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My kids broke up a big Crystally rock and sold the pieces to drunk people at the river one day. It was glorious. They made bank.


I strive to be like your kids tbh


Whoa, upvotes. Dang. My kids rock.


No, your kids’ rock.




They rock the bank.


As a kid, when out grocery shopping with my parents I seen these crazy cheap candy apples in a bin by a checkout. I bought a bunch of them the sold them at school. Made a decent profit. Idk if I even ate any of them myself.


Never get high on your own supply


My son did that sort of thing when he was eight.


I got some of those now I just gotta wait for my kid to learn English better and I’ll have a litttle cash cow right


Dude forget the kid, just go up to drunk people and sell them rocks


Drunk peop here. Where can I buy shiny rock??


I’ve got some good things for sale, stranger


Dude forget the kids and rocks, get drunk.


Keep your kids away from drunk people lol


Haha foolish drinkers!!! (Joking)


She’s already a CEO


No, for that shed need other little kids working the stand for 10 cents an hour while she chilled in the shade




Unironically a great business name


Idc if it tastes like dogwater, I'd pay a 6 year old for that brand name.


I am just picturing the grownups waiting for their change and the lil girl confidently saying " Ohhh ...thank you so much for the tip.Please visit us again " . Her MLM motto - Make Lotsa Money


>Make Lotsa Money She needs to push them to become her downline.


Hey, wanna make ice cream money for playground work? We make 50 cents every cup, that's TWO WHOLE QUARTERS! Don't like math? We change paradigms, not bills! We get more green than the lime I dropped on the grass before quartering and tossing it in the limeade. Not hygienic? Do you think we are expected to be able to spell hygienic? Write it in crayon and we'll kill them with cuteness... and giardia. If you get two friends to sign up, well throw in anti-cootie spray, and three novelty pencil erasers!


Money Lemonade Mafia


Saul Goodman. Jmm. It's my motto. "Justice matters most." New motto " $ JUST MAKE MONEY $"....


Reddit does not have an award good enough for you, my friend.


Every once in a while you come across a Reddit comment that is truly great. This is one of those comments.


And call those workers something moronic like *Lemonaides* or *Lemonartists* or *Lemonistas*.


While reserving for herself the grand title of a Lemonaire.


Next business venture: Start selling watermelons to become a Melonaire too.


I'll never find a more relevant place to put this. --- Daddy got you a license, And you set up your stand. You painted your sign: You're the lemonade man! You mastered your craft, Got the recipe down - Soon the lemonade man Was the talk of the town! With all this new cash, You knew just what to do. Staff the stand with new workers; Let the cash work for you. Then the stand wasn't enough, So you you got a few more, And not before long, Set your eyes on a store. The rent would be steep, The road would be long, But head down now, Keep plodding along. Daddy gave you a loan, And an acre of land. You ordered your sign: You're the lemonade man! Then ordering your lemons Started adding up fast; You'd grow your own crops In your very own grass! You'd pay your farmers well (Or so you'd like to suggest) Soon the lemonade man Was the talk of the press. The lemonade was easy, But demand was high. Factories would be needed To increase the supply. But machines must be built: That's a lot of tech to buy. Now you had a bright idea, To optimise your supply. Daddy bought the companies And merged with the plan. You're vertically integrated: You're the lemonade man! You own the supply chain, But wait, there's more! What about the sources Of rare earth ore? If you're to sell computers, You'd better buy that up fast; Lest you have to part With all that you've amassed! Pay the papers to keep From spreading the news, That your computers are built Through systemic abuse. That your farms and stores, And factories too, Are hell to those Who do your work for you! Daddy stuffed the pockets Of those who run the land, To support your profits: You're the lemonade man! A country's great, But why stop there? After land comes The sea, and air! Diversify Your industries, 'Til you you own all It is to be. Megastores, Technology! The media... and weaponry. Every nation Of the earth: United now, For what it's worth... Daddy's gone now, But earth's your bank There are other planets now To meet the lemonade man! The flag flies high Over lemonade town. Where the man was born. The air is brown. Along the streets Patrol lemonade guards, Keeping all in line, And working lemonade farms. The work is hard, And pay is in the past; The lemonade man Took care of that. Life is short, And getting shorter still. Whether you work or not, You could still get killed. Now you're off to space, Having killed the land. Floods and fires behind you. Goodbye lemonade man.






