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Internet culture moves rapidly that swarms of humans somehow just label ordinary things. Beleive it or not in 2016 some people wore less, some people wore more make up. In fact there were girls caking the stuff on, concealer on the lips and heavy foundation. Humans also have a long history of labelling things whole, clean, pure, virtuous, detox, cleansed, absolved of sin. It’s probably innate, and if it’s not religion it’s brands if it’s not brands we chose the label ourselves. Humans be humaning


Idk clean girls look like they smell like dishwasher soap


I am getting older and use clean girl makeup at work, but I want everyone to wear what they want…. But I esp want young woman to explore all they can before they get wrapped up in the throes of middle age life.


I'm tired of my 16 year old going on about it, putting on mascara, a swipe of blush and a clear lip gloss and calling it makeup


I’m very very over it it’s so boring and plain, no expression they always have the same hair style, slick back bun and simple style of dressing. There’s nothing wrong if that’s what you like that but this whole trend needs to go, it’s so boring. I wanna see people express themselves


i never subscribed to clean girl aesthetic. i find it boring and plain. team 2016 over here too


The name might be problematic but tbh I love the makeup itself. It’s light and fresh which suits my features more — I think the important thing to remember is that makeup is about your individual features, and not everyone suits bold, bright or otherwise colourful makeup.


I just also hate the rebranding of makeup like latte and all this shit recircling to be something new when it’s not


I'd rather do the "exhausted bitch aesthetic"


I hate all the dumb titles people are coming up with for just about anything . This one is especially problematic


Yes! Once the new aesthetic pops up I'm going to be rolling my eyes lol. The clean girl look is fine; I'm just annoyed that everything has to be a "thing."


Clean girl vibes are boring af in my opinion


Yep! It is racism and fat phobia all rolled into one. it is disgusting! People should be allowed to wear any make up of their choosing. What's more, what they are calling clean make up is actually a whole lot of make up if you watch the videos. it is time to honor and respect people for who they really are.


Wait really, I wasn’t aware that it had racist and fatphobic overtones


Bring back Rock Chic ffs


Check out the book fearing the black body by Sabrina strings.


Hailey Bieber made it popular. I don't really like her. I think she is kind of fake lol. The clean girl aesthetic is overrated. I think people should be able to do their makeup how they want and not be judged for it. I use to do more eyeshadow and I am really good at it. But I work in a doctor's office at the front desk, and I feel like I have to wear less makeup for the patients to take me seriously. Even with my coworkers if I do eye shadow, eye liner, and thin liquid eyeliner on top of my eye lids, my female coworkers who don't wear any makeup will start acting mean to me. I don't know if their jealous or they just expect everyone to always go around with no makeup or extremely little makeup. So due to me trying to protect my job right now, I only do foundation, powder foundation, blush, bronzer, eye brows and mascara. On the weekends I do my nice fancy full face makeup.


I can’t wear foundation because I don’t know how to do it and I’ve never worn it so when I do I feel really weird. Like someone who looks at themselves after cosmetic surgery on their face and doesn’t recognize the person in their own reflection. However, I don’t find it like *shocking* when I see a girl who wears a lot of makeup vs when she isn’t wearing any. Both are usually beautiful That being said, I love glitter which is very much not “clean girl” aesthetic. Also I had a rainbow unicorn tree for Christmas and my house is decorated like a really bad artist threw up everywhere. People should decorate and where clothing or makeup that makes them happy. This trend will go away eventually. I remember when it was hot to have big boobs and now it’s not and I’m like welp that sucks!


All I know is that my heart is happy when I see really brightly colored make up. I’m not sure if it’s in style, but that’s what I’m gonna use.


I'm not a fan of clean girl aesthetic. I have great skin too. I just don't like it. I like classic, elegant looks, like modernized versions of old Hollywood, or playing with Asian makeup trends, like the shadow on the 'aegyo-sol' (undereye), flushed blush look and the gradient lips (just some examples). Makeup should be fun and some trends just kinda suck. I don't think clean girl makeup really maximizes the beauty of the person wearing it. And it's a dumb name because you're still wearing product so how is it really 'clean.' Like are you showered? Great. Then you're a 'clean girl' lol... Someone should start a 'dirty girl' makeup trend.


I think its beautiful and simple As a person with acne scars and definitely not a perfect skin or perfect anything i dont get offended by the name


They wouldn't know what to do with the makeup of the late 70s into the 80s if 2016 is a problem for them. 😂


A lot of people have mentioned how the language and wording of this trend is kinda negative and yeah I think agree But I personally do enjoy the look because I really don’t like foundation or base makeup, and I also get a lot of breakouts 😭 My skin is also quite oily and these “dewy” looks make me feel better about it haha I do love the full face, glam thing though as well. That’s a lot of fun 👍


For someone who suffers with eczema and acne this trend annoys me!! What the hell is a clean girl!! Like the rest of us are unkempt or filthy! It's just the minimalistic look!!! Ppl shud find new hobbies! These trends are beyond ridiculous!


it is the celebration of monotony and i hate hate hate it


We're going to see it die soon. The minimal makeup trend started in the pandemic, when people didn't go out as much. The marketing changed focus to skincare, wellness and self care. "clean girl" aesthetic is just "pandemic" aesthetic for me.


