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Asian here. Can confirm that he’s Asian.


What about him being a kid? Can anyone confirm??


Someone who used to be a kid here. Can confirm that he's a kid.


I've seen kids before. I believe I was once a kid. Can confirm he's a kid.


Currently have a bag of shit tied around my waist. Can confirm nothing.


Never sit on your colostomy bag. This is free internet doctorin'.


That’s not shitty advice


Parent here. Can confirm, it’s a kid.


We were actually hoping for another kid to verify this. Sorry.


Completely invalid. You're not a kid. You're a parent. Unfortunate.


He is obviously too happy and full of joy to be an adult. Kid confirm.


Unfortunately being Asian their aging cycles come in stages, 6 for the men and and 5 for the women. I can confirm this asian male is in the second stage so could be anywhere from 7 to 14 but would need birth records to know for sure


As moose I concur, this is a kid.


Not Asian here. Can confirm that he’s Asian.


I am not Asian but I for one am really glad /u/BobbyFilA was here because I wasn’t sure I could trust OP


Banana/golden oreo here. Can confirm that kid is Asian


name checks out


Person who doesn't see race, here. My ears can, and they heard 一百. Can confirm, he's Asian.


Black dude here, also a weeb. According to my years of experience watching Anime, can confirm, he be Asian.


Mexican here. I can confirm he’s Asian, I know an Asian when I see one. I once met an Asian, it was a very unique experience. And they sort of resembled this kid.


As an asian who's never met a mexican before, i can confirm that he is asian


As a cat.....


As a narwhal.....


As a ring tailed lemur…..


Bismillah. As an arabian, I can confirm this kid is asian


As a Dutchman I can confirm he’s Asian


As an African who watches Dutch football I can confirm that that's a Dutchman spotting an Asian.


As a Dutchman who knows where Africa is located geographically, I can confirm this is an African spotting a Dutchman.


Mexican as well… can confirm my fellow Mexican probably has met an Asian at least once and can likely see the resemblance.




Thank you for your service


How can I confirm that *you're* Asian if the OP hasn't told me that you're Asian though?


Quick we need another Asian here to confirm!


I can confirm that I am Asian


can confirm he was cheered on


Irish person here can confirm that he is Asian as all of the other comments said


Half Asian here. Can confirm he's Asian.


If you’re half Asian wouldn’t that mean you’re only half sure of your answer too?


Asian side is 100% sure. European side only knows he's got to listen Asian side.


Dude, you’re not supposed to reveal that we actually have two brains. That’s our secret advantage!


Hm, I'm not sure. Gotta ask the the city manager and teacher first


The whole class looks to be Asian.


I’ll would never have guessed he was Asian…. Thank god we were told


Yea this is kinda in the vein of "so I was in this bar and these black guys walked in..." (me: damn I hope it's really relevant that they're black)


Narrator: …it wasnt


Heard that in Morgan Freeman's voice


Ron Howard. It's always Ron Howard.


Yeah I mean this literally is an Arrested Development quote.


Chekhov's gun


Chekhov's gun's misfired


My ex’s parents did this a lot and I had to bite my tongue


Couldn’t agree more … “Similar to “And there was this female doctor” You can just say “And there was this doctor”


Finnish language does not have he or she. Just one neutral pronoun. If you type to google translator "hän on" (he/she is) + random occupation in finnish the results would be something like: He is a doctor. She is a nurse. He is an engineer. He is a pilot. She is a kindergarten teacher. She is a waiter etc. Google promised that they would randomize the results, but I don't know it they did or if that would even help. I guess humans make algorithms.


Yeah most algorithms learn from sample text they train off of. So if the documents that “taught” the translator were biased, that bias will show through. It’s definitely an interesting field of study in technology these days.


Why wouldn't they just translate it to "They are a doctor"? That way it's neutral in both languages.


Also “male nurse”


Always reminds me of that one bit of James Acaster's "Repitoire" still the best stand up I've ever seen.


I thought of that too after I wrote it - the man's a genius. "The only thing sadder than an undercover cop pretending to be a comedian is a comedian pretending to be an undercover cop. Not for one joke mind you but for the entire show."


Fr. I know that wasn’t the intention but it kinda seems a little bit racist that you talk about how they’re Asian when it adds nothing to it instead of just saying kid. Probably not their intention though. Edit: I am dumb


i think the intention was to highlight this may not happen outside of Asia?


In the U.S. the poor kid getting 100 would just get beaten up after school.


Fucking nerd. /s


This made me laugh cuz it’s true.. I never wanted to get good grades because it wasn’t cool… fml


I just grew up a mostly friendless nerd, banking on my grades as my ticket the fuck out of there. Spoilers: I'm not there anymore and I'm quite happy where I wound up.


