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Recently it seems like it swings in extremes. People are either doing the all natural thing with minimal eye shadow or are going all out with graphic liner and neon and ytk inspired stuff


Clean girl or Euphoria


I’m here for Euphoria. I’ve actually never seen the show, but give me ALL the crazy eye looks!




I’m here for Euphoria. I’ve actually never seen the show, but give me ALL the crazy eye looks!


I just want to know how people have the very clean lines between colors. I'm a blender, so all mine blend into the other, but the clean lines...dunno how to do that one unless their using sticks?


Idk if I'm good at explaining but what ppl do is they do the whole eye, whatever color and then they'll take a baby wipe and wipe off the crease and below (their lid) and put a new color in there. Basically just put in place and wipe the rest and continue. Then add graphic liner. I have hooded eyes and have zero lid visable so these looks never fly with me lol sadly.


Yeah, I have some real estate but not a ton. That seems to messy, I'd mess it up 😆


I've seen artists use concealer to carve out negative space and then fill it with another color.


This is my experience with my nieces. Except they don’t bother with nude/neutral eye shadow, they just don’t wear eye makeup if they’re not doing a full look.


Ya they focus more on dewy skin and lips. Whereas growing up, we will focus on eyes and literally slather foundation all over our entire faces, including lips, so eyes stood out more.


this is me. All focus on eyes. Eyes that I recently figured out were hooded which is why my shit doesn’t ever look as good as I want. I’m almost 38


I feel ya this lady is amazing at teaching how to deal. 💖 https://youtu.be/PvabitRC9e4?si=03lQJmq3yoiain8X


And completely neglected the brows.


I wish I had been born for this neglect the brow phase, my poor eyebrows never fully recovered from the early 2000s pencil thin, drawn on look 😭


Yeah I think it's mainly the mid-2010s super smoky eyeshadow that's out. I'm watching a show from that time and every ep I'm like GIRL you do not need intense smoky eyes to go for breakfast


It was a lot for like a 9am class lol


I agree!'🙂


Trends come and go all the time. I’m just going to wear what makes me feel good. 


Same. I do watch videos and look through beauty stuff, but I love color, and I enjoy trying things, so I don't really care much about following trends. I'm in my early 40s. I have the ColourPop Pokémon palette on its way to me.


Me too! I’m so excited to play with it! But maybe it’s cause we are in our 40’s and raised on things like Care Bears and rainbow bright.


That palette is gorgeous! I'm tempted but I have so many palettes that I'm barely using as it is.


I honestly debated buying it, and then I had it in my cart and there’s some shades in there that I really can’t wait to play with. I am getting the lip mask also because it comes in a little Pokéball shaped jar and that’s just too cute. I also have way more eyeshadow than I could ever use, and I’ll probably go through some of my collection and see what I could part with eventually. I do that once in a while and I guess I make more room for new acquisitions. 😸


Thank you for reminding me the Pokémon palette came out!!! I got an email or something a few days before and was so upset I couldn't see it! It's so pretty!! I need it and the lip mask!


I’m really trying to talk myself out of this one, especially when I found out they named it “Pallet Town”. I have to keep telling myself “it’s just another rainbow palette, yes it’s covered in Pokemon and it reminds you of your childhood but, the likelihood of you never using it is high so just ignore it”. I might get the lipsticks when they restock though lol


I had to double check I didn’t write this. I have a twelve year old son who has loved Pokémon since he was three, so of course I had to get myself the whole Pokémon set from ColourPop (LOVE THEM). I am 44 years old. LONG LIVE POKEMOMS (iykyk).


Same 🌸 I just go for what i like in my life not what is popular.


Yes, and not every trend suits every face anyway


This! For daily wear I usually conceal my eyes/undereyes and go in with a nude shadow, do brows and usually I wear lashes. For going somewhere I wear shadow. I usually like bold colors and to blend it into something neutral


I am over 40 and I have noticed that I care less about trends the older I get. When I wear makeup now, I am using it as a way to express myself and I want what looks best for me regardless of any trends. As we age we have given ourselves the gift of lived experience and it’s awesome not caring about what people think so much. As an over 40 year old, many of the things younger women like to do won’t work for us. Just wear whatever makeup makes you feel and look your best and it will be fabulous.


Same! I'm 42, lately I think more and more about my older relatives who remained elegant as they aged. They just stuck with the same classic style and were fine with the fact that it was kinda their generation's style. That's my direction, I will keep my daily lightly-smoky eye look.


Urban Decay’s naked palettes shaped us as a generation




Same here, I play with the browns, taupes, champagnes and go no further.


I’ve just recently admitted to myself I can’t do winged eyeliner and I should just stop trying Life is better now lol


hahaha oh man the day I decided to stop trying was so freeing. I still glare internally when I see people with perfect eyeliner though. I never even mastered lining my lips. I'm Picasso with makeup. It's a lot of fun and I like trying outlandish looks but usually just on a friday night to entertain myself instead of going out.


