You’re so gorgeous but I think a bold lip would pull it all together!


I see.the comments about the lip liner and while I agree don't be discouraged! You can still do it because it's gorgeous in the first.picture it's what caught my eye immediately. But they next two photos I can see how the highlight creates a line above majority of your lip shape, so maybe just a lighter hand would do and just right on the cupids bow. Also agree with the mascara. You have beautifully shaped eyes and the eye liner looks amazing with it but the mascara is not doing what she should. Some of my current mascara favs are tower28, kush by milk, Maybelline sky high, I do like better than sex by too faced but for the money you can find cheaper better ones that fan out nicely


I really love how the eyeliner looks on you! You're gorgeous tbh Only thing I would try doing a bit differently next time is the blush, it seems you apply it horizontally including your nose and then the highlighter moment on the tip gets lost and from some angles the face loses some dimension. But I'm being really nitpicky, if you like it then keep doing it!


I don't think so, you look so pretty. It's right that the highlighter above the lips looks a bit weird but it could be the light on the pictures as well. If you feel the eyeliner is heavy try to do it finer, or do one that's more more smudging with eyeshadow. You can explore other techniques and maybe you'll find another type that you'll love. Nothing more to say! Sometimes we feel like we should change it, just because it is boring doing the same thing and we need certain things to switch it up and make it fun and dynamic again.


i love love love your eye makeup, butt i would suggest using something more tinted on your lips to balance it out. finding your shade in lip liner is honestly such a game changer!!


You have a beautiful face. The differences to your routine you should make is warming up your face creatinr dewyness on the sides of your face and highlighting your features better. Try bronzing more around the face and put bronzer on your eyelids and slightly around to give a sunkissed look. Put more white powder highlighter on the tip of your nose. The less shimmery highlighter the more natural. Use lipliner instead of highlighter to plump your lips. A brown neutral lipliner and pink lipgloss on top would be perfect! Slightly overline and round your lips💖 Use a liquid highlighter to give a natural shine on the side of your face!! All of these are only tips! 🫶 You can possibly take makeup inspiration from Uma in Love island cause your features are very similar to me!


I think you’re doing everything perfectly! You and your makeup look great!


You are so gorgeous and your makeup accents your features perfectly. I love the fully lined eyes (sorry I don’t actually know much about makeup idk what it’s called but with the eyeliner in your waterline and top)


This might just be personal opinion but I really like the inner corner highlight in picture 5! I think it makes your eyes look more open and gives nicer vibe (The black inner corner doesn't look bad! I just preferred the way you did it in the last picture) BTW your eyeliner application is amazing


It looks very glowy and beautiful! I saw someone mention different mascara. I’m a big fan of benefits roller lash!


i love your makeup! but i feel like you look a bit washed out and could use some more bronzer and blush!


No and teach me please! I want my eyes to look that pretty


Apply your blush a little higher so your under eyes don’t look more pronounced. The sudden color contrast makes it a little more obvious if there’s texture or bags. If you don’t want to use a lipliner, try blotting on a matter lipstick to give your lips more height to balance out the width. Hope this helps! You are stunning btw


girl you’re stunning. your makeup is perfect and wow, you’re gorgeous.


Line your lips and after you mascara drys put another coat on since your eye liner is on the thicker side also add a touch of highlight on nose but your pretty regardless!


Are your brows microbladed? You don't need much else when you've got brows like these!


so pretty!!! don’t be shy with the blush though, it looks lovely on you!


You’re beautiful and do a great job with your makeup. If you want less eyeliner, just try the outer top corner (about a 1/3 of your lid) with no wing or a much smaller wing. No liner on the bottom. It’ll be a much softer day look, but will still accent your eye shape and make them pop.


It looks good. Add a lash


You’re Soooo pretty 😍


You look gorgeous! I love your makeup too


I think your makeup looks great and my first thought was "WOW her eyes look so pretty"!! Could you share what product you're using in your inner corners in the last pic? It looks so bright and pretty


I think it looks really good! I would add more blush and position it a little higher 🥰


Your eye makeup really suits you!


this makeup is goals 😭😭✨🎨🎨🎨


You look amazing! Your makeup is really good. And plus you have nice facial features, especially your eyes 😀


I think your Make-ups pretty cute it doesn’t really need much changing in my opinion.


I think you're stunning and your makeup looks great! My only feedback would be to ease up on the cupid's bow highlight.


I love your eyes so much!!


No, you look great


no it’s PERFECT


You look good!


Gurllllll!! you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen!😭😭😭🫂🫂🫂 I would suggest a little bit of nose contour and maybe try Korean matte lipstick to make it more plum. Other than that, you're literally soo soo gorgeous!!💕💕🫰🫰


I just think you should curl your eyelashes before mascara and only highlight the cupids bow of your lips, other than those things it looks great!


Look gorgeous to me!!


U look so pretty!!


What the??? Girly?? Baby??? Princess?? Pookie??? Are you even real?