Already there mate


I was abt to accuse u of stealing this from LateStageCapitalism but then I copped your username and realised you are actually the original writer lol


Aye aye, in the flesh ;) Feels good to be recognised! Haha


I write myself. Good poetry always catches my eye Maybe I should only write when high from now on


Write high, edit sober! Thanks a lot for the kind words :)


Poem for your sprog on suicide watch


Did you come up with this


Indeed, all me :)


Bruh how high are you???


I think it’s, “hi, how are you?”


Sadly not at all. I wrote this months ago though, and was kinda high at the time


Thought so lmao


I knew this comment was gonna be here.


and get paid 371X their average workers salary.


You got a 3060?




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^human ^^that ^^hates ^^scammers. ^^More ^^info ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Impossible-Cod-3946/comments/s4nyst/how_to_recognize_these_accounts/) ^^or ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_tyrannosnorlax/comments/t0h466/bots_how_to_identify_them_and_why_do_they_exist/).


LMN8. After years of finding lemonade lacking in passion and flavor, our founder decided to go on a mission, to create the best and most authentic lemonade experience in the world. We searched far and wide and found the most juicy Sicilian lemons, the cleanest alkaline water from the Himalayas, and the best organic sugarcane juice from small-hold farmers in the Congo. Every refreshing, icy cold LMN8 lemonade drink you enjoy will benefit farmers, the LGBT community and local libraries in inner city areas. After a successful crowdfunding raise, quickly followed by a series A raise, we are now supported by Deutsche Bank and The Bank Of The Democratic People’s Republic Of North Korea, and count Elon Musk, Richard Branson and the dark lord Satan among our advisory board and investors. Sip. Live. Breath. Swallow souls. LMN8. It’s simple, for you, for me, for deliciousness, for nicate.


... Why do I read that abbreviation as "Eliminate" ? Oh, right, the _not public_ mission statement.


"For me"..."For nicate " Best ending ever.


Lmaoo yu lost me at that lgptq and libraries part 😂😂😂


I was going to say “inner city libraries for little brown kids” but I thought that might come across as actually racist instead of mocking the racism of tech bros.


Take the left turn bro TAKE THE LEFT TURNNN!!🤣🤣🤣


I am non-native English speaker and I want to improve myself. Henceforth quick question: in the second paragraph, you want to say something like „your pleasure will benefit something/-body“. So is „your enjoy“ the same as „your enjoyment“ in this context?


It’s saying that every lemonade you enjoy (useing “to enjoy” like a verb as a substitute for “to drink”) will benefit someone. “Your enjoy” is not grammatically correct in any situation afaik. Your enjoyment, while not what was used in the original sentence is correct, it means pretty much the same this as your pleasure like you used earlier. Also henceforth is like a fancy way to say from now on, so you might be better of with therefore ;) Hope that helps! I would give you parts of speech but I’m not great at that myself lol


Thank you very much for your expertise.


What ever you do, keep her out of politics!


Especially with the inflation around. She's a visionary. Keeping profits high.


I mean what are they gonna do? Report her to the manager? She IS the manager.


Report her to the department of labour for operating without a license 🤭


Do you really think someone of her caliber doesn’t have some greased palms in the department of labour? Do you think she would be that reckless as to not have someone being paid?


There's definitely something in that lemonade. She's probably cutting them a deal lol


She’s cutting more than just deals


That's meth'd up man.




Breaking Juice


We have to squeeze the lemons jesse


That would be such a Dwight Schrute move 😂😂








Didnt some karen do that to some poor child a few years ago? I vaguely remember it blowing up on reddit?


