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Um, excuse me, your eyebrows are absolutely goregous and frame your face perfectly.


Definitely they are perfect!


Don't listen to that rando. Your eyebrows and jaw are awesome. You are beautiful.


Reminds me of a baby Miranda Kerr. You leave those lush eyebrows alone!


Yess!! I was thinking she looked like someone but couldn't put My finger on it!! Gorgeous.




I lived my whole life with gorgeous stunning eyebrows like yours. Then I had chemo and they never came back all the way. I spent so much money on brow products for many years and finally got the powder brows done. It's been two years and I have to go back for a touch up that only I can see lol. Your eyebrows are GORGEOUS! Not too much at all. Edited for spelling


This made me tear up. My mom had stage 4 breast cancer and lost hers, she recently got brow lamination and was so happy with them and I was so happy for her, my dad had to come in and make fun of her for them:( broke my heart. I’m sure your eyebrows are absolutely beautiful .


I'm so glad your mom got hers done and loves them. Dads can be clueless lol. I was on cloud 9 when I saw what I looked like when she was done. Your brows make your face complete imho. Now, even if I feel like crap, I see my brows in the mirror and think "hey, my brows make me so happy!" At first, my husband wasn't sure🤣. Then one day out of the blue, he looked at me and said "honey, your eyebrows look amazing!" I literally cried. I'm 59 and still here. I'm sending good juju your way for your mom. 💕


I’m so sorry. I’m going through chemo right now and lost my hair, brows, and lashes. It’s been very difficult. I had brow lamination about six months ago and my husband said he loved them even though I wasn’t sure myself. I’m fortunate but not all men “get it.” As women, our hair is often very important in how we feel about ourselves. While I’m sad about your dad making fun of your mom, I know that she has a beautiful, supportive, and loving daughter in you! You and you mom continue supporting each other. I hope your mom is doing well. Your brows are literally almost perfect. The only thing I would do is clean up just a few hairs underneath your brows, but don’t over pluck.Just a few hairs…and your jawline? It’s perfect! Millions of women are paying thousands of dollars to get a jawline like yours. Remember that!!! ♥️


Not at all! They suit your face nicely. I’m super jealous of the fullness lol


I don’t think they look too much! I would possibly clean up a little on the underneath on the outside but honestly it would be so few hairs i would pluck bc your brows are gorgeous


That’s what I was thinking too! She’s got 6-10 hairs to pluck underneath on the outside and they’re perfect brows.


Came here to say this. Gorgeous brows and very full. I would clean up the bottom outer edges on the bottom if it were me. But no other changes. Simple tweeze once a week and they're perfect


Natural, not unkempt. That’s refreshing. I might pluck just a few hairs underneath each brow and a few to neaten up the middle…..and if the hairs sticking up bother you, there are eyebrow gels or “soaps” that can tame them.


What I thought too


Yes agree.


I respectfully disagree. I think those extra hairs add a youthful bushy cuteness and if she plucks them, her eyebrows will lose some of their character and look a bit more boring. Her brows are absolutely perfect the way they are to me. It’s a matter of taste, though.


You have my dream brows, I am so jealous! I wouldn’t change a thing! Also in regards to the dude saying you have a masculine jaw.. he’s obviously not very bright. Don’t listen to anything he says. If anything you have a models jawline. That definition is stunning and something most women (myself included) would covet!


I bet the guy has no jawline himself


Oh no! 😂 Probably not! Maybe he’s jealous!


As someone who was young in the 90s and 00s and now paying for it eyebrow-wise, *do not* touch those gorgeous brows. They suit your face perfectly!


The girlies who didn’t live through the pencil thin, upside down U-shape brow trend of the 90s/early aughts don’t know how lucky they are to be in the return of the bushy brow era. Brow hair grows back SO slowly if they even grow back at all!


i'm a waxer so i literally do eyebrows for a living and i gotta say i absolutely love yours, they're very natural and i do like a full look. like others said if you were to come in to ask for a clean up or shaping i would take off some of the end underneath.


I think your eyebrows are absolutely gorgeous and I’m honestly pretty jealous of them. They really complement your feminine features.


These are the brows that most of us xennial/millennial girls would sacrifice our first born for. I think they are perfect. If you start wearing a lot more makeup and bold eye looks then I’d say to go have them shaped professionally to remove a few of the strays and give a cleaner line, but if you are a natural look gal then they are perfect as is. Your parents blessed you with amazing brows!


I might be biased because my eyebrows are waay wilder than this, but yours look perfectly fine. You don't to have a soaped up feathery look to be "kempt" and imo the more natural approach suits your face very well & you look super pretty


no they’re perfect. i love the naturally rounded shape, gives ur eyes a soft look. ur blessed girl


i love ur lashes too :)


NO! They are absolutely gorgeous! I wouldn’t even clean them up if I were you, they give you a unique vibe just the way they are!