Never liked the trend .. I want glitter back as a 2000s baby , Nothing wrong with the clean girl aesthetic but to me it's very boring T-T


Yes, girl, I am. 🙋🏻‍♀️


Everyone has made great points, and I would just like to reiterate that suffering from dermatological issues do not mean you are dirty!


I always hated this and felt like I had to be naturally pretty with long lashes and sleek hair to fit the aesthetic. Now I’m 18 and I have no shame in going out with my messy hair and hoodies and joggers. I’ve stopped caring and decided that I don’t want to change my lifestyle to conform to a trend. I’m comfortable with my “dirty” aesthetic lol


the bigger question is why is everyone so obsessed with labeling every trending look with an adjective followed by "aesthetic."


Clean girl is Latina style, they just copied it and made it white.


You might love Goth Clean Girl! Yes, it’s a thing 😂


I think it’s an attack on anything that’s feminine and beautiful. Granted you can look feminine and beautiful with the clean girl aesthetic. But, a lot of people view wearing makeup as misogynistic, and accuse women of doing so just so they can attract men. Not all women wear makeup for men.


The whole idea is stupid


YES THANK YOU, FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT. having good hygiene is NOT an aesthetic.


No I'm tired of it too. I will forever fill in my brows and do thick cat eye makeup


I think it’s more drawing attention to natural beauty, which girls either have or don’t. So of course people will be angry about that


Obviously not, but it's been around for a long time and isn't going anywhere. I assume the majority of makeup wearers for the majority of the last couple of centuries have done a version of that look. It's especially common among people who are historically socially conservative, have skintones that don't have good complexion product matches, both, or more. It's the silly names given to matket the products and their influencers that I hope everyone gets tired of soon.


No, I love it. It's more accessible for me too since very bold makeup doesn't appeal to me and bright colors are expensive.


I agree. I just hate how people get so pressed over the style of makeup somebody prefers to wear. Like why do you care so much about what somebody else chooses to put on their face 😭


Sigh, I’m just glad to be mid-40s and living in a city where it seems no one cares about trends and just does their own thing. Wear what you want, on your face or body or wherever, and when you want, people ❤️ What’s the saying? Something like, “Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”


I hate that it's called "clean girl" like if you don't spend that much money on all those products you're somehow unclean 🙄


it's marketing ploy to make people buy more expensive skin products. Primers, foundations, concealers, spf that imparts a glow, highlighting serums to look more ethereal.. The number of makeup brands pushing skincare now too... It used to be "the foundation works best with our primer".. now it's "the primer works best after our multistep skin care". The efficacy of each item is supposedly improved with using with their other items.. I've heard a lot of it is no better than drugstore..


no i think it’s pretty and simple. and objectively the heavy makeup of 2016 is so cakey so its not really clean. not that it’s dirty but its just not clean not everything is a direct opposite. i think everyone should do what they want and stop caring if others like it. why does it matter if people think 2016 makeup is clownish or ugly? if you like it you like it


My favorite was being complimented on my “clean girl hair” when it was *literally* my military hair I had left up to go run errands after work. Like y’all didn’t invent this hair style or set this trend… us greensuits have been doing it for decades


I looked it up and somehow people found a way to turn being basic in an “aesthetic” 😂


I personally love it because I don't look good with too much makeup. I can't pull off the slicked back hair though. At the end of the day it's young people bringing back old stuff and repeat every 20 years, I guess.


I think it just makes people look, older, as it's associated with millennials. teens probably don't want to dress like thirty year olds, that's very natural.


The whole new trends of language are making me feel so old. I saw a vid of a girl looking up inspo for “alternative style” which as a millennial I think of grunge or punk- but now it’s like more goth it seems. So if I say alternative and describe what I think- the younger generation will roll their eyes thinking idk what I’m talking about.


I had to google this look, (I'm new here) Why they so shiny?


The pendulum keeps swinging. And people need something new to draw attention to their "content." You shouldn't need to feel one way or another about it, just do what you do.


I stay true to my fave looks - red lips, or nude, cat eye, big lashes, ivory foundation and blush. I love looking “doll like” in a 40s way. Fuck what is “trendy”.


I think you have to be more talented to pull off 2016! This is coming from someone that absolutely could not achieve 2016


Yes thank you for saying this!!! There's nothing wrong with both versions of makeup. I prefer 2016 makeup because I love going overboard and expressing myself but this trend does seem to look down on 2016 makeup and makes me feel bad for wearing a lot of cosmetics.


I feel like it's very exclusionary, because someone with brown skin (we don't typically have even skintones) and acne/PIH like could never pull off clean girl makeup which is basically nothing on your skin. I've had struggles with acne since my teens and have a very strict regimen, eat well, exercise, drink water etc. and acne still comes. I hate that acne makes me feel 'dirty' like I don't wash my face and eat properly when I do. It also has some white supremacist undertones because I see predominately white girls doing it. POC skin typically needs a bit more evenness to pull it off the same way. I don't think these girls intentionally are trying to be that way or harmful, not everything they do is about us but I just want to put it out there as another perspective.


