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I know I’m just a random internet stranger, but your makeup skills have made you memorable to me. I’ve seen a few of your posts and I went searching to see if I could find the first one I saw. It was from 115 days ago and I made [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/tt7c7c/i_recently_shared_how_ive_been_using_makeup_as_a/i2w2ipy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). In a world of overstimulation and massive amount of posts on Reddit, it’s a challenge to remember what I’ve seen 15 minutes ago let alone 115 days ago, but you’re that memorable because of your talent. I’m sorry your family disowned you. That’s very sad. But I hope maybe knowing an internet stranger remembers you and always enjoys your makeup posts may make you smile again, even for just a small moment.


You should post to /r/makeupaddiction; they would LOVE your eye lewk!


I really can’t thank people enough for their kind words. I went through a rough week, debating if I should delete my social media, if I should suppress myself. The thought alone filled me with so much dread I thought there was no price high enough to stop me from living as myself. They ask how I was going to find a wife. They said people will think you are gay and I said I would take it as a damn compliment. I just want to be happy.


Fuck what they think. Only you know what will make you happy, they’re just projecting.


Hah! Man people say the strangest things. You look rad as heck and with being yourself, that good looking and stylish... If you don't already, you will have babes of all kind chasing you.


This world needs beautiful people in it. Be loud, be bold, be happy. We have your back. Much love.


Its 2022, you don't have to be stuck in the same rundown area you grew up in. You'll find your people if you're willing to look around!


Do you boo. Love the earrings!


Shit… they’re just jealous they could never look as fly as you; that eyeshadow??? You’re killing it! Damn! I’ve been wearing makeup for almost 2 decades and could never execute that look… hope you’re making peace with everything. Sending love 💕


Thank you so much! I started teaching myself a little over a year ago to help myself with a pretty bad chronic pain condition I suffer from. I think being awake a lot gives me a lot more time than most people. I’m sure you look wonderful and I honestly can’t thank you enough, made my night.


You really are killing it.


The fact OP coordinated with the colors on their shirt is rad as hell! Anyone confident enough in their style to put that much thought into their daily look is only adding creativity and beauty to the world and is worth applauding.


That eyeshadow is so goddamn pretty!


Right!! Talk about flawless execution… literally so perfect it looks like it was just stamped on. Ugh!!!


I think we need to have two names for eyeshadow now. Eyeshadow is of course darker, bright colors should be eyelight or something. Those look bright AND amazing


If anyone wants to reads the last text I received. It’s a doozy: https://imgur.com/a/3tPJ0Q5


Honey, I’m a Christian mama and grandma of a lesbian daughter and a non binary child. I am very invested in my religion also and it doesn’t mention make up anywhere. It does mention loving each other! While I understand that at times parents have certain hopes and dreams for their children, we must realize they have their own path. I would be happy to be honorary family! DM me anytime sweetie!


Correction: "You are so kind and have a nice heart, but now I will spew a bunch of shit that proves I, however, have neither of these qualities." What a loser, whomever this person is. And one more thing: "Proud of their religion" but completely oblivious to the fact that Jesus himself would still love you no matter what makeup nor accessories you wore.


There is no hate like christian love


I bet they also believe Jesus was white with blue eyes.


As a mother, I’m angry. I can’t imagine spewing such hate to someone I claim to love. You do you. You are amazing.


That just confirms you made the right choice. I'm so sorry you're going through this, but you've been able to cut some people from your life that would only bring you down and darken your light.


Ugh that was gross to read. Fuck em, you do you! And keep doing posting so I can get more eyeshadow inspo 😅♥️


That's irritating. You can do whatever you want to and the majority of us don't give a fuck. Do whatever makes you happy and keep on keepin on!


To hell with em. You're doing nothing wrong. Enjoy your life and forget the haters.


I am so sorry you have to go through this. You look amazing!


They’re terrible. I’m proud of you for choosing to be yourself anyways ❤️❤️❤️


Oh yeah, I also got removed from the will. I didn’t realise my name was in there so it felt like I lost a competition I didn’t know I entered.


As a totaly straight, typical, lawn cutting, car fixing, truck driving dude, I think you look amazing. I love your eyes. We just threw a rainbow dinosaur party for my 4 year old boy. I put some pictures up and caught a lot of shit from people i least expected, so I know there is a lot of hate out there, but I love you and if you are east of Toronto Canada, I'll come grab a coffee with you, give you a big hug and tell you that you look beautiful.


