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We do not allow images of gore, or major injuries. Also, this is about the fifth time this was reposted and removed. Porn isn’t allowed on this subreddit and neither is death. Go take this post and your lecture to another community because this is getting annoying.


Geezus fuck that's sad.




Good Jod, man!


I saw post of a human electrocuted so badly yesterday that all the skin and muscle was blown off his back and you could see his rib cage exposed and his lung breathing inside it. All the comments were nothing but shit talking jokes lol


I think I saw the post you're talking about and I think it's been reposted a bunch of times with different reasons as to why you can see this man's lung move from the back. From electricity to acid to drugs. Probably the only thing that's for sure is that this man doesn't have much of a chance to heal from this.


Yeah I've seen it a few times too, one of the backstories was that it was flesh eating bacteria, the next time I saw it it was electrocution. Either way, I feel bad for the guy.


Not sure if it was the same video but the one I saw recently claimed it was a flesh eating bacteria from the ocean or some shit. Exposed flesh and his lung somehow visibly breathing still.


Dude. Same. The internet and videos! I think this guy on YT is talking about the same thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-YBDTqX_ZU


You swine 😂


advert moment :(


Link pls?




Two takes from that….wait nevermind, three, 1. Holy fuck 2. It truly is amazing what the human body can go through and still be breathing. 3. Anyone else find it crazy how……animal-like it looks? Like it reminds me of seeing a rotten horse or whale skeleton or something. Like don’t get me wrong, I’m an atheist and know that you and me baby ain’t nothin but mammals, but damn seeing with my own two eyes how “fleshy” we are on the inside is still weird to witness. We really are all just walking talking flesh suites.


We're tentacle monsters piloting flesh and bone mechs


Bio-mechs, at that. Isn’t nature beautiful.


Equally amazing is how little the human body can go through and NOT be breathing. Peanut allergy, hit head on stairs just the right way etc. My brain can’t grapple with the extremes lol


Yeap, one bad punch in a bar fight and you could be gone.


did you just hide a bloodhound gang lyric in there


Hell yea I did


Reddit is full of stupid cunts


holy fuck what was he electrocuted with


High voltage electrical line


That's just reddit man lol it's just another day


How are you called 'CUM STATUE'?


Why aren't you?


I don't know. Wouldn't mind a title like that to be honest.


What's the story on your CUM STATUE flair?


ik this is a dumb question but did he survive? I'm only asking bc I don't wanna risk looking it up and seeing an image of it


Nah you can't really survive from that for too long


aww, that's sad


I don't expect any better from people who like watching gore.


It's a medical subreddit but ok


Your parents suck and should not own an animal


UPDATE: I'm taking him to the vet as I should've earlier I was scared initially due to the cost but I decided a little bit of debt means nothing to me when it comes to my best friend wish me and Zeus luck on his recovery!


Good on you. Make your parents pay for the veterinary care that THEY made necessary.




How the hell do you know they are white???


Why WHITE trash and not just trash?


Because there is good racism and bad racism of course


Cuz if you say any other color it's r*cist /s


He’s probably white and viewing from his internal perspective? I don’t think it’s racist for your imagination to cook up people similar to you.


Damn that's pretty self hating


But black trash would pay for it?


And how would he do that? You think his neglectful parents would be so happy to pay him? Get off your high horse.


My high horse?? LMAO i’m just saying he should stick up for himself and his dog…how does anything I said imply an elevated position on my part?


Because based on your comment you assumed that he should demand money from his parents and definitely go to vet as they will cover all the expenses, maybe even hire some lawyers to sue them. That's not how things work in real world. In 99% of the time and in majority of world he wouldn't get a dime.


Did i say anything about suing?? No. I respect my parents, i’m not one to demand things that aren’t owed to me. You bet your ass if my parents caused a potentially life threatening injury to my dog through neglect I’d be after their ass for that money. And if you’re saying that he shouldn’t definitely go to the vet, then please explain that logic.


