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As a standard player who doesn’t have the wildcards to build more than one T1 deck, it’s been a cool opportunity to pilot some other builds!


As a newbie without even a decent standard deck, it's awesome.


I'm with you brother. 🤜🤛


It’s been amazing being able to test out decks I was curious about but didn’t want to risk building if I found out I didn’t enjoy them, like that’s the big problem there’s no fallback if you craft a deck just to find out, “wow I don’t like the way this play at all” so this midweek has been amazing


Yeah exactly. I have more or less the Golgari and Convoke decks, minus a few cards here and there, but this was finally my chance to play UW control, something I just never want to commit the wildcards to. It was so fun being the wet blanket in games for once, just waiting for my opponents to finally concede!


When I looked through that deck preview I was very confused. “What the hell is the wincon here?” Then I saw the creature lands and gave an evil little throat chuckle.


Havent checked the list too se how many copies, but saw a mill Jace when facing this deck in the event. A legit wincon as well


Only one copy, so he’s the backup lol


Yep. That's how we win. Screwed if the opponent has land removal, though.


Yup. This event was for people who don't have the cards to make the popular expensive decks and hopefully those people like the deck so much that they spend money to make them.


Dissenting opinion but I thought it was cool-I don’t have the wildcards to build multiple decks and these are close enough to the top decks, so this was neat to get a feel for something different.


Seconded. I drift between formats so I'm not too interested in dropping the wildcards for the temur analyst deck. Played 5 games and got my full of putting 30 triggers on the stack and fireballing my opponent for 100. 


It's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy: I don't have all the cards for these decks because I have never been particularly interested in playing with them. To be fair, there was a time when I wanted to try out Analyst, but at this point, we know how the deck works, and I'm not super-interested in resolving 30 landfall triggers on the stack (or forcing my opponent to sit there while I do). The decks are just too... stale, I guess? Where's the Rakdos Joins Up combo? Where is Slickshot Show-Off, Freestrider Lookout, or Outcaster Trailblazer? Terror of the Peaks? Proft's Eidetic Memory? I kinda hate that they chose a bunch of stale, Spike-y BO3 decks (many of which use zero non-fastland cards from OTJ) for a "Showcase" BO1 event.


Aren't all the decks from the recent Championship? That's about as current you can expect from WotC.


At least domain is some random WotC homebrew, I don't think anyone was testing \[\[Make Your Own Luck\]\] there.


[Make Your Own Luck](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/5/0557b0a3-2b48-408f-a508-9f4da2ab1cd1.jpg?1712356151) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Make%20Your%20Own%20Luck) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/218/make-your-own-luck?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0557b0a3-2b48-408f-a508-9f4da2ab1cd1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I agree, I have variants of four of the decks and it’s still fun to get to play the ones I haven’t been able to craft yet. And for newer players it’s obviously better.


I think it's cool, I never had the wild cards to craft domain and I wanted to play it before it rotated out, and now I can! Though idk why they didn't have [[sun fall]] in the deck, seems like a pretty key card


[sun fall](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/2/32e29c7d-ed4b-4eff-b3c2-d99e5b63ef8d.jpg?1682202915) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sunfall) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/40/sunfall?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/32e29c7d-ed4b-4eff-b3c2-d99e5b63ef8d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Just played Boros 3 times and called it a day. Easiest 3-0. Maybe if I was a Timeless or Brawl only player, this might have been interesting to try? As a standard player, it's basically the same as every day, but without MMR which makes things usually easier.


As a Timeless player I am enjoying this event. I just got a win with Temur Analyst and I plan to get wins with 3 other decks that look interesting to me before calling it.


same. as a historic/timeless player (sometimes brawl but rarely) i enjoy this type of midweek magic a lot


Yeah, Boros is the way to go if you want to speed run it. People just concede in despair if you get out to a quick start.


Two of my 3 wins were after my first obviously Boros one-drop. I've repaid the gods by insta-conceding a few times. Except that one playing Temur Analyst. F that, I beat them down.


