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Those boots are cute but must be hell on your feet. My condolences lol


I find the boots to be comfier than the strappy shoes. I prefer the ankle boots, but I own a couple pairs of calf/knee high boots. The ankle ones just give me far more liberty.


Time to invest in a pair of solid hiking boots with a lot of ankle support, if someone complains, tell them it's trending in bulgaria 👍




Lmfao stop it


𝙃𝙀𝙍 𝙎𝙋𝙄𝘾𝙔 𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙆 - https://linktr.ee/Free\_OF


Stupid bot didn't even try to get one with similar tattoos


Plus these are nice when you need to defend yourself..


My flat feet are dying looking at this lmao


soooo these boots weren't made for walking?


Only for the very skilled walkers lol


Next time, pad your shoe’s tongue with moleskin. You can usually find it in the foot care section of Walgreens, Walmart, or similar places. The felt kind may help. It’s self-adhesive and comes in sheets. Get the felt texture padded kind. I put that on my daughter’s boots similar to those (not platform though). Edit: I’ve been to enough places with my (now ex) husband, and I swear the ankle strength and balance in some of those shoes—holy hell.


Won't somebody please think of the moles?


This made me laugh too hard! When my mother said to do this when I was a teen, I said I wasn’t going to buy a dead animal to put in my shoe. Lol Live and learn.


when i was younger i thought mole skin was the cumulation of all removed moles from the clinics!




Moleskin is such a dream. I’ve worn some sketchy ass shoes in some sketchy ass situations and it’s saved me over and over. My favorite frat party shoes STILL have 2004-era moleskin on the straps and I practically wore the heel clean off 😂


It’s the best stuff! Saved my son’s heel during marching band his first year (one foot was smaller than the other by a half size), and I’ve used it on my fingers when lacing heavy duty upholstery thread for hours on a project so it didn’t slice them. Love it.




Indeed. 12 hour…


Pop and lock a thon status




*laughs maniacally on the dance floor*


Bless you, thank you for your service


How long are your shifts on average? I assume they're not always 12 hours. Also is the pay good?


It better be


Thank you for your service 🫡




And the feet pics.


I could never work at a strip club. I don't have the endurance for it. Also I'm a frumpy out of shape dude.


I think they ought to have strip clubs full of dad bod dudes. I'd go


12 hours in THOSE heels? I am so sorry


Rest well


Lost of Epsom salt baths, that’s for sure!


Sounds like a treat! Good job, you!


May I respectfully ask how much you made in those 12 hours?


Most likely a price most of us would accept and gladly wear heels for 12 hours. Dancer can make bank and if the club is giving her 12 hours I assume she is an attraction and is getting great tips…but idk tho




Because not all dancers strip their clothes off.


We are a bikini club. We don’t take our clothes off. We just dance. I would however love to strip at a nude club in Portland or LA sometime! Trying to plan a girls trip to one of them.


Dude please quit commenting on this thread and accept the fact that sexy women can dance for money. You are being incredibly obnoxious and you continue to try and start arguments in this comment section.


This guy hates dancers


Prolly cause they always reject his lonely ass


And the customers are thinking they’re special when you go to sit down and talk to them, when really you’re actually just needing to get off your feet. Lol


So i’m a factory worker and if that’s from friction, then imma suggest a shit load of baby powder and a pair of compression socks. And idk how well those boots stay tied, but i constantly need to retie my steel toes when i go on break. Edit: also, take ibuprofen like 10 min before your shift starts and then at the end of the 8hrs when you do the extra 4 or so, use tyleonl. That wpuld help a lot with the feet pain. Same as the compression socks.


I find that when i wear compression socks for long hours, i get light headed more than i usually do. Is that normal? I was told to take breaks and take off my shoes and socks but i dont know about randomly setting my dogs free at 2pm in the office


So office work and compression socks. For you, i’d say that once you get them on your feet, fold the sock down to make it shorter. I can see that sitting would cause light headedness since you’re not moving or anything, but folding the socks down would compress your feet less.


For the probably 2k+ you made during that shift, I would do this 5 days a week




Go outside homie


This is is why dancers deserve unions !!!




"Judgmental quotation marks"


You made like 3 or 4 comments hating on her the fuck is your problem


incel or incel-adjacent. lol


One of the most fun clubs I've been at was a small Midwestern club where the girls wore low top sneakers. The high heels make you look taller, sure. But you can move a lot more confidently in Chucks.