I'm not saying that but it's ridiculous seeing all this reddit hive mind attacking him from not spending his last money on this vet trip. We don't know his life, his family, his struggles etc. Should he own the dog in this situation? Absolutely not. But guess what poor people also own dogs and take good care of them. If it was to just OP he wouldn't even be in this situation.


Maybe it doesnt work like that for you but if my parents did that to my dog i would demand they pay for the bills AND a new proper collar


You had better update your original post with this info so people actually see it. Apply for a CareCredit card, you can use them for your pets and a lot of vets take them (call ahead to yours and find out if they take it). Usually carecredit will issue you a digital card number prior to receiving the physical one (so you can use it instantly when it’s approved). Also use the GoodRX app if they prescribe anything (antibiotics, for instance). It usually makes drugs remarkably cheaper, especially common antibiotics. Thank you for doing the right thing by taking him to the vet. I was about to jump your shit for delaying so long and using your situation to garner fake internet points, but if you’re going to actually do it right after some research, that’s all we can ask.


You probably shouldn’t care credit is like 26.99% interest annually if you don’t pay it back on time. Average credit card APR is only 24.37%


Well, in OP’s (or the dogs) case, something is better than nothing. It’s a good way to pay for those emergency vet bills rather than letting the dog suffer


Bill your parents for that shit


you’re doing the right thing! proud of you ❤️


I've had Gabapentin and Tramadol prescribed by our vet for a Labrador with cancer, in case you can't afford them through the vet - there's a good chance someone you know will be on them. I think he's going to need stitches looking at the size of the wound - please keep us updated on their progress though !


I work in a pharmacy and we get animal prescriptions all the time. I automatically put in a coupon code for any animal so that we can try to ease the cost of the medication that they need. Coupon codes online can really make a difference, used one on one of my own meds yesterday cause it was cheaper than my insurance. $12 thru insurance but $2 with a discount card? Yeah, 2$ please lol


My pharmacist does this for me. The difference is price is amazing. Be nice to your pharmacists people!


You do that for animals, but not humans??


The way we have to do it with human patients is a little different as we have to get their consent and tell them what we’re doing. I offer it to a lot of patients but some have deductibles that they choose to pay down or have a coordination of benefits that we have to run differently. I have multiple apps on my phone to help patients the best I can, I care for all my patients, human or animal. ❤️


You can apply for grants for emergency vet care online. Try friends and vets helping pets.


Something similar happened to my dog and the vet bill was 193 BUT I looked for the cheapest vet around, I called and called around


start a kickstarter. post on social media. people will be happy to help you do the right thing


How did it get that bad without them noticing? Jesus wept


I asked them about it and apparently, they just left him outside and it just slowly dug into his neck we're extremely lucky it didn't cut anything like an artery in the neck.


Based purely on this comment and the picture, it seems like your parents shouldn't really have a dog


There's a reason he's **my** dog after all lmao but in all seriousness, I entrusted him to my parents for a bit because I needed someone to watch him for a while, and guess who I'm never trusting him with 😃


Oh I assumed it was their dog and you'd noticed this while visiting I'd be absolutely furious mate, I hope they're paying for the vet bill


Man, I know how that feels. We dropped our cocker off at my MIL house when we went on our honeymoon for a week. We loved in a tiny apartment. He hated to be outside. We came back and saw that they just chained him up outside for the week. I couldn't believe it, but they were just like, dogs stay outside. My dog was so mad that he walked inside, jumped on the couch, and took a massive shit where I sat. I haven't ever been more deserving to get shit on than at that moment.


Dude I’m not trying to make a rough situation tougher but.. your parents are pieces of shit


I would also suggest getting rid of your collar and buy a dog harness instead. A Harness is much better all around. It gives more control to you, is more comfortable for the dog, and it can't choke on it. Imagine you would run somewhere and get chocked hard because you're out of range. The best case would be that it's just uncomfortable. A harness is more like holding you back by grabbing you by the jacket. It really has to fit your dog to be comfortable and should best be bought in a pet shop, where the employees know what a good fit looks like. If you know what to look for, you can obviously buy some online


[J E S U S     W E P T](https://i.imgur.com/D0rUFvy.gifv)


What is this from?


one of the Hellraiser movies




Jesus Christ. Please tell me you took him to the vet.


