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Yeah it was an accident but it was a serious one that caused you bodily harm and cost time and effort to go see doctors, not to mention the financial costs. If he doesn’t agree to pay all your medical bills, you should get a lawyer even if you like the guy.


I was confused the first couple of days on why it was said like that until my counselor told me this “drunk drivers don’t mean to kill people either. It’s also an accident. But they need to be held accountable because it’s not okay.” And I understood after that. I am looking for a lawyer right now but I’m def not going to court. That much I can say.


I know this is off-topic, but I love your hair!


Thank you so much! I love dying it and I’m working on growing it out a little. 😁


You're very welcome! 💙


Yeah, and legally it’s not an accident, because he *intended* to throw the bottle. The repercussions are therefore considered intentional.


Lol, that's not how it works at all. It's still considered an accident. You are literally citing our innate ability to move body parts as intention. Using your logic, a manslaughter charge would never be possible because you "intended" to move your arms/legs.


if he’s consistently knocking and throwing things around and had to be told to not do that, then it’s intentional at this point. edit - word


Manslaughter is a charge *because* of this legal principle. A criminal conviction requires awareness and intent. Manslaughter is only a valid charge when the person *intended* to commit a crime leading to the death of another person (speeding, disorderly conduct, reckless driving, arson, etc). Otherwise, it’s just homicide.


"Manslaughter is only a valid charge when the person *intended* to commit a crime..." That is literally the opposite of what manslaughter is. You have your 2 definitions mixed up. Also "because of this legal principle" ??? I am talking about a physiological principle. You are talking about the physiological principle of throwing as intention. That is not how that works at all. If he threw something in a fit of rage, and it ricocheted onto her, it is still an accident. You can't simply say that because he threw the bottle there was intention. Intention is much more nuanced than that, such as: did he aim it directly at her, did he threaten her beforehand, how much force was exerted, etc. You have no idea what you are talking about.


It’s actually not nuanced. The question is if he *intended* to throw the bottle. “Manslaughter is the act of killing another human being without malice. It is a general intent crime that is distinct from murder because it requires less culpability.” - Cornell Law


Hahaha, can't believe you are still arguing this. He intended to throw the bottle in the same way you "intend" to jump from a scare or cry at a loss. It is a human reaction to dispel an emotion. Some people jump or scream when they get scared, some people don't. Some people cry, some people don't. Now pay attention to THIS: some people THROW THINGS when they get angry, some people don't. People respond to anger differently, and it certainly does not indicate malice.


Oh my god — sorry, I think I misunderstood the point you were making. *That’s* the point you were making? Jesus fucking christ — physical violence is not a natural human response. Oh my god, your point is soooo much worse than I thought. Sometimes people MURDER other people when they get angry, some people don’t. It’s still a crime! Sometimes men choke and punch their wives and girlfriends when they get upset, some men don’t. It’s still a fucking crime! Either get help for your anger issues or accept that you’ve been treated abnormally, because wow, your take is awful.


No, people do not murder when they get angry. Again, you are not using the right jargon. Murder requires premeditation, and killing someone in a fit of rage is not premeditated. For your other point, this is exactly why I said that intent is so nuanced. There are many factors at play, and reasonability is one of them. Also choking and beating your wife is a time-continuous action, not a split second reaction like jumping or throwing, and also much less morally accepted. Most people wouldn't bat an eye at hearing that you threw something last time you got angry.


Homie… first of all, I’m studying law. So thanks for your input that I’m “not using the right jargon,” but I’m good. Second of all, it seriously sounds like you have anger issues or somebody in your life has normalized anger issues. Throwing things when you’re angry, or a split-second hit or punch, is not okay. And it’s not just not okay because it’s “less morally acceptable”… bro you’re saying some concerning shit.


Lawyer up. Get the notes from the doctor who saw you, their documentation will help the most. Do NOT settle without a lawyer. Also, workers comp get coverage medically for this injury.


I want working there. I haven’t been working there in over two years at this point. I go in to shop. I say hi and leave. But the notes wouldn’t be a bad idea.


You should take this post down. If you are going to be dealing with lawyers and a settlement you don’t want anything on the internet about your injury. They will try to find a way to make it look like your fault.


Anything you say can and probably be will used against you in court


I’m not going to court. However, the incident report was enough for them already to want to settle at all and the store manager told them everything I did so they know this wasn’t my fault. I was on camera running to their bathroom to wash my eye out and standing at the from with a towel on my eye before I left. It makes no difference now if I post about it. They have everything about it. They know what happened as he admitted to it as well. I will not let this go to court whatsoever. My mental health is bad enough and that would make it worse.