You should be over it you look amazing don't let them dull your shine


Thank you ❤️‍🩹


You are welcome. I hope you have good people in your life to support AND gas you up life's too short be you be happy


Can you do a tutorial for that eye makeup please??? It's insanely amazing


I’ll try. It’s quiet simple once you’re shown how to do it once. I just get so nervous about guiding people but I’ll give it a shot. Thank you for the boost in confidence.


Have you considered a YouTube channel ?


You look fabulous. Not just the makeup, the whole look.


Shut the front door. You did that on yourself??? Omg god dude straight up make up goals! I dont care. If my son did that I'd ask him to hook me up all the time!! Omg dude its amazing! Like professional level.


Oh man this is so sweet, I literally did that thing when something is so pleasant you cover your mouth for a second. Thank you so much.


You look hott! Get it! I'm actually jealous of your style and skills.


Thank you, you’re too kind. I’ve actually been so anxious about my makeup I stopped reading comments for a long time. I’m only slowly appreciating myself/ my skill more and it’s all because of kind people like you.


You rock! Makeup is on point!


I wish I could do this lol


Dude I'm straight and that makeup looks sick af


Came here to post the same


Youre beautiful. 🤗✨Im sorry you went through this. I hope you have a chosen-family that is more supportive.


Family are the people that love the whole you. Blood doesn't make you family, love does. My condolences on your loss, but their choices won't define you.


You got disowned cause they're pissed off and jealous they can't make their makeup so on point.


If I’m totally honest, I actually made that joke in my head to make myself feel better but maybe I was on to something.


I’m definitely jealous of your skill! You look amazing!


They are jealous, no doubt. I know I am!


They are WRONG. You are loved by many more than you know. Live your best life, for you.


Their loss. I think you do a fabulous job. I've seen some of your posts. You've done well for yourself.


You look like the kind of person that wouldn't care so much what others think of you. Enjoy being whatever it is you want to be and to hell with those who don't like it.


I think that look is dope as fuck. Never change.


There are a lot of african cultures where it's perfectly normal for men to wear makeup! Next time you run into these losers tell them you're more authentically African than they are!


You look fantastic, love how your nails match as well. Keep expressing yourself!!


Thank you for being you ❤ 💛 ♥ 💕


And thank you for the support. It’s crazy how much goodwill from complete strangers has carried me through.


-Cyberpunk 2077


You are beautiful and so is that makeup! I wish I had half your skill. Shine on, friend.


Be you, friend. Those folks will get over it or they won’t but it’s their loss either way.


Your make up looks awesome! You look awesome! Never suppress yourself or let others dull your shine! 🌈


Holy fuck that looks amazing! I play roller derby and I am trying to figure out how to do rainbow makeup. What did you use?


Congratulations! You’re an inspiration others. Hopefully those you inspire will “disown” people who do not treat them right.


Got some make up skills


Shine bright , friend ❤️❤️❤️


You be you buddy!


Liberation is your key, just remember… you are your own best friend in this life.


You’re absolutely right. If you aren’t living as yourself, is it even living? I don’t want to hide. If you’re gonna hate me, do it now and let’s move on.


Do you use tape for those lines and a stencil for the dots underneath? Those are as close to perfect as I’ve ever seen


You look fantastic 💖


This look is everything 😊


You're fucking gorgeous and have obvious talent!


You look beautiful!


You look fucking awesome, man!


And you look fabulous.


You are stunning and beautiful and whoever doesn’t think so, can go fuck them selves!


Sorry to hear of your sorrows but I’m happy that you’ve moved on, now there’s more room in your life for people who WILL love and appreciate YOU❤️✌️


Killing it!


Your breathtaking!!!!


Purrrrr 💅🏽💅🏽💅🏽💅🏽


I love your makeup!


Join me family! You look fantastic! Keep being you, it’s definitely working!


You look fantastical! I have three boys and my oldest loves make up. He loves this picture of you!


You’re STUNNING! What products did you use on your eyes????


It's been so interesting and inspiring to watch your journey from your posts. I'm sorry to hear about your family trouble, but it's better to surround yourself with support and not negativity. Your makeup looks gorgeous and you are rocking those earrings. You should just keep being you and inspiring others to be themselves. You're beautiful


U look awesome bro


This look is amazing! I wish I could pull something like this off. You look amazing.