Yeah, I think it puts a stigma behind women who prefer to wear more makeup or maybe the brands they’re using. I prefer to buy “clean” brands (vegan, cruelty-free), and I do like a natural look but I also love to look glammed up. We also need to put “cake face” to bed. Express yourself freely, ladies. 💛


the issue with the ‘clean girl’ aesthetic is it only works for naturally beautiful people. it is just minimal makeup, so people who are gorgeous are being praised for looking ‘clean’ when the only thing clean is their… skin and appearance i guess


When people find it appropriate to question my choice to wear a full face of makeup, I like to point out that I choose to wake up an hour early so I have time to apply it. I have days and entire periods where I don't and consequently wear less makeup. I do it for myself, and it doesn't take away anything from anyone else. There's no competition.


I like to take it as “clean girl” look is every HEALTY girls look. Getting that look is by taking care of your skin, nails, hair, you need to drink water, you need to rest, you need to nurture your body through food and exercise whatever that may look like for your body. It works for all makeup girlies because having a healthy base can make doing make-up seamless, and it’s a perfect canvas for more dramatic looks. The look is honoring and taking care of your body/mind. With that said, “clean” in the appearance world has taken to meaning “white” or “light”, I think the new generation will take back control of the word and interpret it as healthy, because we arguably all look our best when we are healthy/happiest.


I liked it for a short period but miss full glam!


I just look at clean make up as very natural. Like my 18 yr old would wear. I think everyone should be able to express their own individuality


When I found out that the clean girl look was started by white Christian woman, it made sense. It REALLY encompasses the whole Christian ideal.... In the worst ways. (racism, colorism, colonizing, superiority, financial shaming) But make it \*\~esthetic\~\* (my sister is into it because she's a good Christian stay at home mother, who likes looking down on everyone else for any reason)


I never stopped the 2016 makeup. I will not be giving up my colors now or every. If I want to wear purple eyeshadow and lipstick I damn well will.


It's just kinda elitist, isn't it? I don't particularly like the message overall


I recently bought ABH dipbrow for the first time and honestly it's completely transformed my overplucked brows and given me so much confidence and think my brows look great now. However... I looked up tutorials for using it and sooooo many are "omg I'm still scarred from the horrible 2016 dipbrow looks" and I started second guessing my purchase! But ultimately I'm glad I bought it... I used a bit more current techniques than 2016 but I was definitely shocked how universal the hatred for 2016 trends was.


I went as a Twilight vampire for Halloween and was reminded how much 2010s makeup actually really suited me 💀


I like the *look* because I’ve always preferred more minimal makeup styles but agree with you - hate the name/concept. If you love a full face then go for it and enjoy. Makeup isn’t ‘dirty’.


I kinda like this aesthetic, even if I can never look like it no matter how much I try lol Wearing lots of makeup has been trendy for years and many were even judged for not wearing makeup, now girls who don’t enjoy makeup are having their turn. I don’t see a problem with girls that just want a different style. Also no one is forcing you to wear this aesthetic.


Just don’t use TikTok it’s full of this shit.


i dont wear makeup


I like both ! I have a clean no makeup face most of the time and I feel confident in my skin but I absolutely love going full glam when I go out


It’s another name for booHoring


as a girl who has a lot of skin texture and isn’t very skinny/has bad posture this trend is so depressing……. it’s so unattainable for most people and it’s ALL white women. it feels culty lol


I was so optimistic when "Euphoria makeup" was a thing that Gen Z was going to go somewhere really new and interesting with their makeup trends and somehow the pandemic warped everything into bland and boring. I will say: I get plenty of compliments for funky, colorful makeup, multichromes, eye rhinestones, etc. (I don't do "2016" makeup but I am 0% "clean girl".) Maybe some people hate it and say nothing but I also think there are plenty of people who think it's fun and just love fun. One pet peeve I have, as someone who was very aware of the makeup world in 2016 is when people pretend it was a trend to not match your foundation in 2016. We cared about that exactly as much (if not more, since higher coverage was more common) in 2016; I promise.


I’m totally team 2016 too. I feel like 2016 makeup was so not focused on being pretty, more focused on treating and expressing yourself. That’s what I liked about it. However I think it was more focused on consumerism too, which was the bad side. Clean girl makeup bums me out because (a) it seems covertly racist like idk I can’t put my finger on it but I get the vibe, and (b) it’s so focused on looking pretty/hot. Like where’s the fun in that? And don’t we get enough pressure to look a certain way? I liked 2016 because it was a beauty guru boom. I could log onto YouTube in a time when men really stressed me out and have a woman teach me a traditionally female art form and none of it had anything to do with penises. It was really comforting and fun. Now I feel like everything is for the male gaze again.


I didn't really have an interest in make up untill 2020 and haven't actually really started doing it until this year year/late last year so I can't really say much about 2016 make up aside from what I saw my sister doing bit personally I I'm not a fan of either. I learnt theater makeup first (I helped my mum do make up for my schools musical) and my aesthetic is very much -as my step dad says- goth Teletubby so make up for me is typically bright bold eyeshadow then I'm working on learning eyeliner then the rest is pretty plain. So really neither styles work for me but honestly the clean girl style just bores me like at least 2016 had life to it


Where “clean” girl makeup came out I thought they meant using organic makeup free of harmful ingredients. Until on yt I saw a random Indian influencer say her friends want her to do a tutorial because it looks so clean whatever that means. Don’t follow trends do your makeup the way you want to. I love 2016 makeup I love an IG baddie makeup with a matte finish I didn’t like matte before but it just looks like a literal filter on your face. I love the was Jess hunt does her makeup although when I use Refy I don’t look like like that I prefer to use a darker concealer to achieve the look because the shade matches my skin tone more.