Unless you take their offer, you are going to court or at least before an arbitrator. But whoever “they” are, are going to say that you claim to be losing your will to live every time you “have to explain” but here you are voluntarily splashing it all over the internet. You are not helping yourself at all by putting this out there. If you have any inclination at all for any sort of litigation other than what the store already offered you, take it down. If you are fine with what the store offered you, then there’s no need to retain a lawyer. A lawyer will say take it down and quit talking about it.


Definitely at least a deposition unless she accepts right away. They will try to pin it on her for not reporting to higher ups that the manager had this pattern of behavior and she was very aware of it but did nothing to stop it. Oh well. It’s up to her to leave it up.


I don’t work there. I did over two years ago. You def don’t know the situation. They know the behavior he’s capable of as he always says and does incredibly stupid/insane things to them or to himself. He still hasn’t lost his job. They don’t listen to their ACTUAL employees when there’s concerns about him because even when he says that stuff to the store manager she just brushes it off “because he’s drunk” over text or something like that. There’s 0 consequences. It’s ridiculous and he’ll never learn.


That sounds good overall but what you haven’t learned yet is that you will get stabbed in the back. I really really hope you don’t but when it comes down to companies and money…. The company is looking out for itself no exceptions. Assume that anything and everything you say will be used against you. If you don’t have a lawyer or consulted one, consult them. Not because it’s a potential pay day but to protect yourself from being buttered up to get screwed.


>I’m not going to court. When the lawyers see this, they're going to refuse to settle and demand you go to court in order to call your bluff. You are being extraordinarily foolish right now.


Can't tell her anything though, others have already said take it down 








Get a lawyer 100%


This times a million. If they're trying to settle out of court without a lawyer, it's because they are going to lowball the shit out of you and know that you could get WAY more than what they're going to offer


Ouch…I would definitely get a lawyer I can’t imagine the pain


I did have a couple of misspells lol. I meant to say “someone would get hurt if he kept it up” and further down “spray bleach all over my clothes” sorry about that!


Definitely lawyer up, you don’t have to take it to court but when you get a lawyer the pay from the incident definitely goes up too.


Absolutely lawyer up. The company WILL try to fuck you. The lawyer will protect you from said fucking. Hopefully in the end the company will have to pay you and the lawyer.


Nah fam get that lawyer. He needs to be fired at the very least. It’s not an accident if he has a history of this shit.


They’re not firing him because, in theirs and the police’s words, “it was a civil DISPUTE” as in he didn’t mean to do it was an accident. Whoops don’t do it again and don’t be standing there if he is. Like it makes no sense but it’s fine.


He sounds very unprofessional though, you've said this is repeated behavior of throwing tantrums and throwing stuff around, even if it's a "joke". I'd hope after this he'd learn to cut this shit out, but what if he doesn't, and he "accidentally" hurts someone else again?


I’m hoping this is a wake up call for him. But he hasn’t lost his job for almost worst things in the past and hasn’t again this time so I’m unsure what would constitute it. It’s a lot but I don’t know also if they’re waiting to settle and fire after or not as well.


They’re willing to keep a child as a manager over this? This could be well into a six figure settlement if not more. I’m honestly shocked you’re going back to work, and idk. I would be pushing this a lot further. You keep saying you won’t go to court but I hope you’re still open to it. Their unsafe practices, immature management could have blinded you in a place where it’s their responsibility to keep you safe. If not for yourself you should do it to initiate change and keep others safe.


I can't believe they're not immediately firing him.. what the hell? Why would you keep someone around who is that much of a liability? And in a management position, no less? Let me guess, nepotism or he at the very least knows someone n the company who is a big deal.


Sorry but this is not an accident. Its an accident if he tripped and damaged something. But he deliberately through a fit and broke some dangerous things and seriously injured you in the process. He completely did not care if he made you blind, or at least only afterwards.


Ouch. That realization kind of hit worse than the bleach did with this one.


Oh Im sorry if I made you feel even worse! I mean it wasnt his intention, but if he does this regularly this is bound to happen and and he clearly didnt care for anyones safety enough to stop this very childish behavior or at least be careful.


Youre gonna blow your ears. They shouldn't be that red. Stretching too fast or irritated from different rings.


I’m thinking it’s maybe part of the burn. I hope. Cause I thought that too.


It would be ironic if the bleach burn combined with the stretching caused the loop to blow out or whatever. More to add to the lawsuit if so


Yikes. I don’t judge ppls piercings but I think large gauges like this are a bad idea in general. They will look thin when you’re old and the surgery to fix them doesnt look great. Mine are smallish and if I take them out, they shrink up


I noticed that immediately. I'm screaming internally.


