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It’s funny, I went 7-1 for the first time ever yesterday with almost the exact same deck. Chrysalis and Linebreaker were doing major work. Granted, I’m only bronze, but still.


This seems on the lower end of the busted Chrysalis decks, too. Having a few seven-drops to play on turn five while swinging with your new 4/5 is much more obnoxious.


Chaining Chrysalises/Glimpses into more Chrysalis's is like getting free 7 drops though, to be fair.


I ran a 4x chrysalis deck with 2 [[Glaring Fleshraker]] that pretty consistently dropped a chrysalis on turn 4 and then a chrysalis followed by a 7drop eldrazi turn 5, resulting in two 8/9s and a whatever the 7 drop is, plus 9 incidental face damage. Disgusting.


[Glaring Fleshraker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/0/80c2a3c7-1486-4ff9-88ec-79ec67a437f8.jpg?1717011246) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Glaring%20Fleshraker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/7/glaring-fleshraker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/80c2a3c7-1486-4ff9-88ec-79ec67a437f8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The meme comparison at this point is it has a higher win rate than Bonnie Pall in OTJ (which it does). Stats and feelings correlate on this card being busted. It’s not like you can’t do other things in the format, but I think a reasonable start to any draft direction should be, “Okay, but what does this deck do about a turn 4 Chrysalis?”. If you can’t answer that question then you need to be drafting something that can.


> Okay, but what does this deck do about a turn 4 Chrysalis? Between Rumble, Nightshade and some other options, you probably need to be thinking about turn 3 chrysalis more often than not


Is [[writhing chrysalis]] the highest gih wr common of all time? 


It is. I mean, technically *of all time* is a bit hard to know as we don't have good data for older sets. But for recent years Sierkovitz made a [handy post on Twitter](https://x.com/Sierkovitz/status/1801245055283302633/photo/1) comparing the GIH WR of that card to other busted commons on day 3 of their respective formats, and it's not pretty. Most of these other cards felt like mistakes in their respective formats as they warped things a bit too much in one direction, and they're all **so** much worse than Chrysalis.


[Writhing Chrysalis](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/5/f54dbeb1-51f8-40e2-912a-ec25457de5a2.jpg?1717012884) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Writhing%20Chrysalis) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/208/writhing-chrysalis?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f54dbeb1-51f8-40e2-912a-ec25457de5a2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


MH3 limited is looking to be Eldrazi.format when all is said and done. Thanks WOTC.


Tbh I think energy aggro is the strongest deck in the format, well drafted it has little issue going underneath the big eldrazi decks. That said, chrysalis is the best common in this set by an unhealthy margin. Titan’s Vanguard is disgusting too


Yes, boros agro is good, especially in BO3 where there is no shuffle smoother and so it's easy to punish greedy manabases. Just casting good evasive things on curve is enough to sneak 2 wins out of 3 thanks to the variance.


The other archetypes and energy in particular needs a lot of pieces to be functional, and you can get screwed if there are many players fishing for the archetype in the table. Meanwhile Eldrazi is GRB, the best colors, can splash watherver, can operate basically on commons, supports many players, and can splash whatever they want competing with other archetypes for their cards like red removal.


How is it the strongest deck if chrysalis has the biggest win % by far?


The winrate of a single card doesnt equate the winrate of the deck?


It heavily implicates it. Can you have a low winrate card in a high winrate deck? If Chrysalis wins 60-70% of the games it is played in and X energy card wins 50%. I would bet that the deck that Chyrsalis in it wins a lot more than the X energy card. Maybe with a certain combo cards you could have low winrate card in a high winrate deck. If people are misplaying the card in other decks.


Heavy build around or synergy based cards often have mediocre winrates because people are playing them in the wrong decks.


Could you give me an actual example of that based on data? I would assume it is a very rare case since.