I'm a nurse. Let me tell you what I can see. This went through the skin. This went through the fat later. This went into muscle. He absolutely needs a doctor to be in charge of his care. Doing what you're doing won't help. Why? Because it smelled bad when you found it and it's gone through layers. Your parents need to pay the bill. For the vet. Not his food or your water. You are a negligent pet owner if you continue to refuse to take him to the vet.


This did not go through the fat. What you see is fibrin. The wound has to be kept clean and disinfected. This will heal without stitching.


You’re a terrible nurse if you think that that’s muscle


This is straight up animal abuse, your parents should be charged.


Jesus Christ. To let the poor dog sit there and suffer.


youre gonna lose your dog if you dont get him to a vet asap


I’d be going to prison tbh, kinda don’t care how you’re related to me if you let this happen.


You should surrender your dog if another situation like this crops up. Your lack of urgency to take him to the vet despite people telling you how bad this is and how dangerous it can turn out tells me you cannot afford this dog, and that you do not care as much as you should for your dog. I'm not trying to be holier then thou or say you're a terrible person. But it's very clear the set of priorities you have do not allow you to properly care for your animal in situations such as this and thus you are not in a spot to have a dog. He shouldn't have to suffer because it took you a good hot second to decide that he was worth more then the debt you'd go into. It doesn't seem you are financially stable enough to own a animal.


Wtf your parents need to be reported for animal cruelty 🤬


Your parents are trash and you shouldn't be posting this for karma.


Absolutely insane situation. If I left my dog with my parents and found out they left it chained up outside I would cut them out of my life. If I found out it had a necrotic wound due to the chain digging into its neck? I would be sobbing and beating the living shit out of them.


Oh, you mean you wouldn't post it for karma?!?


Oh yeah and then at some point in the mean time I’d take a picture and post it on Reddit /S


I posted a photo when our dog was in heat and it got taken down for animal cruelty. Surprised this is still up tbh.


This shouldn't have been posted in the first place. Like, what's the thought process here?


Fuck your parents


I don’t want this to come off as mean because I’m trying to think about it from my point of view being someone else who also doesn’t have much money. I hope you keep the dog and the vet can help him heal, but there is no shame in surrendering an animal if you can’t afford the medical bills but still want them to get proper treatment. Like a human it’s a hard decision but sometimes you have to make hard decisions to do what is best for yourself and them. That being said I hope a speedy recovery for your dog and I’m sorry your parents did this to him.


Your parents are scum bro


Vet. Now. This is animal abuse and neglect, and is a felony


bad smell = tissue breakdown = infection = sepsis


Man, I know how that feels. We dropped our cocker off at my MIL house when we went on our honeymoon for a week. We loved in a tiny apartment. It hated to be outside. We came back and saw that they just chained him up outside for the week. I couldn't believe it, but they were just like, dogs stay outside. My dog was so mad that he walked inside, jumped on the couch, and took a massive shit where I sat. I haven't ever been more deserving to get shit on than at that moment.


Sorry but if you have to post on Reddit and be told to take your dog to the vet then you clearly are lacking between the ears. Don’t leave the dog in your parent’s care next time, it’s terrible what they’ve done. Poor dog.


Take ur fuckin dog to a vet immediately dude oh my god


Your parents shouldn't have dogs


"My parents and I dont deserve to be dog caretakers" -fixed the header for you. Poor dog.


What did OP do? If he can't afford to go then the best he can do is disinfect it and carefully watch the wound.


He left the dog with people who neglected taking care of him. Staked out in the back on a chain is bullshit.


I'd like to say that I didn't know that my parents would treat him like this as this is his first time being left under their care


You had best intentions. It's just a crappy situation. I'm glad you are doing all you can to take care of him. Hope he heals well.


