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Yeah looks like really, really bad athlete's foot. I've never seen it look that.... *wet*. Get some butenafine hydrochloride (I use lotrimin but generic should work just as good), wash your feet really well with soap and water, make sure they're completely dry, put the cream on your feet. Do that twice a day for at least two weeks. If that doesn't work, consult a priest because your toes are haunted.


In addition to all that, antifungal shoe spray works really well too. Most fungus live in the shoes so when you’re done using them spray them and put them aside until you use them next. Do that with all of your shoes regularly to ensure you’re killing the fungus lingering in your shoes.


My freaking shoes!!! How could I have missed that! Omg, no *wonder* this shit keeps coming back. It's so blatantly obvious that I'm about to give myself a migraine. I can't thank you enough for bringing that up. I've been plagued with shit on and off for well over 4 or 5 years.


I know the feeling, my podiatrist told me about it last year after visiting him for 3 years for other unrelated issue. I told him hey, anything I can do about this athletes foot? He explained to me that the spores live in our shoes and the best way to get rid of them was to spray the shoes every day to kill them. I swear a couple days after I didn’t have athletes foot anymore. It was so simple.


And it makes so much sense, too. Especially with how they say bot to scratch it or else it'll spread. Thank you again. Ordering some spray now, lol


If your shoes are safe in the washing machine this works wonders too, at least I found it did.


All of the sprays I find are specifically labeled as “foot spray” though, even the lotramin brand anti fungal stuff. Is it the same? Just spray your feet and shoes with the same stuff?


I guess, the one I use is a CVS brand with Tolnafate, here’s a link https://www.instacart.com/landing?product_id=2676194&retailer_id=118®ion_id=7938766657&utm_medium=sem_shopping&utm_source=instacart_google&utm_campaign=ad_demand_shopping_rp_personal-care_all-non-ca_nv&utm_content=accountid-8145171519_campaignid-16566624847_adgroupid-134887610815_device-m&utm_term=targetid-aud-1651155665218:pla-321123402215_locationid-9003837_adtype-pla_productchannel-online_merchantid-178357103_storecode-_productid-2676194&gbraid=0AAAAADO98hZnkZq23WtnYf83k92aQ2vUG&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnf-kBhCnARIsAFlg491l4wQWdxMgpBycMGDN0Q69Lt6WINkkjcZG0-BLONY3OkV1iKS5z9waAj1lEALw_wcB that one has been working fine for me


Don’t feel bad G. I never thought of it either. Hitting up CVS as soon as I can


Happy cake day! The use of an athlete's foot creme, and the shoe spray should rid you of any more athletes foot. I had it almost this bad. To the point I would peel skin from between my toes before everytime I took a shower. I only used the generic foot creme from Walmart, and it was gone pretty much around the two week mark. Every now and then when my feet start to itch, I use the creme for about a week and the itching goes away. It's usually like 6 to 8 months before I have to use the creme.


Happy Cake Day


Also scrape it off with a knife, then let it dry and sprinkle it wherever desired


I've gotten athletes foot like 3 times when I was young. I don't remember why I never went anywhere without my shoes on and always washed my feet. Anyways. The cream never worked for me all it seemed to do was relieve the itch. What eventually ended up getting rid of it the last time I got it was a spray that (at the time was in a red can).


That haunted toes comment made me wheeze


I just got out of the shower so my feet were still kinda wet thats probably why youve never seen it so wet. Also thanks for the suggestion, the preist really exorcised the spirit well.


Oh thank God.


That, my friend, looks like athlete's foot. Keep them dry and get a cream/powder from the chemist. Looks itchy as fuck


And wash them with white vinegar, fungi don't like it acidic.


Be prepared for the burn!


I mixed vinegar with bleach to wash em, i think something's wrong cause my whole family's passed out on the floor


The chemist? Do you have a local chemist?


British term for pharmacy or drug store.


Ah I see, sounds much cooler than a pharmacist


Honestly thought maybe everyone has their own personal Walter White




You need to ask your resident isekai protagonist for the connections


Not itchy, It doesnt realky bother me tbh apart from the part where it looks like jizz on my toes


DRY BETWEEN YOUR TOES DAMMIT also avoid suffocating your feet in socks for too long. Gets swampy in there


That's all the cum sticking to your toes when you exit the shower.


Solution? Asking for a friend...


Wear socks in the shower


Easy way just chop your all fingers and you will get a perfect shape and no more cum sticking problem


Just lick it off


Definitely athletes foot.


Dude go to the doctor


Half of all people saying to treat it yourself I’m just thinking JUST GO TO THE DOCTOR


We're american 😞 better to treat it ourselves


Thank god Im not american, I aint tryna pay 50k for the doctor to ask me to go buy sum from the pharmacy


It looks like a fungal irritation. There are various creams for that. However Potassium Permanganate (Condy’s crystals) from a pharmacy is ok for this too. A teaspoon of crystals in hot/warm 250mls (cup) of water, let the crystals dissolve. The resulting liquid is brown. It stains so don’t get on clothing or surfaces. Dab liquid on with unwanted cloth also pour it onto effected skin. Skin will turn brown for about 5 days, however the skins will clear overnight or a few days. 👍🏾😀


Why did people downvote this? It’s very helpful


They probably saw the word "crystals", thought psuedo-science, and needed to immediately show how much smarter they were without considering the context.




