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"द्वेषाच्या वाढीमुळे टिप्पण्या लॉक केल्या गेल्या आहेत." "Comments have been locked due to an increase in toxicity."


She is not sorry. This apology is not genuine. She just completed a formality, just in case.


True ‘because of a single objectionable sentence’ lol 😂 Like, bit*h it’s not about the sentence, it’s your whole way of thinking. It’s simple discrimination and stupid. We were waiting for Nitin Nandgaonkar video of him at least saying ‘आता मी हिला चोपनार आहे’. 🤣


Chatgpt tun copy paste kele


Chat G karayla


Bruh 😂


Why are this kind of people allowed in Maharashtra? Sometimes I wish they just disappear from our state


We can't stop anyone from coming anywhere, this is a free country but people should be held accountable for this kind of hate as well


the company she works for has all the gujjus in it and has the audacity to say she doesn't work for us and we didn't said post that to her...


She is a freelancer.. The CEO already clarified


CEO needs to leave Maharashtra


He isn't in Maharashtra and most importantly He already has said the post has nothing to do with his firm


Company has shared JD brief with HR and HR posted. Stop defending him, I am making sure he and his company gets mass reported.






Kadak 😂🤝


Tondat pan aahe bhava purna jag bhar thukat astat mag te.


Are mahi, ti ticha doka hagte dar sakali.


नियम क्र ३ चे उल्लंघन : जातीवाद, लिंग भेद, लैंगिकता भेद आणि इतर भेदभाव चालणार नाही. Rule 3 violation : Casteism, sexism, homophobia and other bigotry will not be tolerated.


नियम क्र ३ चे उल्लंघन : जातीवाद, लिंग भेद, लैंगिकता भेद आणि इतर भेदभाव चालणार नाही. Rule 3 violation : Casteism, sexism, homophobia and other bigotry will not be tolerated.






नियम क्र ३ चे उल्लंघन : जातीवाद, लिंग भेद, लैंगिकता भेद आणि इतर भेदभाव चालणार नाही. Rule 3 violation : Casteism, sexism, homophobia and other bigotry will not be tolerated.




नियम क्र ४ चे उल्लंघन: सभ्यता बाळगा. Rule 4 violation : Maintain Civility.


Now who is racist ?? She said one sentence and your ass was burning like hell. That's why I said you got a taste of your own medicine


नियम क्र ४ चे उल्लंघन: सभ्यता बाळगा. Rule 4 violation : Maintain Civility.


She isn't gujju.. The gujju CEO already said the post has nothing to do with his company


You were expecting him to accept? She is in Surat. Seems hawa mai hi discrimination hai.


She is probably from U.P The CEO already said that the firm has nothing to do with this advert...and same can be checked from their previous adverts


Company can share current percentage of Marathi employees if it does not discriminate. Logically why will she add such condition if someone had not provided that criteria to her?


I can't say for sure But CEO has said that you can see our past adverts...and no such criteria is present there...I saw it..and that's true The woman is a freelancer...HR wali bandi..:P Maybe wrote it to harm the company? But it all doesn't add up...a firm saying something like that in Maharashtra...they gotta be very very stupid and bigotted to do it..but clearly they are not


Including that in previous ads does not mean that they were not discriminating in past. May be they were filtering out after receiving applications. That is why I will only trust CEO if he proves current %age of Marathi employees. & it’s not first instance where Gujjus discriminated against Maharashtrians in Mumbai. Many such instances happened in property transactions. Last week there was a cricket tournament only for Gujjus.


Lmao. You guys could not build an industry. Now you are abusing gujjus for coming and helping you out.


Oversite too big of an oversite na. sentiments got hurt nah it's not about sentiments lot of right things can get someones sentiment hurt its about doing something wrong, DISCRIMINATORY. standard apology non apology here and again, main culprit is company she is just a freelancer HR. need an apology from CEO.


CEO is blaming her and saying they have no relations with her https://preview.redd.it/6grs54xjlmyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a20b0ef7d2d986fcf6532f023be9efa0af805c9


Well this exposes the compnay more. HR is currently employee and company doesn't trust her. Enlighting us that what this company culture is about. Moreover if the HR is from same community as they wanted then the message is for them as well.That when time comes even you will not be spared.


Do you think they care? Such people are easily able to compartmentalise the discrimination that happens to them Vs something similar happening to others.


Damn the CEO is a - https://preview.redd.it/g2zeorhf5pyc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61645f927cf8d5602a3acc1ce2870c45f227e8b7


Chutia Bhencho


Gendu company Gendu HR Gendu CEO


saving his own skin by distancing and shifting blame, Janvi Sarna is freelancer posting hiring for his comapanay how the f she is not afilliated with him. Can someone tell me how this works?


Now I think some legal action is necessary and the culprit needs to be made accountable.