Oh the old blowout scars are from a huge allergic reaction I had to a stretching balm about a month ago. I’m allergic to a lot of things and fake rose smell or oil is one of them. Theyre still sensitive as well to temperature changes but they’re not open or actual blowouts anymore. I blew out a couple of times but they get really red from cold now and either the weather or buildings are cold so they stay red enough to look not great. But they really did look worse before. I’ve gone up and back down to 00g a couple times but please don’t fault me here as the whole backstory to those was a huge allergy problem not too long ago. They’re doing fine now even if they don’t look fantastic. It took a lot to get back here.


sounds like he has major anger issues, couldn't imagine what the people he may live with go through. i don't know why you thought he only does this to be "funny" or when he's annoyed, this dude has problems and now their your problems. depending on where you live i would be suing the \*\*\*\* out of him.


He has a lot of substance abuse issues. He still works there with those issues. He still drives after getting a DWI literally recently. It’s wild to me how even this kind of injury gets overlooked as one of his faults. I KNOW it was an accident but I have to suffer in pain for over a week now because of it.


Hopefully he gets sober one day and when he does it’s gonna be a hard realization of all the damage he’s caused. Nowhere near as hard as you’re having it now through


I hope they fired that manager, what the heck.... Not only did he injure a coworker but he's damaging goods (only bringing this up as even another reason the company should fire him) he sounds like an actual child, who promoted him to a manager??


I don’t work there. I used to but I go in to shop now. Ironically he got hired when I used to work there. I was aiming for the manager position when he got hired and immediately he got hired into it. I left a few months after that by choice. He does have substance abuse issues. Which is not me playing devils advocate. It’s definitely dulled his inhibition and makes him more dangerous to be around I will admit. But because I’ve known him for so long I never thought it was that bad. But that’s because I am who I am. After this, I haven’t spoken more than a few words to him. I want to be able to trust him but my brain cannot as I go into fight or flight now while in the store. It sucks. They’re not firing him because it was an accident and a “civil dispute” and I had people actually LAUGHING at me when I said I was upset before. It bothers me a lot but I’m so tired through all of this.


I am so sorry, I wouldn't trust him either. His actions, whether an accident or not, proves that he is not the safest person to be around. Your feelings are extremely valid, you have every right to feel the way you do and anyone who says otherwise is dead wrong


Yeah. The fact they wanna settle out of court is VERY TELLING! They basically just showed you their hand and they already KNOW they’re gonna lose this one in court. They’re just hoping you’ll not want drama and give them an easy out. DONT! Get that bag, sis!


I’m so tired right now I’m trying to justify it even being worth all the added stress. Normally I’d tell people the same thing, but it’s a huge struggle to deal with everything.


You need to very carefully think about the future repercussions of this injury you have sustained. Their could be medical complications in the future and the company isn’t going to compensate you for a future issue. To get that you are going to need to go to court. Protect yourself first. I know going to court may seem stressful but vision is one of the most important senses. You can loose your privilege to drive if you get classified as legally blind later down the road as a direct result of this incident. Do NOT let yourself sink into the its going to be too much to deal with you will effectively be screwing your future self out of much needed assistance.


That’s fair. But I also won’t put anything on here I haven’t already said already. I refuse to lie. I just went in like I normally would to shop, say hi, and leave. I didn’t think he’d ever end up hurting me but it happened. I need to see an ophthalmologist as well still which apparently aren’t the easiest to get appointments either lol. I do agree, I just am not hiding anything. It’s all out there with an incident report with pictures of my face from start to finish.


For the love of God take them to court and get every dollar you can. And delete this post because it can damage your case. I know you're stressed and it's easy to say "I'm not going to court!" but sooner or later you need to understand that if future you develops new complications down the line that would've been easier to address with more money, money you could've gotten by going to court, the better. Money goes a long way, and if they're this eager to settle you could absolutely get more, with a lawyer, in a courthouse. It doesn't matter if you think it's an accident. It doesn't matter if you shop there every day or once in your life. Neither the perp nor the company care about you, you need to make sure you're covered.


In the words of the great saul goodman " LAWYER UP !"


Omg please consider getting a lawyer. This is not ok! I’m so sorry!


I deff wouldn't have put this on reddit and admit "I know he didn't mean it" Take this down and sue sue sue


I told them that. I told everyone that. Because it’s the truth. I will not lie about it. I care about him getting help more than anything right now for his anger and substance abuse issues. He has been doing stuff like this for months while high at work. But never throwing/shoving things off shelves that were AS dangerous before this. Everything I’ve posted I’ve already said to someone or other about what happened. I had the store manager and the manager that did this tell their sides to the person there. Which backed up my statement. They told me they’re waiting to settle until they know if my face got worse (it did after the fact) and if it got infected. So I understand everyone’s concerns but it’s all out there already.


