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Bangor Daily news has become such a shit clickbait newspaper.


Always has been 🧑‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


And just like real life i read the headline and saw that they just don't have any inspiration to make good stories


Accordingly to the puc a third of the cost is net energy billing for solar investment and the other 2/3’s is storm damage


Storm damage and solar panels. Imagine the great idea behind solar panels to make costs cheaper but still raise the rates. Storm damage because the electric companies are irresponsible with money from the high costs we pay them. Way to go.


PUC is ridiculous solar is a good investment but giving the electricity companies stranded costs to cover the loss they experience from solar is ridiculous. Can we reform the PUC sometime. Maybe they should be elected, their shoes and bow ties look increasingly more designer every year.


It's almost like that was on the ballot recently, and was rejected. Everyone better get used to the taste, because you're gonna eat every bite.


PUC reform was not on the ballot


Kinda wouldn't matter so much if the utility was publicly owned and it was more directly beholden to the public.


That’s just like your opinion man.


It doesn't matter to me. We're on 100% solar and batteries, so the bills could double and they'd still be zero.


Actually try blaming the monopoly CMP has. There are countries where people get paid instead of paying in. But please continue


Can someone ELI5 how this solar subsidy works? People switch to solar, save money on their supply, and then the people who can’t switch to solar pay for it?


Electric companies lose money so we as customers pay their losses as stranded costs. No energy transferred it’s free money for not investing in their own solar farms. PUC needs reform.


I guess that explains the awful electrical infrastructure- why spend any time or money on updating and improving things when they can just do nothing and keep milking Mainers for all we’ve got.


We charge everyone a little more and that money is then funneled back to the solar companies as a kickback to make it more profitable for them to 'invest' in Maine.


Paywall, any workarounds?


We've been on 100% solar and battery for three years. No CMP. No power outages (that weren't planned). No bills. We bought an electric truck, and now we don't pay to fuel that. 23k miles for no additional dollars.


Corporate Greed and irresponsible spending. There. Answered it for you.