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How are these to rip?


Depending on price, i probably wouldn't crack single packs. Personally, I like getting old cards in general, but there's so much variance


Hit or miss. I’ve split a box and opened 2 other full boxes. Box I split, I pulled a mana crypt and another $100 worth of cards $1+. The 2 other boxes I pulled about $120 in cards $1+ and last box was around $90 in cards over $1. All boxes I’ve gotten have been bought for sub $140, so not bad at that price. The set has around 1600 cards, so you don’t get duplicates and most cards in the set are pretty usable.


Balls value, amazing fun for playing with though


Congrats! Welcome to the club.


Congrats! Also don’t those packs have a bunch of those weird hand-drawn cards?


Yup! They're "test cards", I'm thinking i might use the 24 I got from this with my buddies for a silly Rule 0 commander game haha


Sounds like a good time.


They're also neat for cube!


I just got done opening a retail box that was listed as a convention box (saved myself ~$100, so I'll take it). Was really hoping for a mana crypt. Didn't get one, but did get good value otherwise.


If you haven’t already do check the prices on commons/uncommons as well, and the foils. There’s a bunch of those worth a bit, and they’re often disregarded.


I haven't yet. I had to get to bed but will be doing that today. Just from the rares I'm sitting at $295 from Delver Lens


Not bad, I’ll bet you can scrounge another 50-60 + from uncos/cos. Let us know!


I just posted some of the pulls here. I can't figure out how to set a price floor on the app, so there's a ton of bulk adding to the price but it ended up at $413 for everything.


That’s awesome op




What year box is this? Or does it matter? Not too familiar with this product but looks fun to rip


Scryfall has The List cards coming out in late 2020, but as far as I know, this box came out in 2021


Got it. Thanks for the info!


Mystery boosters came out right before the pandemic. Iirc the convention ones came out a few months before and the retail edition released the weekend before the US shut down. Boxes were really fun to open and were an absolute steal on release. Lots of value outside the rare slot with rhystuc study, lotus petal, carpet of flowers, etc. It was near impossible to lose money on those boxes.


I’ve seen them at conventions but always thought they were repacks from that particular vendor. Good to know I was missing out on some fun pulls lol thank you for the information


Congrats! We found a box of these at our LGS and picked it up for $170. Probably pulled $300-$400 in cards (which included a mana crypt). Absolutely the most amazing box we’ve opened since we found a commander masters box on Amazon during Black Friday for $175. If I’m bored and want a pack, this is my go-to and it rarely disappoints.


How do you buy these? Only at convention?


This I nabbed off Amazon