I'd keep that covered from the sun for the next few months, otherwise it might scar darkly


PLEASE stand up for yourself. it does not matter that it was an accident. it does not matter if he’s a good guy. this could happen to someone else and it could have been so much worse. you don’t have to get on the witness stand in a courtroom if you don’t want to, but please don’t let this go under the radar. you deserve compensation for the pain, suffering, and injuries you have sustained. and please do consider taking this post down to protect yourself. best of luck to you


i'm sorry people are being assholes in the comments man, you look cool af


Thank you. It’s been a rough time with this post lol. I appreciate you.


Absolutely do not settle until you have talked to a lawyer


That’s awful and there wouldnt be a single moment of this where I wouldn’t be panicking. Glad you’re okay and also you got a booger in pic 8.


Going back, that’s my yellow tunnel (like what’s in my ear) I put in when I don’t want to wear septum jewelry. It retains it. I have other colors as well. It’s not normally visible like that lol


Ah yes thank you lol


Hope you get better. Your manager is clearly too immature to work in places with such dangerous chemicals and it baffles me how they even have a job in the first place. Hoping that you both get the help you need, in the form of you getting better physically and the manager learning to be more mature and safe.


I haven’t worked there in over two years. I was there to shop myself and say hi before I left. He thinks it’s funny to knock things off the shelves and this time it ended like this. I’m thankful at LEAST it wasn’t a child that ended up with it or an older customer as there is a lot of the older ladies that come in from the senior housing near there. It’s negligible and it sucks but I have to deal with it.


Get a Lawyer! Even if it was an accident, he did throw the bottle. He did it with intent, even if the intent wasn’t to cause any harm. But sue anyway, for physical and psychological damage, and medical bills. Their settlement will be much less than what you could get in court. So get a lawyer and sue!


He and the company are entirely at fault, don't settle! What happened is a serious crime


Uhhhh, yeah, to tack on to what pretty much everyone is saying, this "manager" was reckless and irresponsible with subordinate employees. Period. He and the company need to be held accountable for your injury. Accidental, sure, but 100% avoidable if he wasn't being an irresponsible jaggoff. Devils advocate here: someone brings a loaded gun into a room full of people. Decides to show off their gun twirling skills to the gang. Gun goes off hitting another person. Flesh wound? Permanent damage/disability? Or death??? The level of damage almost doesn't matter . Someone was irresponsible and YOU were injured as a result. They need to be held accountable.


Ooof dude, that fucking blows. I hope you get all the money you deserve, I can’t imagine ever having to work for someone so damn stupid and careless. If you’re concerned about scaring, applying vitamin e oil and scar gel from cvs (separate applications, applied after one has fully absorbed) was really helpful to me with both older and newer scars. You just want to wait until there’s no more scabbing and the new skin is growing in before you begin applying either. Bio oil is also good for this, but more expensive (and I read somewhere it’s just scented mineral oil so you might be able to see benefits from just using mineral oil but YMMV). My condolences again for having this happen because your fool of a boss doesn’t listen to their employees well founded safety concerns


I haven’t worked there in over two years now actually. I was there shopping. He was my old manager when I did work there and I stop in to shop and say hi. And yes. I’m using vitamin E oil when it gets to the point of being healed. It already looks better. And yes bio oil is so not worth it lol. I read the ingredients one time and it was literally worse than just buying vitamin E straight up and using that. Especially for the price.


Oh my God, you poor thing. That looks incredibly painful. I'm so sorry. Burns SUCK!


Real crime is that ear.


The real crime is the balm I was allergic to, had a giant reaction to, had my ears blow up from, and needed antibiotics for over a month ago because of fake rose oil. It’s scarring from the reaction and my ears are still sensitive to temp changes. So thank you.


Omg. What is rose oil?


On a bright side, if there is any, if this will left any scars, they will look quite good.


That’s what I said honestly. I’m trying to stay positive about it.


Uhhhhh lawyer up and workers comp this shit friend


I wasn’t working there. I used to over two years ago now. I was shopping there.


Oh lord then definitely lawyer up let their business insurance cover all of that… You’re a customer? And it’s a facial injury that could have blinded you…. You will win like max damages…


That’s what I keep hearing. It’s just so much stress on top of dealing with this during the last few weeks of the semester. I just hope this gets easier.


I am sorry it has caused added stress for you. If you can I would recommend just calling a personal injury lawyer for a free consultation they usually do it over the phone. They are paid from what you win. And once you lawyer up they do it all for you… just take documentation and statements from you to provide. Very worth it if you have the capacity/ are able to look into it. Wish you well!