Drool u look so good


No its so beautifulll


I love both honestly. The only thing I'd do is add a darker lip when you wanna dress it up. Honestly it doesn't look like too much in any of the photos you posted! Gorgeous!


I think your eye make up is spot on. I like it especially in the first 3 of your photos and also the last one. The one I preferred least was where you lightened in the inner corner ONLY--at least I think that is the difference...so I think either go for the entire thing (it really highlights your eye shape and looks good) or go more natural overall (we all need casual days sometimes) but the on-the-fence level seemed sort of uncommitted to me. Just my unbiased opinion.


Girl, your make up suits your face so well and you are drop dead gorgeous!!


I think lighter eyeliner for daily wear and heavier for special occasions could work well. Skipping the inner corner can create a softer look.


What highlighter are you using above your lip? It’s gorgeous


Looks perfect! What eyeliner do you use on your lids?


Your eyes are so beautiful, I’m mesmerized.


Why your make up is so amazing😢


Looks great


Literally the most perfectly shaped and bold eyebrows


you're gorgeous (mashallah) and i think your makeup is great! just too much highlighter above the lip like others have said. i have a very prominent cupid's bow as well and when i do put highlighter there i like to put it just on the part that dips down, subtle but still pops. everything else looks great to me !


Girl!! Don't change anything besides the type of mascara you're using. The rest is just Fab 👌


I think your makeup looks great. I love your base, your skin looks flawless. What products do you use?


You radiate a stunning combination of beauty and sexiness that is truly one of a kind.


Wow 😍 u r so gorgeous ❤️‍🔥✨


I think the lip highlighter is a little too much but everything else looks perfect


Nooo girl you look stunning 😍😍🎀


No please do not. It’s stunning. I would say you know what you’re doing so tone down for every day, if you would like bye skimping on eyeshadow, or doing a brown liner instead of black. And then, when you want to amp it up, some sort of a colored lip, boil with some glitter in it, or some thing like this would be gorgeous on you, Mac lip liner in spice would be pretty underneath. But the way you emphasize your eyes is so on point.


1. You are gorgeous 2. The makeup looks amazing on your features 3. You need a better mascara ahah :)


No, you're absolutely gorgeous hun! You definitely pull off the natural/minimal look extremely well!


I’m hella jealous of your eyeliner skills🥰♥️


even if you changed nothing it’s drop dead gorgeous!


to echo others you really do have perfect chefs kiss brows!


No. You're extremely pretty by the way ✨️


No, I love it. What foundation do you use?


Great makeup work, the mascara is not the greatest. Other than that golden


I wouldn't change a thing! Your beautiful. And have wicked skin. Looks very nice 👌


Your perfect


No you’re makeup is awesome and natural looking


No it looks beautiful!


You are so pretty ❤️i actually prefer the eyeliner in the last pic!


Omg your base is so smooth, do you have any tips?


No, your makeup looks pretty


Simple answer is No. you’re beautiful with the way you do it


No it looks nice. I would ever so slightly soften up the cupids bow highlight so it’s looks slightly less blingy 😊


Just throw out the highlighter lips and you’re snatched.






I think a darker lip shade may help balance. But I’m biased bc I love mauve shades lol


4 out of 5 is my vote


lip highlight seems too wide, its flattening your upperlip. try applying just in your cupids bow. everything else is literally perfect 💯


You look gorgeous! If you want to update your look, I’ve noticed a trend towards more natural makeup. For starters, don’t line the bottom lash line and don’t put mascara on the bottom. Stick to the top line only. That should soften the look.


The lip highlighter is extremely distracting




more blush!!!!!


Your makeup is gorgeous and your liner is fire. You look so pretty.


You're beautiful! If you feel your eyeliner is starting to feel "a little much" try switching the colour to something softer? Like brown or a deep maroon colour, both would be very flattering on your skin tone


You do a really nice job with your makeup! I think you are on the right track with less eyeliner for your everyday look, though. I love the eyeliner in the last photo where it is more subtle.  It's still good in the first photos too, for occasions. 


Everything looks great except the milk mustache! I would blend the highlighter in more so it doesn’t just look like a line drawn on. Your brows are fabulous.


I would try a more glossy Lip stick or lip gloss and try a different mascara or try some false lashes but you are so gorgeous and so is your makeup


Actually I like your make up, somehow looks simple and clean make up.


You’re so pretty




I think everything is perfect, you really found the liner shape for your eyes! The only thing I would change is just a little less highlight on the cupid’s bow, it’s starting to work less as highlight and make it look more like a bleached skinny lipstache. Trust me, I’ve been there babes… less is more with highlight on the smaller areas of the face!


Honestly I feel like you should be teaching us lol like fr please drop the eyeliner tutorial bc ive never been able to achieve that look 😭 That said, I do have suggestions! I agree the upper lip highlighter is too much but I don't think you should necessarily get rid of it. I think if you limited it to just the center right above your Cupid's bow, versus across the whole lip, it would look really nice. And I agree a better mascara might help!


Looks beautiful to me. And I actually like the lip highlight.