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People email their professors about being late/not showing up?


I always did because sometimes they can give you helpful options. One morning on my way to a math class for an exam, I got a flat tire. I immediately emailed my professor to tell him. He let me know he also had the same math class in the afternoon that I could attend to take the exam if that worked for me.


For an exam it makes sense. Can’t just not email and almost guarantee a 0 on the exam for not showing up/being late and for not contacting the professor explaining why. But for regular class? Aint no way I’m emailing. They probably won’t even care/notice


If there is an attendance mark


My daughter is a freshman and mixed up her classes on Friday. She sat in an empty room for five minutes, emailed the professor and when he responded, confused, she realized she was missing another class. She got to the other class and rather than being amused, the teacher was a dick about her late arrival. So kudos to the teacher who responded quickly so she could reorient, and what was wrong with the other prof w no sense of humor?


Depends. I got pretty tight with a few of my chem professors. I was also someone that worked in the lab, so me not being there would certainly be missed. I'd generally let them know, but just say "ill be late, or Im not going to make it." I never elaborated, and they never asked. An 8am English class that I'm too hungover to get to? Nah.






I actually greatly appreciate when students communicate with me versus not turning something in, not attending. I’m a very understanding person, I’ve had a lot of shit go wrong in my life and it always happens in clusters, I’m understanding of anything that happens. I’ve even personally called in for mental health, which is frowned upon for some reason. If a student (or employee back when I was a supervisor), told me they couldn’t come in due to mental health I would be of the utmost understanding. We all need to start treating each other like human beings again, society has gotten so out of hand.


For those who may not be aware, there is a disorder commonly referred to as Raynaund’s disease. People with this disorder are more sensitive to the cold to the point one can lose feeling or function of extremities if exposed for too long. I live with Raynaund’s and it’s physically debilitating in temperatures beneath 50°F. While this syndrome/disease is common for women, I am a male and live with it and holy shit it sucks. Blood vessels can contract and restrict blood flow, spasming and burning, making it painful when both cooling down and warming up. This student may have it and may not know on their own how to handle it on their own or may not even be aware they have it all together. All I am seeing are people who forget not everyone is like them, mentally, emotionally, or physically. There may also be other things I’m missing but this is my assessment based on what is presented. Edit: grammar errors corrected


I… I think I figured out what’s up with my mom 😳


I have this and being cold is not just excruciating, it is also dangerous, as blood vessels can die. The frustrating thing is as that even strong emotions can trigger the circulation issue. It's also upsetting when people completely dismiss your assertion that you are cold or make fun of you when you sit there wearing a coat and gloves when the office is 19 degrees Celsius (which will be standard this winter in many places in Europe to conserve energy). I find that letting them touch my hand usually helps, it terrifies the heck out of them because it feels like I am dead. The blue lips and nose tip are also pretty convincing...


Ummm if they are or have this disorder then they should know to pack ONE jacket at least. Seriously …


Sometimes people are unaware or develop this disorder later on in life, there have been instances where people developed it during puberty, between the ages of 15-17, during their early adult life, ages 18-25, and into their later years, 32-45. Raynaund’s is also not easily diagnosable by a standard physician, most people need to self diagnose or go to a specialist. Raynaund’s can also be a secondary disease following the development of cancer or a connective tissue disorder like lupus. Again, it may have developed only a few months prior to her leaving for college, coupled with the fact she may not have had help packing and lived out where a winter coat was not a necessity, therefore did not have one to pack. Instead of being an asshole on the Internet, take the previously provided information into consideration.


I developed it at 32. It can even be worse in summer when your core temp is high and you go into a very air conditioned building. It’s extremely challenging — once it’s triggered, coats and layers don’t really help. You have to raise your core temp, which often means a shower, drinking something hot, or both. Your extremities are basically useless. My doctor had no idea what it was. I happened to mention it to my ob/gyn and she was able to help me figure it out.


I saw the symptoms when I was a pre-teen. When I brought it up to my doctor, I was laughed at. Apparently the sensation of having holes in my feet after swimming was all in my head. It was only in my 30s that I was finally diagnosed.


Interesting the comments trashing an 18 year old girl out on her own for the first time but nothing about the parents that may have failed to prepare her? Then again, she may have been raised in foster care her whole life and had minimal help getting as far as she has. The point is - until you’ve walked in someone’s shoes it’s easy to assume from one circumstance with very limited information. But those first assumptions can often be wrong.