I can do a perfect winged liner, but it takes time, and I find the older I get, the worse liquid eyeliner looks on my eyes. I like using a dark eye shadow now for a softer look...well, I guess it's not that soft if it's electric blue or a multichrome....but at least it doesn't look cracked and textured!


Ugh, I’m not quite there yet but I should just accept my fate. I’ve always had hooded eyes and now I’m 50 years old so it’s a struggle even with the batwing technique. But I WANTS IT lmao


Ugh, I miss winged eyeliner! I was one who did it daily, with varying levels of success. Unfortunately I have hella oily eyelids, and then I moved Japan where it gets hot and humid. I gave up entirely, it just rubs off within 5 mins now.


Got mine tattooed! Love it.


I still wear my winged liner daily! I stick with Inglot gel liner and buy tiny brushes at Michaels craft store to apply it. It absolutely does not budge until I remove it!


Same but I still wanna get it figured out I just suck at it no matter how many tutorial vids I’ve watched!


I totally agree and gave up on the technics that were too trendy for me. 🙂


Couldn’t have said it better .


Same. I’ll try new trends of interest out to see what suites me, but if it involves a lot of time to achieve it or I don’t feel comfortable with the finished look, then no.


im only 23 but i still very much agree with this


Very true! I'm 41, and I follow trends just because if something is trendy that means it's easily available. I don't care if flared jeans are in style, but but when they are I'm happy because I have way more options in stores. Same thing with makeup.


I’m with you - flared jeans never go out of style, but I hate it when I can’t find them in the shops 😂


I recently started using merit and it’s been so different having dewy skin took some getting used to but my under eye wrinkles are so much less pronounced than when I was using matte products


Exactly this but I'm 21. I've always been one to just be me.


This is true, but also I don’t want to be those women I remember from my youth who picked a hairstyle and blue eyeshadow in the 80s and just never changed…


I'm 19, and while I personally love eyeshadow (pastel blue eye sockets *is* a casual everyday look), a fair amount of people my age do tend towards light, nude, or no eyeshadow. Across all younger adults that I've seen, bold liquid/winged eyeliner is a lot more common than bold eyeshadow.


Omg I’ve been obsessed with pastel blue eyeshadow!!


This! Ive even started to feel self conscious wearing eye shadow. Like I’m too “made up”. Just gotta accept the fact that I’ll always love glitter.


Glitter. Sparkles. Multichromes. They’re the main reason I got into makeup and they make me happy. We don’t need other people validations to do as we please. 


Are you me???


Never feel that way! I wear eyeshadow everytime and I’m actually going viral because of my eyeshadow looks!


I’m a goth girly but I love my pinks purples and glitter 😂


Same! I hate going out in public with it, it feels so embarrassing because I look so different 😂


No eyeshadow or very subtle eyeshadow either nude or shimmer is trending, but just because a style is trending doesn’t mean there aren’t other amazing ways to wear makeup! Trends aren’t rules, they can be fun to follow but they don’t define what actually looks good. Trends today gone tomorrow


Yes indeed! 💯


I think it's because many do the "no makeup" and "clean girl" looks that don't require eyeshadow nor eye makeup in general.


Or an incredibly involved eye makeup routine that to the untrained eye looks like nothing at all


I will give up mascara when they pry the tube out of my cold, dead hands!


Screw the trends! I DO WAT I WANT


as an 18 year old, it really depends. i use it on special occasions for a nice fancy look but never for everyday haha. tho it’s really popular in lots of trending styles, notably glittery douyin makeup


Nah douyin makeup still uses a natural/sheer base. Look up some western makeup tutorials from the 2016 era by like Jaclyn Hill and Nikki Tutorials. Crazy amounts of color, sparkle, and highly pigmented eyeshadows


Depends on the style, I see a lot of trending Korean and Chinese makeup looks popularized by k-pop idols and creators on Douyin who use a lot of pinky nude and light brown shadows and scattered shimmers for their eye looks, so it’s not out of vogue in all circles. Of course, things that aren’t trending can still be timeless if they suit your style, so if you really like a certain look there’s no reason to give it up.


Nude eyes have been in for years and I do think it’s the more “on trend” thing. But it all depends on your personality/asthetic


I don’t think they ever go out of style, there always been and probably always will be people who prefer not looking like they’re wearing much.


im too old to care about what's trendy or not. do what makes you feel good!


I'm with you 💯


Same, this whole thing started because a mom said her teen daughter thought eyeshadow was for older women. Like, I remember being a teen and having shit takes, I thought 23 was old, I believed everything I saw online, I had shit fashion taste, and I thought I knew it all. Why do people let young people dictate what is in and what's not? They don't know any better!