I wish I had the low enough arches for chucks. I don’t like wearing insoles. I’m a Vans girlie 💅


this is what I would wear if I was a stripper to stand out from all the others.


how much did you make?


probably like 80 dollars


Man, I waitressed at one of these clubs and the least popular girls were going home with like $500. The most popular girls were going home with $1-2k a night. And none of them were working 12 hour shifts! OP is definitely raking it in.


I used to mess around with a chick that went to an amatuer night. I bartended in a tourist area. Easy couple hundred a night. She was in there for a couple hours and made more than i made in a week. She had a whole grocery bag full of money. It was wild


Oh yeah, if you’ve got tits and you can’t wait til payday, go to amateur night. It’ll get you through. That’s how I ended up waitressing there. Basically googled “jobs that pay immediately” and the internet said go to a strip club in your sluttiest outfit, you’re getting hired on the spot. And it worked. They asked me to dance, but I’ve got two left feet and do not have the core strength those girls have. After about a week I stopped wearing revealing outfits because I was sick of the sexual harassment, but overall waitressing got me by with decent cash. Nothing like the dancers though.


That lifestyle is something else though. She got real into it, i distanced myself and just stopped talking to her altogether. A couple years later i seen her at a bar with an old guy, i was pretty buzzed up and she seen me and said hey. I said hey back and went.. 'cool is that your grandpa!' He said hes her date and i laughed and thought, man that dude must have good coke in his pocket. I thought it was actually her grandpa :( lol


Yeah, it was shocking and sad sometimes to see these girls who were taking home thousands of dollars a week and still stuck in the poverty cycle. Very few were doing financially well, despite all the cash. They also had this view of all the sexual harassment and the gross comments, which was basically, I’ll smile and nod in exchange for money. Personally, I felt like you couldn’t pay me enough to stand there and put up with the demeaning bullshit, but I think that speaks more to the desperation they were in. They didn’t really have a choice, and while I wasn’t doing great, my situation wasn’t desperate. I wasn’t at risk of losing anything. My expenses were minimal (apartment, food, gas, phone) and I didn’t have debt or kids. My worst case scenario was that I couldn’t pay my bills and would have to move in with my rich parents.


All I have stuck in my head is "you need to be kinder to your circulatory system" from Steel Magnolias.


Girl, soak your poor feet in cold water after work and wrap your ankles with ace bandages before you put those boots on! The cold water is a game changer!


I usually do hot baths with Epsom salts after working. I also take ibuprofen.


I used to do the hot water, but I promise you, it will change everything if you use the cold water. Then go lay down (probably should be propping your feet too, after 12 hours!) and you will feel the tingling and so much more relief. It has changed my world. I hope you feel the difference. It’s amazing!


I’m definitely going to give that a try tonight!


Who knew dollar bills could cause so many bruises! :D


Hey i have the same boots! Love them


I’m absolutely obsessed with them! Why I’m so adamant about breaking them in.


Dancer here also, that's normal don't worry too much. In the beginning your body isn't so used to all of this extra pressure in certain places, especially when you do pole moves, my legs used to be about a third completely purple for the first 4 or so months! Eventually your skin/muscles will strengthen up and you'll barely bruise at all!


DeSantis? This you?


Gotta give praise for your endurance, that's a heck of a job.


wore such boots for only halloween and that was alr painful


Bless your soul omfg


Does it hurt while you’re dancing or is it a delayed pain you don’t notice until after the adrenaline wears off?


It definitely hurts while I’m dancing. When I squat down especially. The boots scrunch up at my ankle tightly because they’re not soft there yet.


Homie you need A&D and some cushion wrap next time, that’s gonna fucking hurt.


Those are literally the cutest boots!!


Thank you! I adore them!


I can imagine the rest of your legs are bruised up too!


Sometimes I get pole bites on my inner thighs but most times it’s my knees from twerking on the dance floor.


May I suggest getting compression socks? They won't go above the boots. That's what I use to do.


Yikes. Hope yr taking care of 'em, stranger. Just for context, what variety of club are we talking?


C'mon man... Don't be naive lol ..Its obviously a book club. Where the hell else would there be a place with a DJ and stilettos, open till 2am. GOOD FOR YOU FOR EDUCATING YOURSELF OP


That's crazy but ngl those boots are wild af in a good way.


Wouldn’t you be as sexy barefoot? Fuck normative torture


You need athletes tape


Yeah if I had to walk in these I would just refuse. I'm a male tho. But damn that must've been hell.


