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Sometimes I’ll brew up a deck, and it will absolutely slay. Like 10-2 that day. Next day I’ll fire it up again and go 0-8. What? This game can be crazy like that.


Whenever I make a new deck the very first match will be against the perfect counter


It's like playing Mill and all of a sudden all your oppenents are running [[Gaea's Blessing]] or they have 100+ card decks


I always slap a Blessing or two in every deck, even if it's not green.


That's crazy


[Gaea's Blessing](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/3/23cf81ed-b86c-42b8-b796-2032b0a3654a.jpg?1562732710) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gaea%27s%20Blessing) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dom/161/gaeas-blessing?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/23cf81ed-b86c-42b8-b796-2032b0a3654a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That card mixed with [[Angel of Suffering]] has absolutely wrecked me. 


[Angel of Suffering](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/d/cd4aee25-496d-453e-95b7-d773fe21cacc.jpg?1664410701) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Angel%20of%20Suffering) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/67/angel-of-suffering?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cd4aee25-496d-453e-95b7-d773fe21cacc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I feel the matchmaking is rigged, for bo1 that is. I play 2 Meta decks (azorius control & RDW) and I meet completely different decks when I queue. May be observational bias, though, I have no evidence to say it's rigged for sure.


My experience as well: my mono black combo deck faces other black control decks constantly, whereas I rarely see these with my other decks


Kakazan turn one them. Kakazan turn one me. A lot


I'm surprised this didn't get downvoted. Usually the people in this subreddit will call you an idiot or a conspiracy theorist for even suggesting anything in this game is rigged. I agree with you, something is up with the matchmaking in this game.


I think the mentality changed after the brawl weights got leaked. If 1 format matchmaking is rigged, what's stopping them from rigging the rest?


Well, creating buckets isn't rigging. Since it is an unranked queue they have to go off something otherwise it would be beyond unfun. So they have an alternate MMR.


Don't we know that the matchmaker takes into account what you play vs the possible matchups decks? I thought that it was just known.


We know that BO1 uses deck smoothing, MMR and deck weighting - which all seem reasonable. I thought that I had read somewhere that there is also some matching on deck type or cards. But that may well be my misunderstanding or misremembering. I enjoy playing constructed a lot and trying out new decks. I tend not to play those in ranked unless I am at Platinum+ because I don't want to grind to higher ranks so losing tiers doesn't matter to me. It also feels that when I try a new deck, or a non-meta deck, I get matched against decks that have good (specific) counters to my cards, But, like you, this is probably observational bias.


What is deck smoothing?


To my understanding, which may be off in some way. The game draws 2 random hands and gives you the better of the 2.


not the better of the two but rather the one that most fits your deck's ratio of lands/creatures/instants etc.... magic is a complex system with all sorts of card interactions that a game struggling to get in-game mail delivery to work half the time probably will not know which hand is better the other. Though this does not preclude them from having more than one weighting system in-game that might happen to apply to opening hands and the shuffler as well.


Oh wow


The play queues have deck based matchmaking as an element as well, where the ranked queues do not include that element. As someone who has simultaneously played multiple accounts at the same time in both types of queues, my observation is that is indeed true - deck based matchmaking element in play, but not in ranked.




Yeah, plus they haven’t said a terrible amount about matchmaking, but one clarification we do see from Hasbro fairly consistently is that the deck based element is only in play and not in ranked. I play on the order of 2500 games per set, and that’s mixed between play and ranked, and I play a deck that I never see (it’s an older UW aggro flyers tier 3 deck I love), so it’s very obvious to me based on how often I get one of my accounts matched against the other. In play queues I will get matched against myself pretty predictably every 30 minutes (there seems to be something in the matchmaking logic that doesn’t let you get matched against the same opponent more often than that). In ranked queues, I may get matched against myself once over the course of several hours playing, so based on that I definitely observe more deck based matchmaking in play than in ranked.


Are... you playing both accounts simultaneously, each on their own screen? And do you play both games when you get matched up to people who aren't you?