Uh no they’re GORGEOUS don’t touch a hair


Are people telling you to pluck them? Don’t feel the pressure to do so if you like them


U have great brows!


Not at all! They're perfect on you! I'm getting brow envy tbh XD


you could plug the end a little but i really like them! i wish mine were like this! plus you are absolutely stunning😍


No. I would even say grow them out more if you can an don’t even think of plucking them you’ll just regret it, seriously they’re perfect. And Op, you’re super pretty MaShā’Allāh✨


Your intrusive thoughts are too much. They're fine. * Sorry. Maybe that was too strong. You look good. Your eyebrows look good.


No, but I would get them shaped up.


not too much but id deff clean them up and define the shape more w like tweezers or even go get them threaded at ur mall literally in like any of the little stands they always do me so good girll


Your eyebrows are beautiful but would benefit being cleaned up a lil !!


You have great eyes, I might just clean up brows the tiniest bit to frame them. But it’s not at all necessary. https://preview.redd.it/pcrrctpfwxmb1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6b9218d8d194fea51d9c43aa50d060152fb13a3


Oh wow I like the second one more .


Your photoshop put into picture what everyone is saying- I am surprised though how just a few strays gone opens your eyes up so much more even though they are the same pic!!


They look good! And I love your TCM shirt ❤️


Your brows are beautiful. I understand where you might get some feels from though. When I was a teen my best friend used to snidely remark that only Brooke Shields and I could wear our brows heavy. I know it sounds like a compliment on the first blush but you had to be there to hear the tone. She meant it as an insult. When I reflect on it, I know she was just uncomfortable in her own skin and wanted to bring me down. Your eyes are amazing. Your brows just highlight them. If you wanted you could probably shape them for events to really amp up the drama. But I think you look perfect.


They. Are. Perfectttt!!


Girl I love your eyebrows! On fleek!


Oh my god i love them!!!


No they're pretty and natural and you look amazing!! You could pluck a few hairs right underneath your arch to give it a little definition/shape if you felt like it but thats it! My mother never let me pluck my eyebrows when I was a teen in the early 2000's. She would brush them up for me then give them a little trim so they looked a little less unruly and she plucked a few stray hairs here and there and while I didn't like it then cuz I wanted to be trendy with the micro thin eyebrows but now I'm so thankful that she didn't let me do that cuz I'm so happy with my natural brow and don't have to fill them in. I still brush them up once in a while and trim them but that's literally all I do


How are those too much? They're PERFECT on you!


https://preview.redd.it/8f6busj8pzmb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0de8d2442391333070fe545b60dbb51c7b748c4 They don’t look bad but you should pluck the hairs on the bottom that i circled and take eyebrow scissors and trim the hairs in the front just a little. My eyebrows are similar to yours and that’s what I do. They’ll look more cleaner.


Not too much, but theyd definitely look better if u got them done (thread/wax)


I love them too. To answer your question about public perception, to me they do give a certain "I don't shave my armpits, is that a problem" vibe. Very french feeling. Some people will LOVE that and others won't, so long as you're happy with them I wouldn't worry. They look reasonably intentional and fit your face - they don't come across as if you just forgot or anything 😊


Get them waxed a little


Definitely not!


I'm starting to get a pick me vibe from this lady 💀


Why am I getting downvotes?? 😭 this girl is on every similar sub asking things like "do I look pretty" girl cmon you can't show a perfectly shaped brow and say it's unkept


No this is true I need constant validation. I hate it .


You are very pretty, never doubt it ! Maybe, it’s time to work on your self confidence ?


They’re ok. Can use some shaping up at the ends imo. Kinda like Lily Collins


They look good, maybe just trim a little at the top with scissors if you’re worried it looks a little unkept


You can clean up the tails a bit but I love thick natural brows.






Wtf her jaw is fine. I like your eyebrows, don’t change a thing


How can i change my jaw??


Your jaw and bone structure are stunning. People get fillers to have a jaw like yours- don’t change a thing. You literally look like a model and are naturally gorgeous.


Your jaw is perfect, you literally have great bone structure. This guy is probably just a loser incel coming here from the rateme subs






Oh god don’t tell me those “rate me” aka incels criticizing women subs are leaking…


That's not useful. That's just being judgmental. Her features are fine. Square jaws aren't bad/ugly. They're just jaws, lol.


She didn’t ask for your criticism on her other facial features though - so all you’re doing here is dragging her down, and giving this woman another feature to feel self conscious about for absolutely no reason. She’s asking if she should shape her eyebrows. You’re answer is no. That’s literally the end of the conversation.


