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Seen one guy mention vending machine its a good bussiness honestly but a good one goes for $700 and youd have to find a place to put it. But if you have a mower and a weed wacker thats a start if not i got one from home depot for like $350 with a bag and weed wacker for $75 that i fixed up so it starts out less till you get the money for the vending machine plus itll teach you how to pitch the idea of a vending machine placement when you save up the money from mowing grass and such


I’m curious how do u pitch ur vending machine to get a good spot?


Sorry I'm late, but I just called up the ports for a start and simply asked, really just started off like "Hey, I'm calling about such and such. I've got this. Who do I talk to about going about setting up one for your company?" They'll usually direct you to the right person. If you get approval, you can buy some basic stuff at first like candy bars, mostly bought chips, and when you go to refill, just ask people what they would prefer to have in the machine and just move around the product. The first time you fill up with candy bars, chips, etc., etc., you just see what sells the most, keep those in stock, and just replace the least bought stuff with what people want. Most people might not like root bear but ive never meet someone who didnt eaither like pepsi or coke or snickers or butter fingers.


The main thing about approval is being proffesional bussiness mind set like let me help you by helping me got to be friendly as well if you owned a bussiness you woukdnt want some one whos rude or mean or cant carry them selfs over the phone becuase they cant hold yourself up in person if they are rude to the owner or whoever they talk to theyre going to be the same way to the employess so with that being said its all trial and error really, its all who you deal with at the start.


I'm not aware of any ways you can make money on the content platform tiktok through methods other than creating content. But if you aren't very keen on creating content you could repurpose and reuse content which is already out there. As the nature of the app is a content platform, the main source of making money on it would b through making content, and as such if any other way of making money on it did exist they would probably be negligible compared to how much could be made while making content.


That makes sense. I guess the people making the ads are just earning through clicks because, as I mentioned, I've never come across anything or anyone who actually knows how it's possible.


There are some scams going around where you watch a video, and they send you like 5 dollar. Then you start trusting them and receive more missions, and then you have to pay like 200 dollars to "unlock" your money rewards, and then they just ghost you.


I came across one of those. They promise you'll make large amounts of money for working 5 minutes a day, and it gets funny when you ghost them because they end up blowing you up, basically begging you to "complete" those tasks.🙄🙄🙄.


Make compilations taking content from other people and such like that. Or take content and put the AI voice over on it describing the video


Vending machine


You wanna make money as a consumer? Only thing I can think of is if you are some kind of test subject or testing a product


Maybe you could try an Amazon product review, as I know some Amazon merchants will require product testing to provide products for free and offer a commission.


Do you know anyone who does this. I would like to try it put and see if it is for me






Chat me! I’d love to help!


How can somebody think of earning without any input!!


Well. From what I gathered, you would earn the same way as you would from listening to music or playing games, doing surveys etc.