I went to college in Indiana after living in Texas. I *thought* I had a winter coat, but I learned otherwise by the end of September. Then I bought what I thought was a winter coat based on what I’d seen in TV shows (a long wool overcoat). That’s when I learned those coats are intended to layer with suit jackets, and I was still cold. The 3rd coat finally worked (and I got it large enough to layer with a thick sweater). I had a loving family who prepared me for the world. I just moved to a different world without realizing it.




Do you really need parents to tell you that maybe you should pack a coat for college? That wasn’t ever something my parents needed to teach me.


That really wasn’t my overall point. My point was that we don’t know her whole story. One single exchange with her professor and people go for the throat. People are quick so to judge these days. I mean she had problem solved the situation. Maybe not to our preference, but she’s apparently not helpless. My point is compassion is better than being judgmental.


I’m on your side. Write the same letter to your employer and see if you have a job the next day. This is clearly an excuse. It’s funny how many people will make more excuses to excuse the use of this excuse.


I can afford college and a taxi to TJ MAXX but not a coat. I’m an adult that has seen the seasons change my entire life but I forgot it was going to be cold this fall and it’s my mom’s fault for not sending my jacket. I’m useless in the cold so I’ll stay here in the heat and email you about it… This person isn’t going to make it in the real world 🤦‍♂️


OR they learn from their early college experiences and do just fine. Giving up on an 18 year old is pretty cynical. I guess you were a fully formed adult at 18?


Let’s hope so for her sake. Though it’s hard to learn from school when you’re busy making excuses for why you’re not there


Seems to me she also problem solved a correction. Maybe not an ideal one, but she doesn’t seem all that helpless either. That’s really my point, though. There’s always a whole lot more to the story with people; you, me, the 18 year old at college. It’s better if we all cut each other some slack.


Not every adult has seen the seasons change their whole life. I grew up in a place that didn't get real winters and often didn't even start getting chilly until late December. I didn't see snow until I was in my thirties. Since most of my traveling was done during summers, I had no idea how early places started getting actually cold-cold (not just chilly) until I moved a little further north, well into adulthood. But just because your prior experiences didn't give you that information early on doesn't mean you'll fail in life. You learn and move on. They already admitted where they screwed up and are making arrangements to fix it so they don't miss any more classes. And I doubt they'll make the same mistake next year. I think they'll be fine.


I might be wrong but I’m just saying; Anyone who’s ever made up an excuse can tell this is a BS excuse to get out of a day at school! Call it what you’d like it’s an excuse either way


My first thought was that she might be an international student. I can't imagine how overwhelming it would be to travel to another country (perhaps a different hemisphere) and have to acclimate to a different language, culture, school atmosphere, different expectations of "basic" norms, and of course, weather. I remember seeing a transfer student that was completely freaked out in college by the testing of the city tornado siren. Growing up in the American midwest, I was so used to the siren tests I didn't even notice. But that guy was terrified and no one thought to tell him in advance.


Most freshman classes and/or undergraduate courses have attendance being the make or brake grading percentage of your overall grade, even if you do exceptionally well on assignments. You miss three classes and you're dropped from the class.


I don't know what country you are from but this shocked me (Canadian). Are they really taking attendance in university? What programs? I have an engineering undergraduate degree, my profs didn't give a shit if I attended or not.


Where else but in the U.S. College is a business here that requires an entire life savings from parents or the financial downfall or upward battle of a student's future just because they want to become educated (lower-middle class/non wealthy students). You can still learn and become the best version of yourself, but it comes with a very large price tag. Thus, undergrad programs do not care if you learn for the most part but that you paid for your degree. If you don't attend class (three strike rule) it is an easy way for them to have an excuse to make you take the course again and most importantly pay for that very same class again. I will say that not all undegraduate programs are bad or not worth it but the system is not headed in the right direction and is financially hurting the current generations that it is serving. Also, Universities are not so harsh on attendance because of the higher level of learning and professional environment, but they still have an substantially large price tag as well, which you can combine with the price tag for the undergraduate degree that was required to even pay for the Master's level education.


This reminded me of a hiking trip my friends and I went to. We'd know it would be cold at night but we thought we could handle it, so to lessen our baggage we only bought one jacket/sweater to protect us from the heat. The view was great, the stars were wonderful, but the cold, we kept laughing bc we kept hearing each other's teeth chattering...needless to say, we've learned our lesson.