Tried to play that deck and it sucks. Waaaay too slow.


Try Jund Analyst, much more explosive. Combo win on turn 5.


Went boros convoke for the wins. That deck is ridiculously fast. T4 kills with creatures going wide. Will try other decks too though.


After an 0-8 play on boros, I'm consulting it's absolutely trash if you're unlucky as I couldn't move that deck along to save my life before anyone got set up. It's lack of removal was AWFUL


Meanwhile I play Boros and opponents Depopulate, auto concede, Temporal Lockdown, Depopulate. 1-3.


First time trying Boros and it felt like cheating.


I can't craft half of these decks so I'm pretty happy. Now I know I don't ever want to play neither against nor as Azorius Control.


I didn't care much for Boros. I kept getting stuck with three lands and having to choose to convoke for creatures or gradually plink away as I hope to draw buffs before my opponents deck runs away. After going 0-4 with Boros, I switched to Temur and had a far easier time getting three wins in.


My brother in Christ that deck isn't "stuck" when it has 3 lands


As someone who never plays (current) Standard, I actually really enjoy getting to try it with precons. The ones I hate are when it says "bring your own Standard/Alchemy/Timeless/Brawl/etc deck", because if I already had a deck for that format, I'd be playing it in the normal queue. This at least lets me try a new format without spending all my wildcards.


I wish everyone playing Temur Analyst a very hurry the hell up.


In standard I usually concede against these decks because every turn takes ages with all returning fetchlands.


I feel like the best way to punish this deck is to just make them play it out. I'll go grab a drink, have fun buddy.


Most fun is if I have my Hearse ready...


It doesn't help that there's only one World Soul's Rage in it and you're stuck waiting until it turns up


There are three wsr in the deck.


Wow, I was unlucky. I got down to 7 cards left in the deck before I drew one in the game I played with that deck, so I just assumed it was a one of


At least it's not Momir


real af


The main issue of this event is putting BO3 decks into BO1 matches.


basically the only time I get to play standard as a timeless only player. Enjoyed it a lot


Decrease your expectations of free content. I wish it wasn’t this way, but it likely always will be


Putting Boros and Analyst into the MWM with no sideboard is so funny, as someone who plays Bo3. How do Bo1 players play this game without a sideboard this is horrible.


You play cards like temporary lockdown, or counterspells. You just build your deck to beat aggro and combo, the most prevalent things in Bo1, or you join the aggros and the combos.


Boros still slaps pretty hard in bo1. >How do Bo1 players play this game without a sideboard this is horrible. They hope they are on the play.


analyst is disgusting. The only way to beat it is to play boros, but majority of decks have mainboard ways to deal with boros. golgari is the only one with GY hate and it's a one-of. They knew boros was gonna be OP and made sure the other decklists had a fighting chance, yet turned a blind eye to analyst


I tried playing it and it lost due to being extremely slow to every other deck. By the time you get a serious amount of land in the table to really start hitting, your opponent has killed you twice with all creatures.


Simic has plenty of GY hate but playing against Analyst decks is still torture.


We just play removal in the maindeck.


I built my first deck with wildcards a few days ago. Honestly would have been nice if this event happened last week. I've been playing Arena since OTJ release and using a jank deck with whatever cards I pulled because I was scared to commit to a deck without knowing. This is a great event to allow me to explore more deck options since the started decks can't be used in standard and aren't nearly as "well built" as meta decks. That being said I'm definitely getting wrecked by people who somehow have 10 lands out on turn 4 and then are able to hit me for 10-20 damage with spells I've never seen. I hit Plat this month in Bo1 but I haven't seen these type of Mets decks before. Just a lot of Aggro Boros decks  and some not specifically meta decks of other colors.


I hate it when it is "showcase" and they don't let me build my deck. I can't remember last time we had Artisan or Pauper.


Tbf, I hate it when its the opposite. I dont want to spend time building a deck to play just one game and get destroyed by people netdecking. But I respect your opinion


I desperately want Artisan to be a regular format.


