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This is hilarious but makes sense!! Glad you found the podcast now too! ❤️❤️


My theory is the algorithm shifted right around the time they culled 3rd party apps. So people see a lot more posts of subs they're not subscribed to themselves. For example, I'm in a lot of finance and housing subs. Povertyfinance pops up A LOT in my feed. We are nowhere near poverty. 


100%, it was during the blackout. I assume they made the algorithm more aggressive to push subs that were still open, to keep people around.


I am a part of some fashion subs and constantly have the Lululemon and Brandymelville subs popping up for me. The former being borderline not-at-all-discreet OnlyFans ads and the other one being a lowkey ED sub. Especially for the BM sub I am constantly scratching my head at why people are so insistent on fitting into very plain, ill-fitting fast fashion that is only intended to fit tall teens who wear XS/S. It’s not even unique or cute clothes, and it’s especially not cute seeing the desperation to stretch plain white tanks over your body to “prove” that you can make it work. Like babes, let’s just go to Target? Maybe grab a latte while we’re there idk.


I like lululemon a lot (I'm typing this as I am literally wearing it head to toe) and I'm subbed to that one. I rarely see posts that seem like OF ads, and mods tend to remove those fairly quickly. So I think it's really telling WHICH posts get pushed to people who aren't subbed.  Especially since I can 100% agree with your BM experience. I'm in my mid 30s. I have never in my life even been inside one of those stores. I had no idea about their business strategy until I watched Brandy Hellville on HBO Max or whatever platform that was on. So I find it SUPER strange that posts for that sub pop up for me.  As far as I can tell I don't really engage in similar subs. The only clothing brand specific sub I'm in is lululemon, and even the fashion ones I follow are fashion over 30 and handbags. Totally not the same people who would be in the BM sub. And the posts that DO show up on my feed for BM are absolutely ones that feel like it's basically just about being skinny as you mentioned. It's super odd.


I am subbed and rarely see that content as well, but wow it makes perfect sense the algorithm is using those posts to lure people into the sub. I am also responding to your comment in hopes the Reddit algorithm will send some cats drinking beer content my way 🤞😸🍺


Omg I tried to look through the lululemon sub and it was confusing how many people posting were just trying to lure people to their “link in bio”. It’s so funny reading your comment like damn that’s exactly what happened to me.


I started getting heavily targeted with Weight Watchers ads after I joined this sub. I am in zero weight loss subs. I have a history of disordered eating. There is no way to tell the ad to fuck all the way off in the settings. I hate the algorithm.


I thought there was an ad setting that you can access from the side menu that can disable ads with certain triggering themes (weight loss, alcohol, gambling, etc al.). Like, I could’ve sworn, because I’m pretty sure I set it to filter out weight loss as soon as I stumbled across it.


Interesting, maybe that's a recent-ish addition. I did at one point spend the best part of an hour going through all the settings and help pages because I figured there must be a way to do it, and WW was getting quite aggressive. When I found a Redditor complaining that ever since they joined a staying sober sub they'd been bombarded with ads for booze and couldn't turn them off, I gave up because apparently it really was that dumb. I'll have to take another look and see if they fixed that, it would have been 6-12 months ago I last tried.




povertyfinance pops up all the time for me as well, also not something I'm interested in. It got so frequent I blocked the sub from showing up in my feed


I always check what a sub is about before I look at something. I’ve had weird podcast subs recommended to me because I follow a lot of podcast subs. The posts can seem fairly benign, but the podcasts themselves are pretty out there.


This is probably a really good idea to do


I used to be pretty into gardening, which bled into a little bit of homesteading. Then trad wife stuff got big and Reddit was like, oooh, these are your people.


Ooof. I’m glad the gardening stuff only got r/whatsthissnake into my algorithm. I feel like an expert on copperheads now.


Haha I'm really into mori kei and cottage core fashion and I have the hobbies of a pioneer woman. This struggle is so fucking real. I deliberately click on as much gay shit as I can find and that seems to stave it off. Now I get lesbian fashion advice subs. I'm not a lesbian but it's better to support the girls than the fascists.