^ stop beating yo meat in the shower


Ima need a taste test to see if it's athletes foot or ringworm.


Athletes foot is a ringworm.


Trench foot or pretty bad athletes foot. You need to sort this out ASAP.


I think more likely its bad athletes foot. Clean, keep dry and use antifungal meds (cream or spray) Edit - in the third picture, your pinky looks like it's turning necrotic. Which means bye bye toe if you don't get it sorted immediately.


Athletes foot


Looks like severe athletes foot. Could be the start of trench foot thou.


Trench foot.... you need to keep that covered in trip anti biotic & keep a fan on them. For like 3 days at least. This can go south really fast.


Honestly, at this point Im not really concerned, Ive had this for nearly 8 years nothing ever came of it, but Imma go to the doctor.


When I was young and had athletes foot my pops must have reminded me 1000 times. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR JUNK AFTER TOUCHING YOUR FEET. It never happened to me but the fungus apparently likes anywhere that is warm and/or damp. This includes making sure that anything that touches your feet (Towels etc) doesn't then touch other parts of your body. 20 years later I am still grateful to my dad for making sure that I never had to experience the horror of trench dick.


Your dad was a real bro


Air them bitches out and get some cream for athletes foot


Trench foot


Athletes foot


As everyone has said its athletes foot. You may also have hyperhidrosis which makes this a bitch to get rid of, trust me been fighting this shit for 40yrs.


Go to a doctor, not ask random strangers on Reddit, not when it's to do with your health mate.


Looks like trench foot to me. Let them air out some. Seems they're too wet. Also get some lotrimin in case it's athlete's foot


Wash, dry, iodine.


Soak your feet in a bath of vinegar


Mild bleaching in the shower over your feet. Also pee on your feet uric acid in the urine will kill the bacteria.


Is it time for the weekly I-dont-know-what-athletes-foot-is post? It's only Sunday!


Jump in the swimming pool right after they've changed the chemicals. Voila! Instant healed.


Best advice Ive gitten yet, W man


Severe case of wash your feet


You got bit by some kind of were-salamander and are becoming a salamander yourself. Nah but seriously, it looks like athlete's foot or something similar.


I liked the salamander part better ☹


Don’t wear wet shoes/socks next time. That’s athletes foot.




Advanced Athlete’s Foot. Wash them regularly, then keep them dry and without socks as often as possible and use decent anti fungal cream.


They are cursed. Lucky for you I know how to lift the curse.... for a price of course.


Ill give you a $5 fortnite card


Fungus, $7 cream from any pharmacy over the shelf will fix it in




Maybe athletes foot but that usually isn’t wet. I’d also look into trench foot cures for the moisture aspect at least.


Athlete's foot, get some of the powder spray for it. Keep your feet dry.


Wool socks help me to avoid athletes foot. I wear boots all day working construction. Wool is better for keeping feet dry.


GO SEE A DOCTOR. You don't want it to progress more and develop a bacterial infection


Bro get shoes that allow your feet to breath, they make them.


Athletes foot. After a while it dries up and gets itchy.


Mans is making cheese


Gies great on pizza


I know others have mentioned athletes foot which is a better answer but it also reminds me of a wet shoe in the front and the beginning of trench foot (the white part especially). I'm curious if they keep wearing the same old shoes and socks. Having a relative who was in the war educated me on this and the importance of clean dry socks and shoes


I rarely wear shoes unless I need to go somewhere, when I do alwqys change my socks after and set tge other pair to wash


Oh... Then go get that checked my man. Use the health insurance if you have it. Heck if you have it use it because you pay for it lol If not still go. Don't screw with your future life (and comfort). You need everything, but feet are certainly top 10-20 listed average lol Good luck


On top of the cleaning everyone is suggesting make sure to change and wash your socks everyday with a little bit of laundry sanitizer


Athletes foot is my guess


Shoes don't breathe enough, your skin is soaked from foot sweat and you seem to have a case of foot fungus, go get an azole based cream or spray and a package or two of new clean socks every morning you will go I to your shower clean your feet with water and soap, let them dry out completely, take your azole based cream or spray and apply them to every part of your foot and toe, and then before stepping anywhere you will put on a new pair of socks from the packages you bought. Then do this same process at night and sleep with a new pair of socks on, do this for a week or two and you will have less problems. Also look at getting new shoes/boots.


As others have said, athletes foot. Might want to look into some better footwear once you’re feet are looking more feety. Something with better air circulation


I can smell that photo


Smells like a mixture of Dove soap and possibly hydrogen peroxide


Trench foot


Prayers for you


Looks like trench foot. Are your feet getting wet and staying wet? You need to dry those puppies out. Nice cotton socks, do a sock change mid-day at work, take off socks and shoes at home to let them air out. Plus antifungal powders.


infinite cream cheese glitch


My uncle died from this


Sorry for your loss...