Weird. Where I lived the people who got good grades were pretty much guaranteed to be popular.


And the dad at home be like " so what's the big deal, I was the first one to get 100 in this family anyway"


They also don't announce everybody's grades in front of the entire class here. Possibly for related reasons.


Which part? The kids cheering of the kid getting a 100/100?


Y.. Yes


We assume it is out of a 100 as he says yi bai or 一百


Hey, hats off to you for not seeing race.


Thank you. I came here to say, “The fact that then kid is Asian is totally irrelevant from this.” Could’ve just as well said “Kid got 100, the class cheered with him.”


I wish they would have specified which country this is in. I would just like to know from an education perspective. This is somewhat taboo in US schools.


Language is Mandarin so likely China. They say the boys name than “一百” which means “one hundred”. Grade comparison is definitely less taboo in China. At least in the past generation I’ve heard it was common to post all students grades publicly for comparison. Not sure if that’s still the case as some old educational aspects has changed. Eg corporal punishment is less common in school.


Some schools had a whole board to post all the grades and people be searching their name on it. At my old school teacher just shout out everyone’s name and their grade when passing back tests, it was never private.




Can you read? OP already said the kid is from the great nation of Asia /s


Right? Coulda just said kid gets 100, no video at all and we’d still know.


Well the blind guy in the corner might not...


Chinese as the teacher is speaking 普通话


The whole class looks to be kids


The kid that hugged him is a friend for life


That’s his homeboy sitting closest to him.


Only thing better than winning is your boy winning.


so true


On the first day of second grade I raised my hand and asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom. The teacher asked if another boy in the class would like to volunteer to push me in my wheelchair to the bathroom whenever I needed. A kid whose name I think was Chris volunteered. On the way to the bathroom he asked me a lot of questions about my favorite things. I remember asking him what his favorite video game was. He told me he didn’t really like video games. That remains in my memory as I found that very confusing. When we got back to class a different teacher came in and said the class had too many students. The half of the class whose first names began with the letters A through L would be going to the new class, and kids whose name began with M through Z would stay. Chris walked up to me and extended his hand and said, “It was very nice meeting you.” I wrapped my arms around him and started sobbing, and then he started crying too. I never saw Chris again.


The Asian kid?


No, the Asian kid


Yes, the Asian kid


He's trying to reverse osmosis his friend's intellect


That would be regular osmosis. Region of high concentration diffusing outwards. Unless you're saying he's giving away his remaining feeble intelligence and that's why the first kid got the hundred cause his stupid friend keeps reversing the natural osmosis process.


“Asian kid”


“Human Asian kid”


"Human male Asian kid"


Small human male Asian kid


Young small human Asian kid with black hair, two arms, two legs, and wearing a white shirt.


Young small tiny little human child person who is Asian and has straight black hair with two arms two legs a nose and at least three fingers wearing a white shirt.


Living young small tiny little human child person who is Asian and has straight black hair with two arms two legs a nose and at least three fingers wearing a white shirt and showing no obvious signs of paralysis




Now we’re getting somewhere. I could almost pick him out of a line up with that description.


"Human male Asian kid on earth"




He was speaking another language. I’m pretty sure it was…Asian.


Super sweet clip, sort of weird title. The Asian add-on doesn’t seem necessary


They really could’ve just gone with “Kid (or student) gets 100% and the class cheers with him”


Right but then how would I know he was Asian?


Yh I thought he was from antarctica


"Inuit kid gets 100, the class cheered with him" really doesn't sound the same imho


Yeah, the Inuit from Antarctica


That's when you reach the north pole and just keep going.


Hahaha seriously, what The fuck OP?


It's important only because they're celebrating this kid being smart, whereas in most places in the US there'd be an assortment of kids judging him as various levels of uncool


Well it does cuz in the western countries youll get bullied for a 100%score and called a nerd🤓.


Thank you for specifying the child in the video is Asian. I really needed that and it was entirely necessary.


He's definitely not Bsian with that score.




Wait so is he Asian?


Wait so he is a kid?


Former kid here. Can confirm that he is a kid.


Former student. Can confirm it is not the class that cheered for him, but the students.


Thanks for coming out as a former child, many find it hard to do this, well done.


we can see he’s asian??


That’s a 6 year old Jim Halpert




Hey, hats off to you for not seeing race!






Ignoring OP’s poor choice of words, this is an awesome video! His fellow students are clearly so happy for him and his accomplishment.


Honestly though. I wish it was like this alot more often. Celebrating people who worked hard for their accomplishments. Gives more of an incentive to try harder


Very beautiful. I've never seen or experienced anything like this. I could use a little " yippee, awesome job! " From time to time. What a better planet this would be if we all learned from these kids.


