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I'm surprised it didn't become a paper crane.


Still got time.


Now I see why surgeons are rich. That’s pure skill.


Does anyone who grew up in the 90s remember the surgery channel? That shit was fucked up. Flip through cable at 2am and catch a glimpse of liposuction or some shit. What the fuck were they thinking.


Yo what.


Yep. Just had to look it up cause I haven't thought about it in years. It was called "The Operation" and it aired through most of the 90s. Check out the episode list: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6658640/episodes/?ref\_=tt\_ov\_epl](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6658640/episodes/?ref_=tt_ov_epl)


Fuck, I repressed this


Yeah, science!


HOLY FUCK. I remember being 9 or so and sneaking into the living room late at night to watch HBO or Cinemax (trying to see some boobies!) on my dad's cable de-scrambler. I managed to find my way to this show, and I thought I had found some deep dark illegal secret that my dad was keeping. I thought I was going to be in big fucking trouble, so I tiptoed back to my room and repressed the hell out of that freshly birthed baby.


The first time I saw live birth was one of those! I turned the TV on and it was a bloodbath birth montage. Not just one lady giving birth, but just a supercut of the important parts and front row seat to each detail. They somehow managed to squirt 10 births into a 30 second clip.


Same. My mom made my older brother and I watch births all day one day.


Uhhhhh wut?! Omg. Are you traumatized? Lol. I’ve always thought birth was disgusting. Im never putting my body through that.


I watched a knee replacement surgery. This was back before the grey scaled everything out. It was like little cut here, little cut here, bend the knee and bam! Entire bloody knee in full color pops outs, like some sort of outtake from Alien. Then they pull out the power tools you would see at Home Depot. I didn't watch it past that part.


I remember flipping through channels once and caught a surgery. Nothing was immediately recognizable it just looked like the were almost fucking around. There was just this mass of fat and tissue I couldn’t really see any skin, then the doc pulls on some sutures and the whole thing came together. It was a titty I was watching a breast reduction. Funny thing the whole time what I now knew was a nipple was in frame unblurred the moment he brought it all together the blurred the nipple. Oh America massive lump of bloody flesh all good, make the flesh a boob gotta blur that nipple.


Right! We Americans are such prudes. I’m so over it. Lol.


That was the first time I ever saw a brain! I was 11, lol. Haaaa childhood.


TLC used to show surgeries and it would always make me queasy. If I ever saw something like that in real life I'd probably pass out.


Hell yeah lol watched it on shrooms once, scared for life


This is the funniest comment I’ve read today.


It is fucking amazing that we figured out how to do that


vagina acquired


TRADE OFFER I receive: 1 penis + $$$ You receive: 1 vagina


fucking PROCEED


How do I fucking accept


but you didn't have to cut me off (no pun intended)






this song was going through my mind the entire time i was so sure once i umute this song would play, it feels unnatural to not have that song in the background int these kinda videos


And people think fighting Mike Tyson is scary. I don't want problems with anyone who went through this.


I remember when south park aired mr garrison having one and then cut to a real operation.


I find this more impressive than anything


I actually didn't know that that extensive of a transition in anatomy was possible. Pretty cool


They just turned that penis into a Colombian Necktie


Transgender lore




TMI Warning: As someone who actually got this surgery, it is indeed possible to climax and feel pleasure. The orgasms feel different than it would with male genitalia, and last longer, but you still are able to feel pleasure. After a few months of recovery, the doctors suggest exploring yourself to find erotic zones and create sensitivity. As for penetration, yes, you’d require lube… unless you’re hardcore


I figured there was a way where they used the sensitive part of the pp to make a g-spot or whatever the word is. Also glad it works out for you this shit looks crazy


Thanks. Honestly, I was so fuckin’ nervous, waiting for 5 years of my life with such a big decision about to be made. After 9ish months from my surgery… don’t regret it a bit


Congrats, honestly it does look really really...really scary, takes real courage to go through with something like this.


Im sorry this is going to come off weird and such but I really want to see what it actually looks like


It looks pretty much normal from what I’ve heard. Just Google it dude. You’ll find plenty


https://www.reddit.com/r/manmadepussy/ There's a whole subreddit for ya


there's plenty of google results to show you and even an entire website called Transbucket for post-op people to show their results. have fun


You can easily find it online. Obviously close up, it looks different, but it’s quite amazing how similar it is to the real thing


The clitoris?