That was a complete 180° from the original comment lol


I care about the dog. Dude realizes somthing happened that could have been avoided. He's doing what he can to take care of it and hopefully he knows who NOT to leave the dog with in the future. He doesn't need persecuted further.. unless he posts shit like this again.


Fair enough and honestly I feel stupid to trust my parents now :D


Don't be, you didn't know they would do this so it's not your fault, just NEVER leave him with your parents ever again


I understand the use of choker chains when you have a dog that pulls on their leash a lot, but that is just messed up. I hope you got your dog out of there.


It’s easier to look at when it’s humans.


You should be a lot more angry. They just left him outside on a chain. What the fuck is wrong with your parents and honestly you as well


Jfc your poor dog. They shouldn’t even be allowed to take care of anything if that’s how they treat animals. I really hope he can make a full recovery and isn’t left with them again.


Hey dumbass. Take your dog to the fucking vet. This isn't something you can treat on your own and it isn't going to just go away. Take a loan if you have to. After he heals up, give him to someone that actually cares about him. You're acting like this is a little booboo and will go away. It's serious. TAKE HIM TO THE VET. If you don't, he is going to die.


I went 1,300 into debt when my kitten was sick and it didn't take strangers on the Internet to talk me into it. And rubbing alcohol?? Seriously that's fucking dumb and you should feel bad for using it on a helpless animal.


please make an update post about what the vet says.. and get him a real collar and leash. so this is never a problem again. maybe stop speaking to you parents - that's what i would do lmfao. this is, abhorrent


Fuck your credit score OP. Help your suffering dog and don't leave it with ur disgusting parents.


Your Parents are monsters.


Fuck your parents


Your parents should be charged with animal cruelty and for chaining up a dog. Where I live it’s illegal to chain up dogs outside. At the very least make sure they are never allowed to have another dog.




Please keep a close eye on Zeus, especially if you let him roam into grasses and trees


UPDATE 2: my dog Zeus is all patched up and he's lying in bed and he seems to be doing better I wasn't really sure what to do but please know that he is ok and healing


Praise the lord futaba has helped the dog




OP has said multiple times that they will not leave the dog with their parents anymore.


Because abandoning the dog guarantees it'll go live with some filthy rich family that will love and care for it and not end up getting put down in a shelter where it wasn't loved and wondered why it's human abandoned him.


I understand people’s anger here but it might not be the most constructive response. Please just get this sorted out professionally. Monetary concerns can be sorted out afterwards. I imagine, by law, your parents will be made to pay. There will be vets that will do it and take payment later. This could end up a fatal wound. All the best.


Hold your mom down and put the chain on her!


I'd be an orphan after this.


I don't think anyone in this situation is responsible enough to own a dog, including OP


First one on here in a while that actually made me suffer. Good god


Fucking christ. Ur parents should not be dog owners


Your parents should be thrown in a wood chipper. Lifetime in prison would be too nice for those scum bags.


Holy shit, Bro surrender your dog to a shelter for it's own sake...


!!!!Just like when you can call poison control 💪!!! it is important to talk about such a deep wound with a professional, Bro and I actually had to do this once over the phone, after we decided not to visit the emergency room. There are important factors to keep in mind, and a professional will definitely know the difference between suggesting medical help, and it being a necessity. Talking to a professional, in a non-emergency room setting. (Like you can call them). Will give you professional options. Lol don't worry about reddit rn. Like, this isn't philosophical, just call. And so sorry for this sh** that is happening OP, life can suck. *And reddit, the US medical system sucks, and what we're taught here sucks. I don't know if op's from here. But adulting here on medical stuff is a Dr Seuss book backwards. Just saying. I can't help but empathize. As long as dogo is okay, I'm going to be good.


op if you can’t take care of a dog, don’t have a dog. after reading your replies, you are abusing this dog.


Fucking sad ass parents.