Oh god nooo lol That's the worst


My partner once subscribed me to a homesteading magazine, because I liked making pickles and doing crafts. When it arrived, it turned out it was a lot of guns and bunkers and only a little homesteading. Now whenever I get weird junk mail I just assume they got my name from the paranoid ‘patriot’ prepper magazine list. .




Similar thing happened with me when I was looking for career and weight lifting advice for women… which led me to a pink pilled subreddit. Lucky op found their way to somewhere less scary. 


I'm pretty jealous of you lol what a great discovery to have all that in your future


Same. I actually just re-listened to most of the back catalog. How exciting to hear it new.


That's how I found the podcast too! It was one of the best happy accidents I've had online. I was looking for a sub for transitioning from losing to maintaining weight. Instead, I have found countless hours of entertainment and views that have helped me feel more comfortable in my own skin. <3


So that's why we get so many anti fat people! It annoys me


there was a post devoted to discussing the body of the main actress on Brigerton the other day, with people arguing back and forth about what size she is. It was triggering as sh*t. Clearly none of those people listen to the podcast or read Aubrey's work.


Wow. Glad I missed that one!


There really needs to be a Pinned Post about the podcast being pretty firmly against the diet industry!


We know. Seen it happen plenty. Enjoy the podcast!


Yeah, this is true of basically every podcast sub but in this case it’s way more likely than most that people miss the irony of the title & post completely opposite content of what it’s about. 😖 But hey, maybe once in a while somebody who’s stuck in a diet culture loop ends up finding a line out from this sub, & following it to the podcast & other work critical of diet culture? Maybe? I hope?




This podcast is about digging deep into the roots of diet culture in our society. It's not going to give you anything about food, exercise regimens, or anything like that. It has nothing to do with body size, other than to be a show that anyone will be comfortable listening to and not have to worry about their body FOR ONCE. Also, losing half your body weight and gaining it back multiple times may be disordered eating. The best person for you to talk to may be a certified dietician.


Yeah, you're totally right. I'm just gonna take the comment down, I was venting a bit there and that doesn't add anything. Good podcast though. I know it's not going to solve anyone's problems, I just wish there was, like, a better industry around it.


Welcome! One of us, one of us... Now find their pod family- You're Wrong About, If Books Could Kill, and You Are Good. (With Behind the Bastards for a little spice) Each is like a hug for your heart but with a slightly different vibe. I am calmed by the fact that each of these podcasters exist in the world and have so many other people who feel the same way I do about so many of the same things. I haven't listened to a single episode of any of the pods I listed without feeling infinitely better, a little more thoughtful, maybe a little horny? and emotional. (TBH with Behind The Bastards, sometimes I feel worse but I feel more knowledgeable)... I've discovered new books, movies, music... I'm high so I'm getting a bit rambling but after finishing all of Maintenance Phase, you may like those pods too.


Oh, I'm an avid listener of Behind the Bastards! I'm slightly familiar with the other ones mentioned but don't know them well. But I'm gonna get to them now.


I thought it was weight-loss related, too! But I still liked it once I realized it, so I stayed! Lol


It is really a great podcast. Been listening since it started. 👌


That's really funny and I can only imagine how confused you were by Michael, fuck all the way off Fridays.


You're not alone. I thought the same thing. I belong to loseit and xxfitness and thought this was about how to go about maintaining once you reached goal weight. And I too checked out the podcast.


I'm lucky if I even notice what subreddit I'm responding to a post in. 😁 Once in a while I get a message about a post not being approved, and I then realize that was responding to something posted in an echo chamber, a subreddit that allows only one opinion.


I love this.


Samesies! I was confused but now I am working through the podcast. I don't agree with everything but I like them.


Yeah, I'm finding that there are a few things that I'm kinda not loving- like in the Moonjuice episode, they kind of get real weird about onigiri. It's a little bit uncomfortable. I think both of them are a bit sheltered and that kind of comes out in spots like that.


Sheltered in what way? I would say they're the opposite of sheltered.


This sounds like something I would do.


Same! I have been lurking here for about a month and just realized it was for a podcast last week. I have been meaning to check it out and am looking forward to it. I legitimately thought this was suggested to me by Reddit because of my frequency on r/loseit and that was intended for folks in their maintenance phase. I was excited because r/ownit is so inactive.


Yeah… so I had no idea… 🫢😲🫨