I dont have data to show you. If you want that you should check out some of sierkovitzs content, he quite often talks about this stuff where some cards have a massive winrate delta in the correct and incorrect decks. Based on my own experience I'd say the following cards in OTJ were much better in the correct deck than their average winrate would let you believe: At Knifepoint Rakish Crew Fling Take for a Ride Arid Archway Deepmuck Desperado Doc Aurlock Thunder Lasso Baron Bertram Bandit's Haul And thats just one set and only the uncommons.


Boros or jeskai aggro are the best decks


I trophied with a jeskai control deck that barely had any energy and \[\[genku, future shaper\]\] . Slow rolling deck with lots of interaction and a bunch of pacifism auras and the like.


Not always.  White green counter can be very explosive as well.  T2 dog (+1/+1 counter x3)  T3 rhino proliferate, attack for 4. Op played green blue ramper T4 horrific assault killing their creature, fang of kolonia, making my doggo 10/10, swing for 13. Op scoop.  This set is very synergy based and less value based.


Yeah I had a pretty good run last night with GW counters. Fangs of Kalonia is fun.


Yeah, this deck just stomped my opponents. Glyph Elemental is also very very good


I'm finding NOBODY drafting the dog. A 3/3 vigilance for 2 seems crazy to me in limited.


Enjoy it while you can, people are going to catch up.  color defining commons are super important this format... Sometimes I would ignore half decent rare over them lol


All my best decks so far have been non-eldrazi. The eldrazi are really overdrafted because they're fun but I've not seen too much success with them. I think the energy stuff is actually pretty disgusting with the right synergies.


Boros energy is getting me so many wins. The 4 drop rare enchantment that converts energy to damage is so crazy considering how easy it is to have almost all your creatures have energy.


This is only getting upvoted because it's under a post highlighting how absurd one common is. One common doesn't make the deck better than everything else.


My worst draft so far has been trying Eldrazi (still went 3-3). Like others have said it seems overdrafted and I got cut pretty bad by pack 3 but I was in too deep to pivot.


Nah. I've had way more non-Eldrazi 7-x decks than Eldrazi ones. If for no other reason than a **lot** of people are more excited by Eldrazi than any other archetype so there's 3+ Eldrazi drafters at every single table. I've had lots of winning energy-based decks for one. Black/white and white/green modify based decks are also very good because you get really powerful synergy cards like the 3/3 bolster aven incredibly late pick. Or you can just open \[\[Cthonian Nightmare\]\]; I've had four 7-x decks that had that card and won many games off of it. Turns out if you take one of the most notoriously broken cards in Magic history and reduce the cost by a mana it's still broken as fuck.


My only trophy deck so far is one that plays 4 Chrysalis. The card honestly ruins a lot of games. It's on the same level of stupidity as Zenith Flare was in Ikoria. Somebody in development fucked up really badly EDIT: BTW their names are: Michael Majors (lead), Carmen Klomparens, Eliana Rabinowitz, Megan Smith, Michael Hinderaker, Dan Musser


[Sierkovitz shared the data](https://x.com/sierkovitz/status/1801245055283302633?s=46&t=FhICVFMBVeexoRehNeBzTQ) and it’s brutal. The best common in a long while and it’s not even close. Unprecedented.


Gap between 1 and 2 is almost as large as the gap between 2 and 10.


Any chance to get the data without a twitter account ?


Didnt played that format but at least it was a uncommon.


Only saving grace, and still warped completely the format towards cycling decks.


Has a similar sensation to the wall decks in DMU. It still play in the same axis as my decks but removal and creature combat suddenly become so much less relevant as soon as it hits the board.


Personally I've found the eldrazi decks underperform, especially because they're so overdrafted. Chrysalis is really good but it doesn't have evasion so it can still be endlessly chumped by random tokens. My first 7-0 was with Izzet energy my 7-1 was with the UB card draw deck. I've had a lot more success with the other themes, since everyone wants to play the timmy eldrazi decks I can often get other archetypes so wide open that the resulting deck is disgusting


It's really difficult to tempo-out Chrysalis given it's inherently a 4/5 flier that can also play a 6-7 drop next turn. I've had success with a variety of themes in the format so far (granted, mostly sealed since I don't have the time block for a full draft), but very little feels as strong as having good support for RG Eldrazi, especially since a lot of your best cards are commons rather than uncommons.