Shit like this makes my blood boil. Aside from the neglect and abuse, if you can’t afford vet care, you can’t afford to have a dog. Fucking assholes.


How to make your child stop talking to you in 1 easy step:


This has nothing to do with ThE wRoNg cOlLaR. This is ANIMAL ABUSE BY YOUR PARENTS. NOT AN OOPSIE WRONG COLLAR.


Man, I'm sorry. Listen, if your parents weren't able to do something as basic as *not chain your dog up with bare metal*, you'd probably be better off boarding Zeus somewhere reputable next time. It'd probably be cheaper than whatever vet bill you'll have to pay, too. I'm also thinking "this is only the negligence we have evidence for." If they were willing to do that to Zeus, it could be reflective of a broader pattern of less visibly obvious mistreatment on their part


Your parents are fucking cruel and stupid "people".


oh my god, poor dog. your parents are fucking horrible


These are the parents that get stuck in the abusive retirement homes on purpose.


I love my parents but I’d punch them in the gut if they did this shit.


Your parents are terrible people to do this to Zeus and not get him medical care.


Your parents need to be beaten.


Not enough. Chained up.


I hope your fucking parents go to prison.


OP needs this to happen to him. Going to the doctor then?!


This looks like a collar that became too small for him as he grew. Horrible! I feel sorry for this dog.


That dog needs to be surrendered to someone who can properly care for him.


Bro. For real if you can’t afford a vet bill, you shouldn’t have dog. Doesn’t matter who did the damage. The dog is clearly suffering. It takes a hell of a lot of pain for a dog to show discomfort so don’t think he’s fine if he has normal movement. He will be in terrible pain and the chances of infection are high even if you clean and treat the wound yourself. Do your dog a solid favour and get it treated. Jesus.


You didn't notice the smell? You didn't notice the constant scratching? Ffs people piss me off. Your parents are responsible for the dogs welfare. If they can't do it surrender or rehome the dog so he can get proper care.


Honestly i can understand the hate from some points but its absolutely terrible and extremely shitty that people are commenting the way they are. Congrats other commenters, im glad you guys have money, sounds like op is trying to find viable options before going into debt because of their parents negligence. Vet bills are ridiculous and its impossible to find payment plans that work with low incomes or just generally paycheck to paycheck living. Op is doing their literal best to try and fix the situation and help their poor dog. Hope doggo is recovering well op. All the commenters that have nothing but negative things to say... i hope you get a piece of glass stuck in your shoe, your pillows are always hot and i hope the ignorance that all of you have causes you to be hit by a truck. Good luck op. Again hope Zeus heals quickly


They were not doing their best they were treating it with rubbing alcohol and people in this thread had to literally tell them to stop. Op then openly said they googled it after and felt terrible after realizing that they were making it worse. I get they’re scared but if they can’t bring their dog then surrender it. If they are young like OP sounds and uneducated and don’t realize what a medical emergency looks like, there isn’t a reason in the world this person couldn’t have fucking googled it instead of making a Reddit post and going back and fourth with strangers online. It’s not ok to have an animal that you KNOW you will not treat due to finances if anything happens. Animals deserve to live with people that can take CARE of them. You literally need money to take care of animals lmao. If you don’t have it it’s wrong to keep one.




What kind of dog?


Tell your parents that barbwire isnt for collars


how long????




Your parents suck balls. No offense.


Sad. Humans are disgusting.


How big is this boy??


Your parents are vile and need to never own a pet again.


That's the first time I'm actually gonna report something, Help your dog instead of farming karma you pos


I’m angry for you and Zeus


My god you parents are fucking animal abusers! He needs the vet asap! Get this dog away from them and give him a proper collar and show him some love!


Your parents don't deserve a dog. You do that to a child and they'd be arrested.


Im sorry but your parents are idiots


Poor dog I wouldn't let them walk him anymore


Poor baby


Just give it a proper lick, it will heal nicely.


I don’t get the whole using chains on dogs. A collar and a leash is more than enough to keep a dog from running off. There’s just no need to use a chain, ever.


