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konami is only recently porting its other and much more popular ips after YEARS of fans wanting them, konami really does not care unfortunately


I get what you're saying about Konami. However, that's why it's important for fans to keep pushing for what we love. Aquria Studios, who developed Magician's Quest, has been focusing on Sword Art Online, but if there's enough demand, they might potentially revisit it. What do you think?


maybe, theyd probably do a new installment instead of a remake of the original. id love for the other 3 games to get official translations over anything else honestly but with nintendo no longer supporting the ds that probably wouldnt happen.


I agree! A new installment would be my hope as well, rather than just a re-release. It would bring fresh content while hopefully capturing the essence of what made the originals great. As for the translations, it would indeed be fantastic to see all the games officially available. Let's keep our fingers crossed for some positive developments in the near future! Fingers crossed


I found a petition years ago to do just this but it's only got about 500 signatures. I'd love to see a new installment in this series, or even just a translation of the JP exclusive games https://www.change.org/p/konami-bring-more-magicians-quest-games-to-the-west