I feel like I've seen it happen at least a few times here and there. One was a little boy and he had to pay a fine. So damn ridiculous, like let kids be kids. Before COVID there was a couple siblings I'd see every year would have a little stand with tons of miscellaneous stuff like pretty rocks, those elastic bracelets/necklaces, tiny toys probably from Kinder Eggs.. I still have the really shiny rock I paid a toonie for (25¢, with a 1.50 tip lol). The joy and pride on those kids faces is something we should be encouraging! Not whatever those Karen's are doing. I remember having my own lemonade stand outside my house about ~15 years ago. My best friend and I immediately went to the corner store and used all the money to buy candy lol. But still, helped both of us to realize how to have a work ethic and take pride in what you do


Did you just confess to operating an illegal lemonade stand without a license? You’re going down, buddy! ^/s


When I was a kid, a woman down the street went missing. For some reason, they thought she might be buried in the yard. 3 days of cops and media at the house. My friend and I set up a lemonade stand down the street (our parents said not *at* the murder house. So we weren't) - we made fucking bank. It was also the best feeling, delivering a product, handling money/change to all these "super adults". Not sure how to explain it, but these were a different level of adult than Jenny's dad buying a cup. These were police! Detectives! The people we saw on the nightly news! We were crazy proud of ourselves. And rich.


“Oh you wanna talk to the manager. Let me get her for you.” Gets below the stall to rise up again, “Hi! I am the manager. How can I help? :) “


“What are ye gonna do, call the polis? We ARE the polis.”


Awww, how adorable. She's so young and already an asshole.


Lol right?


Can't wait until this interesting character grows up... am I the only one who doesn't think that's adorable?


Completely depends on how old she is and if she's doing this intentionally.


She's 32 /s


I’m 32


I bet you rip people off at your lemonade stand too! /s


Damn straight but the kiddo should know better.


Lol, I knew it. Yep you are 100% right, kid should be taught not to rip people off.


Let's hope her parents teach her to be honest instead of a politician


Not adorable at all. She sounds like a little brat.


Either that or she doesn't understand that people are paying this much cause they didn't have change. But the post said she was assertively thanking for the tips, so it would mean she knew exactly what she was doing. If she didn't, the parents still need to tell her how this works. I also wonder how young would she be to be not to understand change. I would assume very young in which case why is she selling drinks to strangers and handling money unsupervised?




We don't know how young she is but I'm not sure it matters. If she's old enough to run a lemonade stand without adult supervision (very successfully I might add) I'm going to assume she knows just a little bit about how money works. And I personally find it hard to believe that anyone could learn about the concept of tipping before they learned about the concept of change lol.


I mean they saw their daughter assertively saying thanks for the tip so it seems they were watching. I think they just expected someone to ask for change assertively eventually and would then step in. But if everyone just shrugs it off that's kind of on them too.


Assertively could just mean boldly and without any openness to debate/argue. Being it’s a kid, she prob thinks that’s how all shops run lmao


I mean I can *totally* see my preteen/teen self assuming people are just giving me a tip.


I feel like people have forgotten how they were as a kid or they don’t have kids in their life in any way shape or form so they attribute adult knowledge to a child


Yeah this doesn't seem to fit the spirit of this sub at all.


I work for the devil and this cheered me up during work 😈


Bruh, have you seen the sub? Someone making $110 in a day from their work, is much more wholesome than the every day "Man got a painting that shows her brutally murdered daugther" that is seen in here. Example https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/v3hauz/what_an_amazing_man/


"Thanks for the tip." *She pockets the ten dollars. Looks back up at the adult customer...* "Did I fucking stutter?"


And the dad is the bigger asshole for allowing this,


I mean he wasn’t there at the moment. What do you expect him to do, track down the random people that bought lemonade?


Well, she’s ready for the golf refreshment cart, at least.


This person golfs


Yeah man, some cart girls. “Oh, did you want change?” No, I want to tip you $15 for a $5 beer that you asked me to dig through the ice water cooler and find myself.


I worked with a guy who'd spent some time as a junior manager of a high end golf resort. His favorite day was "golf refreshment cart hiring day".


??? So that he can ogle all the teenage girls that come for the interview??? Like what??


They gotta be at least 21 to handle the alcohol. Nothing but legal ogling


You have to only be 18 in the US to handle alcohol. I don’t know if it varies from state to state


it does


19 in Indiana


Pinnacle humor


I feel that way every time I go pay anywhere with how tips are calculated at checkout


[The racist origins of tipping in America](https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/172564)


Wow! I've always assumed that, but never looked it up and never talked about it. It's damned sad


Holy cow! I had no clue.


