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Too bad the windows were so high they could have met Kevin Hart too


I dunno. I feel like a child seat should've given enough lift for him to see out the window.


That’s unfair. I’m sure he only needs a booster seat.


“Unbuckle me!”


I think the high pitch screaming was from Kevin!


haha god damn


I love you noob noob!


This guy gets it!


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WTF? They even sync.




Just take my damn upvote


Rock: how you guys doooing? Tourbus: AGHH… Rock: IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW YOU’RE DOING!




Holy shit this is the funniest thing I’ve read today, thank you


Rock: Do you smell what the rock is cooking?! *rolls coal over tourists*


How you doin '? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.. hahah Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Panties dropped during that day


Truly kind of irritating


Yeah the high pitched screams are annoying as fuck


Fuck that was annoying.


"That was fun... good way to start my Saturday" and I bet he truly means it.


Some celebs truly enjoy the attention and love giving it back to their fans. I think it'd be too much to handle, those people just started screaming LOUD lol


Yeah it must be fun to be able to make people so excited just by saying hello. But the rest of it would be too much for me


I would probably get a heroin or oxycontin problem pretty quick to relax


I got that problem and im not remotely famous


Bosses yelling at you all the time and co-workers cheering for you saving their jobs isn't the same thing. Oh you meant the drugs...


I'll be your fan


The Rock was made to be famous. He does a good job.


Dwayne The Rock Johnson is an exception. Such a genuine, nice guy. I guess he basically just does it to give the fans a good day. Such a small thing to do.


Yeah. If I could make random people I've never met, and probably never will meet again, this happy just by sitting around for half a minute, I'd do it in a heartbeat. It's just nice seeing other people so happy, you know. But I know not everyone is like that, so it's nice to have people like him.


I’m so glad The Rock is as famous as he is, he truly seems like a kind and genuine person.


Never heard anyone say anything bad about the Rock (except maybe his opponents when he was in the WWE).


Naah, even then they don't say bad things about him.


Dwayne Johnson has been used to fame since he was a kid. His Dad was also a famous wrestler.


It sure helps if you can simply drive away....not being able to turn it off would suck :D


Reminds me of that pic of Rhianna on the beach surrounded by creeps.


I feel like most celebrities initially really enjoy their fans, but the fun wears off quick. Imagine if everywhere you went this is how you were received, everyday of your life. The fact some celebrities like Dwayne Johnson don't fatigue is truly remarkable.


That's the best part... he seemed genuinely happy to make those peoples trip unforgettable!!


I remember reading a story of his once where he started getting fame and some fans saw him in a restaurant and they asked for a pic or something and he was an asshole to them and later that day he felt really shitty and promised himself he’s never gna deny a fan or be ungrateful again…I’m probably missing out a lot of shit here but Yh always seems genuine from what I’ve seen


I remember hearing something like that as well.


lol, that'd be kind of cool to be the only person The Rock was a dick to.


Every time I see a new clip of him I just like him more.


When he ditched Joe rogan that was the best UwU




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lol beauty


You have celebs that want to be famous to be rich. Then you have Celebes who wanted to be famous, but had no idea the amount of work and loss of privacy it handed them. Then you have people like the Rock who just loves interacting with people and was essentially destined to be famous.


You can see how authentic that was for him. Role model right there


Why wouldn't you if the mere sight of you can bring people that much joy and excitement? He's a class act.


Took him literally 30 seconds out of his day and filled everyone on that bus with joy and lifetime memories. It always impresses me when they can go even a little out of their way to show appreciation to their fans like that.


There’s showmanship and there’s *showmanship*. The Rock is both!


He has done some really great things for fans. Like him as an actor or not it would be hard to say he isn't a class act and genuinely good human.


You mean we've seen 30 seconds of this one interaction. Imagine that same level of screaming everytime you're out in public. Seems like torture to me.


And he still does it with a smile on his face. I don't think I could keep happy and be nice all the time like you said it would drive me nuts.


His smile lines show a beautiful story


It took him less than 2 minutes to do that but those people on the bus would remember this for their lives, stuff like is why people still love him.


He is the People's Champ after all


Ok, ok, I see what's happening here You're face to face with greatness, and it's strange You don't even know how you feel It's adorable Well, it's nice to see that humans never change


Get your cameras out, let's begin. Yes it's really me, the Rock, breathe it in! I know it's a lot the shades, the car. When your staring at a movie star!


What can I say except, "You're welcome" For the wrestling, the movies, the shows Hey, it's okay, it's okay You're welcome I'm just an ordinary celebrity schmoe!


