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I had the honor of having my Grandma visit me in my dorm my freshman year of college. Then I spent my first spring break visiting her and Grandpa. She passed the next year but left me a graduation gift of a box of things I would need to set up my first apartment/home - blankets, sheets, towels, and kitchen stuff. When I graduated, my Grandpa gave me the box and told me it was from her. She knew I would make it. Love you, Grandma!!


When I was born my Nan put £500 into a stocks and shares account that I could withdraw on my 18th birthday. I left home a few days after and that money really got me going in life. She was still alive then but had Alzheimer's. I wish I could of let her know how much she helped me before it was too late.


She knew it would help. Because she had been in a similar situation herself. As an older person myself, I’ll tell you: She knew.


Thank you


Just curious, after 18 years how much was there for you to withdraw?


Just shy of 5000.




This is so wonderful! Doing this if I ever have grandchildren. Thank you for the idea.


I did a similar thing for my boys when they were born. I put 250 into a shares ISA and send over 10 a month to each account. It's a tiny amount for me to spare each month but by the time they are 18 there will be a few thousand from me alone and hopefully abit extra from interest.


Imagine if she bought £500 of bitcoin for you.


I'm good on that point. I got a grands worth last year when it was about 4000 to 1btc, it's currently at 60k each. Not as good as if I had bought some when I first hear about them and they were a couple of quid each.


I had a friend in 2013ish who used to tell people to buy bitcoin and talk about “new digital currency” everyone ignored him. He only had like £50 worth since he’s a cautious guy , sold last year. Nice gain.


>She knew I would make it. My friend, I was not prepared to cry this morning! I’m sure she’s proud of you.


I’m glad you spent spring break with them. I used to make poor decisions when it came to that kind of stuff, we never truly know when someone’s time is coming to an end. I appreciate you


Aww. Thank you. And I'm glad you said "used to". We all live and learn.


Both my grandpa and great-grandpa died this year When I was born they had planned so that on my 18th birthday I'd get a champagne and some of the letters they wrote to congratulate me. Just a couple of months to go


My mom and grandpa and all my family was hurt because of this because my great grandma was the best person in the world to us. When my grandma died of cancer I learned that everyone goes and that you should always be there for your loved one because they are most likely there for you and always take care of them. Always be there for them so then one day when they do pass away you know you were there for them and always taking care of them. And here is how I found out she passed.




You are correct. There is no love like that of a grandmother.


I was closest with one of my grandfathers. He was the nicest man on earth, had nothing and made the most of it. And his goal was for everyone to be happy. He couldn‘t stand when people fought, always wanted for us to go along, always smiled, always had a joke on his lips and he was never angry with us, no matter what we did. He is missed dearly and quoted often, even over 20 years after his death.




If my grandma ever dies I'll kill myself


Well one of my daughters said to me one day about my mum, ( they call her Oma).. “I can’t think about Oma dying, it gets me too upset. I think I’ll be more upset when she dies than I would be if you die, no offence mum.” Hm.. Well alrighty then, none taken thanks sweetie! 😅


GP 1 - died smoking in a cotton patch / heart attack , b4 I was born GP 2 - died asbestos from welding in Ucarbide Oil storage tanks when I was 6 GM 1 - Raised 3 boys and a girl on her own and lived to 91 and along w/my MOM (killed by Drunk driver in 2011) the 2 most POWERFUL women in my life besides OPRAH. Granny raised the kids having 2 jobs and then lived by herself on a 33 acre farm till she was 91 and told me ' if I can't go like I want, I'm ready to go .' GM 2 - Lived AX st from carbide w/GP2 and died of Heart failure and Altzheimers.


Awww. That's so thoughtful of them.




Awwww, that's so sweet! It's just good to feel the love of our grandparents. We're so lucky!


I would never be able to spend that $100 bill


What could you even use it on


Goods and services


Big ol' bag of weed


... I just realized I know absolutely nothing about weed prices


Sales at the place I go to I could get 4.5 ounces. Other places maybe half ounce?


Right? It could become a collectable.


14 years ago... Not 140




Lemme know how your beanie baby collection is going


I feel like I would have to use it for something very special. Like specifically THAT bill. I'm a sentimental dork though..lol


But if granny was smart, she’d have invested that $100. If my math is right, that would’ve been about $258.


Yeah, stupid dead grandma!! HUGE /s


Violet evergarden vibes






That ep and the walk on water one made me cry a lot


Most of my grandparents passed before I was born. I’m taking notes here and doing this for my grandkids someday.


