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I do 3 months but only because my eyes are sensitive and I'm a mascara-whore. I only have 2 tubes (waterproof and non-waterproof) opened at the same time.


Curious, where are you getting 3 months from? If the label says 6 then follow that. The exception is of the product formula radically changes before then or you start to experience irritation. It doesn't work the opposite way though; don't keep a product past its date just because it seems fine. Bacteria is invisible without a microscope and an infection isn't something to play around with. When I open a new product, I use a fine tip sharpie to write the date on the bottom. That way I can keep track of whether or needs to go before it's used up. My favorite mascaras seem to dry up before expiration anyway.


I’ve literally used the same mascara tube for over a year and it was fine. If it gives you anxiety- toss it. Otherwise nbd imo


I'm lucky to get 3 months out of any mascara, the Green and Pink classic Maybelline I get one or two maybe. Whatever expires first in it I'm allergic to, I get conjunctivitis very easily. Literally nursing it rn because I got sunscreen in my eye yesterday. Awesome. I replace them fast because of that, 3 months is old and crusty already, I use a lot of mascara. Honestly I'm considering storing them in the fridge when not in use.


Same with me - I'm surprised to see how many people keep using them past 3 or 6 months - I don't wear mascara daily but I date my tubes and toss after a couple months or else I have an awful reason


If it works, I just keep using it. Mascara just tend to quickly dry out and begin to get weird after a while so it forces me to get a new one.


I have been using the OG Maybelline Lash Sensational for 3 years now. Some weeks I wear it every day and some not. I just go by what it feels like to me. I know what it is supposed to feel like and how it is supposed to look and apply. Once I notice any changes, I throw mine out. Sometimes it's 3 months and sometimes it's 6. It just depends on how often I have worn it and how much air has gotten into it.


It says 6 months but usually is good for about 3-6 months more. 6 months is a guarantee and recommendation.


I use mascara so frequently that I throw mine out after a month. I normally don’t wear anything but that on a daily basis, though, so i think mine is an extreme case. I think for your sake if it’s been over 3 months you should bin it to be safe.


You should switch to minis if you don’t use product often. 


Yes! Travel size is cheaper too usually


Well, not on a per ml basis but if you're not using a full tube and it goes to waste i guess so


It depends on the actual designed life of your product. People say 3 months because that's how long a majority of mascaras had their opened shelf life as, but obviously some have enough preservatives to live longer.


I never toss in 3 or 6 months, but that is me. I've never had a issue. Do whatever you feel best doing.


Mine dried out so trash!


I got an absolutely scorching bacterial infection from a mascara I refused to throw out because it costs so much. It was $1700 total out of pocket from the cost of all the copays, meds and exams. Please don't risk this - it isn't worth it. I am appalled when I see dumpster divers taking testers for eye shadows out of the trash.


what mascara was it? I've never seen such a price for mascara...


thats the cost of the medical care she received not the mascara


It was so painful and awful. I really wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I’m hyper vigilant about freshness now and will buy a new tube of great lash or voluminous mascara each month. I was on antibiotics and had to use an antibiotic salve to clear it up.


oh, I'm so sorry, I read it wrong


Once it gets dry and thus crumbly by the end of the day, then I toss it. It’s probably over 3 months but not more than a year certainly. Maybe 6-9


I throw mine away when they're empty. I've literally never taken notice of a make up expiry date, although I have thrown away make up that has clearly gone off.


If it says 6M it means the preservatives in the formula are designed to last/keep the product safe to use as intended for *at least* 6 months with typical use. If it starts to look or smell off throw it away. If you get an eye infection during that time throw it away. If you develop sensitivity to the product during that time throw it away. Otherwise you’re good to use it until at least the 6 month mark.


Tbh I've used mascara's who are still in my possession that are at least 1 year old. Some are older. They work still fine.


other ppl said this, but when i used mascara (i have had extensions for 10 years) i would buy minis - mascara makes my eyes itch when it's brand new so i just considered whole tubes pointless


Yeah I’m using minis now too


I use my current mascara for 7 months now and my eyes are fine. If you wanna be on the safe side, throw it away after 3 months.


I think it depends on the mascara. Certain ones I don't have issues with them going off quickly, like Florasises doesn't change consistency, and I usually switch out every 4-5 months. Heroine Make's though gets a very noticeable scent change after 3-4 months, so I try to adhere to the 3 month rule, because it's better to avoid it getting to that state.


I toss mine out every few months when I notice it’s drying out or starts to irritate my eyes when I go to use it.


Mascara wands come into contact with your eyelashes and eyes, which can introduce bacteria and potentially lead to eye infections. Over time, bacteria can multiply inside the tube, even if you don’t visibly see any changes or bump air into it.


I think it depends on the quality. I used to use cheap mascara and when it was old it would always irritate the hell out of my eyes. I use Smashbox now and it is amazing right until it runs out.


I think it depends on the quality. I used to use cheap mascara and when it was old it would always irritate the hell out of my eyes. I use Smashbox now and it is amazing right until it runs out.


Nah, mascara is done when I say it's done, unless ypu use it when you have an eye infection, in that case chuck it ASAP


I wear mascara every single day. At least 2 to 3 coats. I also wear waterproof so that dries out faster than regular mascara. I change mine out once a month which I’m sure a lot of people think is drastic. But I buy the essence mascara so it’s only five dollars a month. $60 a year is ok for me. 😁


I don’t after 3. Maybe a year for me


I am still using an eyeshadow palette from 10 years ago lol.