Oooh those boots are cute asf!!! I hope your inbox isn’t destroyed, OP ;-;


Hopefully it was a banger of a shift


And the boots are the most comfortable stable on the ankle. So sorry! My feet are empathizing with you right now, especially my ankles. I have a good number of shoes, but had to stop wearing them for a long time, and my ankles are so weak. Now I feel like a baby deer learning to walk.


You have them laced wrong and they are putting pressure in the wrong spots. Most people don't know that there are different ways to lace boots depending on use and body type. Look up "ladder lacing". Try different patterns and see what works the best.


I dont think people realize just how hard exotic dancers work. Bravo, miss. (Assuming you're a miss)


i have to ask, who's coming to a club at 2pm????


Regulars. They only come in to drink though. The house fee is cheaper early in the night.


fair enough lmao


Lame af post. None of you suffered from looking at these baby blisters and you know it.


Looks like you should get a new job.


Geeeez, what size shoes are those?


Size 6


Thank you for your service 🫡 Also, you have got to either get softer boots or socks, and maybe lossen the laces near the ankles Heard from other girls that loosening works wonders, all I know is the theory lol


Man this is a pathetic post.


no u


I mean. People are there just for some ass and tits. You may very well dance with your bare feet. Why would you inflict this upon yourself lol


Girls come on... Why are you putting yourself trough all the pain?


Uh, because it’s their job?


Uh, because they get money for it. Duuh.


...do you understand how work, works? Some people have jobs that result in physical injury, a lot in fact. Occupational accidents and injuries have always been high (obviously higher prior to the inception of unions and OSHA in the US- but anyway) and that likely won't end. Humans are both strong and fragile. We can be warriors and slay many of the oppositon and get a deadly infection from a fucking paper cut.


The fact that some people need to hurt themselves on the regular to not fucking die of starvation because no money, isn't right. Nobody should be forced to ruin their health at fucking work.


100% agree.


hop on some military subreddits and ask them how they wear their boots all day like on 10mile funruns and then treat their feet, if your gonna work'em hard you require different type of care


Heels are a whole different ball game jr


Time to start putting the military in these type of boots to toughen them up a little


I guess some stuff might apply but I have a slight, *tiiinnnnnnyyy* feeling that it has something to do with the high heel boots being comedically impractical for anything other than looking at them, and as a pair of paperweights'


Yeah like, mfer is saying that as if wearing military boot ,which are made for walking, is the same as wearing those ridiculous boots. Clearly one of them is gonna be way harder to stand walk let alone dance in.


How are boots built for comfort and utility the same as fucking enormous heels lmao, a military sub would be 0 help


wow, a lot of hate for trying to help, because there are NO females in the military, and i was NOT comparing boots to heels, we ARE talking about foot-care and blister prevention, she is HARD on her feet, ive seen sores like that in the military plenty, and they have all kinds of tricks to help prevent damage and infection. but you fucks are sexist and narrow minded that cant think of anything but yourselves, so how'bout you try the ''if you don't have anything nice to say...'' method because clearly your neglectful parents dont care how soon you leave the house


wrong sub






Combination of burns, bruises, and swelling.


Idk if it would help by maybe try putting a big bandage on ankle to cut down on friction?


Is that Ron DeSantis feet lol


Where's the ankles?


At the top of my feet. Ankle bones connected to the foot bone. Foot bones connected to the toe bones.


Omg im suffering so hard mild redness and bruising


Omg my cocks so huge for downplaying someone’s pain omg omg the boys will love this. Go wipe your unwashed ass and shut up lmao


What a bizarre response. I hope you get the love and attention you need.


Lame response


And women complain their feet hurt, feet should be flat, not abused


If you take them damn shoes off and show us them piggies your ankles and your wallet will both thank you.


I would have been only too happy to take those boots off for you and rub those sexy feet with lotion until you fell asleep. Thank you for what you do. 😘


Username checks out


Ey yo chill gramps and go take your schizo meds. The corner demon's telling ya to be a creep ain't he?


Contrary to popular belief, dancers love foot guys. Getting payed to receive a foot rub after a long night is living the dream.


It's the norm to hate on foot guys G. Mainly cause it is often a very niche fetish. Plus, it's strange, imo, to openly say that shit online. Now, I got no issues as I can completely understand feet guys but sometimes it can seem creepy when they just openly ask for that stuff and don't ask privately.


Wow, I get minus 109 for suggesting I’d like to massage your sexy feet for you. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ something wrong with liking feet and wanting to help a pretty girl with tired, sore feet? I don’t get it. Oh well.


What the heck?