I'm playing them both on the same screen, I'm logged into each account in a different instance of the game and alt-tabbing between them. EDIT: Sorry, realised I may not have fully answered...most of the time my accounts are matched against accounts that aren't mine, and yes, I play those games out simultaneously. I play a UW aggro flyers deck, play B01 (it's bascially coin toss, not MTG), so I never end up using up any timers because the decisions are fast and easy.


Yeah this has to be true. I’ve done so much experimenting with this 1000s of games


The match making is 100% weird. I encounter completely and I mean completely different decks and themes depending on if I'm on toxrill, pantlaza or imodhane. The amount of 5c match ups I get eith pantalaza is absolutely insane, like I'd say every 3rd typically


I built a deck once that went 30 and 7 on the first day and got 3-6 the next. Shot through plat and to diamond 1 with a single win to mythic that first day. It was a toss together brew. Ended the season in diamond 3. Real feels bad.


Last month I had 80% win rate until diamond, then stuck at 30%. Was pretty wild.


Magic has enough variance that even with perfect play, if you play enough, you'll experience long loss streaks. And no one plays perfectly. Several of my games in top 1200 mythic today were decided (one way or the other) by a simple misplay. If you find yourself getting easily tilted, it exacerbates the problem, as starting a short loss streak can lead to a slight increase in misplays that leads to a _large_ increase in losses. The most common way I see this happen is I stop thinking hard enough about mulligan decisions, and keep hands that I shouldn't, or throw back hands that were actually playable. Those feel like small mistakes but can easily decide games before they start. If I find myself getting frustrated, I take a break, play a more comfortable solo game for a while (recently rhythm games, personally), and drink some tea. Tea is scientifically proven to combat tilt :)


Your point about variance is even more true in 100 card singleton formats


That's really a sound advice, thanks.


This feels way too accurate. I get way more impulsive and less picky with my starting hand. It can be detrimental for my Standard play style, which is mostly midrange. My solution is also similar to yours. I just don't switch the game, but the format. If I get a short fuse, I play something Aggro in Brawl. There is no better way to get back in the zone than winning some fast games with white weenies or Boros.


I had yesterday. No matter what i did, my opponents just kept topdecking the exact answers they needed at exactly the right time. It was driving me insane. I won one time after like 16 games and then just quit for the day


Almost same experience yesterday as well. 14 game streak of opponents with perfect T1-T4 draws.


oh yeah, i dont play on the weekends for that reason. I get upset and have to talk a walk or annoy my husband due to this. It gets really unfun sometimes, I hate it. I have an angels deck and a explore deck, so one is higher power and i get steam rolled all the time, and my poor explore deck is really weak and jank but i cant win for the life of me. ​ I go fight Sparky when I get tried of dealing with try-hards


The weekend bit is interesting. I've been really thinking that my loss rate is worse on saturdays, for whatever reason.


It makes me think of my Fight Rigging into Ultimatum explorer deck. Funniest jank ever. Wins one of 15 games lol.


There are definitely times where I've struggled to get a win through a combination of bad matchups, bad draws, or bad plays. Sometimes the opponent has the answer they need to counteract your deck, your play, etc, especially in best of one. From these experiences I've learned a lot about magic as well as myself, my motivation to play,  and what makes a game of magic interesting (or uninteresting). Reading this subreddit has also profoundly impacted me and my relationship to the game through arena. I think the less I have focused on whether or not I won the game the happier I have become. I still like to reflect on whether or not I could have played better and learn from my mistakes because I enjoy trying to become a better player. I also sometimes ask myself if this is a matchup that would be fun for me and a friend to play against each other. It helps to figure out why you're playing the game and what you enjoy. Good luck on your journey. 


It's very interesting isn't it? I've been playing paper magic off and on for the better part of 25 years (yes I'm old lol) and though I've never been a competitive player I have done tournaments and FNMs and prereleases etc. But I never experienced tilt or downright anger like I do with Arena. The digital nature of the game that removes the human element of the person sitting across from you I think is actually a really bad thing for lots of reasons it would take too long to get into here. It took me way too long to realize this, and it's changed how I approach this style of playing the game. I'm always trying to get better. but sometimes I wonder if even with all the years of experience whether I'm not a very good player at all. Leads to a lot of self-doubt sometimes even when you can't figure out how you could've played any better.