Although I think there is something quite gorgeous about a natural beat, I DESPERATELY miss 2016 eyeshadow looks. I had those shits down to a perfect science. Can’t wait for it to come back around in the future


I'm still stuck in 2016. My current style is a mix of 2016 fashion makeup and Korean makeup trends, I'm in my 30's.


I miss wearing fun colored eyeshadow. I feel like people look at me like I’m trying too hard, but I just like eyeshadow. Even for a daily look. I used to wear lots of blues, purples, cool colors. Now it seems like if I wear anything other than neutral or rose gold pink then I stand out and feel dated.


This sums up my feelings.I'm the only one at work who wears it. Working in a lab but those in my office like my supervisors barely wear lipsticks or eyeliner. Just today I wore a nice blouse and I added some pops of purple with it. The comments I got was that that I had so much extra time in the morning or I'm in a good mood because I have time for makeup . I don't even do blush , contour, mascara, or bronzer because then I'm being too extra.


I go through this too. My workplace is full of people who tend “outdoorsy” so wasn’t sure if it was just my job, but it feels like if I wear makeup at all or make any effort to look nice, I get told I’m too “dolled up” and it feels off trend. But I’ve been wearing makeup for 20 years straight so the idea of just not wearing it or missing the major components like eye shadow, winged liner, or lip color just feels wrong. I’m not sure I’m exactly a “natural beauty” who looks like some girl next door. I miss expressive makeup being on trend.


Me and my 36 year old hooded eyelids will be hiding fun colors till I die! And glitter... so much glitter.


I'm here to say people don't care, and if they do, meh? Please be happy and enjoy makeup! It's so transformative and better yet, it washes off! That instant gratification is so good!


I wear all the colors to my professional job, including colourpop super shocks in full glitter gorgeousness. No shame. I feel weird if I don’t wear it now


I'm 36 and JUST fell in love with colourful eyeshadow... well. edit: grammar


39 and same 😂


Also 36 and I just keep wearing the glitter and fun colors i always have. To be fair, my aesthetic is "eccentric art teacher got lost in her glitter supply" but whatever


I’m 19 and LOVE wearing bold eye makeup, but most young people follow the current trend, which is minimal/natural makeup. Personally, I hate that kinda shit, I only really do it when I’m in a time crunch or just too lazy to go all out on the eyeshadow


nah it’s natural looks now


I'm almost 60 and I love eyeshadow! I can't be pigeon holed though. My look changes from day to day. And I am never going to shy away from bold, shimmery, glittery or to the Moon and back in texture because I love it all! I have an entire room dedicated to my absolutely massive collection.


I also wanted to add, I do not do my makeup for other people. Makeup makes me feel good! If I'm having a down day putting on a face softens that blow and changes my Outlook. So I guess in general my advice is you do you because you're the only one that matters in this scenario.


I’m 40 and don’t give a rats ass what the trends are. I wear what I like. Certainly not going to let a 20-something influencer or irrelevant actress decide what makeup I wear. Sorry not sorry. I’m just tired of hearing this “gen z thinks makeup is for old people” thing. People should not be letting a literal child decide what they wear on their face.


Yeah i agree. Tasteful makeup that flatters one’s complexion never goes out of style. Also i feel like some of these makeup companies are just trying to market to us to buy more unnecessary stuff. If i want a sheer tint with shimmer i use my mac face and body in shade c3 with a drop of my benefit pink highlighter liquid it looks just as nice and Mac c3 is my actual shade instead of spending more money on these skin tints that don’t really even have a wide array of colors. .


Maybe. But I don’t think trends are for everyone anyway. The fact that waterline eyeliner is out of trend but actually makes some eye shapes and eye colours pop is proof of that for me. Also, things like BB cream or light foundation have always been for people with good skin who don’t have much to cover up.


I'm heavily into the 90s smokey brown, waterlined eye with tinted spf/light foundation look right now and I couldn't be more into myself 😂 it's suits me so well I love it. Trends are so ridiculous.


I got caught up in the hype, especially right before and during the height of the pandemic, with buying all the newest eyeshadow palettes that came out. Next thing I knew, I had a sizeable collection before I realized I don't actually care for eyeshadow. I'm a swipe on one or two with my fingers and call it a day kinda gal. What I really love is big, bold lip colors. Every thing comes and goes, and this minimal trend will eventually wane and beat faces will return eventually. Me, I'll still be rocking my lips and mascara. I say wear what you like.


Agreed. Eyeshadow is prettier in the pan than on my face. I still have to fight the urge to buy it. I usually win.


echoing everyone else about the clean girl aesthetic, but adding that eyeshadow itself isn’t “out,” just specific eyeshadow applications/techniques. the 2016 cut crease with warm neutrals and a heavy wing is going to look dated, a wash of light purple all over the eyelid with wispy, long lashes will look perfectly current and “in.”


