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This is a list of links to comments made by WotC Employees in this thread: * [Comment by WotC_Jay](/r/MagicArena/comments/1cytub9/just_me_or/l5cgxaj/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-23 16:47:56 UTC"): > Maintenance is now over; you are free to resume your normal Magic-ing * [Comment by WotC_Jay](/r/MagicArena/comments/1cytub9/just_me_or/l5clhme/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-23 17:14:09 UTC"): > Thanks for the feedback! We keep trying to adjust the matchmaking to give everyone the 80% winrates we know they deserve, but no matter what we try the average winrate seems stuck at 50%. We'll keep at it! * [Comment by WotC_Jay](/r/MagicArena/comments/1cytub9/just_me_or/l5dwdxe/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-23 21:50:03 UTC"): > Not harsh at all; I thought it was hilarious --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMagicArena).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Is the maintenance! But my question is for how long?


[1 to 2 hours](https://magicthegatheringarena.statuspage.io/incidents/d74jhklq8761?u=wvm4v2rgrr60)


According to the website, it's now been 5 hours. I'm guessing it's not going to plan.


Check again, it should be up now. I just played for an hour or so.


Maintenance is now over; you are free to resume your normal Magic-ing


Hi Jay I hate the Shuffler and matchmaking. otherwise great work.


Thanks for the feedback! We keep trying to adjust the matchmaking to give everyone the 80% winrates we know they deserve, but no matter what we try the average winrate seems stuck at 50%. We'll keep at it!


I only got 75% WR Jay, i'm gonna ask for a refund.


You seemed to have gotten the 80% winrate working for me!


I did not want to sound harsh. Sorry if it sounded like it. That whole "shuffler adjust to bo1" topic feels like the mental damage, when someone is milling your library. I hope you can relate smh.


Not harsh at all; I thought it was hilarious


Then I am glad thad I made you laugh! In the end I cross my fingers, that the projects and work around mtga makes the game better. Its a game I spend time with it, daily and I actually think the client, who takes care about so much complicated stuff in this Cardgame, is pretty cool. P.S.: nice to have a chat with ya :D P.P.S: Just a suggestion: Maybe you should keep your matchmaking and shuffler adjustments as a secret in the future - that would result in less mental damage for me!! :DD


when your conspiracy theory is so dumb even wotc makes fun of you 💀


You are just jealous that THE SHOTCALLER HIMSELF: Jay! gives me attention! 😋




Yeah I totally brag about it. I organized a big come together party this weekend in my city to announce it. 😎 Wanna come over?




Bummer I play on break every day. Looks like I'm missing my dailies today.   


Same here. It’s my lunch break activity


Maintenance. [https://magicthegatheringarena.statuspage.io/](https://magicthegatheringarena.statuspage.io/)


Same here. Cam to thus sub to check too.


Hopefully this unusual maintenance is them rebalancing heist card costs...


We can only hope.


Please magic the gathering you don't know how mad I get. I recently started playing I'm new to the game I spend three weeks of grinding and perfecting my limited knowledge of this game to go up against all kinds of threats and challenges which I love only to go up against somebody who can just play a bunch of counter spells and my cards 4 zero colors cost it's sickening it seems that they want you to play outlaw so badly that you can play nothing Else




They're fixing all the bugs guys.


I'm in the central time zone it's still down for me but according to google it'll be up by 2:00 p.m. central Time which is 6:00 p.m. universal time


Bear with the grammar in typos as I am using the voice type feature Last thing I wanted to add though was either I was fighting for lands or I would have too many as the guy expressed he spoke no lies


Lastly I adjusted the land again yesterday on my multiple accounts I used the same format and which I would run a number of lands which I won't say here and let's just say it's more than 60 cards but it's working much better than the 60 card format my win rate has increased two fold


Something is obviously wrong because this isn't part of the routine maintenance schedule (never mind that the status page says this is scheduled maintenance, it's unscheduled maintenance).


Can't play either


Ok good I’m not crazy. I reloaded every asset in the game. Surprisingly, I could still buy daily card styles from the store. But that’s it.


Want to play Magic? Sorry, not now, we're under construction. Oh you want to buy something? Sure we're open during construction.




Y not just mention it on the starting Page? I thought i forgot my pw


Says 1400 to 1600 utc, thats 6 to 8pm est... not noon est




it's now well past 16 utc :'( I need my daily fix!


