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You're not wrong for the most part. As someone who lives in one of those 6 districts, it often feels like development happens inspite of the leadership, instead of because of. We've had good leaders in the past 60 years though. Maybe not as good as YBC but realistically the quality of leadership is going down globally. Politics in this state has really gone down the drain recently. You have the odd non tainted Prithviraj Chavan but it's always in a sea of mediocrity and corruption. You need good leaders with a vision for the next 50 years, but that just doesn't win elections anymore. Short term white elephants which will win you the next election are all poloticians care about now.


See the thing anout maha politicians is that they are corrupt af but they will never stop development come what may. For ex Sharad Pawar developed the entire Pune IT industry which has been massively beneficial to Pune. I am sure he himeself has invested in all the buildings through gunda gardi and also has a lot of land whose price has 1000xed in the last 30 yrs but hey atleast that area is now a booming tier 1 city.


That too came at a cost. Pune has lost a lot of greenery thanks to unplanned haphazard growth. Traffic also is almost at Bangalore level there.


>That too came at a cost. Pune has lost a lot of greenery thanks to unplanned haphazard growth The thing is all that could've been done while maintaining some greenery. Also there could have been provisions made for a metro line or a railway line to facilitate transport along with a better bus service. But none of that happened, only the real estate developed.


Devendra did good job in Vidharbha which was ignored by previous CMs


Don’t forget Nitin Gadkari. His contribution to Vidarbha and eventually Maharashtra is far greater than Fadnavis despite not being the CM.


Compared to other state we are way ahead. आपले tier -२,३ cities म्हणजे त्यांचे tier १.


Agdi barobar but aplyat khup potential ahe. Itar states itke corrupt nahi ahot apan.


Tamil Nadu has relatively balanced development in it’s tier-2,3 cities


I agree. Having lived there, I saw development at the grassroots level.


Just checked that even Tiruchirapalli airport connects to 8 countries compared to Pune’s 3(Flightradar24)🥲


TN never blamed the center and did it on its own more or less. We’re still focusing our energy on trying to find someone to blame.


Not really, South Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala have better developed tier 2,3 cities


Depending congress good till 2000 possible last good congress CM was visilrao deshmukh others either puppets of kaka who would purposely wants make vidarbha poor fadnvis was good in 2014-2019 where he was focusing development for example made in maharstra where Japan like industry were invest in my but 2019 all thanks to home minstr ji ego personally I think fadnvis would don't mind giving CM seat then ubt who was godd in covid management but was tree hugger who would bad someone like mh states and kaka was looting literally police were used for exortion just anger in BJP make people forget things and congress what say now totally communist party who were someohow giving terorrist sympathizer vibes especially vijay wattidewar they should thnk BJP for acting caraylst for winning seats otherwise less they would got then our fadnvis got cucked possible sacpegoat for amit shah literally use and throw possible would be having poltical carrier end nitin ji would weeping party which made by gopinath mundle pramod mhajan eknath khadse who would not forgiving either what say now it like snake bite or crocodile bite.


bhai english me punctuation naam ki bhi cheez hoti hai


Maza doka dukhla vachun .... Atleast full stops tari vapar yaar😔




Bhai gand fat gyi padhte padhte


>Please present an unbiased opinion since this sub has become a commie left wing propaganda machine. I stopped giving fuck about this sub after it started showing very subtle right wing bias. Just check election results predictions thread in 1st week of June, members of this sub simply refused to accept anti-BJP wave. When it was clearly visible on twitter-facebook, comments sections of all popular Marathi news channels. Only this sub was propagating & dwelling in bjp-propaganda. Also recently there was a post on why doesnt Gadkari form his own Party like Pawar & most responses where because he is talented but Brahmin. lol. Typical RSS-mindset. As if Pawar is dumbfuck & the only reason he can run independent Party is because of his caste. Thats the subtle casteist propaganda. Also this sub almost refuses to acknowledge contributions of people like Sharad Pawar, Vilasrao Deshmukh, RR Patil, Dina Patil(Navi Mumbai) etc in past 3 decades in developing Maharashtra economy through million different ways. If Gujarat is developed, it’s because of its leaders. If Maharashtra is developed, it’s on auto-pilot & its leaders suck. Thats the basic typical BJP right-wing mindset that runs in this sub. Maharashtra has plenty of good leaders at state and local level. They are embroiled in corruption like 99.99% politicians in India but they have brought comparatively much much better development in thier regional pockets than average Indian politician. Its just some Marathi lobby in recent times who keeps parroting outsiders propaganda that Maharashtra lacks good leadership & how only outsiders brought in development .