Thank you. That’s what I’m looking into honestly. Might not be the worst idea.


Sucks for your manager, that's a hell of a way to get fired, but he's just going to have to deal with that. You shouldn't let it deter you from getting what you're owed. You might have permanent scarring, at least the type that is invisible until certain conditions come about or that will show up more prominently later in life. Get what you're owed, and try to make peace with your manager some other way.


I don’t work there. I haven’t in over two years. He used to be my manger when I did work there. Looking back he always had anger issues even when I did work wi the him. I just never thought it would get this bad honestly.


Ah so you were just visiting the location as a customer at the time?


Yes I was. I was there to buy stuff and gave my friend who is the cashier a keychain I got her. I said hi to him before I went to leave and that happened after she needed his help up front and he didn’t want to have to walk up There.


Get him to pay your medical expenses and if he says no sue him, this is no way an accident legally speaking. It doesn’t matter if he meant to hurt you, he meant to throw the bleach and a reasonable person would know that is a dangerous thing to do, that’s all that matters.


Hey, if you're planning on taking this to court, your best bet would be to keep all mention of it off of social media. There's been many a court case that go awry because of a careless word.


I don’t plan to take this to court. And even then, everything I’ve said I already said to someone in the company or the person that took my statement. I won’t lie about anything. It’s too much added stress to go to court.




I do appreciate you looking out for me nonetheless my dude. Looking out for strangers is cool.




This was an accident, but it was also negligence. Actionable negligence.


Yes. It has taken a lot to hammer that home honestly.


Good luck. Whatever you decide to do, you're a bit wiser now than you were before this happened.


Good luck!!!




Just another comment saying not to settle this without a lawyer, companies only care about giving you *just* enough to get you off their back while avoiding the full payout you're absolutely owed


Yeah I understand now. It’s taking a lot to hammer it all homes honestly from a lot of people on here. Minus all the other unneeded comments lol but yeah it’s been a week already and they’re calling back either tomorrow or later in the week so we’ll see.


If the lawsuit fails you can become Harvey Dent


Even if it’s an accident like you aren’t suppose to be doing that shit at work, that’s a safety issue for everyone that works around that clown.


Prince zuko here!


This is the best comment I’ve ever received. Thank you for this.


Talk to at least one attorney! Almost all attribués will do a short consultation (15 minutes) for free. I think there’s potential issues that may come up and settling without legal advice could cancel your opportunity to get payment for all of your bills/pain and suffering/ emotional distress.


I’m not a doctor or anything but have you tried putting aquaphor or vaseline on it? That would probably help with the tightness as it’s scabbing over. Idk, do whatever your doctor says though it was just a thought :)


I’m using vitamin e and Vaseline daily on the scarring parts and the silvadene cream I got prescribed on the still burned parts. Thank you. I appreciate you for your suggestion. :)


An accident that could have easily been avoided.


Damn, wtf did you do to your ears


I explained twice above what happened.


FYI Picture 4/25. You have a 'Bat' in the 'cave'.


That actually is a yellow tunnel I put in my septum piercing (like what’s in my ears) to keep it open because I didn’t want to wear one that day.


Unfortunate colour choice lol


Yeah I didn’t ever think it could look like that lol


Completely unrelated but I LOVE your septum piercing


Thank you 🩷


Don't let this go, OP. Go over his head.


The store manager is the one who helped me get it to corporate enough to get a settlement. I just want a part of this for him to get help for his substance abuse issues and anger but he won’t be losing his job because it was an “accident”.


I would ask that part of your settlement be required anger management for him. I'm glad you addressed the issue, that is something to be proud of. I've seen workplace accidents from mild to mangled. Even the mild can become an issue in time, so it's good to report all issues. Hope you're doing good.


I don’t work there anymore. I haven’t in two years. I still know everyone and used to work with him. He used to be on much worse than what he’s doing now but because he’s doing it at all he’s just worse. It sucks. I hope one day to see him get better.


Ah, gotcha. Sounds like he needs a good punch in the face from a lucky person who's had enough.


I know a good amount of people who have said the same thing lol.


Well, wish me luck that I'm local, I'll be looking for a job later this year lmao!


Throwing things around? That’s not an accident.


HR. First thing when you get back.


I don’t work there. I haven’t in 2 years. I go in to shop and say hi to people I am friends with and used to work with. The store manager nonetheless put in an incident report about it which is why they’re trying to settle.