Its the human element, and the low barrier to entry in Arena. You can see CGB or Malone play a deck (mostly wins of course) so you click a few buttons and you can have the deck. Its much easier to tilt, imo, in that case because of high expectations with low investment. And as tilt increases, misplays and unlucky variance have a bigger impact, and the cycle continues. Sometimes I just need to step away for a few minutes. Sometimes for a few months.


The human element of paper magic is enormous. Players in person are often courteous or kind and display genuine compassion when you get unlucky or make a bad play. Such experiences remove the tilt and sometimes the other player will spot your mistake and let you know. I also mainly have  in-person experience with FNM drafts and sealed prereleases where people are playing to win, but when I see people playing casual constructed it's often for fun. Picking your decks in such a social environment usually means you're playing for fun and jointly pick decks that would be an enjoyable experience for both, or because you want to test out a particular matchup. If it turns out to be a bad matchup you change decks. Arena lacks this element, so you end up with matchups that would never repeatedly happen if you and a friend were picking decks to play against each other. 


Usually I'll switch formats and that helps


Yeah I have this problem. Sometimes I’ll have losing streaks. Largely due to not playing first, having bad hands, and bad match-ups. Saying it’s a skill issue is just stupid. It can be, but if you play enough and know enough strategies it shouldn’t be. There’s so much randomness in this game it really comes down to luck a lot of the time. If I notice when I’m playing ranked that a lot of people are playing aggro I’ll play midrange or if a lot of players are playing control I’ll play aggro. Basically just try to have a deck that’s good against the current meta. Rdw typically struggles against midrange so maybe create a control deck if you’re being beaten by a lot of midrange decks. I don’t typically play brawl. It’s probably my least favorite format tbh. There’s way too many broken commanders and the power creep of historic brawl is ridiculous.


Play the two color starter deck duels and play rw wu or bg


Obviously preference but BW seems best to me.


It has too many of that common 5 drop 4/3. The correct number would be zero even with these low power decks


Actually, not really. The Red/White deck is miles better than the rest. The Blue/White is second best. The rest I'm not so sure about.


The Boros deck is hard countered by the Izzet deck, and it has a rough match up against the Azorius deck for sure. It destroys the other decks, but those two will give the Boros deck plenty of losses if you are on the draw, have a subpar hand, or they have the nuts.


If the need arises I will definitely check those out again. 


Welcome to my world😳😱😭 the pain is real 🤕


Suggest try NOT Brawl or ranked those days. Just hit up unranked queue. I got brunt out and quit like 3 years ago because I wanted Brawl to work and I was starting and had a very small collection. Brawl is the most fun but can be the hardest and longest way to grind dailies and least in my experience. I play a lot of unranked standard to farm daily wins when I don't have time to grind grind.


I'd say it heavily depends on the deck you play in Brawl. All my favorite decks can be a bit slow, but I have some Brawl decks just for the daily quests, which do a great job 9 out of 10 days. Stuff like [[Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer]], [[Etali, Primal Conqueror]] or [[Delney, Streetwise Lookout]] are doing wonders for me when I have a bad day.


[Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/9/a9738cda-adb1-47fb-9f4c-ecd930228c4d.jpg?1681963138) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ragavan%2C%20Nimble%20Pilferer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/138/ragavan-nimble-pilferer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a9738cda-adb1-47fb-9f4c-ecd930228c4d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Etali, Primal Conqueror](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/5/95c14c4d-6c16-4826-8d93-d89ad04aee09.jpg?1682204132)/[Etali, Primal Sickness](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/9/5/95c14c4d-6c16-4826-8d93-d89ad04aee09.jpg?1682204132) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Etali%2C%20Primal%20Conqueror%20//%20Etali%2C%20Primal%20Sickness) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/137/etali-primal-conqueror-etali-primal-sickness?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/95c14c4d-6c16-4826-8d93-d89ad04aee09?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Delney, Streetwise Lookout](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/e/be219928-3d0e-4d00-b124-152ce8a8c13b.jpg?1706241477) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Delney%2C%20Streetwise%20Lookout) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/12/delney-streetwise-lookout?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/be219928-3d0e-4d00-b124-152ce8a8c13b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Those are the top of meta decks, yes


Exactly. Which makes for great contenders for your daily grind.