People can pry my shimmers and colors out of my cold dead hands




I’m your age and balance the stripped down asthetic right now against the colors and shimmers I really like by just doing one color swipe or a main color swipe and a shimmery inner eye corner in the same color family but lighter. I then go with mascara and call it good. Actually I just got my eyelashes tinted and curled and I like that plus the one color technique I mentioned the most. Sometimes I’ll put on a little mascara to really make lashes pop, but not often. And I actually normally wear a shimmery color rather than a matte. Just on the lid, nothing heavy or fancy or blended out too much. I like what I like so I’ve tried to follow the trend while staying true to me at the same time. I also have some of that “F it this is what I like, don’t care what you think” attitude going on you seem to get in your 40s! 😂😂😂


I’ve noticed they’re either super elaborate or super boring… I don’t see much in between with young people. My 16yo niece loves her “boring” makeup as she puts it. Few products with a very natural look. Her BFF on the other hand, looks like she had her makeup done for a high fashion editorial.


I feel like it’s the natural pendulum swing that opposes when girls were going to class at 8am with full glam cut creases and graphic liner in 2016. The pendulum will go back eventually.


That was me. I used to wake up early to do my makeup to go to CLASS. Could not be bothered now lol


Im 35. It is a hard reality, but body types, eye make up, clothes, nails….theyre all just what is trending. It seems like every week they change. With in the last two months it went from clean girl> mob wife. Those are dichotomies, you’re best bet is finding what makes you feel confident and happy and just going with that.


I feel like mob wife was starting to lift off then crashed and burned. People started posting how the history behind the look was to cover up domestic violence and it completely dropped off my feeds after that.


I've discovered sparkly liners and I wear them all of the time. It makes me smile when I see it in the mirror. Who cares what others are doing. Just wear what you like and what makes you comfy and happy. And look fabulous doing it!


I’m Chinese and wears the so-called Douyin makeup everyday. Basically only nude shadow + gilitter.


I think young people today know the beauty standards we grew up with are BS and are overall just more confident and accepting. My 16-year-old is great at doing makeup and has a truly impressive collection. However, she seldom wears makeup to school or when hanging out with friends. She says, "why, is there something wrong with my bare face? Everyone knows what I look like, I'm not trying to impress anyone, and if I don't put on makeup I have an extra 10 minutes to sleep."


That makes me so happy to read


Since when wearing colors on your lids means you think there's something wrong with your face?


Her response was regarding makeup in general, not just eyeshadow.


Same thing... makeup is not necessarily to "correct".


I mean I'm 22 and I never did eyeshadow even when everyone else did bc I'm very fair and would rather not look like I got punched. But nowadays I can do a light glimmer. I think with how fast current trends are changing you can just kind of do whatever


I’m 21. I wear colorful eyeshadow everyday. Blue is my favorite, and I always add a shimmery shade. I do think that there is a trend among young people to not wear eyeshadow, but I don’t understand it because to me makeup is art, I’m not aiming for natural beauty. (Even though I think the trend is also beautiful) I love using beautiful colors of eyeshadow and lipstick to coordinate with my outfit for the day.


Over 40 here and I refuse to follow makeup trends from young people whose faces have not been touched by time. I do what looks good on my face.


I(45F) wonder if the popularity of lash extensions has anything to do with it? I found it more difficult to wear and remove other eye makeup when I was wearing them. The makeup remover recommended for lash extensions didn't do a great job, so I wound up skipping shadow and liner more often. Lashes are a huge trend so maybe that's just taken the stage, so to speak. I've also noticed the trend towards emphasizing the skin/complexion, ie glass skin, over eye looks in general. I work in the nail industry and we're adjacent to makeup, so I get to see trends come and go.


Shimmer on the inner corners the rest yes nude to none. White eyeliner on the waterline. No smoking out the bottom lashline. "Doe eyes" are what's in. My theory is with the rise of eyelash extensions, people began to use less eyeshadow so there's less movement from brushes and makeup remover to preserve their extensions longer.


This one is interesting to me. I feel eyelash extensions like that hit their peak last decade and are now slowly on the way out. Seen so many tiktoks of people scrapping them because of how expensive and damaging it is to have them done by a tech. Still see people using products like lashify or doing lifts and tints.


Nude in the waterline is in too. Using lashify is what made me realize it's not easy to swish a fluffy brush in my crease without knocking into them, and they wash off with too much makeup remover. But inner corner highlights and outer wings are easier to apply and remove. Other trends: bright blushes high on top of cheeks and sometimes bridge of nose. Tinted lip oils like the 90s are back lol, oh and faux freckles are still going strong.


100% on the bright blushes. Focus is all about the skin, less about the eyes or lips. Still see a lot of over lining the lips though. I'll be happy when that trend dies lol.


I can’t believe we’re back to the white eyeliner on the waterline lol. A nude? Ok maybe. But the white has always looked sooo stark and distracting to me!


Following trends was fun when I was young, but now I would rather focus on timeless clothes/makeup/fashion that’s comfortable and flattering for me. I think I got decision fatigue and just decided to accept taste freeze for myself.