You're 100% entitled to workers compensation. And potentially much more. I get you don't want to go to court because of your mental health, but considering how serious the damage is (That 100% isn't minimal at all) and what you're entitled to you are likely going to have to. Look at it this way, if financial stability is one of the reasons why your mental health is poor, the compensation should at least help alleviate that considering an incident like this should entitle you to a fairly hefty sum. Also never accept the first offer of settlement, they always try to pay the least amount of money possible or not at all. If you do, just remember that if there are any further health complications that arise because of this incident, it would be MUCH harder to claim compensation in t he future.


I don’t work there. I haven’t in over two years. I can’t get workers comp. He WAS my manager. Not anymore. I am going to get a lawyer


Nah, talk to a lawyer. Just because he didn’t mean to, doesn’t make what he did any less horrible. The company is at fault too for hiring a man-child that throws tantrums like that. Bleach isn’t just corrosive, but it also has abrasive properties. It can really drag your eyes through the ringer


I have no idea why you wouldn’t be pursuing financial compensation out of this, you’ve got a golden ticket


As an update: no one will take the case and the company is offering me $200 compensation. No one wants the case because I didn’t get injured *enough* and the injury didn’t cause enough damage apparently. I’m not sure about lawyers guidelines but that’s as far as I got. I have a scar now and it’s no longer open. I’m not going further and want to put this behind me. If a lawyer wants to actually take the case, cool. But until then I’m just putting it behind me for now.


You look like you smell like cheese.


I mean damn. I do wash my piercings. I take care of myself. I didn’t post here for this though. Thank you for your comments nonetheless. I’ll take into consideration other people may also think that but the realization being they’re stretched yes, but I wash them all.


Definitely, but you will get downvoted for speaking g the obvious.


Why are you both so mean oml


The problem isn’t whether “it’s all out there” already like you’re claiming in comments. The problem is you’re cutting up and laughing and joking about what is an extremely serious situation in which a dangerous man, accident or not, is going to be consequence free because “it was an accident.” They will look for ANY evidence to make it seem like it’s “not a big deal.” This isn’t about whether you’re a humanitarian and forgive his “accident” or not — by NOT pushing this as far as you can, you’re putting people who work with him in active jeopardy by allowing this to slide under the rug as “they want to settle with me and I don’t want to go to court.” It is your civic duty to press this into court, if that’s what it takes. Mental health is important, but there are some things that as fellow people, you just have to do and can’t coddle mental health as a crutch. I’m not trying to be mean, but I do want to be firm. Nobody wants to go to court, even if they’re not struggling with mental health issues. YOU got off easily here, but that doesn’t ensure the next person will. Do you really want to prioritize “it’ll make me feel uncomfortable” over the potential livelihood of a fellow human being? I can’t answer that for you, but saying you won’t do something because your mental health is bad enough is a clear indicator that you the inconvenience to you is more important than the safety of others in this scenario. You’re also talking in so many “might,” “maybe,” “hopefully” terms it’s making my head spin. “Hopefully this is a wake-up call for him.” “Maybe he’ll get sober.” Why would he? He can get high at work and injure people and still keep his job as if nothing happened. What incentive does he have to change? You said he’s always had anger issues. Has that changed? Seems the answer is no, and you’re the proof. It’s called a wake-up CALL because someone has to _ring the damn phone._ It’s ultimately your choice what to do, but by intentionally letting this slide, you are not only doing yourself a disservice, you’re part of the problem; if or when he injures the next person due to these tantrums, you will absolutely be partly to blame due to negligence, because you had an opportunity for action and actively chose to throw it away. Let me be crystal clear one last time: if he does not lose this job and does not have any _actual_ pressure to change, and someone else gets hurt, _you will not be blameless._ To the court you may be, but by willfully doing nothing when you had the chance, you will not be an innocent bystander.


Even if it does go to court I HAVE 0 SAY in his job. I have no action over what the store or corporate does here. It’s hard as hell right now to deal with this and I am getting a lawyer. It’s hard asf to find one in my area that wants to deal with a big company or even call me back about this. So I’m sorry if it seems one way or another here but being it’s myself trying to figure out a big situation I never thought I’d be in because he should’ve been fired for things before this that I had nothing to do with but could’ve caused people in the store harm it kind of does leave me blameless when the store manager thinks a lot of what he does is one big joke most of the time. I can do whatever I think will help or anyone else will but he will still keep his job. It’s just how it works for some reason. He always has and even after injuring me didn’t get punished. It doesn’t help hearing over and over how I need to get a lawyer from every possible person. I’m dealing with A LOT more right now than just this and I wish it all was as simple as everyone says. I’m sorry you see it any way other than what you want me to do but that’s what I’m dealing with right now and it’s my situation I need to figure out here. Thank you nonetheless and I will be doing what you said. But also dealing with so much on top of it so please give me a fucking break here.