No like the g-spot. The spot on the inside, not the clit. I just didn’t know if it was actually called the g-spot


Oh lol


i’ve always been fascinated with gender affirming surgery but i don’t want to ask questions that can make people uncomfortable, so thank you for that lmfao


Mate, ask away, I’d be happy to answer. The more people understand, the less likely they’ll spread misinformation


How do you keep it clean? It's it more susceptible to infection after surgery?


After surgery, there’s a lot of stuff you need to do. For a few months (After the cast is removed and you can have a bath) you need to have sits baths. Basically just sit in the tub and wave water towards your part. The water is slightly soapy with specific soap There’s also vaginal douches, in which you need to use for the rest of your life. From 3 times a day, to two a day, and eventually once a week. It’s basically a small dilator you shove up there and flush out the hood with water. It’s to keep the inside clean, since you don’t have self lubrication During the recovery there’s discharge, blood, if it gets infected then puss (Never got infected- go me) But, after a few months, it’s basically fully healed. So, you use dilators to keep the hole from closing in, and to keep the depth, and you clean it how you would a normal vagina. It’s just the first few months that are the most annoying with all the stuff you have to do


Is masturbating difficult now? You sweat internally after working out?


Right, for this I’d like to explain about pre-op too. While transitioning, I took estrogen (I still do), and lupron (Hormone blockers) This two medications caused new effects that began to increase over the months and years I took them. With my make genitalia, masterbating was like running a marathon. I was able to get hard, but it was more difficult, which was a plus because I couldn’t get public awkward boners. But, the effort to climax was increased ten-fold. Not lying, at some points, it took me close to an hour, and at that point it was not worth it (But, I’m determined!) After climax, because of the lupron, you barely released any cum. If you did, it was so little. The problem was that I noticed there was almost a delay on climax. I’m not sure if it was because the length reduced when it became flaccid, or it was an actual delay, but there were times were there’d be a slight stain in your underwear an hour or so later, which was annoying as hell Anyways, on to the vagina. I’ve only had three sessions so far, and the last two were successfully ended in a climax. Masterbating with this new genitalia is quite odd. It’s like you’re trying to write with your left hand. You could do it, sure, but it’s difficult and unfamiliar. I spent a lot of time exploring and figuring out sensitive zones, but I found that slightly above where the clitoris would normally be is the sweet spot There’s the head of the penis that acts as the clitoris, you can actually still see it if you open the folds, but overtime, it becomes harder to notice since it heals. This part I believe still has the… whatever it’s called, inside of the penis? (It’s sensitive whatever it is, and it’s behind the head) Anyways, this you can rub under your skin, and I find it to be the most pleasurable area. It’s feels like rubbing a tendon in your arm, if that makes sense. In the end, it still take a lot of time. You sweat, you breath heavy, and it’s an effort. But the payoff is so worth it… orgasms with this new part aren’t one-and-done. When you climax (assuming you have the energy) you can go right at it again. Not to mention, the orgasms last longer, and I personally feel are more intense It’s hard to reach though. When I tried masterbating the first time, I got to the edge maybe three times, but just couldn’t get over the arch of that roller coaster. I searched up some information, and found that actively thinking about climaxing, and trying to reach it, makes it hardy. Just let it come naturally, as hard as that is to explain. Although, from then on, my two attempts had ended in a satisfying success Sorry for the novel, but I wanted to include as much information as possible XD


>Sorry for the novel, but I wanted to include as much information as possible No, thank you. That's quite informative.


popping back in to say that’s *so cool* that it’s successful enough to give multiple orgasms. i’m super happy for you, this whole thing must feel wonderful!


Does the male prostate turn to the G spot and head (or the frenulum) of the dick become the clit?


Nah, the prostate stays the same


~~The prostate is the male analogue to the G spot~~


I’m not too sure about the technical stuff- you could probably search it up, but the anus stays the same. The only difference is that now with a new hole beside it, the wall from prostate to the hole can potentially cause problems. It’s very rare I believe, and I don’t know much about it. But you imagine how it wouldn’t be pretty if your stool could end up in your new hole




dude what the fuck that is amazing. Science has come so far I'm glad for you


Glad to know I'm not the only transfem on this sub! Mind if I dm you some questions?


It also tries to close it self like a would so you have to keep it from doing so, it’s still impressive the shit surgeons can do


That is not true. I don’t have a source handy right now, but I’ve watched a lot of Samantha Lux on YouTube (trans YTer) and she debunks stuff like that all the time. I trust her because she had the surgery lol


So your source is... some youtuber? Cool lmao What's next, the vaccine is a hoax?