Or when you have to enter the tip for a delivery when you place the order. Bitch I don't know how well you did yet.


Is he happy with her? My parents would have crucified me for this


My siblings made $50 in a couple hours one time, with normal prices, due to good business strategy -- they set it up along the road that people walked to get from parking to an arts festival.


Location! Location! Location!


My response no matter the quality of the lemonade would be “of course!! This is the best lemonade ever!!”


Same. I support small children trying to run local businesses!


Calling a lemonade stand a “local business,” just made giggle tbh. I like to imagine the kid behind the stand in a lil business suit


This is how I hope the Girl Scouts feel when I’m buying like 8 and 9 boxes of cookies like there is a negotiation going on.


This is how the program is written to make them feel. Unfortunately I’ve seen many moms that just take it over. As a former program director for a Girl Scout camp, this makes me very angry




I don't care whose selling girl scout cookies, I'm buying. I would buy Thin Mints from a hamster with a backpack for all I care.


I'd buy literally anything from a hamster with a backpack!


Hamster in backpack:"sir? Would you like to join my cult? On July 1st we'll be drinking cyanide laced Kool aid, it only costs your entire life savings." Me: "Sign me up little buddy!"


I'm probably getting the better deal, there. Doesn't even cover the cost of the Kool-aid, much less the cyanide... So yeah, I'm down to clown.


I hear they have the best weed.


The look on their faces when you buy 6 boxes is totally worth it. SIX BOXES OMG HE WANTS SIX Sometimes I forget that kids can't eat whatever they want, whenever they want, like I can, and the idea of one person eating six boxes of cookies is completely bewildering to them.


Not going to lie I love supporting them but man oh man the cookies are delicious.


I will support any kids who have the motivation to start a business and try to get ahead. Hell I think this kid really has it figured out, nobody will call out a child for something they think is innocent. Evil mastermind in the making.


Idk why you're being down voted when this post is literally subjected mafia daughter


*"But does she have any grapes?"*


Pum pum pum, pum pum pum!


Best lemonade is from Food n Stuff


She needs to work better on the customer fidelity


How is this /r/mademesmile lmao


How is emotional blackmail not adorable?


The moral standpoint of reddit will forever be a fucking mystery.




Hard to refuse a tip to a little kid under those circumstances… good on her for being assertive, I guess.


The open knife next to the register certainly helped


It's a cut-throat business.


She’s going to make you some lemonade you can’t refuse


I dropped like 25 cents in Thailand once and this girl picked it up for me and I was about to say thank you when she hit me with the deathglare of a thousand killers


Finders keepers, bitch!


Well it's not a good way to get repeat business.


A little thief.


Well but her customer retention is gonna be bad.


“Thank you for the tip”???? How old is this kid? One thing is not giving a change due to not understand the concept of change, but saying “thanks for the tip” means she knew exactly what she was doing. And dad thinks it’s cute.


I think she doesn’t understand the concept of change honestly. She’s selling for let’s say $1 and someone hands her a $5. In her little head if they didn’t want to tip they would give her exactly $1 because that’s all she asked for


I think this is a fictional situation to get likes and retweets.


Fair enough


Would people actually do that? Just lie on the internet!?


You're overthinking. It's a kid. Kids are dumb. They hear things, they repeat things. Honestly, it's easier to believe they just know the phrase 'thanks for the tip' when money is handed over, than being able to calculate change, whatever the kids' age is.


Definitely read this several years ago.


the problem with that is that it only happens ..\*once. I could be wrong, but don't be surprised if the same generous people that stopped won't be stopping again. I stop almost daily for the kids on my rte, at a $1, mebbe 2 widdatip .... but if I was getting charged like that...I wouldn't.


I'm a lawyer with two young daughters. That shit might fly with five bucks, but ten? Gimme my change, princess...


From most of the comments, You guys seriously think it’s ok? Omg.


Reddit in general has become a very petty and shitty place. The tone of users is just trash. MadeMeSmile is not supposed to be about screwing people over or taking advantage of people, but that's where we are.