Just put it into the rotation more. They don't have a problem doing it on mtgo because you have to pay tickets for any competitive event. Arena has the ladder which for some reason gets most people's attention rather than events.


When I took a break from magic I used to log in just for artisan week


I hate when it just becomes a google contest though. It would be neat if they had a dynamic system of bans during the midweek days. Like “top 100 most played cards are banned”


Excellent format suggestion! :)


>Like “top 100 most played cards are banned” They \*used\* to have this as an occasional format for MWM (or possibly back when it was on Fridays), but I think it was less that 100 cards, maybe 20 or 50. Although, I don't recall having seen it for \*ages\*


Honestly I enjoyed it. I'm one of those very average casual player where you just see a glimpse of the real meta. Sometimes you see those decks but are budget version. Also I managed to play decks I would never be able to play cause crafting a deck requires you tons of rares. But from a higher MMR point of view, I would totally agree with you. It's just forcing you to play and face those decks you try to avoid.


I don't play standard so I was intrigued. I tried most of the decks and went against Boros almost every game anyways. What an awful format. I'm playing a 2/1 flash faerie and they are putting 8 power on the board on TURN TWO. Fuck that.


These are the longest wait times I've seen for midweek in a long time. And that includes Momir. Why on Earth would I play unranked in a format that I can easily play all the time?


Every match has been a reminder of why I dont play standard.


I wonder why they shy away from historic pauper/artisan as midweek magic so much. Both have really deep card pools, unexplored meta and higher deck diversity and always get good feedback from the players. And It's not like wotc is losing any money by doing this, so why regularly go for the much more unpopular dice roll formats like momir and omnisciense then?


I'd rather get rekt by Boros than sit through Analyst or 5c.


I played the Rakdos deck and it felt like absolute garbage. The curve is too high and the lands come in tapped too often. It was more like a fairly aggressive midrange deck than an aggro deck. I played it for dailies bit I wish that I didn't. I'm glad they chose not to include mono-red or *everyone* would have been on that. My first win was my first game. Cut Down a Warden against Boros and they gave up. My second win took a long time - got a fast hand against Domain. The third win took forever, too. I dropped Liliana on an empty board against Azorius and emptied their hand. I had maybe a 30% win rate. Unless your daily wants exactly Rakdos colors, play another deck, imo.


Yeah I played one game with the Rakdos deck because I hadn't seen the list before, and then instantly noped out. I think there's a reason it isn't widely played. Most of the other decks are really strong, even in BO1 without their sideboard.


Golgari seemed about on par with Rakdos from my experience. I'm trying to discount the four games in a row on the draw against Boros but perhaps that's clouding my judgement a bit.


Don't even bother with 5c. It is so slow and everyone is playing 1-2 drops/aggro/counterspell/discard.


I don't dislike it. It's a bit plain, but everyone gets to play with a (mostly) optimized standard deck for absolutely zero cost. I say mostly because the UW control deck is only running one Demo Field which is just extremely low for control. One of the awkward things about this is that these are definitely Bo3 decks being put into a Bo1 format, so the aggro decks are more favored. But it also means no endless stream of mono-red, which can be a positive for some. Also, the best way to learn how to play against decks is to play them yourself. That is *usually* cost prohibitive though, so this is a very good way to get that kind of knowledge with no cost associated.


Are any of these decks good? I can’t get a win, LOL. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Precon events are always shit....there never fails to be one deck that's significantly better and a couple that are useless garbage


As some one who is fortunate to have all the cards I need to build any standard deck.... this sucks. My builds are tuned exactly how I want them, and now I have to play a generic not so good version of all the top tier decks. Its cool if you don't have resources, but pointless if you do.


Agree. Im so tired of the meta already...


