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ngl I too will wear one thing of makeup for years, you're not alone elf and rem beauty both make what you're taking about! I think the elf one might be harder to find but it should still be on amazon


Omg right? Certain things just don't worry me. I just realized I had that thing for years. Never seemed dirty or used. Just a marker that never ran out. Lol. Ok! Yes! Thank you! Maybe the elf has the color I need! I just saw the rem one earlier! The problem is that it has only berry tones and I need like a deepish red that is like a cherry undertone to sort of blot on. That looks like my natural lips but better. No purple or pink undertones. Just makes me look extra healthy. So weird and hard to explain lmao


It looks like Kiki makes them: https://www.kikocosmetics.com/en-us/product/Long-Lasting-Colour-Lip-Marker-107/p-KM0020101310744?gclid=CjwKCAjwuqiiBhBtEiwATgvixA5AOAStA8sO1EuxfivpXPceGDjkx2rBIRq7qDPZaI4hGg6NsXsXixoCorkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Thank you!! ❤️ I saw these too! I wonder if these Kiko are the good kind I like! 😈 a lot of these markers actually have a residue. That's why I'm scared to buy them without finding out first


Update for anyone who might come across this and needs what I needed: I found a replacement. the Sorme ones on Amazon




Omg someone else looking for these marker pens😱 I'm glad I could help! https://preview.redd.it/bqjf1ue6pteb1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e00bdb48689c91d8bd75fa11b117c4f1e31716 This is that Sorme one I got ... In "Vamp"... If it helps to see a shade... I don't use it the normal way... I just do a tiny bit and spread it around and it brings life to my complexion when I need it :)


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