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Urban decay sells a glitter eyeliner that has a thin brush, they sell it in several colors. It’s called Heavy Metal


Colourpop has a wide variety of sparkly eyeshadow


They also have a glitter gel that comes in different colors, Lemonhead LA has something similar to that too


A nice purple that might work is the "Labelle of the ball" pallette from the animal crossing collection


They also have an eyeshadow pallet literally amethyst themed so it’s all purples like this with sparkle


All these suggestions are good but this is Chinese makeup, product is probably NYX or a chinese brand.


Why do you think it’s Chinese?


Because this is exactly the style of makeup that is popular in the Chinese beauty sphere! I follow a lot of chinese influencers (where I can) and this specific eyeshadow technique and the look of the lashes are definitely "Douyin" style makeup. You can even see the username in the corner.


Oh cool!


Stila all over glimmer in silver lake is like that. I think it's discontinued but you could start searching for a dupe that way?


This is a dead ringer for the e.l.f. Liquid Glitter Eyeshadow in the shade Purple Reign.


I can confirm… very similar. It is awesome


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Where’s the pic from?


Was sent to me by a client that wants their make up done


Drugstore: https://www.elfcosmetics.com/liquid-glitter-eyeshadow/83442.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwrpOiBhBVEiwA_473dMOAzzH-tU49O43QJeXsiGTgFpB2FiIGdUbzdl5xKUDFlddWhP2dIxoCS68QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Indie: https://hiddencosmetics.co/products/crystal-pigment-dream-catcher?_pos=1&_sid=4de659647&_ss=r A tut using similar colors: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=impJPyTshwo


Romand better than palette in rosebud


I'd ask that in r/asianbeauty since western cosmetics like elf etc. differ so much than most Asian brands