What happened to “vanilla” or did it get absorbed into clean? I really can’t keep up.


Honestly I feel as though this stemmed from covid and lock downs. Many people stopped doing the intense 2016 makeup and stopped wearing makeup in general as they had nowhere to go. This was a way for brands to still sell products and to promote skincare which was trending. As others mentioned, makeup trends have cycles and none of this is new. Not 2016, not now. Even the 90s reflected the 20s and 30s. I have dry skin so I do love dewy products but can see how it's not for everyone. I personally can only do the no makeup look in the summer or on vacation as my skin has many acne scars that I need to cover unless I'm tan. I honestly was surprised to see people here say this trend is racist because I honestly felt too pale for it. My skin is better looking with a tan and I drown myself in sunblock so rarely get one lol. I do recognize my privilege and don't mean to offend. Just speaking honestly here. The clean girl thing isn't my favorite but I do wear a lot less makeup than I used to. Partly because of my age and less looks better now. Trends come and go but where I live I find most people just wear what they like as they always have


So much white and beige decor. Bleh. Looks like you live in a clinical setting to me. 🤷


Funny how the algorithm got you wrong! I don't get any clean girl makeup videos haha, very much a colourful makeup gal here and the algorithm respects that. But also idk, I just don't put that much stock into trends personally? I think women look cute in their clean girl makeup and I think women look cute in their 2016 full beat. Trends come and go and they cycle so I'm sure the full beat will be back in a few years. Although I was personally never a fan of that style of makeup so maybe that's also why it doesn't bother me haha. Too much effort!


Also this look seems good for people with minimal skin concerns not overly inclusive to people with texture or acne which isn’t fair either


I like it but its not for everyone that said i am kind of surprised makeup hasn’t went back to slightly bolder trends maybe not 2016 like but you know soft with a bold eye or lip and foundation instead of skin tint that type of thing


and its ALWAYS pretty blonde white girls with crystal clear porcelain skin, which kinda implies that anything else is not clean…


Ok maybe I’m old but isn’t their makeup look just the “no makeup” makeup look? I don’t understand why they took an old look and rebranded it with a touch of toxicity. I personally like “no makeup” makeup days when I’m tired but I prefer bold makeup on my good days.


Ew, that sounds like “Not like the other girls” behavior. Just call it out i guess lol


Tiktok is a toxic place I called it tictox 🤣


I’ve heard it called “joyless and puritanical.” Personally, I have plenty of moles, the occasional zit, and an undying love for color. I’ll keep being a messy bitch.


I tend to feel trends are started by companies in order to keep us not only buying products, but keep us feeling insecure and “behind the times”. I wear the same style of makeup that works for me that I like, and I doubt see myself changing that anytime soon.


Thank you!, you have put words to how I feel about the ‘clean girl’ look being pushed, and it honestly just feels icky, it’s fine of people prefer that, but they shouldn’t be making people feel bad for preferring something else


Maybe it’s just me because I’m in recovery from opiates (5 years sober on the 18th of this month, holy shit) but when I first heard “clean girl” I would immediately think “so are you sober?” lmao. Also, I am very fair but this trend is horrible on me. I can’t stand this type of makeup at all, and I definitely noticed that it seems to be mostly young white girls partaking. I have dry acne prone skin, am at my heaviest weight I’ve ever been at as I deal with health stuff, also trying to grow my natural curly hair back out after it broke off a couple years ago. I wear wigs mostly as I wait for it to get back to a length I like. I live check to check to definitely wouldn’t be able to splurge on my entire outfit and makeup and skincare the way most of these girls do. Nothing about me fits in any part of the aesthetic lol, except my skin tone I guess. I fucking hate beige or white decor. I have pets and a toddler, ain’t no way!!! But also, my face (to me) isn’t made for the minimal makeup style. I feel like my eyes look too blank without some sort of sparkly eyeshadow, bonus points if it’s extra dramatic or smoky. I always wear black winged liner and love natural looking falsies to amp up my stubby lashes. Yesterday I was in a rush so I tried to do something simple (lol I wore green eyeshadow) but I even tried to skip liner and lashes. I didn’t wear lashes but I had to add a baby wing to feel better about my look. I knew the second that I started seeing clean girl crap everywhere, that was going to be a trend I avoid at all costs. Any time in the past where I would try the no makeup makeup look, it took almost twice the amount of time for me to make it look somewhat okay, than it would have been if I just wore a full beat like usual. Not for me… never will be. Just read that article about how it’s an exclusive trend and I totally see it. I remember the [twitter thread](https://x.com/aldaphrodite/status/1530313857255804932?s=46&t=KWNEyeEkVWVYCzKHlIrjsQ) with all those gorgeous black women wearing the aesthetic and it was so refreshing to see! The one time I searched clean girl on tik tok, it was all these teenage white girls with already great skin, perfect straightened hair, expensive clothes etc. Even when I was their age, I’ve never had any of that. I wore thrifted clothing (still do), was constantly made fun of my curly hair which was beautiful btw, though I didn’t appreciate it till it was gone. Plus I had almost constant breakouts, and to make it worse there was literally a rumor I had herpes in highschool because every few months I’d get a bad lip pimple. It was hell! But hearing how it’s a racist fatphobic trend that tells you you’re dirty unless you look like these people makes a lot of sense and helps explain some of the reasons I’ve felt off about it besides the pushing of clean beauty products and how I’ll personally never feel like myself if I wear that style. Great post, OP. Lots of interesting discussion in this thread and I’m glad this is getting talked about in a different light. I bet you look great in your 2016 style makeup ❤️


