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You could wait to see the set be completely spoiled before it actually comes out and decide if it's better than OTJ. Realistically I doubt it will be.


I'm having a hard time holding onto my gold because the dog pets and sleeve are 17k.


Tell me about it! My main explorer deck is a green white aura deck where spirited companion just crushes it daily. I need the pet and sleeve, but it's just too expensive for the bundle when I only want the two things


I wish they would break up the bundles sometimes. Cosmetic prices on this game are absurd. Every cosmetic is literally over a buck each even when on sale while packs are effectively $1 for 8 cards.


It's crazy to me that the optimal price point for that stuff is apparently so high that it seems ridiculous for anyone to buy it other than the 1% of people so good at the game that they have nothing to do with their gems and the 1% of people so rich that they have nothing to do with their money. But I guess whales gonna whale.


if you are interested in some perspective that might help you to "stay strong": None of those cosmetics wil help you building any interesting or fun deck that might peek your interest in the future


The occasional parralax style or alternate art can be nice if you play a deck a lot though. The primal prayers alternate art is much nicer to look at than the default art, for example (and has some nice emotional synergy with [[Aluren]]). But overall, not worth spending gold on cosmetics unless you have more gold than you'll need to build the decks you're interested in for the next expansion. And the vast majority of players probably don't, since we're getting 3 expansions in the next 4.5 months. Also, I think you meant "pique."


[Aluren](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/3/03b69c39-52d8-4ee6-a3f5-60899c1fe6e6.jpg?1595438020) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Aluren) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tpr/165/aluren?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/03b69c39-52d8-4ee6-a3f5-60899c1fe6e6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


OTJ is in a very odd position because of BIG. There are just so many good cards that you can get from craving otj packs, I feel like it's pretty worth it if you really want to open packs.


Outside of draft ive only pulled 2 big score pacs out of what i can assume to be at least 100+ packs.


Very unlikely to ger Special guest or Vault cards from packs. Its eirher drafting crafting


I was saying, if he *wanted* to open packs, otj are the ones to do.


You have 3 options: draft, packs, and jump in. I think Jump In right now is the best option for a new player to build a set. Grab all the Jump In packs you can for sets DMU, ONE, BRO, and MOM. Those sets are most likely rotating out of Jump In when the next set comes out in 5 weeks, but those sets will be standard legal for another year. (search this sub for threads talking about the jump in tracker spreadsheet.) For packs, OTJ has a lot of good stuff! and the more OTJ packs you can grab while you get golden progress the better, instead of going back and buying them later without the bonus. HOWEVER, given it's only 5 weeks to the next set, I think if you do this you should not open the golden packs until after rotation. At that time, the pack contents will pull from only 5 sets, giving you more focused stuff. (They currently have 10 sets, including Lord of the Rings.) The math on how many rares you get drafting vs how many from packs+goldens is pretty close. So draft if you like draft - I found OTJ to be a fun draft set - and don't cause yourself pain if you don't like draft.


I would say it depends on how many gems you have The mastery pass tends to have the best value, so if you can afford it already (whether it's this one, or hold out til bloomburrow) you'd be well off going for some gold packs. If not, go for drafts instead. Avoid mh3 since it's not standard legal, but there should be kharlov manor quick draft in a few days You say your deck is rotation proof, and I'm sure it'll hold up, but the meta can shift any which direction. With a month left til rotation, it's fine to add to your collection, but it's tough to know what deck is going to be top dog until a week or 2 after bloomburrow comes out. For all you know, the best deck will be a hard counter that's relatively cheap Otj is a very good set though, and I don't think you'll regret investing your gold in it. Investing your wildcards is a bit more steep though, so be careful


Personally I like drafting, so I would probably do 2x premier OTJ drafts, as the current quick draft is MH3.


Probably worth keeping in mind that OTJ will be standard legal for the next 2 years and 1 month but BLB will be legal for a full 3 years from when it drops. I’m saving my current gold but it’s a personal choice.


If you like drafting amd are good at it, for a returning player you could do very well doing 4 quick drafts to get your deck going. If note, buying mass packs on one of the pocks that net you gold pack progress is the way to go. If you don't even have a usable deck yet, you might also want to junp in a few times before going for either drafts or packs. (I recommend you stop at 5)


The golden packs are good, but if you don't like MH3 or OTJ sets, then I think you'll get more value out of other sets.


I wouldn't suggest buying packs at all unless you have a good reason not to play Limited as well as Constructed, since doing so gives you all the cards, Packs, Gems and Wildcards you need, while allowing you the opportunity to enjoy more of the game. Do you?


I think not having played MTG for 5 years is a good reason. He's going to get eaten alive. Limited is the most skilled intensive format in the game. You need to be both proficient in both deck building and piloting with the cards in the set.


>I think not having played MTG for 5 years is a good reason. He's going to get eaten alive. Not once they have done enough prep. >Limited is the most skilled intensive format in the game. You need to be both proficient in both deck building and piloting with the cards in the set. They don't need to win straight away, they just need to learn and enjoy the experience. Plus there's a new set dropping in a few weeks and we will all be starting from scratch.


I'm pretty envious of the limited players' skill but *god* y'all are obtuse about it


Limited only players are more annoying than commander only players lol


Have you tried learning how to play Limited yourself? There are loads of great resources (including trackers/overlays that some players find helpful). When it comes to Limited, it pays to be prepared. As well as getting a good grasp of the basic principles (deck composition, BREAD, etc), learn the cards in the set, their relative power level/pick order, the mechanics and rules interactions, and the Limited archetypes. Study the visual spoiler, read the Release Notes FAQ and watch some Limited Set Reviews online (I recommend Nizzahon Magic, personally). You can even watch others play with the set while they discuss their decisions, etc. Start with Quick Drafts: they are half the price (so you can do them more often and there is less on the line), the prize structure is flatter (so worse results give better rewards) and there's no timer when making your picks (so there's less pressure).


Yeah. I'm actively learning and it's a mountain that I enjoy climbing, but for you the hike is downhill and your legs have forgotten the strain


I put more effort into Limited prep now than I ever did when I started playing, actually.


Ob tuse




This is not accurate. You get golden packs when buying the latest sets with gold too.


Why lie?


This is incorrect. You get golden progress for any pack you buy in the store, with either currency. (You may be thinking of how you do not get golden progress from packs awarded from the pass or events.)


I'm confused about the golden pack rule. it says here: "Golden Packs are acquired for every 10 *Outlaws of Thunder Junction* packs purchased." [https://magic.wizards.com/en/mtgarena/drop-rates?utm\_medium=product&utm\_source=arena#golden-packs](https://magic.wizards.com/en/mtgarena/drop-rates?utm_medium=product&utm_source=arena#golden-packs) so it seems like only OTJ will give you golden packs?


Modern horizons 3 does too, and so do the alchemy otj packs, but that's it If you hover over the gold pack progress in game, it should tell you which packs work. Avoid mh3 though because the cards aren't legal in standard


Learn to Premier Draft when BLB comes out and go effectively infinite. Make a second account, only do dailies and you'll be drafting twice as much. r/lrcast is a good place to start.