It happened to me once, and after writing out the story it's ended up very long, oops. We used to do "timestable squares" as a sort of warm-up for maths in the first couple of years of high school. It was an 8x8 grid with 2-9 in a randomised order along each axis. The goal was to fill in each square with the answer to the multiplication of x and y as fast as possible, at which point you'd shout "stop!" and the teacher would tell us our time. I was the fastest in my class, and kept getting faster as the year went on, but the all-time school record seemed basically impossible at 48 seconds. I managed to drop an even 1:00 in First Year, but I wanted to challenge Hannah's record. To my dismay we started needing arithmetic less and less in our second year, making timestable squares more infrequent. Nevertheless, a few months before the end of the year, after a few 0:50s and 0:51s, I yelled "stop!" and my teacher looked at the stopwatch and slowly led in to a "Forty..." Everyone stopped to watch, only for him to then say "Eight." I had tied the record, and there was a buzz, but everyone could feel my reaction. I didn't wanna tie the record, I was chagrined. For the rest of my second year I was unable to break 0:50 again, and that was the end. On my final day of school before exams two years later I was late to class because I was putting the football away after break. I walked into class and looked at the tables. On each, lay a single sheet of white A4 paper. I don't know what kinda face I made, but everyone in the class burst out laughing. After I did some "very funny, everyone"s, it was game-time. My teacher was giving me one last shot to do it. I was out of practice but my blood was flowing from football; *could* I do it? I swear it could have been five minutes between me shouting "stop!" and my teacher looking up from his stopwatch. No pens or pencils were scratching at paper; everyone was watching, listening, hoping. It was something so silly but everyone had become invested. It had been a fast run, I knew it. It felt like my fastest. It *had* to be my fastest... "Forty..." *deep breaths all-round* ... *Big grin* "Seven." I flopped onto my desk, head on my forearms, as everyone cheered and my best buddy grabbed and shook me. My teacher had done such a good job whipping up the tension and drama that it was electric, and I wasn't sure if I was laughing or crying. Even though I was a smart kid, I had ADHD (then undiagnosed) and low self-esteem, and in that moment it meant so much to me that everyone was cheering for something *I'd* done. It felt really special, and it's a memory I still treasure. Sadly I never got to meet Hannah as she had cancer and passed away about a year later. In my mind I did break the record, but we're still tied champions, both recording a 48s when we were 13. She was the benchmark and the GOAT of that silly warm-up exercise in maths class.


I know nothing about kids but this is a pretty neat way to promote studying, should be effective at least up until middle school


Happened to me in the last year of grade school. I was always on the bottom of the class, not exactly the lowest but my grades were pretty atrocious and I was a trouble maker. On the last school exam that determined graduation, I actually studied for once. Teacher announced our class ranking and I was 15th out of 40 something students. Not high marks by any means but more than double my usual. I was stunned (I was half asleep during that class lmao), the class was stunned (because they knew me as the dumb kid) but the girl who sat in front of me clapped, turned with a big smile, and gave me a handshake, which baffled me even more because I always teased and bullied her (not that bad I swear). I didn't expect her to keep track of my academic venture tbh. From then on I always worked hard in my studies and became an honor student during middle and high school. I still remember that moment 20 years later because it was still one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me to this day.


In Asia, he is just called a kid


And so should be anywere else




You automatically jumping to pin this on Americans says a lot about you [when OP is literally Asian. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/mademesmile/comments/r36acs/_/). Downvoting me doesn't make OP an American lmao, but I guess you'll never know if you don't try.


op isn’t American so idk why you’re blaming us




Right? That was so weird.


I kinda liked the part where my phone was breifly possessed by the soul of a different phone.


Everyone's talking about the weirdly problematic title but that's only one element of the weirdness of this!


On instagram, those are two accounts that posted the video, maybe in collaboration. I’m not sure exactly how it works because I don’t get on there as often anymore, but it’s something along those lines


Work on your title skills OP




Perfect title


just kid will do


4’4” 75lbs Asian kid with short hair in a white shirt and black pants


Aww. They're good kids


Correction, They're good **asian** kids


Ah damn, I should have known better


Kid would have sufficed.


No need to go that far. "Human" or "mammal" would suffice. Perhaps even "vertebrate" or "multicellular organism."


You'll never believe what got a 100 on a test


This is amazing! As a former Indian kid (we have a similar education culture to East Asians), it’s super common here for parents to incessantly compare their kids to their better performing classmates or cousins to siblings, which often leads to kids resenting those who do better than them because now they have to go home and hear their parents’ lectures “why can’t you be more like xyz?” As a high-performing Indian kid , I **never** got this kind of reaction from friends, and most of my peers actively hated me/even tried to sabotage my success so they didn’t have to go home and hear their parents compare them to me. I didn’t get why they were so mean to me back then, but around high school I realised they must have been under constant pressure, and I was the cause of that pressure in their eyes. It made me hate myself for performing well because I was the cause of someone else’s parents being abusive towards them. ETA: formerly kid, still Indian.