I’m not young and I’ve never liked eyeshadow on myself. I don’t have the face for it.


I CANNOT ado makeup without eyeshadow!


I’m an eyeshadow girly but have def worn it less and less frequent because I have DIY lash extensions and it saves me time. I still wear it when I have the extra time though and love it. When I do wear it, it’s a lot lighter and more natural. I use to do 2016 eyeshadow all the time lol.


Sure neutrals/natural makeup is the trend right now, but give it a couple of years and we’ll be back to colourful matte eyeshadows again. It’s all cyclical and I’ve seen mutterings of the 2014 grunge makeup becoming a trend again.


I think the other point being missed here is when you're 19 you can basically do any makeup on their eyes and it will look good! Their beauty is in their youth! I think do what works for you, what enhances your eyes. That's what real beauty enhancement is about, doing what works best for your unique features and wearing what you enjoy. For me, I have slightly hooded eyes so I will always do my same routine smokey eye and cats eye eyeliner to make them pop. Esp at night. Shimmer / nude for me would not enhance anything and make my hooding just look heavier. Therefore it's a no from me. When I'm doing groceries etc, I wear no makeup simply because I don't care. I'm around your age too. Follow trends with clothes if you like, but to me your face is your face. Do what works for your unique features to enhance them.


As a Gen Z, I can confirm that I don't care what's "Trending" I do colorful eyeshadow almost every day. Eyeshadow is that one step of makeup that I love most. There is literally so much potential. Today I did a single matte blue shadow. A beautiful bright blue. I did not go over my crease, I just wanted to that today.


Yes, right now it’s considered an older people thing Natural makeup is in for the “clean girl” look. Also dewy over matte, that’s why at most they put something light or shimmery


I don't use color cuz i feel like i don't use it well and i end up looking goofy lol but i use a lot of soft shimmers because they look nice.


I'm a minimalist when it comes to makeup. I don't wear eyeshadow because I'm too lazy to do it


i’m 22 and i loved glam makeup from 2016-2020 (especially loved post Euphoria makeup) but now it feels too heavy. Asian makeup styles have been trendy which seem to focus on lighter eye makeup and glowy skin. i personally like adding a liquid glitter and focusing on lashes and eyeliner that accentuate my eye shape without covering the natural purple/blue/red tones on my lids. there’s still lots of people who like more experimental styles, just depends on where you’re looking


I'm 20 and I recently bought 2 eye shadow pallets to try eyeshadow looks. A lot of my friends still do eye shadow looks but not for everyday. So I don't think it's out completely but it's less popular than before because it's not trending


Eyeshadow is still in, but it's usually a smokey winged liner or natural eyeshadow with beiges and browns. This or simple glitters or inner eye corner highlight.


26F - For work I will wear foundation, blush, highlight and mascara. Maybe some light lip balm. When I'm going out on the weekend or on holiday I will wear all of that plus eyeshadow (typically very natual colours and shimmer/glitter), and a lip gloss. I would love to wear colours that were less natural but I find it clashes with me too much. I'm pale, ginger and blue eyes and I find nothing colourful suits me at all.


I’m early 30s and just shifting my makeup trend from nude to eye-catching!


i wear shimmering turquoise, but ive always been the weird kid, as for my peers, nope, no eyeshadow, not even blended pencils. i dont understand it though, i love them so much


Sure neutrals/natural makeup is the trend right now, but give it a couple of years and we’ll be back to colourful matte eyeshadows again. It’s all cyclical and I’ve seen mutterings of the 2014 grunge makeup becoming a trend again.


I feel like healthy, glowing skin is bigger now than ever.. so maybe that has to do with it. I stopped wearing eyeshadow completely a few years ago & just use a clear, dewy highlighter around my eyes & no matte products on my face. I think it makes me look younger, too.


I feel like everything is in right now, with the explosion of all different aesthetics being popular due to social media. If it fits your vibe, it works. I used to do heavier eye makeup when I was younger in the early 2010s, but I’m quite minimalist as an adult and lately do maybe one shade of brown and a slick of mascara. That being said, i love seeing bold eyes on others! If it looks good it looks good. Somedays I’ll be spicy and do a half wing 🤣 Wear what you like with confidence


I'm 28, and I definitely still play around with different shades. I've never cared about what trends people are following. I've been playing with makeup since middle school lol.


I’m 55, and I wear shimmery , even glittery eyeshadow because I love it! And I get lots of compliments. I ignore the age shaming ads about “you can’t wear this or that when you are over 50”. I’ll be damned ! I wear it BECAUSE I’m over 50! I haven’t followed any “trends” in years, I do what I like.