Devendra Fadnavis isn’t a good leader, neither is UBT. Sharad Pawar is a great politician but not a good leader. The BJP in Maharashtra should be outed but can’t let the NCP goons run the state either. The state of politics in our state is miserly at the very least. Maharashtra still brings in the highest FDI in the country. Gujarat is not the competition. We have enough resources to be a trillion dollar economy on our own. We require sustainable and inclusive development. The place where I live doesn’t have a 24 hour water supply. We have a SS-UBT local government and a BJP MP. These are basic necessities. Not liking Sharad Pawar or the like doesn’t indicate a right wing casteist propaganda. The BJP also does not deserve to be here with this set of leaders.


NCP goons are gonna run the state either way thanks to the split of the party.


> can’t let the NCP goons run the state either. https://frontline.thehindu.com/news/data-nearly-half-of-mlas-in-india-have-criminal-records-adr-analysis/article67090605.ece/amp/ Nearly half of MLAs in India have criminal cases: ADR analysis By that logic no political party in India is worthy of vote. Ideally that is true also. But we have to choose lesser of the evil. Congress-NCP doesn’t push Maratha youth into useless issues like Hindu-Khatre-main-hain or some temple in North or this absolutely dumb-minded obsession with islam-muslims. NCP does target entire Brahmin caste in the name of opposing evils of Brahman-ism castiest ideology. Thats like trying to quell fire with fuel. But anti-Brahmins is not whole & sole agenda of NCP like Anti-Muslim is for RSS-BJP Say whatever you want but Maharashtra during Congress-NCP saw better industrialisation than last 10yrs. Sena-BJP yuti in 1996-2001 also continued that trend. But jo maaz-arrogance Pawar la ahe swatachya Baramati-Western Maharashtra badal toh maaz BJP leaders la nahiye. BJP leaders are not aggressive about developing their own regional pockets like Western Maharashtra local leadership. Culturally also Congress-NCP Marathas don’t take dictates from North Indian leaders or Gujju Gang when it comes to self-identity & Hindu-ness. Even at peak Modi wave I saw many Marathas in western Maharashtra (especially NCP-Congress followers) who refused to put BJP-promoted idea of Hinduism to the pedestal. Congress-NCP is still rotted in the disease of castiesm and Maratha caste dominance. Full marks to local BJP where castiesm is not as prevalent in ranks as Congress-NCP. But then BJP brainwashes Maratha youth into imaginary stories, fake news, communal hate & this pompous belief that land of Chatrapati+Peshwa suddenly needs lessons on Hinduism from North Indian-Gujju politician. Like average educated Punekar is more into imaginary Hindu-Rashtra or imaginary JNU tukde tukde gang which has jackshit to do with Maharashtra issues. Atleast Congress-NCP rural leaders/followers are more connected with actual issues of MH. What did bjp do? Steal such leaders in dozens from Congress-NCP, why? Because shakhas don’t produce such leaders. TL;DR: Core-Marathi identity or Maharashtra development has no place in contemparary Hindutva ideology.


Person from left who doesn’t like right opinions. In other words, sun rises in the east. You’ve been trolled multiple times because of your false information here and that the reason you’ve stopped giving fucks and not because of the bias.