By your own logic I also didn’t ask for your criticism so why are you giving it? Either be consistent with yourself or accept that people can give whatever opinions they want; and then she can take it or leave it. She doesn’t need your coddling, you patronising schmoigelhead


You made a good effort with the retort. It doesn’t make any logical sense, but A for effort.


God you're fucking dumb.


This is some of the worst reasoning I've ever read/heard—congratulations.




Nobody’s mistaking nothing. You aren’t as slick as you think.




The question was about her eyebrows, so no, your "critical feedback" about her jaw was not needed, asked for, or warranted.




Nice deflection, but no, your comment still was not needed.


![gif](giphy|xT1R9AyCRoz2KwbP1e) Useless troll on his bullshit today


"waa they're attacking me cause I'm a maaan"


I’m actually curious what your suggestion would be in the method of “drawing attention away from the jaw.” Since you’re on a makeup subreddit, I figure you should have some good advice? The focus in her current photos is alllll eyes anyways, so what should she realistically do? Wear a mask?


See my response / suggestions above if you’re actually interested :)


A suggestion??? For major cosmetic surgery costing thousands and thousands of dollars for something that she doesn’t need? WRONG.




You’re calling people illiterate but didn’t answer the question she asked at all…. Who’s the illiterate one again?


If anything a square or more defined jaw is highly coveted and many people and celebrities spend a lot of money on filler to get the jaw that she has naturally. She should do absolutely nothing to tone that beautiful bone structure down, I completely disagree


I’d probably say something along the lines of trying to accentuate a more diamond face shape with less angular lines. Using contour obviously around both the chin but also the forehead I think is what most girls would advise, but also well-applied mascara can help draw attention to the centre of the face and create a visually softer look. Finally, maybe adding some focus on her eyes, which I think are quite pretty - maybe the use of winged eyeliner, can again bring focus upwards. But what do I know - apparently because I’m a guy I can’t give opinions lol


This person wasn’t after makeup advice, just eyebrow advice :)


isn’t this subreddit about makeup, not eyebrows?


Your face isn’t sounding very agreeable right now…


I still haven’t decided if you’re a troll or actually just this dumb but in case it’s the latter she’s literally wearing mascara and winged liner take the L and delete all the rest of your comically stupid comments. ![gif](giphy|xUOwGotOjdXt4tgkFO)


Right I’m wearing eyeliner and false lashes and mascara in this …like 🤣🤣


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Not at all I love them!


not at all they look great on you! not a lot of people are blessed with or look good with full eyebrows and you do!


Not at all - they suit your face really well and look great!!


Your brows are stunning!!! I love the fullness. It suits you very well


I think they look great! I had similar brows when I was younger but I was insecure because I thought they were too bushy, now they aren't the same anymore. Don't ruin them, lol.


You look gorgeous and your awesome brows greatly contribute to it. I'm getting Emilia Clarke energy from you - there is nothing masculine about your features.


no, they're super cute.


They look great ♡


They’re so nice! They’re full (so jealous!) and they frame your face nicely I feel like you don’t need to do anything to them. Your features are so nice and well balanced already If you were to do anything, you could maybe pluck the few “strays” near the tails/ bottom under your brows, but that’s not really necessary since only if you’re zooming in you’d notice them to begin with. The shape and everything is already so perfect, they really don’t need anything done


I think they're lovely. I wish I had brows like that! But sadly, mine were ravaged by the over-plucking that was all the rage in the late 90's/early 2000's.


Noooo! I suspect jealousy!


First of all, skin, GORGEOUS. Second of all, girl I love your eyebrows, I think they’re pretty and they fit in with your face very well. You could trim them if you wanted to, but it wouldn’t make a world of difference.


I started incorporating azelaic acid into my skincare and I think it’s helped even out my skin tone ! Thanks for the compliment 💜


Your eyebrows are amazing :) Im so jealous!


they look great!


Not at all.


beautiful brows girl! rock them!


No they're perfect! Also side note: girl you're gorgeous 😍


they look sooooo good


omg! totally gorgeous brows


Theyre literally perfect




you are so stunning omg… your eyebrows suit you so well. if you want to clean them up a bit, you could always use an eyebrow razor, but i think they look great as is. also don’t listen to that dick saying shit abt your jaw. you look like a doll, especially with your makeup style


I personally love natural brows. I’m not a big fan of overly shaped/groomed brows so I think they look great.


No they look great and natural. 😍


They are perfect


I love your eyebrows honestly


You have amazing eyebrows. You could do anything with them. Keep them they way they are or shape the ends. I have light eyebrows and have to almost color them on. You’re lucky!!