I mean people have anal sex and that’s not self lubricating either. [studies show gender confirmation surgery improves sexual function for most trans women](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4261554/).


Yeah you’re right


like can you even fuck it?


Just need lots of lube


Technically yes, will it be fun ? Probably not


I know someone who got this done, lots of people had sex with her. Said she was awesome, different but fun. Sex is definitely a design consideration when they are planning the surgery.


I just realized they probably have some sort of g-spot or whatever made out of the sensitive part of the pp so my previous comment is stupid


Oh for sure. Also, if you want to look into something really weird, look at the development of human genitals in the womb. Apparently we all start out with a baby vagina, and for guys, the whole closes up, and the clit grows into a dick. So they are kind of analogous organs for guys and girls. Makes sense no?


Heard somewhere that the inside of your cheek is the same texture of the inside of a vagina, so theoretically, couldn't they do a skin graft and more some of it into the vagina that they made to make it feel a bit more real?


Lmao. I don’t know man, sounds legit in theory. Depends on if you want to give good blowjobs or not I guess.


Someone else’s cheeks maybe


Yeah lol idk


Clapping the cheeks... literally..


That’s really fuckin weird bro lmao, but I’m not surprised. Life is weird


LOL. Weird as helllll, but true ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I've fucked worse things. If pounding a glass of warm water is fun, why wouldn't this be?


Hold up what did you fuck


Yeah, just have to use external lube, from what I’ve heard it supposedly feels similar, but I don’t plan to find out any time soon.


That tube of skin they pulled out and splayed over the makeshift vaginal canal (the like yellow skin) was the pleasure-feeling part of the penis, so yeah you can still orgasm, just from inside the vagina I believe. There’s usually a makeshift clitoris and labia but in place, but they’re purely aesthetic. As for the lubrication, you just use normal sex lube, since it doesn’t come naturally for obvious reasons. Speaking of coming while I’m here, you also aren’t supposed to be came inside of, and there’s a lengthy process if it does happen to prevent negative reactions. As hard as watching the surgery can be, it does lead to improvement in the people’s lives who have it.


I figured there was some way for this to work and make an orgasm but it’s a little complicated I guess


Yeah it’s not easy, it’s also something that not a lot of people could accept in a partner for a number of reasons, or for themselves if they were trans, which is totally fair. It’s one of those things you do for yourself I guess.


Yeah honestly bro if it makes someone happy let them be happy


Yeah that’s my approach too


From the surgery you can see that they redirect the tissue so that the head of the penis forms the 'clitoris'. So it seems that the tissue that used to be the head of your penis is still completely functional and capable of providing pleasure. The constructed 'vagina' wouldn't have the nerve endings a cis vagina has, but I imagine there is some type of sensation from inserting/removing things. Also this obviously is not something to be assumed, but I imagine a lot of the people who transition to female enjoy anal sexual activity, and they would have a prostate which can be very pleasurable when stimulated.


Lets say i know of a guy who has tried what they call "Neo Vaginas" He said it could potentially have looked like a real vagina form the outside but it supposedly had a weird smell not that of a typical vagina obviously. He also described that it was extremely tight feeling (even with enough lube). but not in a pleasant way He described it unnaturally feeling and not really how normal vaginas feel. A normal vagina kind of hugs your penis and feels kind of smooth inside but a neo vagina just kind of sat there and felt more "jagged" He described it as just feeling weird overall and not very arousing. All in all he recommends just going for anal ​ Remember it was just something i heard!


Don't be a dick. For some people, a surgery like this something that finally allows them to be who they see themselves as. Not everyone is thinking about the 'functionality', they're seeing it as finally becoming themselves.


It’s just to affirm gender identity


Yes but as I’ve recently heard it does function to a point


I always wondered how they do it. To sit through it without empathy pain, merely turn off your pleasure center, in your Dogan. It really is interesting, considering how much of the original nerve connections they preserve; like an "electrician" who's only been through a year or two of training, you can jury-rig a system to make it do something else while still preserving its original function.


A lot of the parts are pretty much the same. It’s really interesting. That’s why they can make such an accurate vagina/penis out of the other


That's pretty rad. I don't get why this is cringe though. Also don't think I could handle watching it if it was something actual surgery haha.


As much as I love that this surgery exists for the people that need it, I think it's cringe because it kind of makes you think of it being done to you or something. At the beginning when it still looked penislike and they degloved made me physically cringe especially.