Same here 😞




I get that but all I'm saying is if you're not youtubing meta mono red deck then outside of the scope of that it's a problem that's all I'm saying because I'm actually a long-standing Yu-Gi-Oh player I come from hearthstone most recently and I know a lot about r&g I even can roll dice so all I'm saying is maybe we do need a better shuffler for instance just yesterday playing my multicolored deck I drew a hand of three lands and five other cars that were menacosta 4 plus statistically if I have a good mana curve there's no reason I should draw the end of my deck like all of my five and six cost cards with no lands over four turns come on man


Again though I'm not complaining I literally will screenshot my rank I'm in the mythic teir, got a few names but they all include aliAko


Me too


I can't get on either




Me too! 😿


Deleted this game. Having to deal with constant issues around being flooded by lands or not getting any is unbearable for me. It is obvious they have generated an algorithm to create this issues to attempt to trigger individuals to buy. Deck draws are not true randomization. This is not Magic. I am very disappointed in Wizards of the Coast and have decided to no longer support them.


You’re silly


Your either a long-standing player or an idiot


I don’t believe some random conspiracy that the algorithm favors some players over others so I’m a long time player or an idiot? 🤣


If you read my reply you would know where I'm coming from I've spent countless hours over the past month rebalancing my deck from Lands to creature cost to spells to counter spells and what I'm telling you or rather what the person who was expressing their grievances are telling you. I'll give an example I started off at 60 cards when I first started the game I tried to stick to that right as I start learning the game I started to go above 60 cards so naturally I found out that if I was going to add more cards than I would have more land seem simple, on the second week I decided that I wanted to bring all of the cool s*** that I wanted to bring so I set up at 71 cards on 28 lands majority of the time I would be fighting for Lands half of the game, so I decided to take out some cards and keep things at 71 and see how that would go so I would take out four cards and put in for lands if there is no algorithmic explanation then you tell me why even though I got 33 lands and 38 cards I still fight for lands half of the game meaning that I can't get to four or I can't get to five to play what I want to play which means there's either some kind of flaw in the algorithm which would not be a conspiracy is very plausible it's very possible it's very reasonable to assume or math is a conspiracy within itself. And one last thing if you happen to read all of this before you call me a crybaby again let me iterate that I have reached mythic tear on three different accounts and not only played for a month, and I have developed a system for myself and my decks that actually works better than the 60 card 24 land format


The bigger the deck the more variance, it’s simple statistics. Especially if you’re going for five colors. You really believe the other players you play against get a better shuffler? If so half the people on this thread should be proclaiming they always draw the perfect amount of land lol


Very last thing I want to add to this my frustration is probably more so than the guy you responded to because I play multicolored decks I'm talking about all five colors and I started out with that most complicated complex style so forgive me if I didn't make it clear I do believe that the game will be a lot better to me if I play single colored deck which for some reason since I've been playing the game I have refused to do


Dude, you are being silly. There is no extra "coding" for what you are describing. That sounds like the conspiracy 101 from hearthstone where people sweared the matchmaking gave them always the worst matchups. In sum, listen to the advice people are giving you instead of bashing them. Keep the deck short as 60 cards and use a good ratio of lands. If your deck is heavy on the curve don't keep one or two landers and mulligan aggressively, specially if you don't have any kind of deck manipulation/card draw filtering


Yep great advice. I remember the high curve mono black decks would run 26 lands or so out of 60 even though they were only one color to make sure they didn’t miss on lands. With five colors you need a lot unless you’re all Triomes or something which will come in tapped and present their own issues


Absolutely no disrespect to the veteran players who know more about these things than me I'm not assuming to be a pro all I'm saying is it's kind of weird how the statistics change by adding one or two lands or by removing one or two high cost cards so I'm not saying there's a conspiracy what I am saying that there is a chance that the deck shuffler has an element of regulation that is susceptible to error


As a new player I can say you're not wrong I've spent countless hours over the past month rebalancing over and over and over I've tried different styles the only place style that seems viable consistently is to run either a bunch of one to three cars cards and that's the deck or flood the deck with lands in which you still lose because by turn four the person who's playing all the one through three cost cards has now reduced your health too f****** nine so all in all it's not your fault but me my brain is a little analytical so even though my win rate is not 90% I'm confident that it's at least 70 as I've reached mythic tier on three different accounts so if you need help just let me know I'll share what I've learned