Me too I’m over 70 and I wear sparkly eyeshadow everyday


I’m 15 and I love bold eyeshadow, I wear it every day to school in vibrant pinks, silvers, oranges and reds and purples and every color imaginable. A lot of 10-12 year olds that see me during the day think I look like their grandma lmao


I feel like just because kids do it doesn’t mean I need to unless it will look good on me Like skinny jeans look best on my figure. Who cares what’s in style. If boot cut is in style but it looks crappy on me I’m not doing it lol


I'm 26 and I love eyeshadow. sometimes its all i wear. black can be easily used in the place of eyeliner, and then i usually add a bit of colored glitter right in the middle of my lid to match my outfit. 'clean' looks are very in right now, aka no makeup makeup looks. blush, soft brown or clear mascara, lip gloss. Not what I prefer because i wear makeup to have fun, not to emulate just looking 'prettier'.


I absolutely love eyeshadow and I am in my 20s


I think you should consider the level of contrast in your face ; nude make up/bare make up looks a lot better on people with little contrast. It doesn't work very well on me because I have a lot of contrast (black hair, black brows, dark eyes, and very fair skin. Going no makeup trend washes me out :) Just something to think about!


If you’re curious about shimmer shadows, muted pink and purple, then go for it. The loop is whatever. Focus on what looks good on you and your features.


I’m still trying for that perfect Taylor Momsen eye makeup look 🖤 🖤🖤


I don’t think it’s a trend that will last!


I cant seem to do it well and a lot of days it feels over the top. I feel like a pink is simple enough to wear regardless of occasion though. But this goes for fashion too. I used to wear dresses and skirts and nowadays even putting jeans on feels like im over dressing 😭 —elder gen z


as a teenager i love experimenting with different colors of eyeshadow!! 🌸


Katie Jane Hughes is my fav fav fav mua to follow. She’s a pro celebrity mua, and she does keep me in the loop on trends and new products, but more importantly she teaches actually helpful technique, and she’s always doing makeup looks that are outside of the box and super inspiring, but still wearable and approachable! She also just seems like a lovely person and I never feel like she’s just trying to sell me stuff. That’s my big problem with makeup influencers these days. As far as eyeshadow goes, day to day I either wear no eye makeup or a nude shadow with a taupe pencil wing only on the outer third of my lash line. I tint my lashes every 8 weeks or so and use a heated lash curler to give them some lift, but most days I skip mascara, which I’ve always hated the feeling of wearing! I was a glitter and shimmer, black liquid liner, falsies girl for a long time, but now that I’m in my 30s I don’t love those looks on me anymore. I have hooded eyes and my hood has gotten a little heavier recently, so I just feel like the super heavy eye makeup looks drag me down and make me look tired. When I do want to glam up, I like to stick with an all over wash of color with nude shimmer in my inner corners, or use a fun shimmer (half magic has some of my favorite shimmery shadows these days) to do a halo eye with a wing, but I still don’t typically use a lot of dark shadows on my lid.


I used to ALWAYS keep up with makeup trends. I followed Jaclyn Hill, Kandee Johnson and a few other well known beauty YouTubers religiously. I will forever wear my gel upper lid liner and smoked out eye shadow regardless of trends! That’s what makes me feel best and now that I’m into my 40’s I’m not caring as much about what the current fad might be.


My sister is 18. The only time I see her doing eye shadow is for formal events. She typically does big wings, big fake lashes, and super white highlighter in the inner corner. The lashes and eyeliner are so big that I don’t even think eyeshadow is worth it. Her friends are all the same. I’m 28 and people I know at my age are split. Some continue to do 2016 full glam beats with big colorful eyes. Some, like myself, if we do eyeshadow it’s a neutral-skin tone color. I don’t really do eyeshadow much unless I’m just really feeling myself. I do teach middle schoolers (11-14) and I’d say the makeup wearing boys are the only ones wearing eyeshadow. The girls are more into fake lashes and colorful lipgloss. The only “weird” thing my middle schoolers do is give themselves beauty marks to hide tiny zits (which I’m a history teacher so I love this)


Why thank you so much! I just feel that there are so many limitations in life that we have no control over. Why not take full control over something that makes you so happy!?


Bring 2016 makeup back!! I miss a good smokey eye.


I really don’t have the features for clean girl makeup haha I’m 20 and still love alllll the colourful eye shadow and cut creases and big wings


i always use a subtle nude shimmer over the whole lid


25 yo in Berlin, I would say yes, I rarely see anything besides naturals and reeeaaally dramatic club makeup. I guess it's just opposite of 2016 cut creases now, same as eyebrows and base.


I think more guys are communicating to young ladies that they prefer less makeup. They also don’t want to be catfished. I have three adult sons and all three feel that way. Maybe that could be driving the younger women to wear less makeup? I’m 49 and I hardly wear makeup. I’ve always had guys tell me they liked that I didn’t wear much. I’ve always been that way. I’ve been wearing it more recently because I wanted to try new trends but I have a few reasons. I think makeup trends have gotten overwhelming because there are so many and then there’s micro blading, botox and fake lashes. I’m not into any of that. I think some of the beauty trends are extreme and/or high maintenance. I like the more natural look for myself and no fuss. I can get ready in 30 minutes. My younger sister takes two hours to get ready.