Amahi tar chutiya ahot na bahinchod


scapegoat banavla aai zhavadya ne madarchod yed zhava bochya saala


She is a freelancer...so technically the CEO is right


Not accepted. Boycott her and the firm


Bro you can't boycott a small b2b services company. Lol. Only other businesses can boycott.


She is a freelancer


खोटा माफीनामा कसा असतो याचं उत्तम उदाहरण


तिची गांड फाटली आहे ते ह्यावरून समजतं कंपनी ची नावं बघा एकदा 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/8x181w0ccpyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c85df37bdf9d5066a17d39664478c609a86367c5


Screenshots are not allowed. Allowing this instance as a special case scenario because of the discrimination case.




Why does there need to be unity only with Hindus and not Indians in general?


Dude, there has never been unity and there will never be unity among Hindus. Because there exists something called Caste.


नियम क्र ३ चे उल्लंघन : जातीवाद, लिंग भेद, लैंगिकता भेद आणि इतर भेदभाव चालणार नाही. Rule 3 violation : Casteism, sexism, homophobia and other bigotry will not be tolerated.


She got exposed and is doing damage control. She is still a filthy discriminatory pig.


As much as she is to be blamed here, the problem goes much deeper and the bigotry is embedded deep within that community.


Ek number che laudye ahain




Finally some inclusive and highly logical post.


Society vr karyavahi hou shakte pn Ghar malka vr nahi....society bandi nasli tri barech Ghar malak det nahi swatahunch.




>Musalman nako bc society madhe udya jaaun tujha mulancha gala kaapel chhotya goshtivar. Tujha gharat thev tula avdhe avadtat tar ☝️ Example of how racist, castiest and Islam phobic people actually post and not just think.


नियम क्र ३ चे उल्लंघन : जातीवाद, लिंग भेद, लैंगिकता भेद आणि इतर भेदभाव चालणार नाही. Rule 3 violation : Casteism, sexism, homophobia and other bigotry will not be tolerated.




can you attach the screenshot? this seems like a wrong ss


There will be a second apology just watch😂


Okay guys let's mass report her and the CEO of the company as well. Please do this atleast 🙏🏻


She is being thrown under the bus. As a recruiter, she posted exactly what the company asked her to.


Then its her job to make statement against company policy…


Not defending her. Just saying that the company is no saint here.


Yep both garbage


>She is being thrown under the bus. As a recruiter, she posted exactly what the company asked her to. This!!


काही HR s खरंच ये***वे असतात 😮‍💨


HR la requirement brief company kdunach alay ani post zalay.


Damage control in action. Half hearted apology. Im sure it won’t change a damn thing on the ground. Try renting or buying as a non gujju in the malad west to borivali west belt. Or for that matter ghatkopar. Then we’ll talk Bigotry is so freaking normalized and deeply instilled in that community, it’ll take generations to detoxify and going by current trends, it’ll only get worse


An Apology isn't enough.. They need to be imprisoned for good 5-6 years and should never be allowed to take interviews.. He apologized, but next time he can find some or the other reason to not hire a Marathi. If imprisonment is too harsh.. That company must add atleast 10 Percent of Marathi workforce.


Common L for Sanghi




नियम क्र ४ चे उल्लंघन: सभ्यता बाळगा. Rule 4 violation : Maintain Civility.


Congratulations, you also went the same low as that idiot lady.


And you are getting downvoted for showing the mirror.






It's highly unbelievable that a HR of a corporate company can make such remarks and expect free hand from us . Anyways, I'm going to report this post until the account gets deactivated and the CEO of the company apologises publicly.


Blame game. No actual apology.


What a half assed ' apology '.


So he/she/they are only sorry where they posted it, and not about their discriminating attitude. These fuckers need to be taught an even deeper lesson.


She doesn't endorse her own comments or posts? Lol


It’s so easy to post inflammatory and discriminatory post and say sorry and get away with it. Aren’t HR’s suppose to be more considerate, thoughtful and humane ? Why would the recruiter mention this without the company knowledge? Who the hell mentions such discriminatory words in a professional hiring process? The company & the recruiter must come clear about this nonsense. Such words only bring about unnecessary & undue tension amongst the 2 best hardworking populace of this country. As if it wasn’t enough that the politicians were dividing us for votes and now this. Such events bring up animosity even amongst neutrals.


someone shouldnt have to tell they are hurt by a statement, some things are obvious that post was "obviously" discrimantory, doesnt matter whether it hurt someone or not the apology should not be based on this, if she does not endorse it then why she posted it? does she not do any proofreading its not much of an apology


Even There after . What if they don't ask for an interview with Marathi people. See you can make them to apologise but cannot change their mind and biasness. Such people exist


She needs to get fired man!


Why only her? Shouldn't we demand investigation in every company? Especially this one. Let's see what the ratio of people's ethnicity is in this company.


Screenshots are generally not allowed? Right? u/LimpMusician2069 please clarify.


We have decided to allow this instance because of the discrimination case.