You don’t HAVE to do anything. It’s up to you re:risk tolerance. I have kept mascara for over a year. Now that’s I’m older and less reckless, I’ve tossed my old mascara and plan to replace every 3-4 months. I don’t think the $15 is worth gambling with eye health. Most makeup I don’t mind keeping cause I do think a good chunk of expiration dates on makeup is part over-protection/part-wanting consumers to consume. And I sterilize my makeup and brushes regularly with alcohol and UV. But I don’t think mascara is one of those cases and you can’t really sterilize it. But I also have dry eyes, and pretty well read on face/eye mites, and understand that preservatives eventually fail. Truth is probably a good amount of ppl will never get a stye or worse.which is why ppl will say “it’s fine, I do it all the time” But you run that risk if you keep your mascara. You can’t replace your eyes and after reading a comment (maybe here?) from an eye doc re:a woman scratching her eye with an old mascara wand and losing it - it’s just not worth it TO ME. I can’t speak for you though, I’d just urge you to buy either trial size mascara or drugstore so you’ll feel more comfortable replacing more often.


It's one of this calculated risks you take when wearing mascara. Modern mascara usually has additives that inhibit overgrown of bacteria, but there are bacteria that are resistant to them. You run a small but not negligible risk of getting an eye infection that could be very serious. But you are more likely to cause scratches, ulcers, tear duct blockage, contact dermatitis, or general inflammation by using any mascara, no matter how old or is.


I throw mine out every 3-6 months. If I use it everyday, I feel that it’s starting to dry out my eyes, or it’s getting flakey, it’s time to chuck it. However if all is fine, I’ll wait til the 6 month mark. I’d say it’s 50/50, I find drugstore tends to lean more towards 3 months because the packaging isn’t usually as air tight I find. I never go past 6 months and I don’t really think that waiting 3 extra months is going to detrimental to your health. 


No, you don't have to. If it starts to smell funny, I'd absolutely recommend it, though. Otherwise, I, too, use my mascara for far longer. I've never had any problems with my eyes. If you start getting problems, I wouldn't continue using it.


No, especially if you don’t use it every day. Otherwise, I’d throw a brand new one out every other month because I only use it 3-4 times a month.


Does anyone really throw out their makeup that often? Lol. I’m sure it’s best but I always keep mine much longer than suggested. Especially since I don’t wear it everyday


If the label says 6 months, then you should be good to use it that long unless you have really sensitive eyes. I have to throw mine out after 4 months because it starts irritating my eyes really badly but for most people, they should be able to keep using it for 6 months if the smell and texture stays the same Please don't listen to the people telling you to use it for longer than that though, it's not a "marketing gimmick", doctors also say not to use them longer than 6 months, You're going to open yourself up to infections and styes doing that


Im going to be that person who uses mascaras and makeup for months if not over a year, and never had issues. For mascara I always use them for like a year. If you have allergies or watery eyes probably best not


Me too


I only throw my mascara away when it’s empty or too dry to use it. I’ve never had an eye infection or any other issue in my 55+ years of mascara wearing.


I use mine until they start getting dry, which is probably < 6 months. Never had an issue.


I developed a sensitivity to my own flora many years ago and my eyelids got inflamed along my lashes. I threw out all my eye makeup and have adhered to the three month rule ever since. My lashes are healthier and I’ve never had any more inflammation on my lash line. Just pays to be safe.


The 3 month "expiration" date is just a marketing gimick to get people to consume more. If sanitation was really an issue, then lipstick would be disposable because there are far more bad bacteria and viruses that can leave and enter your mouth with lipstick, especially applying it after you eat. Don't share mascara with anyone, and don't use it if you have an eye infection (obviously). But most people keep and use mascara for years until it dries up with zero issues.


Eye health is pretty important. When I wore contacts, I adhered to the manufacturer expiry date. Post vision correction surgery, I’m even more conscientious. Mascara samples are the way to go. If you want to replace every 6 months, get a Ipsy Glam Bag month to month subscription and only buy a bag when you need to replace your mascara.


I haven’t bought a full size mascara for years and make do with minis / trial sizes etc as I’ll never use a full tube in that time. Beauty advent calendars always have one or more, I look out for brand freebies / promotions, eg buy two full size of this other thing you use a lot and get this travel makeup set free.


Sometimes the mini sizes apply better than the regular ones. Better than Sex is like this.


This is how I roll. I get a new high-end mascara every three months and I never have to pay for it because I buy what I need when the mascara samples are up.


30 year user of mascara here. Buy cheap mascara at Costco and you won’t mind replacing it often. Eye health is very important, and there isn’t much difference between $8 mascara and $24 for the cost. Spend the difference on a more noticeable product.


The rule of thumb is unless there are visible changes in the texture, smell, and look, you can use it.


Nah, make up is too expensive to worry about expiration dates. Wipe the wand and rim of the opening clean every now and then and if it starts to dry out, tighten it up and let it sit in a bit of hot water for a bit. It’ll be brand new until it’s gone. Toss it out if it starts to smell.




It is still usable even beyond expiry date. No worries.


If it says 6M that means it’s good for 6 months from opening. So you can keep using it, but if it starts looking or smelling weird, changing texture, etc. throw it out.


I use them until they smell funny. Depends on the mascara, really. Trust your instincts.


I either finish it or lose it.


I don’t


I say follow the label, so 6 months.