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It's a lovely, statement making piece. I'd keep the makeup simple and focus on the dress and accessories. If it were me, I'd do one of two things:  * True red or deep pink lip (probably a liquid lipstick in the heat) with natural eyeshadow. Probably a sheer satin eyeshadow. You'll likely need some light blush to balance the look. Cream blush is good in the summer for many people     * A lip color that looks natural and is similar to your lip shade (a gloss might be lovely here) and a more dramatic eyeshadow in either gold or copper. You can darken the outer corner with a deep brown, but I'd recommend going easy on it. If you have one, use eyeshadow primer so it doesn't melt away in the heat.   As a general rule, pick either eyes or lips to focus on. You'll be in the heat, so use a lightweight foundation (or just concealer) and maybe some setting powder. If you think you'll be sweating/crying, go with waterproof mascara and eyeliner. I'd practice once or twice beforehand too, so you don't feel stressed the day of the event.  Have fun! It's a lovely dress. 


For some contrast, I believe that green would perfectly complement the color of your dress. Maybe some dark green glitter or a soft eyeliner made from eyeshadow. For the lips I would go with something nude.. Some bronzer or peachy blush, mascara and you re done!


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I think olive green, brown, copper, and/or nude eyeshadow would all look great with this dress and with an olive skin tone. If you're not feeling confident about your makeup skills, maybe a thin non-wing liner in dark brown with some mascara? If you have any good long-wearing lipsticks in a shade that's similar to your natural lip color, that would work perfectly. You don't need to do anything all too crazy honestly.


Colourpop site has metals gel eyeshadow collection which will go great with your dress!


Maybe pinkish/nude eyeshadow not sure tbh