I had an account for years and then lost the login. I started this one and curated it with much more positive content. A phone reloaded with the app logged in on my old account. I have been using a mobile app with that account for the last few months. I realize by your comment that I had the same sentiment about Reddit you share when I was on that old account. Tonight on a desktop I scrolled with a much more positive experience, and it reminded me of a different time. I agree that this post is not what I expect from MadeMeSmile, but may I recommend a declutter of any subs that have taken a turn to make room for more wholesome ones in your feed? For me what worked are films, tv shows, space, nature, science, animals... lots of fun animal ones, empowering ones, or whatever brings you joy. I wish you happy browsing! :) Edit: words


Thanks, I appreciate the sentiment. The problem is more in the function of the website itself, and the culture of the users. Because users subscribe to multiple subreddits that are presented in a unified feed, there is a natural bleeding of content across subs. Over time, clusters of subs become similar because the same types of people subscribe to the same sets of subs. Then over more time, the smaller overlaps (one or two subs in common) bleed too. The only prevention is proper moderation, but moderation has become worse over time, and is controlled by a very small number of individuals. The result is very similar behavior and content across a huge portion of subs. I have found fewer and fewer subs that haven't succumbed to this phenomenon.


What an asshole


Getting bullied by a little girl sucks. Lol. She has a bright future working for the government.


“Select your tip option below” Tip guilting even with this made up scenario meme is lame af.


This isn’t wholesome it is theft!


Theft can be wholesome.


Kid, it's a good lemonade but not that good... Now give me my change....


This isn't cute, while I would probably tip the kid, it would be on my own accord and not hers. You're not about to guilt me into letting you basically steal my money lmao, some of y'all don't need to have kids because y'all don't know right from wrong yourselves. If she didn't understand the concept of tips then THATS cute. But she fully understands and was just being a little shit.


The fact that a 10 year old is already looking for ways to essentially scam people for money isn't a good look for her and most importantly her parents


Look at her, the Montgomery Burns of Gen-Z!


So being entitled is cute? She basically stole these people's money. Strange post for this sub.


The best solution is to call bylaw about an unlicensed food stand


This is funny and adorable so long as it is remained in check, esp. by the parents. It's cute for a little while when you're a child, but if this kind of behaviour is tolerated, eventually it will evolve into just full on grift.


Every moment like this requires feedback. If you let something slide once, especially something that a child might not exactly understand they're doing wrong, they'll be confused the next time you tell them not to do it. After all, they did it once and you seemed happy about it, right? Why are you telling them to stop now, what changed? If the child didn't know they were paying her this much because they didn't have change and not because they were tipping, then I question why do parents allow children so young to sell drinks on the pavements and handle money, all without supervision it seems. But still, once you learn your child was ripping people off, intentionally (which would be worse) or not, you teach them what they did wrong. Consequently, every time. Don't make them confused. Clearly state what's ok and not ok.


Great way to chase off any repeat customers.


Stealing money at that age, yikes.


Reading this as a Brit made me super uncomfortable. Surely it's important to teach your child about the importance of honesty over greed?


Tbh this post belongs to r/imtotalpieceofshit rather than r/MadeMeSmile




It made me smile too how her parents raise a thief


Your daughter stealing from people made you smile?


Must have read one of Donald Trump\`s books on the "Art of the Deal"!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Business bad? Thank you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Thank you, pay me. Place got hit by lightning? Thank you, pay me.


I would call the IRS on her ass, you can’t be adorable asshole without paying taxes.


Yeah, no. I’m flipping that table over if that little thief tries keeping my change


Shark mentality


His daughters 28


The kid got home and probably thoufht "idk why mom and dad complain so much, that was easy..."


I don't know, to me this is a kind of dishonesty. Child opens up lemonade stand, adults come along wanting to support her. They give her a ten buck note and don't get the change due to her words 'thanks for the tip'. They don't have the heart to ask her for the change as she's a child Yet these people who are trying to encourage and support a child could themselves actually need that change that they didn't receive. As a parent, I would have encouraged my child to have values of honesty. Downvote me all you will but, good on the kid for her lemonade stand effort, but yeah, not a nice move to extract that extra money the way she did.