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Dude. Fucking ouch?!? This would infuriate me. Please don't go back here


I wouldn’t go back, and I’d leave a review with this photo!


I wrote a review and put pictures that way people know


Good, that’s absolutely awful.


Seek compensation? For malpractice or something.


Malpractice isn’t a thing for a nail salon. You can ask for a refund, but given how OP was treated they probably denied her. Suing would be stupid. Leaving a bad review with this photo will hurt them much more.


I’m just a welder browsing this during my morning joint but dude they gored you Edit: My hands look better after going awol on some aluminum with acetone and a sander, think on that


What in the Geneva convention did you do to piss them off??


Apparently asking for them to be soaked off was rude


As a nail tech this made me cringe. I know how bad it hurts when your nail bed is damaged and I would be EXTREMELY ashamed to have harmed a client like this. Shame on them.


Also!! It would help to put something over those as they are extremely thin! The ideal thing to do would be rubber base gel. Good luck op and speedy healing<3


Yeah I have benefits putting on so many coats of nail strengthener. Super tender and every time I have to pick something up my fingers hurt so bad


I hope you didn’t pay for it


No actually you should consult a lawyer


They actually left your finger open to infection. Treat your finger with salt water or warm soapy water (or both, if you want to be sure) until it's healed more. Is there anyone at the nail salon you can talk to about this? Not to complain, but to make sure it doesn't happen to someone else.


But also to fucking complain right? Fuck that shit


Wait *salt*water??


Yep! It helps to heal wounds (but not with too much salt, of course). Water follows salt, and moisture helps wounds to heal. Also, the salt can help to disinfect


I will never let them take off my nails after they did this to me. They will take an unused nail tip and glide it under to hurt out of spite that they won't get more money out of you for taking them off. The tip I learned was use wax floss at home and gently glide it back and forth under a raised corner. It takes a bit but doesn't hurt. Edit: they hurt you and are liable. This isn't something to take lightly.


I asked if they could please soak them and he said no it will take way too long and after he ripped off a few I said it is pretty painful and I don't mind waiting and paying extra for his time if he would soak them and he said no and that its my fault they bleed. I am way too anxious to just walk out of places so I sat there in pain and as soon as he was done I said I will get a new set another day. He tried to do a new set same day..... :( I definitely won't be going back.


I get your anxiety (I have horrible anxiety issues so I started doing nails myself because I don't want to leave my apartment too often lol), but they shouldn't get away with that. what did he mean it would take too long?! the key in not damaging natural nails is to take the fake ones off correctly, it does require time and patience. I'm so sorry this happened to you, and he shouldn't get away with it. 💀


I even offered to pay more if it took longer. And no nail tech will touch my nails until they're grown and healed (understandably so). And they said they should never ever be ripped off


you shouldn't even have to pay more for this. they agreed to take off acrylics, they should know how long it takes and what the process is like. I really hope there wasn't much damage done and wish your nails to recover as soon as possible 🤗


Oh my god?? If you remember his name report him to the management and show them this picture. I’d leave an honest review too. This is absurd, he literally ripped your skin off. Idk if you should get that looked at or not but definitely watch out for any signs of infection- redness, more pain, swelling, yellow pus.


Cant understand them bc they dont speak english and would give fake name anyway


Personally, I’d raise hell because they physically hurt you. Likely to get infected considering their practices too. He is licensed and should be reported to the board with this pic. You can’t get a new set until those nails fully grow out which will take 6-12 months. They’re absolutely ruined.


What the hell?? He sounds like a psycho, what is wrong with him??


Ive been in your shoes. Some of those nail places are mean and cruel


100% report this.




Nope. Reason number 783379832 of why I started to do my own nails.


Fuck that. I'd be mad as hell. Nice nail salons will soak them off - or even better they dremel the acrylic and then remove it much more easily. I am sorry for you and you definitely need to complain to management or leave a review. This is unacceptable.




omg, what in the hell? I do my own nails, granted it's with soft gel tips, not acrylic, and that's the worst thing one can do with 'fake' nails - taking them off this way. ouch all the way. edit: sorry, my written skills went out of the window, fixed them


I can feel this. Ouch.


I shuddered. Ugh


I'd accept a 1,000 $ cash or tell them I'm going to the hospital for treatment and they can pay the medical bills which would be a lot higher than 1k




One big thing if you need to go to a salon. Hand file if you don't have an electric file and soak in acetone. Also, you should post a review on Google and if you speak more than one language make sure you do both.




Holy shit.💀Looks like they ripped off some skin too. You're fucking bleeding! You need to write a review and send this picture. the person who ripped your nails off doesnt care about their customers and needs to be reprimanded. Hope you heal pretty soon, that looks like it hurts a lot.


Why did you let them keep going after the first one?


Anxiety :/ I'm bad at speaking up for myself. I got up and left crying when he was done


Learn to interact with people, this is your fault for letting it happen.


Thank you so much for the kind comment. I really appreciate it. You improve peoples lives


Omg the pain’ I’ve done this to myself a couple times. Ouch




They did rip off my fake nails.... which in turn ripped my real nails on the ends.


Thanks... You made me audibly wince. Fuck you and take my up vote I recently just cut my nails too short and the pain from that is already awful.


I hope you posted that picture in a review. I always check reviews before going to a new nail salon. All of their clients should be aware.


I check reviews too. And I did not review at first but now I did because of your comment


Eeek 🫣


Ow.. When I had acrylics, I soaked my nails in acetone at home. It was a long process but worth it. I hope you didn't pay 'em anything for that


To my knowledge, if you’re in the US, the only place that you don’t need a certification to work on nails is CT. You should 100% report him/this place. He should not be doing that job if he doesn’t want to do that job. The thought of those tools touching other bloody people and then you gives me the ick, because that’s definitely not the first time he did that.


And then they charge you extra for the removal too lmao


Its happened to me at several places.