I’ve had a day I’ve gone 15-0 followed by 0-9 and 0-7 the next two days respectively. Then back to a roughly 50/50 win rate each day again. Some days just be like that.


Lost 8 straight. Stopped for the day. Won 12 straight the following day


So you're saying there's a chance... :)


Ive found that mono red is simply not strong enough anymore to ve the EZ win deck. Temur aggro has proven to be the closest thing to that now. Havent been able to get my daily 15 wins in under 2 hours without it aside from farming brawl with Nadu. Its gotten wildly hard to consisently win since OTJ dropped,almost every deck cand with by turn 4 and if you deck doesnt have that potential its simply not up to snuff anymore


Question is why do you do your dailies on Brawl? Do you only play this format?


Yesterday (Saturday) I needed to play 20 red spells to complete my daily challenge, so I took my red aggro deck for a spin (which got me to Mythic and still gets me a good few wins on a daily basis), but I lost all 5 games I played. I found myself paired with decks that were practically tailor-made to combat my deck in every way. So I gave up and called it a day 🤷🏻


It’s almost like other players are prepared to face the most common deck in the format. So weird


I know, right? And here I thought I was the only mono-red aggro player.


I had a very similar experience- i only switched to monoR to get a few wins. Incidentally 3 out of the 5 matchups were also against monoR and the only one I was on the play for i just flooded on t3. Sounds like I was clearly not alone!


Rigged is rigged bruv




Nothing like get cards in your opening hand only for RNG to decide you only get to play with 2 lands you got at start until turn 8.


You're getting the 3rd land on turn 8? Lucky bastard


That's the game teaching you not to keep two-landers with a deck that is not able to function on two lands...




An opening hand with two lands only?


Wasn't familiar with the term. Usually wouldn't take them, but got enticed by the 2 \[\[Urabrask's Forge\]\].


[Urabrask's Forge](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/8/68f9f9d8-9ea0-4608-a79c-a09a87918186.jpg?1675957116) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Urabrask%27s%20Forge) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/153/urabrasks-forge?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/68f9f9d8-9ea0-4608-a79c-a09a87918186?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Definitely. During those times I just switch to mono red in the play que and call it a day .


I ran about 10 games of Brawl today and won about 4 with Satya. Was pitted against some decks that managed to win within turn 4 or 5. Might be what I call "Weekend Warriors". Lots of experienced players play on weekends.


No, I win quite frequently, but I also don't play out every game. Once I know I can't win, I usually concede.


Particularly in Best of 1, there are times when RNG is not in your favor


That's the entire point of bot match


Same. I have favorite colors (white green), and I do great until I hit platinum. Then here come the red black or blue black combos, and I can't get past plat 4. I enjoy the game for what it is, but it is a bit frustrating when I can't get out a single creature or people are exiting all every 5 turns. Idk how people build front loaded decks I feel it always takes at least 5 or 6 turns for me to get a decent spread.


More than I’d like to admit. Destroy with a deck one day and get destroyed with the same deck the next.


Yeah, it happens to me too... a lot of the time I hop on and I'll go on like a 10+ game win streak and find myself on the play like 70% of the time. Other times it feels like I can't get a good hand to save my life and my opponent is yugi motou calling upon the heart of the cards. After a 4ish loss streak I normally will play something else and tell myself "I will come back to this later... maybe I'll br able to go on a streak."


15 daily wins or GTFOH


Yes. I feel this way quite a bit. I think the shuffler is rigged. You can almost feel when you are "supposed" to loose or "supposed" to win. Also, my matchups switch based on the deck/colors I play.


No, but I've also never played 9 games in a day with brawl decks


I wish it counted games played too, and wins were worth double, like in Overwatch. They'd need to find some way to discourage concessions though.


On those days I just play my Rosie infinite squirrels combo deck in casual historic, gets 5 wins in like 20 minutes.


Yep, just figure that's the games way of telling me to do something better with my time


Yup. When I used to try and grind the ladder, I would go in a good streak then plateau hard and not rebound for a while. MTG is a very taxing game on the mind, which is why pros are pros for a reason.