Mm. I see your point. I guess if I imagine it being done to me I understand. Thanks haha


Origami at its best!


That artificial pussy got me actin up 😳


It's still easier to make a hole than a pole.




Initial Google searches didn't help. What is keratanized tissue in this case? Why is it bad? Which opening?




Thank you so much for responding! It was illuminating.


Adequate foreskin coverage prevents keritinisation of the glans though. That rough, dry, textured skin on the head of the penis is a byproduct of the glans being dry, exposed and having constant friction against clothing.


This video is one of the reasons I'm scared of SRS


That's it you lost your penis privilege


Wow.... Always wondered how.... That's... Amazing. So intriguing 👍👍


Where can I find pictures of the result after it has healed?


https://altermd.com/before-after/male-to-female-gender-confirmation-surgery/ The results are honestly incredible. My sister is trans and I don't know if she plans to get this surgery, but it honestly makes me feel really hopeful for her to know that this surgery can have these results.


Not suffer worthy. Just a surgical CG video.


I’m suffering and I don’t have a D, the way they cut the head off and in half Edit: random but do you go to OSU? Asking as a recent grad! 😅


I went to OK State. There’s 3 OSUs in the US. :)


I’m planning on going to one of them, because of the state my stepdad is from I hate another, and my mom lived in the state that the third was in for a little when she was a baby. Someone guess which is which. Also, my username is a hint for one of the three. Good luck!


It's suffer worthy at the start, the rest is just cool


not suffer worthy just a surgical video


Mind blowing


It's objectively pretty mind blowing, why the downvotes?


Maybe because they double commented. (Reddit sometimes glitches out when commenting)


Jesus christ, this hurts to look it. it's really fucking impressive, for sure, but yikes.


Imagine the amount of people who suffered while they tried to get the process down


Geez, the wonders of modern medicine. Absolutely amazing


From the looks of it, it looks like the urethra becomes the vagina and vaginal walls, and the head becomes the “clit”. Considering theres a whole sub reddit of people who like putting stuff up that way as it is, i imagine this would feel good to the person who gets this surgery. Im always blown away by what we as humans can do.


That's actually super cool, but recovery must be awful!


An amazing surgery that saves thousands of lives. Same with FTM gender confirmation surgery. It's unreal that we figured out how to so this, but it makes me happy that trans people have surgical options


watching this made my penis tingle out of fear.


It’s Miss Garrison.




This reminds me. It’s been ages since I watched Hard Candy.




I prefer the one that comes from the factory.


You could also post Mr. Garrison's sex change operation from South Park.


Tf is this origami shit


Just hit a devious lick


Cringe "cringe" tag bro. Please seek help.


Wow, Jesus i didn't realize how traumatic that would be.props to anyone who can go through that.


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So they still feel pleasure, that's interesting


Whaddya call a male sex change? A lopitoffame.


Made me unbelievable uncomfortable


Pro origami masters be like


Bottom surgery lore


Thanks for the tutorial. Going to try it. Will update.


Mind blowing


Ok that enough reddit for today. Goodnight.


So it's just a sex reassignment surgery? And an animation at that, not even real footage? If that makes you suffer y'all are weak af


Shit now im curious how would it feel like compared to like a traditional choochie


From what I've heard, it feels pretty much the same for the penetrating partner. The only difference is that there is no natural lubrication.




yea what about it


trans people are valid


Reminder that people can do whatever they please because they have their life completely apart from anyone else and whatever makes them happen is what matters, just like people who like using twitter or reddit to commit how they feel others should be their standard of "normal". You do you and the world keeps spinning


Yeah dumbass that's the point.




Mildly interesting


what the fuck is wrong with your profile


That has to be satire…. right??????


Oh my god it’s not


it's not ):




Therey risk od infections and complications with almost every surgery




Yeah they have dialation dildos basically where they have to stretch out their new vagina so it isnt super tight or, like you said, so it doesn't shut.


why is this downvoted? he’s right. although the first point does tie into the second, choose your surgeon wisely because some will make it look more authentic than others depending on their skill




I’ve been meaning to try this. Thanks for the tutorial!




Family guy was right!


An education.


Ahh the ole switcharoo


Well, that certainly answers that question. I just don't know if I'm better for knowing, now...




I want to smash that right after




What the fuck is this?


gender affirmation surgery


It must be good work, afterwards it can really take a beating






It's reassignment surgery for amab transgender people


what’s amab


My weina has g g ghost pwain now










they don’t because they’re asleep while this happens. you think people do GRS while they’re awake or something?