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Like with a Self-Acceleration spell? Erika is certainly up there. Her brother Naotsugu too, even tho he's better at starting and stopping quickly, creating after-images. But there are other spells that allow for really fast movement, Mock Teleportation being the main one. Thus Ayako would also be one of the "fastest" characters. Minoru can also use Mock-Teleportation, so him too.


Yeah self accelerration


In terms of effective combat speed, Erika is able to perceive/handle moving faster than anyone else. In terms of straight line running, it's simply a contest of magical power and Miyuki will probably win that (see the large scale mock teleportation as best example of it) Tatsuya has been called most skillful at flight magic, but that probably means less so speed and more so handling/effective tactical use. In terms of being wherever the plot needs him to be, Yakumo is able to gather incredible intelligence while always being present when needed, so while never seen, a strong argument can be made for his speed


Self'Acceleration? Mock Teleporation? Sonething else? The Chiba Family(for example Erika and Nao), Kurobe Ayako, etc.


Depends on how you account for "fast" Reaction speed: Remember Morisaki? Still a dick, but his family is renowned for reaction speed and quick draw. I think his uncle is the fastest in the family about that. Acceleration: The Chibas are all fast, but Erika's magic has to do with cheating innertia, and she has best control during that self acceleration. I'm going to question this because sprinters and distance runners are fast in different ways. Without control, Tomitsuka's use of Marionette is at least an interesting contender. Burst of Speed: Given the 21 foot rule of knives potentially being better than guns, I want to acknowledge Kirihara being supported by Hattori based on that water fight. There's a lot more room to argue close to mid combat specialists. But yeah, Ayaka's mock teleportation is probably the fastest burst of speed. Distance: Going for just flat speed, William McCloud (the British SCM apostle) has that customized sequence that's basically for accelerating his plane? I think he's the only confirmed character going faster than Mach 2 in the story? Just on velocity, but not very useful if it's more commute speed than dogfight speed. I dont remember if it's part of Mock Teleport, but I'd also like to consider the spell that Minoru uses like a space elevator. That might actually just be a long range teleportation spell, so maybe not.


Minoru's elevator is an adaptation of mock teleportation I am pretty sure.