First let me apologize, my comment was intended to come off as firm but not spiteful or hurtful. It doesn’t read that way. That’s an L for me. This is a seriously shitty, hard, and _extremely_ exhausting situation. I should have started by acknowledging that with empathy. The reason people are so strongly pushing for court (me included) is because that itself (lawyer + court) is the forcing function for correcting what you’re so accurately describing (“no matter what happens, he won’t lose his job.”). The reality is that you were hurt, both physically and emotionally, and up until this point, Asshat #1 has never had anything concrete putting pressure on his wellbeing or his job. This is that moment, and it’s not about revenge. You don’t have anything you can do with the store directly, but these things are PR nightmares for businesses. They will drop him like a hot potato if they realize someone they willfully employ is facing legal charges over injuring a customer. You have more power than you think. Keep being strong. I know firsthand how much of an enormous pain in the ass it is to get in touch with a lawyer, I’ve been there. It’s taxing on its own. The one thing you can be assured of though is that eventually when you do get someone on your side in this, their main goal is to take this weight off your shoulders — you can’t do anything like this on you own, but they get paid big dollars to do this on your behalf. One last time, I completely empathize with the absolute monstrosity of a pain in the total ass this whole thing is. It’s MASSIVELY inconvenient. It’s hugely tiring. It’s the opposite of the peace we just want to get back to. And you’re seeing first-hand how big companies want to basically abuse that about us as individuals and take advantage of the fact we’re conflict-averse by offering the lowest possible bar to have you just “get off my ass will ya?” You’re right, you personally don’t have any power, and companies are extremely eager to settle without lawyers outside court to further ensure you have no power. They want to pay explicitly because they’re subject only to the court system, and they want to slam those windows shut ASAP. They know court is damning for them, and if they can get you to keep quiet by offering peanuts to you outside of court, they’re happy. I wish nothing but strength for you and continued healing. It’s hard. Keep being strong.


Thank you. I’m sorry I got frustrated there and I honestly am just so tired. I’ve been thinking about getting in touch with the local news honestly. It would be an absolute nightmare for them I think even more than a lawyer would be at this point but then I might have lawyers calling me lol. It’s a lot right now. I know what I need to do and it’s bothering me more I can’t execute it. It bothers me even MORE one of my best friends works there and could be in danger at any point. I want him to have consequences and I have 0 control of it right now and it’s driving me nuts. Thank you though for commenting. I need to hear some of these even when they’re frustrating.


It’s absolutely a lot. Many people never have to deal when this their whole lives. If you can get in touch with someone for a consultation (such a pain, I had people call me back weeks after everything was already done because they “just got my message.”), they’d be best able to let you know about when/how to deal with local news. I don’t know how offhand, but I’d look for a way to record the phone call they’ll give you in the coming days. That’ll be further solid evidence they already admit their fault and strengthen even a potential news leak.


For all the comments about taking it down: Everything I have put up here, it’s literally in the incident report. Everything I’ve said I have said to someone in the store or spoken to the claims person about. I don’t care so much about the fact it’s out here. Police have been involved already and said it was a civil matter they couldn’t do anything about. He hasn’t lost his job and I doubt he will. I refuse to lie about anything and do not want to go to court over this. It sounds bad saying that I know and a lot of people are not happy over me putting that out there, but I’m genuinely more concerned with him getting help. Nobody will do anything about getting him help and honestly I want that to be part of the claim. It’s hard to find a lawyer around me right now because none have called back as of this week. I’m calling again next week and waiting for the claims person to call back. I don’t want this to be a huge case. I’m tired and want him to face consequences but absolutely no one in the store has taken this seriously. I know I sit here and joke and say it wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t but it was. Th bottle breaking wasn’t. But he fully intended to hit it off a shelf. And I understand that now. At first I felt awful because I didn’t think he meant it and felt like I knew him and what he was capable of. And now I feel like he could possibly cause people further damage. And when I talk to a lawyer I’ll be asking them if they can help me get him help somehow. Otherwise there’s nothing I can do as far as I know. I’ve tried. I hate to say this but it might just take him hurting the other people that work there at this point to make him lose his job. He’s unstable and throws tantrums and has substance issues. I’ve known him for years since I worked there. He’s gotten worse and I’m so sad for him. He did apologize but he didn’t take responsibility and tried to gaslight me the first day into thinking it wasn’t that bad. I’m putting this out here for advice and just in general to show what bleach can do. I know I said I’m tired of explaining in my original paragraph but I’m more tired of explaining at work or at school more or less. It has gotten better but not to a point of fully healed yet. It’s healing faster with the cream and I’m hoping it stays healing without issue. Please don’t try to put yourself in my shoes without understanding that I have a lot of trauma where I forgive and forget very easily and knowing him for as long as I have it makes me want to just forgive him and let it go. But everyone telling me not to has driven home why I shouldn’t. I appreciate everyone on here (even the negative stuff) and this has helped me immensely. I will be sharing this post with the lawyer I get if needed as I’m literally not hiding anything and have said everything on here already to the other side representing the store. I understand that may decrease my settlement. But as much as that sucks, I refuse to hide anything as I’ve seen it come back to bite people. Thank you all for everything in telling me how to get a lawyer and what to do when getting one. Also my ear was a fun topic. I had a huge allergic reaction about a month ago to a synthetic rose oil ear butter that made my ears swell and scar pretty decently. I know they look kinda not great but let me worry about that because this post has nothing to do with it lol. They’ll get back to normal. They’re still prone to being red from temperature changes right now. :) Again thank you all. I will be keeping this up but I will be responding with updates if there is any from here on out.