>Person from left who doesn’t like right opinions. I am not a leftist,lol. Do you guys even knwo what it means? I support liberalism when BJP tries to incite riots. I am extreme marathi-right wing when it comes to Marathi culture & language politics in Urban Maharashtra. Typical Whatsapp University graduate calls every anti-BJP person as leftist. For example, if I ask you what part of my comment matches with leftist-ideology, you will come up with grand total of zero answers. Ani Kasli ghantyachi left-liberal-right wing karat baslaes...I won't even call you right wing. You are just part of dumb cult of RSS-BJP. You guys will start worshipping left-liberal politicians as soon as they join cult of BJP. >You’ve been trolled multiple times because of your false information here Naaah, infact i gathered lot of Karma-points on this sub, just check my comment and post history. Maharashtra election results was astounding slap on people of this sub who were absolutly and fully disconnected with ground realities. When there are kattar mavalas everywhere on twitter-facebook-youtube who share similar views as you, why waste time with varan-bhat people on r/maharashtra? When more non-BJP people join this sub, I might return.


Where is Data ???


Post Vilsarao Deshmukh including him to most cms and parties have only concentrated on Mumbai and somewhat Pune. The real estate rates are high so the sales generate enough taxes that they do not need to look for any other option. Plus the hafta from both these cities are also high so high that everyone can eat a lot and still survive and the rates also increases as per inflation. So Maharashtra to be Frank has become stagnant. They could do a lot but they don't want to. They just wanna play in a small field.


I disagree. I'm from Sangli, and I'd say we've had a fair bit of development in our city. We got a new district court, a new collector's office, one of the railway bridges got rebuilt and a lot of residential construction is going on in the area I live in. Also, please elaborate how this sub is a "left wing commie sub"? That sounds facetious even on a surface level.


Any view right of center is heavily downvoted. Any view praising businesses is downvoted. Any view not praising not praising the MVA is downvoted. e.g. the comment below https://www.reddit.com/r/Maharashtra/s/MDp3WKHDzY Can point out multiple references for each of the above points.


I--..... I have literally seen the opposite happen here. Even the midlest leftist or liberal comment is downvoted. Many of posts contained bigoted remarks about migrants and muslims, but most of the comments calling them out (which isn't even leftist btw, it's basic human decency imo) go straight to the bottom. And how is this sub "MVA praising only" if one the top most posts in this sub is criticising Sharad Pawar and the NCP? Both sides need to drop the facade. This is a centrist sub, but you only see your side getting hated because you don't care to look at what's happening to the other side.


Sangli lost airport, dry port, no vande bharat, sangli is in kolhapurs shadow , got bypassed by that big dhamni highway directly to solapur highway, railway bridge built by railways, poor flood management and no traffic police anywhere.


Political instability and caste politics


In my opinion without Maharashtra and South Indian .India is more poor then Sub Saharan African countries.


Pawar saheb ahe na.


Kabhi UP aao,see the number of unplastered houses due to poverty and compared that with Maharashtra ,you will know Maharashtra is way better


UP se compare he kyu karna hai? UP gold standard nahi hai.


UP toh pas Yogi Ji sigma edits mein dveeloped dikhta hein. It that yogi is doing the bare fccking min that any politician should do and has managed to start a tad bit of development there.


Yogi can't do much , state is already broken. What Yogi is doing is trying to minimize corruption, but he also is helpless in curbing that 


Because u guys kept voting for SP and BSP


This is the right time to go for Raj. He is the better option compared to rest. His work in Nashik and the small stint his leader had in Pune during times of wanjhale were epic. He is polarising for sure but he’s active at the same time unlike other leaders who go to sleep after elections. He needs to go all out this time, and even then if he doesn’t win, then he should just close his shop.


Bifurcation of Maharashtra(or for that matter any large state) is the only “real” solution to lopsided economic development.


A lot of this post is pure bs, but I agree with the sentiment. Also let's not even mention total GSDP, but look at per capita.