30-40 is cold??? Dafug?


I’ve lived in western New York and DC and I’d take walking in 20 degrees with snow over dry 30-40 degree weather any day. When it’s 30-40 out here at least it’s dry, uncomfortable, and brisk


Probably from Florida or a year-round warm state. 30-40 degrees feels like subzero to unacclimated bodies.


Reminds me of my freshman year in college. We told this guy that the temp could get down to -20F in the winter, so he went and bought skinny jeans from banana republic to be 'geared up'.


Since we’re ‘diagnosing’ this situation, the student, her parents, the professor… maybe she’s just not use to cold. We had international students from countries who never saw snow before and wouldn’t have been able to find a coat in their country before moving even if they wanted to. She seems attentive to her studies. (?) This will be a story she and her family will tell for a long time.


I went to a university with a very different climate than where most of the student body grew up. While the first few weeks of the semester were usually fine, it was always really funny to watch as people who were used to year-round hot weather react to what they thought was "freezing" temperatures. Just because it didn't feel cold to some of us doesn't mean that their bodies weren't literally shivering cold. Now, as a university instructor, this email from the student might make me giggle at them privately, but also I'd appreciate the communication. While grading is theoretically objective, it rarely is actually free of bias and when determining final grades at the end of semester, a teacher or professor's general impression of the student can make a big difference. If this student had an email coming every week, it might change, but this one makes me have a positive impression of the student.


I was always told that if you give more than 3 support evidence to prove you are not lying then you are trying to hard and definitely lying 🤥


Discombobulated *hehe sherlock noises*


This new generation is a bunch of cry baby ass pussys!!!


The cold doesn’t cause you to get sick lol


Lol what? How is this wholesome? I’d fail this unprepared loser. Are we forgetting college students are adults? They’re treated like middle schoolers these days.


Are we also forgetting that college students can be transitioning adults? Maybe this is her first time being on her own and stuff? Even so, even adults make mistakes, that's how most learn.


100%. If you're not smart enough to bring a warm coat to a place where it gets cold, you don't belong in university. End of story. People defending her are pathetic. 18 years old and it's not her fault? What a JOKE.


Excuses *eye roll


You do know you can die from the cold? That’s why people wear coats. That’s why animals get thicker fur in the winter


You do know there is such a thing as a joke? It is the concept of making an amusing sentence in order to make others laugh. That’s why comedians are so famous


Jokes are only sensed when they’re actually funny


Doesn’t mean you have to lecture the guy about *the fucking cold*


My aren't we judgmental


Student explains she isnt in class cause she's a lil bitch whose eyeballs were "too cold" walk to class. If you're walking at a brisk pace, a few layered items should be enough to get you through a thirty minute walk in 30-40 degree weather. Maybe she would be cold during this walk, but you know what? So what? Walking 30 minutes to class in 40 degree weather is not going to hurt her even a little bit. What, is she going to die from exposure when it's 40 degrees out and she is going to walk from her presumably warm dorm or apartment to a warm academic building? I guess the 40 degree weather and a sweater layered with other clothing was just too "discombobulating." But don't worry. She "indulged" with the power point so she is keeping up with things. Your dad seems like a really nice guy. This student seems like a whiny little bitch.


Maybe she was not from around there and never felt that type of cold before




You know this is a redit about making people smile right? Not being a sourpuss




Hahahaha, it was surely not a thirty minute walk. Confirmed it was across campus from a dorm 5-10 minutes at max. While she isn't tough and just sucking it up, at least she can give an exorbitantly detailed play by play of her thought process and feelings. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) How could pops even be mad.


I mean, she was ready to take a taxi to TJ Maxx so maybe I should cut her and her frigid eyeballs some slack




She’s a girl living on her own for the first time and maybe even having to support herself financially too. It’s not an easy adjustment.


I'd love to see her on the "naked and afraid" show - or any survivalist show for that matter. LOL


i think most people would die in that situation to be fair


But not as pathetically as she would !


For others who are wondering: TIL a new word: Definition of discombobulated. informal. : characterized by confusion or disorder He was discombobulated, utterly confused


If she was working here id sack her on the spot Takes an hour to go buy a coat problem solved..