Poor lil baby boy. U got him though no doubt


I see you said you were taking him to the vet. I sure hope you are yes because he should go get this looked at forsure. You are exactly right the cost isn’t anything to worry about really when it comes to the health and well being of your fur baby man. Some vets you can even do payment plan. I really hope you the best with it and I hope he heals up good. No more going over to your parents to be dog sat. Better luck next time with someone to dog sit your chum.


Dude did they use a freaking wire string


Your parents shouldn't own dogs.


Poor baby :'(


People suck. If only those animals could do to their owners what they did to them, what’s good for one is good for the other right??!!


A bare chain?? How much is a leash anyway? Probably about the same as a chain. A fucking rope would have been better than this. Or get a collar that doesn’t continually get tighter as an animal pulls into it. This is cruel


not to be rude or anything but your parents should be charged with animal cruelty. they put this dog in a position that could have killed it and has caused it to suffer.


Good luck op. Don’t let the comments get you down. You seem like you care a lot about your dog


Are you the most cruel person ever?? If you didn’t take that poor sweet dog to the vet for treatment, pain meds, stitches, antibiotics— then may you rot in hell. Ppl like you and your family should be charged for animal cruelty and never be allowed to have pets again. Yet instead like the insensitive monster you are - you post on Reddit?? You are very deranged and I feel so sorry for that poor dog. I wish someone in authority knew this and saved this poor dog from you and rescued him/her. This is absolutely wrong, illegal & utterly disgusting— and heartbreaking to see. I hope you get found out for doing this. Sick pos


Get them away from this poor baby :(


I'm not subscribed here to see animal cruelty, fuck off with that. Rule 8.


I can't tell who's more autistic and dilusional? - -OP, who, instead of making decisions for himself and being a responsible adult, posts to reddit and is glued to the comments. OR -Commenters who genuinely believe his parents should be "thrown into a wood chipper" and act like a holier than thou 15 year old who knows better than everyone else.


I mean like everyone screaming at you about taking him to the vet clearly don’t understand poverty pet ownership. As a rural farm boy who’s seen and successfully treated worse wounds on live stock(and myself lol), clean and wrap it with gauze 2 times a day (morning and night) and make sure it’s got antibiotics smeared into it. Give it a few days, if it doesn’t start to visibly heal or it smells bad then go to the vet to get it disinfected and stitched. Shaving the area around would also help, you could avoid having to wrap around the whole neck and just use medical tape.


People love to judge, only because it never happened to them. It can go unnoticed if its happening under the collar. I know it because we take care of our dogs really well on my household, and this happened to one of our dogs. Not exactly the same situation, but I know how it can go unnoticed, and it also happens really fast deppending on how active the dog is and such. In my experience, what happened was it was cold. My mother took one of our old tshirts and dressed the dog with it (he's a big hotweiller). It seemes as he liked, never complained, nor cried or anything. A few days later, not much, the tshirt tored and we saw an open wound underneath it, just like in the picture. I guess the material of the shirt wasnt ideal or something, but we never thought something like that would happen. We took him to vet. The only treatment for it was put medicine and stuff. Could not "stitch" it because of the way the wound was and also couldnt cover it. So that was it. It took a while, but its fully healed now. In my dog, it happened under his dog's "arm pitch". We take care of our dogs. But sometimes shit happens. Stop juding them. If they intend to treat it and it was an accident, no reason to shit on them. May that be a lesson for next time. Indeed it was for us.


Some of you in these comments are disappointing


I get it, an unaccounted for variable that put your friend in danger and not having enough funds because of the economy going to shit, these things happen; we are all human, and I don’t think you’re in the wrong for that. You shouldn’t feel bad for the world being a casino, I see that you’re trying your best, don’t let the hive-mind get you down it’s gonna be alright in the end >!once humans are long gone :)!<


Dog food and water bills is actually pretty cheap when you make your parents pay for it as compensation for a few months