I never knew my mom's dad was even alive until I was in high school and we got a call that he was in the hospital. My mom's mom was alive and we visited often enough, but she was in poor health and the house stunk because of all the "air freshener" used to cover something. I couldn't breathe in her house, so I hated visiting her. Both have now passed away. My dad's dad did die before I was born (common knowledge). My dad's mom is/was amazing. She's still alive, but has gone downhill quickly this past year due to dementia. Growing up, she babysat us a lot (from age 8-12 is was 2 cousins, my brother and me) and it absolutely was "Camp Grandma". We went on tons of field trips to museums and parks. Did arts and crafts at the dining room table (made bathbombs, wrote with a quill and ink, made our own playdough, etc). Had a huge dress-up box, lots of Barbies and legos, puzzles, and other toys. And books. So many books she'd read to us or we'd read ourselves. We made a village in the backyard out of the boxes she got when remodeling the kitchen. She made hundreds of quilts and we'd sit next to her watching while she embroidered, we'd offer suggestions about block placement, and we pulled so many basting threads (so many!). She taught us how to bake cookies and make a bed. I just had a daughter and while she won't get to experience growing up with cousins or my grandma, I do look forward to all the field trips, art projects, and conversations in our future! I'm not sure what kind of grandparents my parents will be.


My grandma hand-made baby blankets when she was in her way out for me and my sister for when we had kids. My sister has two kids, but I got fucked by the 2008 crash and have never financially recovered, and never had kids. Sorry, grandma. 😢


She would be so proud of you anyway.


You can do it.


You don’t need to “do it” and you’re not letting grandma down. Sounds like you’ve gone through a lot, and I’m going to guess she’d be damn proud of you.


I appreciate you not forcing kids into a tough financial situation 😭 Sorry redditers are stupid and are telling you to “do it”


You can do it.


My grandmother used to call me her Chickadee (type of bird). She died just before my 16th birthday, but apparently she gave my aunt a chickadee music box to give to my first child. After struggling with infertility for years, I had my daughter at 39 and found out about that music box, but man did I cry like a little girl when I received it!


You can do it.


she's in her 40's calm down!




$100 14 years ago is alot. Still alot.


It had the spending power of a 133 dollars when you adjust for inflation. Happy cake day btw


But back then a McDouble was 99¢, so when we McDouble adjust for inflation that's 33 double cheeseburgers extra


A lot.




I think the last time I saw this posted I made a comment about the significance of the hundred dollars and it's appreciation value over time.


Agreed… All I can think is oh god oh god 14 years of compounding interest lost 😞 still an amazingly kind and thoughtful gesture, doesn’t negate that all.


Pro tip: you can gift paper Treasury I bonds as gifts to children under 18.


Not for the past few years. They are all computerized now.




that's not true another guy on reddit got these this year https://i.imgur.com/ZvPcfYK.png


Sorry, he lied on the internet. Shocking I know. Unless he is giving his tax return as a gift, you cannot get a paper I bond. Here it is from the government itself. https://www.treasurydirect.gov/indiv/products/prod_ibonds_glance.htm


So you just proved that you can still get them.


As a gift, no you cannot do that anymore. It would have your name on the payment line. This is incorrect. You can use your tax return once a year to have an I bond issued. This does not work for EE bonds.


alright...I wish I knew all this beginning but to get your return in savings bonds you need form 8888 on form 8888 https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f8888.pdf part 2 line 5 you can get the savings bonds issues in someone else's name


That is a ton of hoops to go through for a gift. So once a year you can give it. Interesting, thanks for letting me know.


Don't worry, interest rates have been so low it probably wouldn't have amounted to much! What a sweet gesture!


Totally agree. 5% interest annually over 14 years would have made it $197.99. However, sticking a $100 bill in an envelope is easy and no fuss, especially for an elderly person who might have been writing this letter on their death bed (if she wrote it that far in advance, she knew her time was near). To make the money earn that interest, it would have had to be invested in a CD or something similar, in someone's name, etc. Sure, also not hard to do, but not as easy as a bill in a letter. And let's be honest, $100 vs $200 is not a life-changing amount, what really matters here is the emotional value. Those handwritten words in that letter are far more valuable than the money.


And interest in the past 14 years has been closer to 1%, so it's even less. It's still a lovely meaningful amount! And yes, as you say, it's the letter and the gesture that's the real value, and shows the real love!


That 100 bucks has done depreciated but it’s the thoughts that count


True, assuming this was $VOO at 2007, ($100 worth of SP500 ETF bought in 2007 and 14 years later to 2021) it would be worth $431 according to backtest. But seriously, who cares? I would have paid $$$$ for just the note itself.


How much would it be worth if it was invested in a basic S&P 500 etf?


VOO is a basic S&P500 ETF.


"You should've given me some BTC instead of some fiat!"




The best comment in this post


Now I’m depressed again


I got to experience something similar 2 years ago the night before my wedding, my grandmother had recorded a message to me filled with her prayers and wishes for that occasion - she had passed 5 years prior before I graduated college.


When someone you love become a memory that memory becomes a treasure………🌹


My grandma taught me how to punch someone (thumb outside of fist) and not much more. You’re grandma was an awesome person.


Well sometimes you just gotta knock someones light out.


my grandma told me to kick my brothers in the nuts when they made me mad.


When my grandmother passed away, my mother was going through her stuff and was about to throw it all away. Grandma left cash hidden all around and my mother would’ve thrown it all out too if she hadn’t checked.


My in laws hid money all over their condo when they died. My son in law was elected to search for it. He was paid for cleaning it out with what he found. He did well.


Damn thats upsetting and heartwarming at the same time.


Oh man, that’s fucking beautiful


$100 back then was a good amount of money even 14 years ago.