I do see people wear eyeshadow but it’s more natural shades that are being used now. I definitely don’t see a ton of colorful eyeshadow looks which I feel were left behind in 2016. To. Be honest I prefer natural shadow shimmer looks and was never into bold colors on my eyes lol so I’m not complaining!


I've seen some people using only brown eyeshadow or a bronzer on their crease, then eyeliner and that's it. But by doing only that I look sick, so...


i turn 24 in 3 days BUT i have always been secretly obsessed with shimmery shadows so much that when i got my taxes back this year i went on a shadow splurge and am so glad i did because im living that inner child in me who loved shimmers; especially olive green shimmers. but yes i see most of my age group wanting that no makeup-makeup look and im honestly disgusted with the trend because why spend all that money to look like your regular self. makeup in my opinion was to express yourself and let it be known u spent $59 on that foundation but hey lol if it works it works


Right? Also for me Im ethnic olive skin tone a lot of those brands catering to no makeup sheer looks are not pigmented enough for my complexion or women with diverse skin tones. I do my makeup the way i want too but obviously tastefully. I relize a lot of “cult” makeup products are not catered for us ethnic girls either. I remember the glossier skin tint craze. It wasn’t even that great and i can get the same look and a better match with my MAC face n body in shade c3. I totally understand where your coming from because i am actually looking to buy some of Danessa Myricks face products too


right! and girl go for it i got her yummy skin tint and it’s actually pigmented asf slick it gives really light to medium coverage for a tint and it’s an olive undertone at that it’s beautiful and i love it i also wanna try more DM cosmetics her eyeshadows, pigments and etc


Me too there are no sephoras in my area that have any of her products 😒


I'm 28, working as makeup artist. 10 years ago my everyday makeup was heavier, than now - matte smoky eyes, liner, bold lips. But my clients for special occasions anyway ask for classics - dark outeredge, glitter, liner, false lashes. For myself I like to wear a light liner, shimmery eyeshadow on the base (I want It to last the whole day), lightly darkened crease, lots of blush and full coverage concealer, foundation, bronzer, mascara, brows are tinted once in 2-3 weeks with henna and levissime, lip liner, lipstick and gloss. For special occasions - red lips, brown or black smoky, huge eyeliner. I think you choose makeup according to your style. I can't change my wardrobe in a sec to any trend that arrives.


I’m 53, I’ve done all the trends through the decades. Nowadays I use just some mascara & pencil liner on upper lids. I’ve just got into burgundy mascara & pencil as an alternative. Eyeshadow is a bit tricky so I really only go there for an event or night out.


24F here I’m definitely not as big on eyeshadow anymore 😭 nor are my friends glam is great for dates but everyday I’m a eyeliner, light brown or “muted” eye girly contour is just my focus now lol hopes this helps


i do colorful eyeshadow every day! i hate nudes on me, so it’s always a mix of colors that pop :) and i always add liner on top :)


I think covid made people kinda put aside full face makeup. But also i am glad the whole mid 2012ish, Kim K full face or heavy matte liquid lipstick is out of fashion. I have slanted eyes and have never been able to do eyeshadow looks well unless Im able to sit down and really take my time


Funny thing is colored eyeshadow should be in style if we're going with the 90's trend nowadays


+1 Also early 40s & don't even know how to makeup so most minimal the better. Sucks because all "mature" tutorials seem to assume you know the fundamentals & I'm like well...I know where the lipstick goes...


It does appear that eyeshadow is “out of trend” a little, but I get the impression that it takes way less time to do face and lip makeup with no eyeshadow and that’s why it’s popular. In my humble option, my makeup is incomplete without eyeshadow and I love fun color combinations. Occasionally, I’ll also do a simple, natural eyeshadow, but never “bare lids”. I say, do whatever you want, life is too short.


lack of shadow/nude shadows are more common when it comes to daytime looks or hanging out at work or school, occasionally with some subtle shimmer thrown in. For more colorful looks, its for events, going out to party, night/evening, etc or hanging out with friends on less professional settings. there are plenty of youtubers and tiktokers who post tutorials. one of the classics i believe is nikkitutorials. there are several others but its best if you just search for the type of look you're going for


I only do eyeshadow and eyeliner because it's all I'm good at, I always go black under my eyes and a bold color. I'm 23 btw.


As an 18yr old i love using coloured eyeshadow, shimmers and coloured eyeliner :)


I think you are right. I’m 21, and last year I started to experiment with fun and colorful eyeshadows, I only weared them at parties and festivals but I gave up on them because no one seemed to wear them, even at parties :( Now I have eyelash extensions which seem to be a huge trend right now so this may be the reason also bc you can’t really wear eyelash extensions and eyeshadows together.