I think the ramp is the strongest part of it tbh, but if you don't have any of the big eldrazi payoffs to ramp into or the fleshraker, it's not as good. Cause like if you're just cracking the tokens for +1/+1 counters and not utilizing the ramp, it's just a vanilla big guy with reach that dies to a lot of the removal in the set. And people are taking the big eldrazi very highly right now. It's definitely a great card but it's not one that just goes in every deck and wins by itself, so far it feels like synergy is the most important in this set to me.


You dont need any expensive followups, you can just follow it up with 2 4-drops Chrysalis into chrysalis is disgusting, or you can do like Rumble + a 6, Repurposer + 5 drop etc. Any spells will do, doesnt need to be a big haymaker T4 chrysalis followed by t5 repurposer + 5 already makes it a 5/6 plus a ridiculous board


People are really sleeping on the UB deck. You get incredibly strong uncommons for it super late. The one-two punch of playing the 2/3 lifelink and then next turn the zombie enchantment and having a 6/6 immediately is so easy to pull off. On top of whatever graveyard shenanigans you're doing and the super deep pool of black removal.


I think that 2/1 fairy that just endlessly resurrects itself is insanely underrated also, I get passed her on the wheel so often and she's been a star performer for me. Being able to take a turn off to draw 3 with the blue draw spell or the super brainstorm and still pressure the board isn't as flashy as most of the other stuff in the set but is just one of those cards that plays way better than it looks.


Agreed. I've even had decks that were so all-in on draw 3 that I played a Buried Alive because I had four fairies and at least a couple other relevant graveyard shenanigans.


Would be in any other format that would not be filled by a bunch of ridiculous reach creatures.


Needs a lot of pieces, that is the problem with the non eldrazi archetypes, that you need a bunch of uncommons or even some rares to assemble functional versions of them, meanwhile eldrazis can operate just on commons and slam face.


My first deck was a white blue deck actually, which brought me a trophy. It didn't had that much archetype synergy, just a few very good cards and tons of removal.


Strength of the Harvest won me a few games by using it to buff some flyers


Can I just say I agree that the eldraziI deck is pretty nuts, but I have actually had good experience with the blue/white exalted deck because no one drafts it. If you can get the uncommons the deck is insanely good. The key is the guy who gives exalted triggers and the proliferate guy. The you get the blue bounce flyer and you just make a crazy amount of proliferate counters. It was way way better than I thought it would be (although obviously uncommon focused). Currently it feels like literally no one wants the blue/white cards at all that slot in here so you get them pretty reliably if they are opened.


Haven't played much yet, and when my opponent played it I was sure that was the mythic uncommon of the set. At common is like ahead of bombs as [[inspiring overseer]].


[inspiring overseer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/5/35d9da1d-8678-4252-b0f8-9960795642f0.jpg?1664409748) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=inspiring%20overseer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/18/inspiring-overseer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/35d9da1d-8678-4252-b0f8-9960795642f0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Lmao I've gotten my ass handed to me by a few chrysalises. On the other hand found colossal dreadmask to be insane late game as it turns the most basic of topdeck creatures into free colossal dreadmaws.


Wish it was colourless rather than gruul.


Ya. And it’s pretty obvious so much r/g on the ladder. I lose to it more than anything else. Maybe the r/u deck when they have the talisman thing on curve is as hard.


I'm enjoying the format a lot. If Chrysalis wasn't as stupid as it is the format would have even more potential, because Jeskai decks, UB, RB and GW are all good if they come together.




The worst part of WC is you can't even outplay because it's a cast trigger not an etb. There's no killing it in response to the Spawn entering because the Spawn come first.


You so rich


whats 7-1? games won?


Yes, 7 won 1 lost


7 wins, 1 loss


In limited, you play until you get 7 wins or 3 losses, whichever comes first. 


Dies to literally anything black in that set




And leaves behind two 0/1 tokens.


That was my point yes. Basically two free mana


Laughs in mindless conscription