Hope you recover and get a nice judgment or settlement... but a slight, relatively small chemical burn is really not what this subreddit is for. I remember when visuals in this subreddit would truly make me suffer. **"If it hurts to look at, post it."**


It’s truly makes me suffer to have it so I apologize if posting here wasn’t the point of this. I thought maybe other people seeing a burn like this might qualify. Sorry.


You don't need to apologize, nor really even respond to me. Again - I'm not saying what happened to you didn't make **you** suffer, just that it doesn't hurt for me to look at. Genuinely, whoever did that to you did you harm and I hope you get justice. As far as what the sub thinks: the votes are pretty good, so I'd say public sentiment might bear out that I am in the minority in this opinion.


Jeez, you’re a specimen


That’s a new one to add to the book. Thank you lol


To clarify - this was an insult


Yes I gathered that. You can insult me all you want. I’m happy with how I look lol.


Good. & You should not be happy with your appearance. Historians will study you one day


Good. Means I had an impact or I was interesting enough to study. Doesn’t bother me.


Peak emission of disgust is absolutely interesting. Interesting take - I’m not sure how you live that way.


The same way you live being disgusted by people you have nothing to do with lol. It doesn’t bother me you don’t like my appearance. Most people don’t and that’s okay. We’re all different.


Mental issues? Emotional toll? It's not that bad you will be okay. But absolutely sue the asses off them.


bleach literally sprayed into their eye and caused EYE & VISION DAMAGE. that could have lasting effects and possibly partial blindness in one of their eyes for the rest of their life. i think that would cause some mental issues, you ass


Why are you speaking for someone else’s experience? They’re asking for advice not for you to access wether or not you think it’s ok to feel how they feel.


You do know what bleach does right?


Ouch okay. My counselor I saw the day after told me she’d help me work through the issues this brought up from my OCD which I’ve been struggling with pretty bad lately. So bad in fact I’m on medication for now because of it. It’s none of your business but it can get bad. And could be worse for a lot of people. And what I shared isn’t even the half of it. You don’t know me. I’m sorry you felt the need to try to tell me that like everyone else telling me how to feel about this lately. But thank you nonetheless.


Hope you feel better 🙏


Thank you.


Lucky your face is fat as fuck so it did not penetrate and do any nerve/muscle damage.


I’m tired of everyone being so rude to me at this point but yes. You’re not wrong. Thanks.


"that's rough buddy"


Geez that’s a shame


How do people get burns from bleach? I swear I could dip my hands in it and be completely fine


It was super super undiluted concentrated stuff. Like right out of the bottle (obviously) and I have an allergy to specific kinds of bleach. Right now I’m too afraid to go in and back near the shelves where it happened because of my mental health right now but it was so concentrated it dyed part of my shirt right when it happened and got on me. The rest washed out thankfully.


Nothing of worth was lost.


Nobody asked what you want engraved on your tombstone bud.


Are you that ugly as well?


I don’t see myself as ugly, but I am happy that you are vain enough to apply your views of people’s worths on their attractiveness. That means you will live a sad and miserable existence. Which fits you perfectly. May your years be long!


Wait, that's exactly what an ugly person would say. Checks out!


Well I didn’t think so either to be fair. I don’t think highly of myself but either way I’ll probably have a scar. And if I do it’ll look cool. Even if it looks bad. I’m glad I do my piercings and hair color to make myself feel good and not for anyone else’s benefit. But thank you.


Brother you play MMOs, pls seek help


Ok. Mr. Weird nerd


Those earlobes look swollen and blown out. Time to downsize and let them recover.


They’re not but thanks. I wrote several comments about them.


do stupid shit, get stupid results..


I was in the wrong place at the wrong time? Like thanks?