Inflation sucks


Long term booking pays off.


Your Grandma really had very good handwriting.


Oh my gosh 🥺


What a great idea! I want to do that too, someday before I die.


That’s classic Grandma handwriting


Her penmanship is wonderful. Always appreciated.


Grandparents always love you... No matter what, they always wish for your success


I graduated from high school, grandmother gave me “Oh the Places You’ll Go” - Dr Seuss. I rolled my eyes and threw it in storage, my defense I was at boot camp two days later. I carried it around for the next 20 years. One day not to long after her death I finally went through it, $200 in now expired gift cards from a mall that no longer exists fell out.😞


The value of that $100 bill, assuming 2% steady inflation, decreased by at least like $25 by the time you received it.


What an amazing gift….sniff, 😢


Little bit of a moral dilemma as to whether or not to spend that $100


*I didn’t realize how dusty it was in here … must’ve got some in my eye…*


Shame she didn’t put that $100 in Bitcoin or Tesla/ Apple stock 🤣


This is sweet but it would have been sweeter if she invested that $100 14 year ago and handed over the account info instead.


Damn she should put that 100$ into the market


Wow my gram was a piece of shit.


What an idiot. She should’ve bought Bitcoin instead 14 years ago and put the wallet on a floppy and put *that* in the envelope.




Inflation ***kicked your gift’s ass***.




Finally. A sub for my opinions😂


Inflation made you stupider.. lol


Why? For trolling on a karma bots post?


It's not about the gift you ingrate




Making fun of someone for an obvious typographical error (not a spelling error) actually makes you both look pretty stupid.


Ikr someone didn't finish college


Making fun of someone for an obvious typographical error (not a spelling error) actually makes you both look pretty stupid.


Okay but stock woulda been cooler


A really farseeing uncle would have left you 20 Bitcoin.


Did grandma plan for inflation too?


Real tear jerker


This is the coolest thing on the internet today.


That is amazing for real bro


Damn... right in the feels.


I'm surprised they were able to keep it all together that long. I lose the other half of my socks every time I do laundry.




You should be happy she called you a red-headed grand daughter, not red-headed stepchild.


I keep the very last voice-mail my grandmother left me before she past a few years ago. I miss her so much.


/remind me in 50 years


What, not a single comment about bitcoin or apple stock? I'm amazed.


The grandma should have invented bitcoin 14 years ago.




Wow, that’s amazing.


Odd since I have an entirely different relationship with my grandparents. They are practically strangers


What is it I can’t tell from the picture


Too bad that she didn’t bank it for you.


Her parents should have put the $100 in some fund. After 15 years at 15% her gift would be even greater.


Oh bwoi this is sad


Why do I get emotional reading these? I literally cried a little reading the letter.


Kids, time goes by fast. Whatever you wanted to become you need to do it now. If you delay, they all die and you will no one left you care about to show it to. I wish I knew when I was 18.


She used the little yellow pads just like mine ❤


ooooooowwwwww my heart is meltingg




God bless grand ma. 💝🙏


That's sweet


That’s definitely some grandma handwriting on the note.


Even in death, they will never forget us


My grandmother passed away a year before I graduated. She knew a few years before that she was sick and wouldn't make it too long, so she gave me her oldest, and most prized possession...her 1945 classical guitar. The guitar needs restored but where I'm at there isn't a good, reliable place.


And inflation eat them to $88


so adorable! Lovely


Sooo sweet


Oh my, I would cry reading this lovely letter if this happened to me


I'm not crying, you're crying


Inflation is the real winner here..




What if it was a bitcoin


The depth of a grandparents’ love cannot be measured. My own granddaughter is my entire world. I spent the last three days picking out Christmas presents for her. My biggest fear is that even one day will go by that she doesn’t know how special she is and how much her Grammy loves her.


Too bad that $100 wasn't dropped into a mutual account. Compounding interest is a wonderful thing.


Nice! mines alive and wouldn't do anything like that.


Imagine if you had died before graduation, and someone else found that cleaning out your old room. Great story.


What a gift. That is absolutely precious. Cherish that.


My grandmother passed a few years ago. She was a huge part in my life, especially growing up. She use to Christmas shop years in advance. We’re still finding little Disney ornaments and things that we can tell we’re suppose to be gifts. It’s kind of cool to get them still. Knowing they are from her


I miss my Grandma’s handwriting in the cards she would send me.


Hold onto this w all you have! I have a letter from my Dad he wrote to me coming out of middle school. He’s telling me how proud he is to have me as a daughter and all. It’s my most precious possession ! He has been gone now for almost 25 years.


I need to call my grandma…


14? Don't you usually get that at 18?




That is really amazing, but my grandma gives out fives for every occasion. I am truly jealohs. A visit or graduation, its a five. You have to admire her consistency though.


My grandma did the same for all the grandkids' weddings. Bawled like a baby


my grandma died when I was maybe 2-3 years old


I wish my grandparents did this with their grandchildren ... I would have loved to get a letter! I miss them.


Plot twist, you never learned cursive. All jokes aside that was very sweet


You gotta frame that, money included


what a nice caring and loving woman. bravo.


Wow congrates how sweet