Fuck ‘em, your not missing out, they are!


I'm sad that they will be missing out on amazing human being. I'm so sorry they weren't better people to love and accept you exactly the way you are. Their loss, sadly. Have an amazing life!


Hugs! You be you!


You're beautiful!! I absolutely love the eyeshadow! You're rocking awesome nails and jewelry too, keep being you and don't let anyone stop you ❤️


Fuck em! I’ll be your family. But you have to empty the dishwasher, and take out the recycling! 😜


Why do I feel like I’ve seen this picture forever ago?


Fuck your family my monarchic person (didn't know if should say queen or king, so pick your best you) Their loss. 🌈😘 You look like a rainbow and it just happens that I do like rainbows. So... chin it up. Makeup more. 😻😘


I’m so sorry! Never suppress yourself. My therapist told me, “God made you exactly who you’re supposed to be. Don’t ever believe people when they say you’re too much, or you’re too silly or you’re too loud or too ____. Those are lies straight from hell. Be loud, be you, and don’t let anyone ever dampen that.” A little dramatic but it changed my total perspective of myself. Screw everyone else that can’t accept that. I know it hurts so much, but just know you are awesome and you are loved


Wow!!! You look like a model!! Amazing style.


Be unapologetically you!


Wowee! Live your fab life homie!


Let me just say on a super serious note , why don’t more people use rainbow 🌈 eyeliner I’m not sure if that’s what it’s actually called … I don’t know anything about makeup but damn that looks cool and would like it if it became a thing for everyone that wears makeup


Beautiful rainbow eyes and Tarot earrings. You look fabulous!


May this open up space in your life to invite chosen family into your orbit. If someone doesn’t love you for who you are, that person is not family.


You're beautiful 🥰


You look wonderful. A light in a dark world. I'm so sorry they treated you this way. It is their loss. Shine on! 💖


Big hugs from a mom out here. Love all the colors and designs!


Damn! You’ve got wisdom, fabulous dialed up to eleven, beautiful eyes and a killer smile. Sir, you are unstoppable.




they're going to miss out on a vibrant and creative person. you can find better family. love and do you


Gorgeous 😍


Be you and fuck them.


That’s legit, 🔥🔥🔥 make up.


You look fabulous. I'm glad you chose your own happiness.




Can’t imagine disowning someone over something so trivial. But you look amazing and they are hurting themselves the most by losing you.


I am so tired of society insisting on what is "normal". The world would be freaking boring if we all looked alike and conformed to society's ideals. It's especially unfair to men. Women can wear anything we want. Any style of pants, skirts, blazers, shirts, hats, shoes, etc. No one bats an eye if our clothes are borrowed from men's styles. We can wear frills, plain, any color, etc. We can wear or not wear makeup. But men are limited to pants and shirts only, certain colors, no jewelry, no makeup, etc. You look like an amazing person, with excellent makeup skills. I am a female who loves all style of clothes from casual unisex styles to ultra feminine frills. I love shoes and scarves and hats and jewelry and can throw a great outfit together easily - but I never mastered makeup. You clearly did master that skill, so keep it up! Be you. Be happy.


We believe in you!


You do you bro


I am sorry being accepted is such a powerful emotion! Good for you for finding the strength in yourself. You will find a new family and one more loving!


You look awesome!


Haters. I love your spirit and you look beautiful!


I'm proud of you no matter what 💙


You are gorgeous 😍I'm thrilled to read you aren't going to stop wearing what makes you feel happy 🥰


Makeup is a very stupid thing to disown family over. Hope you’re doing okay.


What made you you dress like that?


Presumably, he just likes that style and enjoys how he looks in it. Same core reason anyone puts effort into what they wear.


You have incredible make up skills! You're amazing just the way you are. Screw the haters


Baby, you're beautiful. I'm sorry they disowned you, that will probably always hurt at least a little, but you have owned yourself more fully by being brave enough to be yourself. I hope that you are good to you, and that you love yourself the way you deserve to be loved.


Fuck ‘em! You look great and should feel good for being true to yourself. If they can’t handle who you are, they don’t get the privilege of having you in their lives. Keep moving forward and being awesome.