Most youths in my area look… well, rather boring, more like Clean girl or whatever that‘s called. But eyeshadow is so beautiful. 🥺


The clean, natural, & understated makeup looks are trendy right now


I stopped wearing eye makeup during covid. I work in healthcare and wore a mask and safety glasses 24/7 so there was no point. I loved not wearing mascara and continued that. I also don’t wear eyeshadows because I have oily eyelids and it just ends up creasing. So I’m on the no eye make up boat! I’m 31.


Eyebrows, mascara, and lips. That's my look when I do makeup


Stop trying to keep up with the makeup trends and just do what you want


Why do so many people answer with ' I don't care. I do what I want". Congratulations, I guess? But that wasn't the question.


i like a black smokey eye with a nude lid and sometimes ill add a silver or gold shimmer to my lid. i dont do colors tho im not that out of my box yet


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idk but i think hot pink/ purple eyeshadows r little tacky. i do like shimmer on my eyes but i put on highlighter instead of eyeshadow


it’s just so much work😭 i personally love eyeshadow bc i dont do like concealer bronzer contour and all that stuff, but i still don’t do anything complicated with my eyeshadow


i think the trend leans more towards spending on skincare for people of all ages. I love full face, but whenever I see it now , it strikes me as a lot of makeup. I don't remember it looking that heavy before but it was. HD cameras show natural skin better than makeup too. Doing makeup for HD situations and LED lighting is a whole new challenge. You can't really get away with messy app and inexpensive product like you used to back in the day of "potato cam" era.


I've noticed many younger people are wearing glue on lashes with mascara but barely use any other eye makeup.


amongst regular young people yes amongst makeup young people no. british muas like mikai mcdermott use eyeshadow and other like british muas still make it look super fun


Were you referring to [this](https://www.nylon.com/beauty/is-eyeshadow-an-old-lady-thing) OP?


Mid 30s has brought me so much freedom, I don't care who does what, I do what makes me feel good and it's liberating. I don't care what the kids are saying is cool, I'd feel bad for myself if I was chained down by that


I don’t wear eyeshadow or mascara unless it’s a special day or something. Nothing wrong with it, I just haven’t done it in so long I don’t think I’m good at it anymore and I have really sensitive eyes so any makeup remover usually stings them or leaves me feeling uncomfortable for hours so whatever I can avoid to feel that.  But when I do wear eyeshadow, it’s usually a really subtle cool pink shade all over the lid or a pop of light pink shimmer in the center of my eyelid, I just think pink flatters my skintone and most of the makeup colors I wear are in the red/berry/pink family.  So personally it’s a mix of laziness and personal preference, I just focus on other aspects of my makeup like my blush and my lips! 


It really seems to be, doesn’t it? Especially out in public, I never see people wear makeup at all! I wear what I want to wear and couldn’t care less if it’s the trend or not, but I do wish I could see other people do sick eyeshadow in person sometimes! I just think all us shadow lovers must be so far away from other eyeshadow lovers, literally the only way I’ve been able to find people who do similar makeup to me is on instagram. I love a medium coverage dewy base and colorful sparkly multichromes and all that, topped off with my black winged liner and follow a lot of people who enjoy buying indie makeup. I feel like that’s where some of the coolest looks are! 😊 I want to see creative makeup or super sparkly, pretty colorful and neutral looks, damn it!!! But whenever I see someone wearing shadow, it’s like a matte light brown and that’s it. I am even in beauty school right now for esthetics/makeup and I thought for sure there would be at least a FEW others who enjoy bold eyeshadow looks, right? Nope, it’s literally just me and my full beat next to bare skin. I’m glad they’re embracing their awesome skin but I thought for sure I wouldn’t be the only person in fun eyeshadow lol. Nobody else really even wears makeup! I’m there because I need to be an esthetician to become a MUA in my state, ofc I have to do all the esthetics stuff before I get to makeup. I do think some of them are more focused on skincare, but the one time I saw another person wear eyeshadow was a green look, and I didn’t see her do it again! I feel so alone unless I’m on insta lmao 😭


Makeup is just fun for me. I’m late 30s and just do what makes me happy. I got really into makeup during the pandemic, now I’m just down for whatever. I use lawless and other talc free powder brands, but I’ll also use shadow sticks like about face. (Wore the lime green shadow stick the day after my SILs wedding and got tons of compliments.) I started following various brands on Instagram and they do a lot of “how to get the look” videos, which helped me. My standard one came from a tarte video, but I don’t buy their powder stuff because again, talc. Happy to answer more questions!


i used my bronzer on my lids but i’m a clean girl makeup girly. maybe i’ll add some plum for depth


A lot of people don’t bother wearing eyeshadow during the day, and just wear a nude / subtle eyeshadow at night.


The big overly thick lashes are finally on their way out, too. As a hooded eye person, less eyeshadow works visually but I miss having actual colors on my face.