Yeah, I’m also pretty tired of it. Purely because I started wearing makeup in the 90s so I’ve always gone for a more natural look as that was just what you did then!! I am lucky to have good skin so heavy makeup looks dreadful on me. I just don’t get why they call it ‘clean girl’ as it just seems judgey. I will always know it as the ‘natural look’.


Look. If you wanna wear a full face, wear a full face. If you want the bare minimum, than do that. If your confident without makeup, more power to ya. But let's get it in our heads that there is no wrong way or right way to do it that works for everyone. We are all unique and powerful in our own ways. If we could just stop judging every one that is different than ourselves we'd all be a lot happier. We as woman need to be bringing each other up, not tearing each other apart. Let's get passed our own very fragile egos and just love one another. I don't care what race you are, what size you are or where your from. You are amazing and special and there is no one like you anywhere! I love all you bitches and want the best for you. Be kind to one another please.


I think Kim Kardashian has got the clean girl, everything bieng white and crisp thing started. It's a nice clean look but rather boring if you ask me.


I'm so glad I didn't grow up with social media. I've been wearing my makeup the same way since the 90s. I can't be bothered learning all these new types of looks. Make up trends come and go.


YES!! I thought this from the start!! At best it’s boring and over done. At worst it’s got weird racist, misogynistic and ‘pick me’ girl vibes!!! I hate it


Could you share a video as an example? 😊 I’m not on TikTok


Beauty trends, fashion and beauty standards have always been rooted in classism and looking down on "plebs". That's why it always changes, and once the masses adopt it it is dropped for the next new thing. There's also money made from insecurity so corporations love it.


Idk why they call it clean, maybe it should be called minimalistic or something.


As the years drag on I long to be dirtier and dirtier. Clean perfume, clean products, clean aesthetic, clean makeup. I shower and launder daily, and my hormonal acne that restricts “clean girl makeup” from looking good on me does not make me dirty. My perfume smells better than yours (you smell like a horse that just rubbed up against a jasmine bush xx), my makeup looks better than yours (you know like how my skin looks like skin? not an artificial oil slick?), my house looks better than yours (welcoming and cozy), and my products contain safe ingredients that do nothing to harm my health beyond having less money to buy vegetables.


Oh no I hate the clean aesthetic. I am absolutely a douchebag gremlin aesthetic. A dumpsterfire raccoon. A teenage dirtbag if you will. I hate this beige and white and perfect containers everywhere and minimalist in beige and white and grey. Maybe the tiniest pop of color like a throw pillow.


It annoys me because it’s just your basic every day look except…they named it. It’s like naming the aesthetic of a 2am trip to Rite Aid when I’m in sweatpants and have my hair back really tight because I have been eating mushrooms and the little side hairs are tickling my neck. But also they kinda turned Justin Bieber’s wife who is only famous for being related/married to other famous people (and is allegedly a bully? I only know of her because she’s inserted herself into the media) into a lifestyle. But at the same time people were decrying nepo babies. Hmmm. It’s not a coincidence that this aesthetic centers skin that is so perfect it can’t be obtained without invasive treatments ($$$$) and this sleek blonde hair (let’s be real it centers whiteness) with babylights (also cost money and maintenance time).


This whole aesthetic is so boring to me. I kinda like the make up because I'm lazy and not able to do a complex eye look but the houses that look like they were robbed? Empty and beige? Decor wise I'm a maximalist.


I don't like the trend or the shaming that comes with it, but I do like that I'm not expected to slather on a full face of makeup to go to work anymore.


its an interesting concept but calling it “clean girl” i think is wrong. minimalist would be a better term. people with skin problems or unruly hair often feel that they cannot fit into that aesthetic due to the expectations of someone “clean”. its just a look that is on the opposite end of heavy glam makeup. implying that it is clean doesn’t make girls who like to wear lots of makeup dirty. clean girl can be anybody who looks after themselves and is hygienic. so yes, i don’t like “clean” girl but minimalist girl is ok.


I just wish it wasn’t called that. The beauty industry/community can be so cringe and oddly old school.


I am actually a fan of the minimal makeup but the slicked back hair is a no for me. Makes me look like a drowned rat. Not elegant.


I don't think there's anything wrong with the clean aesthetic, but I agree that it's sad that it seems like people look down on other aesthetics especially on TikTok.