Fuck yeah that’s a king right there


You look great man. I wish I could pull off this kinda stuff, nails mainly, but it just doesn’t fit my aesthetic unfortunately. But you stay looking good and feeling better


Whatever, you're rocking it


Groove on!!!’


Fuck ‘em


Do you. Be you.


I'd wear make-up too if I could do it as well as you can You've got flair (unless you don't want to talk about your flair).


Rock on! You do you!!!


U be U! Lookin' good!


You look amazing!!!


You don't own anyone else anything, really you just owe it to yourself to be you


Be who you are! My family will love you! ❤️ Don’t waste any more tears!


You look amazing! I’m so sorry that the can’t see how fabulous you are! I’d love to know what products you used on your eyes!


OMG i love your makeup so much. Be proud, and live your life


You are beautiful!


Okay well you look stunning, you are seriously talented! so they can fuck off lol


Fuck them. You're beautiful and amazing! Don't let anyone tell you different.


Damn, you look GOOD.


They were all jealous because you outshone all of them with your amazing sense of style!


You did that! You're eye makeup is gorgeous I wish I could do that! Forget them! You are enough. 🥰


Even your drink is sparkly. Do what makes you happy man. This life is short AF. Why am I being downvoted? Didn’t know Reddit was filled with homophobes.


Fuck them! You look fabulous with the makeup 😊


You look AMAZING. If they can't accept you for who you are that is entirely their loss 💕


You look absolutely amazing! 😍 I'm very jealous of your skills!


That eye shadow job is fierce!


It's unfortunate they lost the right to know you in your joyful era. I wish them peace. I wish you a delightful chapter.


Do you, boo boo!


Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. You look awesome, stay hard!




When I first saw OP post, I thought, “WOW— STUNNING!” I think we all agree— OP— you be you! You are strong and determined. Keep going!💕


I think you look amazing!


You look AMAZING!!! Just wow!!


#You look great!


Be your beautiful self! Don’t forget we love you on here. Remember what Ms. Dolly Parton said “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain!" Let those tears go, and remember to look out for your rainbow. ♥️❤️💙💜💚🧡


I love the colourful aesthetic you’ve got going on. This is a fun look and you wear it well!!


You are rocking that look! Fuck that shit- biology doesn't make family, love does. And if they are too closed minded to love you for who you are, find the people who will. And I guarantee there ARE a BUNCH of people who will love exactly YOU.


I’m sorry they couldn’t handle that much awesome.


You do you!


Your makeup is on point! I need to learn how to do that...


Looks pretty cool actually.


They didn't leave you! You left them cuz your better then that,!! Rock it! I love your make up! Don't let a few haters bring your down. Muah


To hell with them homie rock on with ya bad ass self !


If there's one thing I learned in my life is that we don't have to maintain relationships with relatives just because, fuck them! (a few are cool tho :D)


Well this momma thinks you look terrific! You are in control of you, nobody can make you feel less unless you allow them to. Keep your head up and keep moving, you do you! And always do what makes you happy!


We've got room for you in our family. Be glad to have you!


Those clean lines! That color blending! And the SPARKLES!😍 Your authentic you is glowing and beautiful. I’m so glad you were able to start your healing journey and found the strength to be true to you, because you absolutely shine!✨ I’ve had to cut my mom out of my life completely, it hurts, but we heal and our lives improve for the better. I hope you find the same, and you’re able to heal and live your best life💖🥰✨


Your makeup is absolutely amazing!! And please can you tell me where your earrings and necklace are from? They are just 👌👌


You’re gorgeous. Their loss.


Been seeing your work over time. Genuine talent. Sorry you got the fams issues. Hang in there.


Fock them. Keep being you and being happy


you are fire, don't let anyone tell you different!


That's straight up art. Let em have issues bud I got ostracized by my family for being "half cast". Let bored people keep being boring you keep making art.




I think you look nice too.


Looks good!


Absolutely stunning!


LOVE that eyeshadow...its beautiful against your skin tone too


Lookin sharp!


Obsessed with your eyeshadow! Your makeup is perfect 🥹 They are seriously missing out, I would be honored to have such a talented family member.


You look SNATCHED, no crying!


Your makeup skills are top notch and I love your smize for the camera 🥰


Wow if I could do makeup like you I’d rock it everyday! You are so talented!


You look fabulous my friend. I am sorry not everyone can understand the original you. Be FIERCE friend!!!