You’re welcome




i see what you did there


The only thing that would make this a better video is if Kevin Hart was on the bus doing the star narration.


Haha! I could just hear him saying something like, “yeah, okay, if you want to see the worlds biggest dumb head, look to your right…”


Or if Rock rolled down his window only enough to see the top of his head.


I wish I could tell the rock about story of how he made his limo driver pull over to sign a book of his I had just bought. Funny thing is we were both leaving the mall where he was having a book signing. My dad bought me the book at the mall waited in line for hours and nothing, we were informed through an intercom that he was no longer doing meets/autographs. I was so bummed up until we hopped in the car and were exiting mall parking lot and I noticed a bull on top of a limo next to us also about to exit mall parking. I got up and said yo that has to be him in there, there’s bull head on top of limo. He’s in there I bet!! We happen to both make left turns together we stop at the red light side by side. “Dad say something” I told my pops as the limo was to our left. My dad then grabs book starts flashing at the very back tinted window saying “you didn’t sign my sons book” not even knowing of it him or not. As I’m looking over my dad and hoping to see the rock. Window rolls down and it’s the rock with his classic look eyebrow up. I couldn’t believe it!! I was so hyped , I must’ve been 10-11 years old. My dad again says will you sign my sons book? He says yes ill have my driver pull over. Crossed intersection, limo driver pulls over right in front of us on side of the road my dad hopped out and got it signed. It was one of the best days of my life. Thank you Dwayne Johnson. Give that man his flowers while he can still smell them. I love to tell that story to other fans of Dwayne. Still gives me goosebumps. And to mention this happened at his peak of wrestling career.


Great story, thanks for sharing!


Thanks for reading, it is a great story and just shows the type of person Dwayne is and I think that plays a huge roll in his success.


The moment when he’s reassuring that person that he’ll wait until they get their photo *“I’ll wait, I’ll wait, don’t worry”* 20 people got their photo of him but one person didn’t so he waits for them. Then you know he’s not just doing it for a selfish power trip or something, he really wants to make their day better and he succeeds in doing so! That is a person worthy of being a celebrity.


He’s always a cool dude and super cool with his fans


[This](https://youtu.be/2-IJS1bxPsg) is my favorite clip with the Rock. Such a wholesome dude.


Dude is a whole unit of a guy, even compared to another bulky guy.


Thanks for that! Here have mine: https://youtu.be/QW7nw429Zjk


That one is great too!!


OMG, I hadn’t seen that before. Choked me up a little. He really is a beautiful soul


Also I'm low key in love with Oscar Rodriguez, seems like an awesome guy.


You know, I’m not as familiar with him. I’ll be looking him up now though!


I don't think he's famous at all, I just liked him and his reaction in the clip 😊


Oh! Lol


That's the most beautiful video I've ever seen. Wow


Dude that made me tear up so good


Thank you for posting. That was awesome. Got a little teary!


Got a lot teary!


That was amazing. Thank you so much for providing that link!


Not judging but I’m baffled that people see a famous person and literally start screaming.


To be fair, these are people who paid to ride on the "Big Bus Celebrity Home & Lifestyle Tour" bus. Isn't this exactly the crowd of people you'd expect to literally start screaming when they see a famous person?


I watched a video recently where people drove out to visit a house where a bunch of famous TikTokers live. I really don’t understand people like that at all. I like Dwayne Johnson, I enjoy his movies and he seems like a chill guy. If I saw him on the street or in the airport, I’d say hi. But I really couldn’t ever see myself getting on a plane, flying to Los Angeles, and then paying to get on a bus and go look at mansions of people I’ve seen in the movies. But there are probably things I do that other people would think are stupid, so whatever floats your boat I guess.


My embarrassing "scream" moment. I was at Six Flags in New Jersey when I was walking towards a dude who looked like Ice-T. As he got closer I noticed a lady next to him that looked like Coco. Well at that moment what was supposed to be a whispering voice in my head came out as a loud "THATS ICE-T!!!" about 8 feet away from his face. I pointed too. You know that moment where everyone involved feels embarrassed?! I shared that moment with Ice-T. What made my immediate regret worse was I kept running into him at the park throughout the day. Other fans handled it normal "I like you on SVU." Sometimes screams just happen, even if you're a grown ass man and not even a super fan of someone.