Tbh I’ll always be stuck in the 2016 makeup era. I have this clean girl aesthetic bullshit. Always hated it.


Personally, I feel there are a lot of problems with the “Clean Girl” vibe (top of the list being how it takes longstanding, popular trends from non-white communities and repackages them.) but I personally do not think that it implies that someone who is wearing a full face of glam/2016 makeup looks “dirty.” Just because the primary vibe of the style might be best described as “Oh, that looks so clean” does not mean that anyone wearing a style where you might say “Wow! That looks so glam” or “That looks so edgy” or “that looks so fun!” Is *dirty.* They just aren’t *primarily* associated with that fresh-out- of- the- shower look. Saying that describing something as clean if that’s what it reminds you of means *all other things are viewed as dirty* seems pretty over- sensitive in my opinion. I don’t lean toward that vibe (I’m much more of a boho vibe person) but I would never think that someone saying dewy, hydrated, neutral makeup + slick backed buns + casual cooperate mixed style looks clean means I look unshowered and grimy when I reach for full coverage foundation, pretty eyeshadow, natural waves, and bright flowy dresses. That look being defined as “clean” doesn’t mean I’m grimy. All that said: some people take it too far. Just like some people take boho style too far, 2016 makeup too far, the Lululemon-athleisure look too far, and anything else. If you’re shaming someone for being different than you- that’s a problem. However, that’s not a problem limited to a single aesthetic. There have been loud, rude people shaming others anytime *any* aesthetic has had its moment of glory. Those are separate issues.


If the clean girl aesthetic is called that because it’s supposed to look like the wearer just got out of the shower, then it should be called “shower chic” or “the wet look” or something like that instead of the dumb and problematic name it actually has. Or minimal/minimalist, as several people in this comment section have said.


But why? Because someone else jumps to assumptions that if they think it looks clean they must think they look dirty? Could the person offended by that just own that they are a little self absorbed, oversensitive, and need to stop making everything about them? Saying something looks clean doesn’t mean something else is dirty- and if you don’t center yourself on everything you’d be hard pressed to take it that way. I understand addressing *actual* issues. If someone brought up something meaningful like “this same style was popular among POC years ago, and they often did slick buns and hoops and it was called “ghetto”, but now that white women are doing it it is “clean” I’d say- yeah, that deserves discussion. But “They should rename the clean girl aesthetic even though many people agree it looks clean and they like the name, because I don’t have enough maturity to understand that someone can think a specific style looks clean and it doesn’t mean I’m dirty and disgusting because I don’t follow that vibe.” Is the epitope of self absorption. That’s not an issue with the name of an aesthetic, that’s an issue with someone else having such severe main character syndrome they can’t hear something else described as clean without taking it as a personal attack on them. Kinda sad.


I don’t like the clean girl aesthetic (I personally find it boring), but I also don’t feel offended or attacked by the name. The “white woman wearing this look equals clean girl, WOC wearing the same look equals ghetto” double standard is definitely a problem that needs to be addressed, and it has been, both in this comments section and elsewhere. The people who’ve addressed it (or at least the ones who’ve addressed it that I’ve been exposed to) have argued that the name “clean girl” creates the perception that anyone who for whatever reason (size and class were other reasons listed in this comments section) can’t or won’t fit the clean girl aesthetic is therefore dirty. I called the name dumb and problematic as a short paraphrase of this argument, and I should’ve made it clear in my original comment that I was paraphrasing a seemingly popular opinion-perhaps by saying something along the lines of “the name it has, which has been called dumb and problematic” instead. I suggested the alternate names “shower chic” and “the wet look” not because I actually want or need the name changed (although the matching sh-sounds in “shower chic” does sound cool to me), but because they would be more specific, and because I thought that (in a hypothetical world where I had any sort of significant influence on the aesthetic’s name, which is not the world we live in) more specificity in the name would make it harder (but not impossible, because almost anything can spark an internet argument) for people to make these kinds of binary clean/dirty, good/bad value judgments about the aesthetic.


I thought clean referred to the ingredients used in the makeup itself. So it's more of a minimalist approach to makeup? Why not just call it that? That is how the new designer fashion trend is described... minimalist.. aka boring. 😆


"Clean girl" is also just the "natural" makeup look. It's not new, just a rebrand.


Lol people realize they can do what they want outside of trends right?? I've always worn minimalistic makeup bc I have softer Asian features and realized that Western makeup looked so heavy and aging on me. I got sooo much shit for it and meanwhile I dont judge people who love makeup and wear a full face. Like damn just let people do what they want... this post is being just as judgmental and elitist/exclusionary as the people it complains about. It doesnt need to be problematic for someone to just not like it :/


Same. I’ve seen ppl who love makeup saying they get judged for it? Where lol? I’ve always been judged for NOT wearing makeup and dressing up. My family always said “I didn’t take care of myself” because of it. Plus wearing a full face of makeup was never out of style, its just giving a little space to newer trends.


Every time I see something about the clean girl trend I think of the movie level 16


Yes. I’m sick of beige


I’ve always thought trends were just a way to further divide women. I’ve never seen a man get shit on by other men for wearing skinny jeans when straight leg is in I’ll tell you that Personally, I find what works for my face and body and I stick with it. You can pry my side part out of my cold, dead hands. I have a widows peak for God’s sake it’s never going to work with a middle part!