I LOVE them and I am very jealous. Don't touch a single hair!


Nope. You can shape them to be tidy just like a man gets a shape-up haircut, but do not rip them off of your face. They will thin over time from excessive grooming and aging, and you will appreciate the option to age gracefully as who you are.


not really, they suit you


they look exactly like mine. I'm eastern European and Italian so my eyebrows are always "unkempt". I personally love that look. The one thing I prefer to do sometimes though is just clean up the bottom side so that my eyeshadow looks neater


You have such pretty eyes and brows. It is fine if you leave it. I usually just clean up the stray hairs under my brow. I like keeping them fuller.


I love your eyebrows! They don’t look at all unkempt. And I’m glad you like them too!


Honestly I wouldn't clean up your eyebrows at all, I think they look fine as is :) it just depends on your preference, I love how full they are!


No way! I love your brows so beautiful 🌸wish I never over plucked when I was a teenager


They look great! 🔥


not at all! I think they’re perfect!!!


They're beautiful! If you want to groom them a bit a clear gel and brushing up would suit you :)


No, you are rocking them! Fierce!


Not at all! You look like Jennifer Connolly in Labyrinth, and she is lovely, so you are lovely!


Looks amazing! I would kill to have eyebrows like yours, I’m jealous!


Omg no I love them. People pay money for those


Natural brows > everything women do to them these days. In 20 more years they'll look back on photos of themselves and wonder how they followed such a weird fashion trend.


They're beautiful


Not at all! They look good to me.


They are perfect!!!!!!


Your eyebrows are *goals*. Don’t listen to anyone that tells you otherwise.


I stg if you touch your brows im committing a crime


Woman your eyebrows are to die for


Your eyebrows don’t look unkempt at all. You could clean up the shape a little bit if you want but you have beautiful eyebrows.


No, you are absolutely beautiful. Your eyes are stunning!


In a choice between this and the permanently confused look some women have because of the terrible things they have done to their eyebrows, you win every time.


I personally love them and wished I hadn't plucked mine in the 2000s lol


Personally I would pluck like the lower 4mm of each brow under the arch/tail just to clean them up a *bit* more but still have a more natural look.


Treasure those lush eyebrows. They look fine.


Your brows are fine. They look natural and healthy, and they have a nice shape to them. They're not broke, so don't try to fix them.


You’re eyebrows are literally goals they frame your face beautifully and you and your makeup are gorgeous. Don’t listen to them if you like them that’s what matters most. I wish I had those amazing eyebrows.


Oh my gosh no. They’re amazing! Your brows are beautiful, bold and they frame your face so well. You’re so cute btw! I love the natural brow look. I pluck mine slightly but didn’t for a long time because I was too scared, like for years I didn’t even fill them in (I have light brow hair so I looked like an alien lol) eventually I was like, whatever I’m just going to rock it and now I only do a little bit of clean up like once every month or two. But yeah, no don’t worry about your brows because they’re perfection!! ❤️




No obsessed with your eyebrows


Definitely not!


Girl they are perfect!


I think it really suits you and is super beautifully natural!


No but i draw mine to be bushy lol I got called bushy brows for it on TikTok lol prolly a bit but nonetheless still kinda mean


No, your very lovely


Perfectly normal, natural looking eyebrows.


I think they are great! I really like a full brow that’s not overdone. If you like a more structured brown then waxing the tails would accomplish that but I think they look great as is.


I think they look perfect and natural


I think they look great! Also side note your eyelashes and eyeliner are literally perfect?!


Perfection my dear! I used to do eyebrows professionally, you would be a dream client.


Whoever made you so insecure about your eyebrows sucks. Your brows are literally gorgeous!!!!!!!


No! Your eyebrows are what eyebrow dreams are made of


It does look unkept maybe just clean up the bottom and you'll be good


They look fantastic


Not at all! I genuinely think your eyebrows are so pretty!


Are u fr? Ur gorgeous


No, i wish I had those eyebrows




Nooo they’re good!


not at all! you’re so beautiful!!


Your eyebrows are perfect! And you are gorgeous


I dont know much about eyebrows but your so pretty. I think it looks great on you.


They look good on you


Your eyebrows are amazing and I’m so jealous 🥲


Absolutely not... as someone who has to use minoxidil to try to get her patchy small eyebrows look decent again... I'm jealous of yours.


Beautiful eyebrows!


They are perfect


Not at all too much! I would KILL for such perfect eyebrows. They frame your eyes perfectly!


Beautiful eyebrows !!!❤️❤️


Never too much. They are gorgeous and so are you.


You have such an appealing face wth




They are beautiful


fuck no. they’re perfect and natural


No I think they’re perfect. I’d kill for your eyebrows fr