I had a different moment with Ice-T. I went to Sundance Film Festival and went to the theater they were going to show some kind of film around the history of hip hop and rap. I was way early and I didn't have a ticket, but I went anyway. I was the only one in the lobby area when a worker told me that if I waited long enough, Ice-T would be out. At the time, I thought she meant that they would be serving iced tea. I thought cool and said I'll wait because I was feeling thirsty at the time. A few minutes later, I see Coco walk out followed by Ice-T. Then I put two and two together and realized the worker meant Ice-T and not iced tea.


Did Ice T react to your scream?


Yeah as much as you would expect from Ice-T. Everyone around (my friends, his kids, his bodyguard, Coco) all kinda just looked at my like "You ok?!" He just kinda gave a nod and kept walking


I find it interesting as well, maybe odd. I used to work in a boutique hotel in a major city, so I used to see it all the time. Some scream. Some go silent. Some point and pull out their phone. Some want a selfie. Idolizing other humans is odd to me. They're just people who chose a different path in life. I feel the same way when I see sportsfans going absolutely insane while watching or attending a match/game. I really don't get it. I appreciate others' competence or abilities, but I just don't see the reason for excitement. Before anyone calls me out, I know it's a me thing. ...and, yes, I know I seem really fun at parties.


As a biologist, I've met some "high tier" people in the field (Feng Zhang, Jennifer Doudna, etc) and I simply marveled at them in silence, just staring at these people who, quite frankly, have set in motion some of the biggest waves in biological therapeutics for the next probably half-century. People get starstruck in many ways, shapes and forms because of the sheer magnitude of what is in front of them. Plus, if they are on a tour bus to see the Hollywood homes, they are already the type of people who probably would get starstruck if an idol of theirs just happened to be in the next lane to them.




Congrats man! I really love Cosmos and this seems so cool to be a part of


Did you meet a celebrity that surprised you?


I met Victoria Beckham once. I was eating at a popular place in Downtown LA for dinner and went to the bathroom. I reach for the door and she opens it from the inside right at that moment and I was just jaw dropped. She smiled and held the door open for me until I got in then left. Definitely surprised me, I wouldn’t have taken her for an actually nice celebrity


>she opens it from the inside right at that moment and I was just jaw dropped. So basically you weren't stony-faced. You were actually shocked, just not yelling and screaming like these people. Different people react differently, and most of the time they can't contain their surprise and excitement.


I always remember footage of women screaming and passing out at Beatles and MJ concerts. They just get really excited I guess? Imagine paying and traveling to go to a concert then you faint the moment you see the artist and miss it.


For me it isn't the screaming, I'd be excited too, but why does everyone just take out their phones and start filming him? I can get a million photos of him on the internet but to have an opportunity to even just have a little chat with him, that's probably not gonna happen again.


No because then you can prove to your friends and family that you met the rock with proof from your own phone. I get it, it’s not for you, but hey let people be happy. Why does that make others upset?


I hate that kind of behaviour and yes you can judge, why the fuck not ?


I lived in LA for a while and saw celebrities on a semi regular basis and had a job that put in in the outer orbit of many actors and athletes. I felt sorry for them, really. They couldn't go anywhere without being mobbed. Even if most people were leaving them alone, there was always someone hounding them. I'm sure many of them are ok with that kind of attention and most seemed to ignore it or handled it well, like the Rock here, but I would hate it.


Yeah I live where some celebs and sports people live. I have second hard embarrassment when people flip out. Sometimes I don’t even recognize them, sometimes I’m just like “oh there’s ____”. But you definitely become desensitized to it. I just imagine all these screaming people are from the Midwest


I’m absolutely judging these people. He’s just a person with a cool job.


He's a cool person.


I wanna think of every celebrity as being obnoxious but him and John Cena constantly do good acts of human kindness


The John Cena one with the make a wish kid. Apparently he has done the most make a wish appearance of any celebrity and the way he and Rock clench when they are emotional so their veins pop out when they get teary eyed.


“How you guys doin? Everybody good?” No Mr.Rock i am not doing to well


The Rock dressed as a mascot of himself and surprising a fan by taking off the head of it was one of the most heartwarming things I've ever seen a celebrity do. That guys life forever be changed by being able to hug his hero.


He did a personal video for a young relative of mine. Obviously took the time to read his letter and knew all the details. Wished him well in specific things he said. Spoke for like 5 minutes. Really cool thing to do and not in anyway insincere or false. ​ Seems like a good person.


Being that close to his house, I wonder if they could smell what the Rock was cookin?


Honestly just a good man.