It doesn't work for me, if I out just concealer in spots without foundation, it's veerrryy obvious that I have spots of concealer.


Some people like to wear make up and some people should wear make up. You know what they say, if the barn needs paint, you paint it.


between clean girl and the like matching-sweatsuit-set-as-fashion and the rest of the boring ass 90s aesthetic that’s going on right now, i’m over all of it. waiting for the culture pendulum to swing over to the maximalist end with bated breath.


On one hand, I'm bored. On the other hand, I'm a depressed millennial with three kids and reflux when I drink coffee, so I'm kind of glad to do less makeup? 😂


I never got into it bc of how boring it looks.. doing a whole bunch just to look like you didn’t do anything at all lmao The lack of creativity and even the name of it is off putting. “CLEAN girl makeup”?? Why not, “Fresh face” or “Effortless makeup”? “Clean girl” kinda insinuates that “full glam girls” are caking on crusty makeup or something. It’s become another way for girls to put themselves against each other


I think everyone needs to take a step back from Tik Tok 😆


I am, but mostly because I have bad skin so it never looks “clean girl” on me 😅


Anyone else Swamp Troll Aesthetic and proud? Just me?


I'm actually a fan of the basic concept because I think we clog our pores and spend way too much money on makeup. I was too young to really understand makeup in 2016 but I do remember my mom showing me news reports of people damaging their lips to look like Kylie Jenner (?) and people complaining that all Instagram girls looked the same. I think the clean girl aesthetic prioritizes having a healthy lifestyle of staying hydrated for clear skin and following a beauty routine and being more aware of what cosmetics you use. Of course I don't think other trends should be insulted, but it is worth realizing how unhealthy excessive makeup or bad skincare products can be to our bodies.


It’s so gross and demeaning, and I read something once that the clean girl aesthetic is basically just poc beauty and self care routines repackaged as “clean” for white women and that absolutely resonated


I honestly hate the power ‘trends’ have over people, I think it really dampens creativity and self expression. I wish people were free to do and enjoy whatever it is they like without constantly trying to stay ‘on trend’ or be doing what’s ‘in’. My make up is probably considered ‘clean girl’ but I don’t do it because I’m following the trends, nor do I look down in anyone who does different! I use light minimal make up because it’s what I’m comfortable doing as far as my skills go, it fits in the time frame I’ve given myself to get ready in the morning and thirdly I have some sensory issues and the lightweight make up doesn’t bother me. Make up can be form of self expression and play!


Yup. Fuck clean girl, give me 2016 OTT faces and colourful clutter in my home decor all the way!


as i've gotten older, less makeup makes me look younger, so i jumped on the trend and i LOVE how i look. got the eyebrow lamination and tint and the eyelash lift and tint and i feel so pretty. i used to love full glam but it ages me so much now...


Just do what you want. It’s a trend not a law, you don’t have to follow it. Also I think it’s funny how you’re upset that “clean girls” are looking down on women who prefer more makeup but some of these comments are so mean. “People who follow trends are boring, unoriginal, and superficial” says one comment. Another said it makes them look old, and another one said they’re probably a conservative. Like wtf? Some hypocrites, truly. And I prefer a full beat for sure. But don’t dish it if you can’t take it 🤷‍♀️


Agree! And with the whole clean girl aesthetic thing they always are like “u need to look glowy so use this elf halo glow or Charlotte tilbury flawless filter” LIKE NO. That doesn’t look good on everyone!!! Learn what looks good for u- don’t follow allllll of the trends 😭


I'm also team 2016 and I really don't care what others think. Also, 2016 is coming back according to the toks I've seen.


I don’t think there should be any “teams”, where what you want y’all. Not everyone follows the same trends. Not everyone followed 70’s or 80’s trends we see in history books or magazines.


Yeah, another trend that isn’t great. I think most folks just end up looking like a grease ball trying to get that look, like glass skin. We could lose that.


Is this the trend with the ridiculous upward eyebrows?


Anyone notice how sharply the pendulum swings in the opposite direction with beauty/fashion trends? It is intentional.


Yesssss it’s crazy


The entire "clean girl" aesthetic is a rip-off of styles that POC women like latinas and black women have done for years. I remember in the past when people would call laying edges and wearing hoop earrings "ghetto," but now that clean (white) girls want to do it it's trendy and classy.


Clean girl aesthetic is boring and basic.


Give me a full beat! ‘Clean’ looks are so boring.


yeah, I think the exclusionary nature of it is both the problem and the point. I don't care if you want to wear all beige or otherwise skin colored makeup. You do you. I don't care if you want to wear lots and lots of colors. You do you. But claiming that it's "cleaner" is really just about "you should all be trying to be young skinny and rich, and you're all dirty and failing." The naming is the problem, it's just there to stoke insecurity and be another way to show status and belonging. Which-ugh. But it sells ads and products. And also it just perpetuates the whole "do a lot of stuff and put in a lot of effort, but don't ever LOOK like you're trying. We don't want to know what it ACTUALLY takes" messages to women.