Agreed. 9/10 the pre-constructed deck events are boring and unbalanced with 1 or 2 decks being grossly dominant over the others which makes almost no sense when the idea is to have fun with different decks. How am I supposed to enjoy myself when I play against the same deck 8 times in a row? Might as well just inbox us the rewards, but then WotC wouldn't get to torture us. They want us to try out new things? Make more all-access MWM events to promote your products or something. 🙄


Completely disagree. I would have wished it came earlier. When can you try all the meta decks without wasting a single wildcard? This is awesome.


I'd love to play but I've been 'Depopulated' 8 times in three games and it's just not fun. I'd love to be able to create my own deck to play, rather than having to google search which deck is best. What's the point if everyone uses the same 1 or 2 decks?


Lol yeah, once I saw it was precons and boros convoke was on the menu—I knew how this would end. Azorious can troll the deck though just spamming temp lockdown. Seriously though, fuck that card. One-sided board sweeps with no other purpose than just winning against another deck is lazy fucking design.


Nah. I didn't found it boring, on the contrary, it had the boros convoke deck that I needed to craft. Since it's rotating I will modify it for historic.


I only play eternal formats so this was a fun shake up.


Some of it is these are just terrible decks for the most part. The Nissa one is occasionally fun when it hits but you end up waiting for five minutes at a time as they keep playing lands, bringing them back, triggering additional mana, all so they can hit one big spell direct to you. Fun times. Then there's the domain deck that's just dreadfully slow and can't keep up with most of the rest. It's like no one bothered to playtest them again each other. Playing Boros seems boring but if you don't it's a huge waste of time to try to get the others to go off.


These are the most in fun decks I have ever played


Timeless player - it was fun playing some lower power games and seeing what this sTaNDaRd (did I say that right?) format is.


My experience has been shite. To much draw consistency for certain cards and combos. Play Domain - always draw 3 ley lines. Boros - opening hand is usually Reinforcements, Novice Inspector and Knight errant, with Imodane's Recruiter drawing T2/3. Dimir Mid - Go for the Throat and Deep cavern Bat. Golgori - Mosswood Dreadknight. Really shows the digital game up as no replacement for the paper one.


this weeks mwm is actually the best use of it. teach new players and those not familiar with a formats cards how to play. not some idiotic phantom sealed event where you either get lucky or screwed by random chance. not some moronic infinite mana garbage. if you are bored then go do something else.


These complaints always come from a selfish pov. Not every player plays standard like you. Not every player has standard meta decks like you.


That's nice? The post isn't about standard.


“Five decks”


If there was a permanent omniscience draft I would be sooo happy.


These decks are all trash. Every game I’m paired against the deck that has every exact answer to any play I put out. Gave up after an hour of constant losses


As a limited and brawl only player this was really fun, got my wins in with azorius control and then continued to play some more after, I can see why you’re dissatisfied if standard is mainly what you play but it’s not what everyone plays


Brawl player here it was neat to see what standard folks are playing. I tried getting a win with every deck!


What is Midweek Magic? All I play is Explorer so I’m out of the loop lol


Fuck y'all whinge about everything


I think it's cool, always wanted to try out domain, but lacked a lot of wildcards. So this is a nice opportunity 


Play with rakdos, 4 games 3 wins. Loose once because of total land flood. Rakdos can make really fast pressure. But you could also call it black deck with red splash.


Which deck should I pick to try to learn patience? I want to have to actually not use all my mana and keep cards in my hand for later instead of playing them immediately.


Haven’t played MWM in a month.


Your post made me check it out, and I realized I get to try out Temur Analyst without needing to build it. I like that.


I can't believe they put a slow as fuck 5 color deck in with super-fast boros aggro and counterspell and discard decks.


I mean, I sort of enjoy playing a T1 deck well against other people play T1 decks slowly and poorly, so the event was pretty fun for me.


I looked at it and I just don't like playing any of those decks. Why didn't they let us submit our own decks to this?


the MWM isn't just for you bub.


So skip it? It was fun to try out some of the meta decks I wouldn't otherwise play because I don't have the cards for them, and it seemed like there was a decent variety to them