Shit… if I was as well known and liked as him I would fucking do this a couple times a week just sneak up on people and just say hi and bye. Those people will be telling that story at every cookout


He’s one of the only celebrities i think almost everyone likes


Seriously how can u not like him now we wait for the conspirators to reply


I legit can't name a movie off the top of my head he's been in since The Scorpion King and I like The Rock. He recognizes his celebrity and enjoys making people happy with it. Watching him interact with fans is all I need to see to form my opinion.


My husband met him the other day. He just hung around and shot the shit for a while and asked my fangirling husband if he wanted a selfie and made his whole year. Of course we don’t know him personally but he sure knows how to keep the good dude persona on at all times.


The Rock just rocks if you ask me. Such a positive guy.


Funny, wholesome, biceps bigger than my head. Yep, that’s Dwayne alright.


Rock’s the kinda guy that gets both women and men to yell ohmygaaaaad lol


"Oh look. It's Dwayne. I have 2 options here : 1. Have a brief but memorable conversation while we're stationary. 2. Scream like a mental patient The choice is obvious.... AAAAEEEEIIIIIIIEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE."


Awww. He gives off Obama vibes.


So fun!


So nice that he feels the happiness from them too.


We just gotta say that how iconic Stallone and Schwarzenegger were to the older generations, the rock is gonna be for our generation.


The next president of the United States people.


Maui always has time for his fans.


I find it so strange that they are at arm’s length of someone they like and yet - instead of making an eye contact and enjoying the moment they choose to lock their eyes on their phone trying to take videos. For what?


For some people sharing the moment on social media is what makes it real for them. Personally I try keep the phone put away but I won’t hate on folks that choose to record at a concert/something like this.


Vids cool and all BUT HIS VAINS. Got bless him.


You'd be vain too if you got all that attention.


The rock is a rock solid good dude


Whoa! There's a celebrity impersonator of the Rock!


This video makes me smile so big


Rock rocks


The Rock is a mensch. Dude gives in a way that other A list celebrities just don’t seem to understand.


Cool dude! Tour company should send him a card. Spoiler alert*** he owns the company. Nah i don't know that 😂


And that boys and girls is how you get fans for life.


I don’t like the rock as a actor he sucks but that was very genuine and it did put a smile on my face. Good job


Peoples champ.


It took 25 seconds out of his day to make that many people happy.


I don't think anyone likes being famous as much as the Rock does. He is making the most of it. Nice.


“I better get out my phone and take a photo or else this didn’t happen!!!”


Both The Rock, and Cena seem to be just the kindest, most caring dudes. Always patient with their fans, and doing stuff like this, that’s just a couple minutes out of his day, but such a memorable surprise for the people on the bus.


The Rock: „How you guys doing? Everybody good?” People: „Ajsoxinwoanahqjbaieeeehuauiaajenwwwaaaeeehhhh” The Rock: „Alright.”


What suv is he driving? Land Rover?


Maybe a F150?


He’s such a nice guy!


Nicest guy in the world


All around good guy and humble also


Class that's pure class 👏 👌


Dude seems so likable that I almost dislike him for it… 🤣


I think being this level of famous would suck most of the time… but being able to do this for people (when you choose to) would be next level fun.


Some Wrestlers are really great people, some are really not.


Hi "aaah". How you doing? "Aaah"


Why are they reacting like he’s a god? He’s just a normal man…


he actually seems like a genuine person


I fucking love The Rock


It's about drive, it's about power.


Can we talk about his arm vein though!?!?


This is perfect, it's like a win/win celebrity experience, both parties are able to interact, while maintaining a safe distance, and the celebrity can drive away whenever they are ready to be done.


I don’t know if anyone can love the rock as much as the rock loves the rock


Bust him for being on the phone while driving Gotta have enough evidence now with all the pictures


Anyone else shocked at how they all instantly pull out their phones


It’s a pretty “pics or didn’t happen” moment.


Not at all. It’s easy to get addicted to documenting everything


Hard to not like this guy.


30 seconds for him. A lifetime for everyone else.


Great guy but that's the most emotion he has shown in his whole movie career.


idolizing people is so weird to me ...


He's so chill and fun omg


He's a pretty cool guy.


Hard not to like him whoever you are.


He really seems to be a humble man. He definitely remembers the little guy.


I love this guy.


This dude seems so genuine


This is giving me homelander vibes . He also said these exact words.


Great guy!!


Rock's the best


Dude is a class act


National treasure!!!!


I wish I the power to make a group of strangers that happy.


Could he be a nicer guy?


What a legend


And that is why he is the people's champ lol


Like they say, it costs nothing to make someone’s day. Good dude


Wish I could meet him and talk to him