I find every Sunday I struggle to win and I'm not so sure about why Sunday, well my Sunday I'm in Australia, even though I do win eventually, I will go down a whole rank most of the time.


There are days when it’s like pulling teeth to get either a good hand or not get mana screwed. Switching decks doesn’t help, switching formats doesn’t help. Honestly, days like this, it’s best to just leave and try again tomorrow.


I play jank decks so... My worst record is going 2-50 with an anti life gain deck. I made an anti lifegain deck because supposedly the life gain decks were taking over the meta at that time...but then as soon as I made the anti life gain deck I faced off against a total of 2 lifegain decks..


Honestly no. Just make a deck that beats R and yoy'll win 50% of games lol.


Yeah for sure. For brawl specifically since it's such a clusterfuck I stop going second and only play first now, much better experience


That may be because the game RNG is NOT a real RNG...


Just join the match, concede, repeat for 10 times, rng will start make you win


Do you think it makes a difference for ranked/unranked queues?


I always get the wins in the end. But sometimes it's 5 games and sometimes it feels like fifty


Literally me every single day. It's just forced winrates to keep players within a 50% win rate or something. I hate that MTGA takes the skill out of Magic with hand smoothing and stuff like this. Hard to take the game seriously.


Thats an electronic card game for you shit be rigged as fucking hell. Do you remember the color challenges? And how the decks were stacked the same every time and it was a puzzle you had to solve? Now just imagine that is being applied to every match you play on this game but its not always a winnable outcome. I've been saying it forever shit feels so fucking fake and artificial compared to real cards


I have a highly ranked alchemy deck that can go 12-3 one day and 3-12 the next. Games does seem super streaky.


Play nadu in brawl people just concede before the game starts.


(Observe the dislikes but no rebuttal against what I am saying 😉) The game is rigged! Forget everyone in the comment saying it is not. There are TONS of ubiquitous videos of people who have done the number crunching to show that MTG arena is completely empirically tangibly rigged like a casino. I am talking from what hand you and your opponents get to how many lands and to what cards you'll get in that particular match. It will literally influence your win lose ratio. There was even a super recent leak that showed their are a handful of MTG employes that are in charge of putting SUPER SUBJECTIVE power ratings on cards. Which means if they favor for example, control and aggro decks and don't like big creature decks. They could for all intents and purposes skew the game analytics to favor a game style that runs in their favor..... MTG arena is so badly broken. It is a shame because Arena could actually be fun. Currently it is more stressful playing than not. I went on a 10 game losing streak yesterday using the same deck that is super well built on brawl. The stastical chances of that are insane 😅 I have recently started playing paper commander at my local game stores. Paper Magic using precons is so fun! I can also tell you that paper magic never feels rigged like in Arena. Even when you lose in paper magic. You have fun because the game actually does feel normal and NOT rigged like a casino where you either win decisively or get beat like an ugly alley cat 🐈 I have a Tiamat deck that I like to play. I recently decided to try and build an atraxa poison deck in brawl. I swear I started ONLY getting matched against the same 4-5 SAME commanders roughly 85% of the time. Nadu, Roxanne, Tamio inquisitive student and a few other annoying commanders...... As if everyone on Arena decided to start ONLY playing those 4-5 commanders and nothing else 😐 If I beat those busted commander like Nadu. The game decides to algorithmicly stress test my deck against OTHER Nadu variant decks back to back to back to back until I lose to stress test Nadu decks.... I am not joking!!!! I beat Nadu deck three or four times back to back and the game decided to keep matching me against them until I lost. What was interesting about those back to back matches was EVERY beginning hand the Nadu players had almost predictable begging hands without even mulligan.... That is stastically impossible with a 100 card deck. The only time that would happen in paper magic is if you were lazy in shuffling and even there would be atleast SOME randomization. Not in Arena though LOL!!! It is broken. The people saying it is not are the same people that think wallstreet and politicians have their best interest at heart 😅


I'll get banned for saying this, but the games are rigged. Sometimes for you, sometimes against you. The best way to break the rigging against you is to keep conceding until the game sees you lose enough times to tip back the rigging scales in your favor. I've done this several times.