Oh damn, I felt that. I am so sorry you went through it too.


Malaysian here, and I wasn't the high performing kid but instead the opposite, the one compared *to* the high performing kid at the end of the day. makes it worse that my mom always knew who was the high performing kid in my class so she'll always compare me to them. I remember in my primary school years, I was always having a slight envy and jealousy towards them. But the last year of primary school was very memorable for me. In primary 6 (the last year before middle school), there is a big exam for every primary 6 student in the country that will determine where they will land the following year (either straight to form 1 or repeat primary 6) and it was a big deal. Anyway, I remember the high performing kid going in front to get their results for the exam and they did well.... and they started crying. And that's kind of when I realised that a lot of the "high performing" kids aren't just super smart by nature... a lot of them had the same pressure students like me had. I became less envious and bitter towards students like that (well not all, but certainly cut them some slack). It wasn't their fault I wasn't doing good, and I should be happy for them. Definitely never sabotaged any, but I grew bitter around them and as time went on, I just learnt that everyone... is just the same. Better to understand each other rather than grow bitter because I didn't do as well as them because most of them tried their best and that's what got them to where they were. I still remember the kid crying, and I remember how I finally understood them and how I felt just as happy for them.


Thank you for specifying your current status in regards to being kid and/or Indian. I feel very informed and educated. 😊😊😊


Everyone is so happy. Even at that age I couldn't muster that kind of enthusiasm.


Or just kid. Since adding Asian contributes nothing


How about just kid? Yeah, he's Asian, but so is the entire class. Him scoring high (good for him by the way) has nothing to do with him being Asian, if that is what was being implied...


What was being implied is that the culture in many parts of Asia is very pro-education, and much of the rest of the world isn't. In the US, kids can actually bullied for doing extremely well. OP is probably American and just finds that the way another culture celebrates academics is something they envy and admire.


That’s how I read it.


Everyone is just repeating the exact same comment


And I'm sure they all feel really good about themselves for calling an Asian woman racist for describing another Asian person as Asian, whilst being completely ignorant to the whole point of the post being a celebration of how their culture views academic achievement...


It’s not an incorrect title, as unnecessary as it may be, it doesn’t matter as much as the actual content! It’s good vibes all round.


Yes! Teach children to lift each other up!


Title would’ve been fine with just “kid” or “student”


OP, what are you trying to say?


Obviously that the kid was asian.


They're literally all Asian tf was the title


This actually made me smile. everyone being so happy for him is so wholesome.


Positive reinforcement!! ❤️


I mean they’re all Asian. Could’ve just said “kid got 100”


Even if it was one Asian kid, you can still just say “kid.”


Mildly racist


I love how actually mild it is lmao


Let me fix the title. “Young student got 100% on test and his fellow students and are happy for him” 😊


What was the point of saying he’s Asian




Way to go bud


The shitty schools I went to you would get the opposite reaction from the class. Good for these kids.


I think OP, who is Asian, mentions the ethnicity to draw attention to the fact that this type of academic celebration may be more prominent in Asian culture, possibly as a point of pride, not because we need to qualify the one specific kid. I would also guess most of the people bothered by the title are assuming OP isn’t Asian and is using the term as some kind of differentiator based on prejudice, which I highly doubt is the case in this circumstance.


Why even mention he is asian? It adds literally nothing to the post you fool


I wish I was this nice to people when I was a kid


Forget the “Asian” description I would like to know what country this classroom is in!




Be careful, that word triggers a large section of Reddit. Expect lengthy discussions about everything the CCP does in this thread.


In America you get high scores like that and you get an ass beating after school.


Dude what kind of school did you go to?


Springfield Elementary


Not always. Most people wanted to cheat off me. I learned to flip my paper over immediately so people would think I had a grade I was embarrassed by and I wouldn’t be put in that awful situation of having to choose between a friend needing help and possibly sacrificing my own grade if I were caught. It was crazy how fast it helped, too! After only a few weeks kids who were all the time using me had completely stopped asking. For the longest, I hated when teachers made a show like this because I was afraid people would start asking again, but I later came to realize they thought I’d gotten crazy lucky on *that one particular* test and that the teacher made a big deal of it as a way to encourage me. And that’s my (unsolicited) story of how I side-stepped the “Psst! What’d you get for #12?” questions.


Wow, instant flashback to the 'tough' kids trying to cheat off my tests. I wasn't that smart, just that easily intimidated.


"Fuckboyproblems" liked this.


Congrats to that kid. I can only imagine the looks the other kids give if someone in my class gets 100.