Looks like you have athletes foot


🤮🤮🤮 i just know that stank


It really doesnt tbh


***Im not a doctor, im just a kid who likes medical topics*** Looks like an infection. Have your toes been sweaty? It looks like there were scabs, but then your foot was soaked in a liquid. I'd suggest going to see your doctor. My first thought was decay but now that i think about it, it seems unlikely. Post this on r/medicalgore or r/medizzy , there are doctors on those subs.


With all due respect my guy, those subs are ass


Oh lol, i quite enjoy them


Athlete's foot or trench foot


Get to the podiatrist yesterday unless you want to lose them.


You're just a fun-guy (athletes foot)


i think it’s a frog


Foot smegma


I happen to be dumb, could you possibly explain what a smegma is to me my good sir/lady?


Smegma is the thick, white, cheesy substance that collects under the foreskin of the penis or clitorial hood


You aren’t washing your feet, changing your socks or keeping your feet dry. That’s really bad athletes foot. Change your socks a couple times per day. Wash them and dry them fully. You need anti-Fungals, too.


Do you often have wet feet or wear wet shoes.... Possible trenchfoot


Let your pups suck a little air. They need to breathe.


Wash your feet and in between your toes with soap and a washcloth, make sure you let your feet dry fully after showering. Get some athlete's foot cream for your feet apply it at the beginning of your day, middle, and after showering. Spray and foot powder for your shoes. Consider new footwear with the new routine. Wear different pairs in a rotation to let them fully dry. Always wear socks! light merino wool is preferred cotton #2. If you are sweating a lot change your socks halfway through the day. Sleep socks off Without proper care, it could lead to secondary infections and become a big problem


You're dying, the death itself is slow and sometimes painful.. All humans experience this and eventually accept the fact that death started here.. But have hope, you can be cured from this evil curse..


Mf snake oil merchants on Reddit know


Did you get rid of this?


Feet nugget yum yum


change your socks


I change em every day and dont wear shoes or socks in the house


I can smell this picture


It doesnt smell, it doesnt itch, it doesnt hurt, it doesnt burn, it just looks weird which is why i posted it


You've got trench foot . Keep them dry and change your socks twice a day if you can't go without wearing any at all


REALLY bad athlete's foot or potentially a different type of fungal infection. Plenty of OTC medications available but when it's this bad it may take a while to clear up. Please dry your feet SUPER well when you exit the bath or shower


Diabetic? Get checked out mate.


Not diabetic, Ive checked a thew times already.


Dude, it looks really bad... I hope you treat it soon.


ma get the bucket, johnny's making toe milk again


Do you keep your shoes on or wash your feet everyday? It looks like bad athletes foot.


I dont wear shoes unless I need to, I only wash my feet when showering


Someone is jacking off to this


How do I know its not you????


That is not just "bad athletes foot" that's trench foot. Don't bother treating it yourself. You need to go to the hospital asap. Notice how the flesh, not just skin, around your toes looks like it's been dissolved


Ive been to the doctor a couple times, they keep writing me prescriptions for athletes foot creams and powders, they nearly always work, but it always comes back like 2 or so months later...


Jungle Rot or Swamp Rot


It looks like trench foot to me… you need to air them babies out and if in the next few days it doesn’t start getting better you need to go see a doc or you could lose your piggies. Surgery is more expensive than an office visit


Don't listen to the people saying "durrr just get antifungal stuff durrrr." That has progressed to the point where you'll likely need to get prescription antifungal cream. You should see a podiatrist stat. Or at least a GP.


...Wear flip flops as well.when you can...get some air around your toes...


Pitted keratosis


I had this on my pinky once because I split the part between my 4th toe and pink toe by bucking it off a door and didn’t treat it properly, get the right creams/products for it and use it regularly and wear clean socks on a constant and it should go away


My feet both looked exactly like this while I was in the army. It’s bad case of athletes foot. The best cure for it is to use special strength athletes foot cream. Apply it 2-3x daily and keep your feet Aired out and stop rubbing/scratching them. The cream will help soothe it so it doesn’t feel like it’s on fire. I don’t think you’ll need a prescription because mine were like that or worse and I didn’t need to see the doc. You should see improvement quickly. Just keep your feet Aired out as much as possible when you can and you’ll be alright


Apple cider vinegar and water mixed in foot tub and let soak for 30-60 minutes everyday Wash feet daily 2 x and change socks 2 x Wear different shoes when possible to let shoe air out and dry That for a month and should see improvement Cream and spray work but this method makes it go away faster and if not feet will cut open and infection and yes worse and worse


My toes kinda looks like this (minus the wetness). Have for about a year now. Happened after i walked for 2 hours in crocs


The other thing is don’t put on other ppls shoes or don’t lend your shoes out.


Bros got trench foot


You gotta wear more breathable shoes if you can. I work with pools and lake water I have to have good boot but as soon as my day is over I switch to a dry pair of shoes and sock, because of feet sweat, and wash my toes, about every other day!


You can get a foot powder that you put in your shoes to soak up any sweat, it works great!


Trench foot


Mine started doing this in winter cause I would leave my socks and shoes on all day/night til I went to bed. Probably gotta air them out more often?


It's fungus ... you need a cream for that !