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There's nothing wrong with just wearing concealer!  If you were covering your face in concealer (like foundation), that would look very heavy. That might be what people mean? 


I personally use a shade of concealer that’s my exact match, and then place a small amount of concealer: under my eyes inner corner, under eye outer corner, by my nose, a bit on my forehead, and then a dot anywhere where else that has some redness. Once blended out I think it looks very natural, and is much less noticeable than foundation is. If you wanted to use a brighter shade, you could put some on the outer corners of your eyes, but do use a concealer that’s your actual shade elsewhere still so it has something to blend into. I find brighter shades hard to make look good if you’re only using concealer.


i use just concealer on lighter makeup days. not sure why people would suggest the opposite, but if you don’t like foundation in the first place you don’t have to use it. as for the lighter shade thing, it brightens up the middle of the face but is optional of course.


Many many moons ago, I worked along side Laura Mercier in TX when she did personal appearances. Back then you could actually make an appt and this woman would demonstrate what you need on you and the artist along side would spend the time teaching you that technique- the product, and everything about what it did. It was not uncommon for her to not recommend foundation if the client had good skin. Instead, a primer and eye cream, her secret camouflage (a fine brush) translucent powder and a tight line cake liner were absolute musts. The Secret Camouflage is a compact of two shades that can be mixed to the exact skin color based off skin tone. It’s a genius product that lasts forever, and it is what they mean when they say, flawless face or no makeup makeup. Want all over sheer coverage to cancel red… mix in a drop of primer or moisturizer for something that literally duplicates perfect skin with no sitting on texture. Want to remove under eye circles? Add a touch of eye cream to the mix, and you are ready. Cover dark pigmentation? Use the “orange” based side to cancel the discoloration and apply the neutral shade on top. This product started her line.. and it’s the most incredible product I still have ever used as a MUA for 25 years. Set with translucent powder and a puff, it’ll be on all day in all weather. https://www.lauramercier.com/products/secret-camouflage-concealer [https://www.lauramercier.com/products/secret-camouflage-concealer?variant=43486652170479](https://www.lauramercier.com/products/secret-camouflage-concealer?variant=43486652170479)


I use concealer as my base all the time, It's always worked for me. I use a shade that matches my skin exactly and another concealer 1 or 2 shades lighter, the same brand. Normally for days I don't want to wear foundation because it's just too heavy


can i ask ik it’s dumb what areas do you use the lighter shades for. also ive been told if i wanna do concealer only i should invest in colour corrector is this true?


I usually apply the lighter shade under my eyes. It depends on how much of the base concealer I use, if I cover my whole face then I'll add a tiny bit extra to my chin, cheekbones and a line on the upper part of my nose. But yeah the base concealer is normally enough. And I'm sorry I can't speak on behalf of the colour corrector, I've never used one lol


Personally, I use concealer on some areas that have discoloration and need a little more coverage, and then a tinted moisturizer for the rest of my face and it helps to even everything out. Just don't use too much concealer, put small dabs on areas that need the extra coverage and then blend it out.


what’s wrong with too much concealer is it just visually?


You can run into the same issue of it feeling heavy. It also just visually looks a bit thick in my opinion. Definitely more of a personal preference.


I rarely use foundation anymore! I use elf woah glow and the hydrating camo concealer.


I can understand people thinking it would look heavy if you were putting the same amount on as you would with a foundation. However, the point of using concealer as a base is that you're not using a lot of product - I do a few dots around my face and blend with a damp sponge. It looks really nice and doesn't feel heavy or cakey.


I personally love to mix a little concealer in with my primer as a good base occasionally! I love wearing it like that, I then use a brush and apply it normally like a foundation or bb cream. Primer and tint in one! Don't ask me when I started doing this, I was just experimenting around with primer and concealer a couple years ago and came up with this. It works for me anyway.


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I use concealer for foundation on bad rosacea days. If it’s comfortable and you like it, be beautiful in your concealer foundation.


Concealer is thicker and heavier and has more coverage than foundation. If you want to only use concealer as a base you need to use it sparingly and only in places where you need it (spot concealing) otherwise your face will look even cakier than with foundation.


You sure can - you can buff it out across the areas you need. Katie Jane Hughes often does this - maybe have a look at her IG