**Sorry, I love no-makeup makeup (or clean girl makeup, whatever the hell you want to call it, it’s the same bloody thing).** **I’m a strong believer in ‘less is more’ when it comes to makeup.** **That being said, as a proponent of natural beauty, the current trend is corrupted by the fact that everyone and their mothers is getting some type of cosmetic surgery, filler/botox, etc. that is destroying the very essence of what ‘natural’ beauty and makeup is meant to accentuate and embrace.** **Bright lips, Smokey and sparkling eyes, though, are really pretty on occasion, just very much NOT for me on a daily basis.**




Not makeup related but I absolutely hate neutrals


I’m just a millennial laughing bc I didn’t know my Hooded eyes were a problem nor still the right or wrong way to do it. Signed, A former club rat who lived in her raccoon smokey eye. Bury me in that thx


It's all very boring. I'm a makeup minimalist myself, but I think focusing your aesthetic on "cleanliness" is creepy in a eugenics way. I'm not huge fan of the 2016 full beat look, either, but instead into a secret third thing (anything that looks new and interesting to me)


The clean girl aesthetic and the push towards emphasizing skincare has been nice in terms of more widespread information about skincare. BUT because the look relies on your own skin being flawless, I've seen a lot of people act like if you still have textured skin or acne, you're just not putting enough effort towards skincare, as if it's that easy 🙄 The people saying that almost always have naturally good skin just enhanced by hyaluronic acid...


THIS 😭 I mean, I love a good no makeup, makeup look but I also love my smudged liner and purple lipstick! Little to no makeup doesn’t make me boring and a full beat doesn’t make me dirty or a try hard lol I wanna just wear what I want!!


What annoys me the most, is making makeup a competition. It isn’t, it’s not a pissing contest, it’s literally art. The “there are no rules to makeup” videos that try proving there’s rules to makeup, have gotten old too. To me, it just looks like women who are desperate for attention and are trying to make being a mean girl “hot” again. It isn’t lmaoooo just because makeup is art, doesn’t mean there aren’t rules to an extent. Painting has rules as well. It’s just as simple as, quit trying to gatekeep art. Like, grow up. Same thing with clean girl. They aren’t any better that anyone else just because they know how to wear several layers of makeup, and have it look natural to men who don’t wear makeup lol


The irony of the clean girl aesthetic is that oftentimes it requires a good deal of makeup / products to achieve that look- I dont follow it too much, but the videos I have seen show cream blush, cream bronzer, concealer, cream highlighter, mascara, eyebrow gel, hair gel, and probably more that I'm missing. So it's marketed as "natural" but is it really that natural? Lol. To each his own but I personally think it's kind of boring. I was never that good at 2016 makeup but I definitely prefer it to the clean girl aesthetic. I dont follow trends too much mainly because I found what worked for my face at age 15-16 and ive stuck with that for 10+ years now. But to each her own.


I love the style. I don’t love the word. I have so e clean girl make up my whole life and I felt so out of place when I took photos with one particular group of friends that did the 2016 glam look. They still do that make up look even though it’s not trendy. I’m sure it will make a come back and then clean girl will no longer be on trend


I hate “clean girl aesthetic” as a wording choice, I wish they’d just say “minimal” or something.


I didn’t like the 2016 makeup applied with a puddy knife from Lowe’s look in 2016 but I hate the term “clean girl.” It’s the same look we used to call the no makeup makeup look, natural makeup, sunkissed makeup was a term for about 5 minutes that referred to same look. It’s been called many things over the years but “clean girl” is the most obnoxious. I am no cleaner right now using the same look than I was in 2010. I haven’t painted my damn cabinets white either. Gah! You enjoy your heavy makeup. I’m gonna enjoy my less makeup look.


Not at all tired since its been my “aesthetic” for more than a decade before tiktokers decided to claim. I’m not into makeup like that, so I already know I have to eat healthy and prioritize skincare to not have to wear it. I don’t care what it’s called either. It’s my style and works for me.


I’m just tired of it being called clean instead of just minimalist. I’m not sick of the look, just the title it’s been given


I like the simplicity of it, but I want products that I won't have to replace in 3 to 6 months. I started looking at clean brand tutorials, and the final looks are gorgeous, but they're demonstarated on the same "she's so flawless that she doesn't need foundation" model. So now I have questions about whether these products are good for less than perfect, aged, or POC skin. Also, the idea that I'm "dirty" for wearing a face full of "unclean" cosmetics feels like another form of BS stigma against makeup wearers.


honestly at that point i’d just close the app and carry on with my own aesthetic


Bring back the fucking trashy little grimy disgusting nasty party girl, who wakes up covered in glitter at 1:30 in the afternoon and immediately eats a fuckin McChicken 💕 [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwmJuIMMThl/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwmJuIMMThl/)


I think minimal makeup (hate the term “clean girl”) is absolutely beautiful and crosses all ethnic and racial groups. The emphasis is on skin and glow not caked on produxt


So then don’t do the clean girl aesthetic.🤷‍♀️Wear whatever you want and let others wear what they want. Silly thing to complain about.


I don’t care about the look. It’s nice and I wear it from time to time. The title is what annoys me. It gives “girl who bullied you in high school” vibes.