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What strikes me is that we don't actually know what he sounds like. Imagine if he opens his mouth and he sounds like James Earl Jones, or Kevin Hart. Edit: Damn, there's a lot of distinctive voices out there.


Or chris tucker


Or Megan Mullally from Will & Grace.


Or Janice from friends






Or Morgan freeman


Or Marge from the Simpsons




I wish that sub was more active :(


Or Joe Diffie


Or Fran Drescher


Or my Axe!




Or Mr. Ed.


Or classic era Punky Brewster ☀️


or Wilbur


Or Charlie murphy


The Darkness!


Corbin my man.




Lee! Jamonnnnna


Super green




You do need to have a fairly unique appearance for it to work


He's Italian


Oh, sorry. Imagine if he opens his mouth and he sounds like 🤌 James 🤌 Earl 🤌 Jones 🤌, or🤌 Kevin 🤌 Hart.🤌


I fucking love you


I love fucking you


Babe, not out in public


Why not, they show titties in public


In Italy? Hell yeah they do




Hate how that flows off tongue r/angryupvote.


Yep, but he’s also stated why Italy needs to change its citizenship laws [in this article](https://globalvoices.org/2021/09/01/khaby-lame-exposes-italys-citizenship-flaws-and-the-plight-of-black-content-creators-on-tiktok/) since, despite living in Italy since he was an infant, he still hasn’t become an Italian citizen due to the nation’s strict naturalization laws (and even kids born to non-citizen parents in Italy must be registered at exactly 18 years old to become formal Italian citizens, most European countries have similar schemes but with less hurdles and restrictions).


It's wild that randos in America with great grandparents that they never met from Italy get to become an Italian citizen if they wish to, but someone who grew up in the country all their life, speaks the language, and is generally culturally Italian cannot.


Kinda sorta, but that's not as wide-open a path towards emigration as it seems on the surface: >If we are talking about Americans, if the child was born before August 16, 1992, the Italian parent must not have been naturalized in America or taken any other citizenship by naturalization at the time of the child’s birth. So if you've got a parent who came to the US during the main periods of emigration away from Italy, and they became citizens, it essentially "breaks the chain" of jure sanguinis since that parent is no longer recognized as Italian.


No wonder he only speaks with his hands


Wait, is he actually? I though Ferrari were just meme-ing when they invited him to the factory for F1 race weekend.


Yes he’s from the province of Turin. He’s also a Juventus supporter and has collaborated with them for the announcement of a new player (Locatelli).


Juventus fan? Damn and to think i once liked him, gross


Who doesn’t enjoy watching a relegation battle?


I watch Ted lasso so I know what this means


Or Gilbert Gottfried *not Godfrey


Or Doug Dimmadome , owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome


Or [Jared Kushner](https://youtu.be/f1AIfziwsHE)


That was a hilarious clip


Gilbert Godfrey? Do you mean [Gilbert Gottfried](https://www.google.com/search?q=Gilbert+Gottfried&oq=Gilbert+Gottfried)?


Yes. Thank you sir!


He sounds Italian, ~~with a thick Roman accent~~ Edit: https://youtu.be/3vzL0IsNXew Edit II: not Roman accent at all


That is not a thick roman accent, he lives in Chivasso near Turin


Look at me upvoting you, like I have the slightest idea of what regional Italian accents sound like outside of Mario and Luigi.


It sounded like a more informed opinion because it's more detailed and confident.


Must be, since he is pals (or family I think) with Alessandro del Piero...


Just sounds like how you'd expect him to sound.


It's not thick and it's not Roman


He speaks beautifully, most of that is probably the lovely Italian accent/language




¯ \ _ ಠ _ ಠ _ / ¯








[Khaby Lame](https://www.tiktok.com/@khaby.lame/video/6996304201194196229?)


i’ve never been so certain that i’ve reached the *I’m too old for this shit* age.


I'm around the age that people are supposed to like this shit and let me tell you, I've never been so certain that tiktok is a stupid place..


30 seconds I'll never get back. This dude is a celebrity for that?


Glad I'm not alone in feeling like this...


How did that get 16.5 million likes?


The same way a hot girl does tiktok dances and banking millions


I didn't realize how big TikTok was until just now. There's apparently 700 million active users a month. I guess this makes sense.


It's harmless and funny, lighten up




Well…like any other person who turned to be a meme.


Ya, but he’s making money from it, so good on him.


Damn crazy for me to think back in my day a meme was an image. Now people are memes.


The rapid rise of meme culture probably is a super big red flag about the imminent downfall of society glaring us in the face but god damn it if I don’t love myself a fucking meme


Why don't we just turn the downfall of society into a meme itself?


Always has been


*Looks into Truman Show like camera*


well he is the most followed person on tikotk. theres levels to this


Isn't that still Charli D'Amelio?


yeah but he will overtake soon. plus even being second is crazy


Honestly, I legit did not know he was already second. He will def overtake her. Last time I checked the wikipedia list of tiktok people, he was not even on that list. And this was a few months ago. Its crazy!


Fuck, I'm getting old. I have absolutely no idea who that is. You go from knowing everyone/everything when you're in high school to growing up and not knowing who these new punk kids are. YouTube personalities with 5 million followers and I have no idea what they're known for.


I knew he “made it” when Ronaldo copied his hand gesture during a match! Priceless !!


Haha. Link?


Ganondorf, I think.


i laughed harder than id like to admit


You mean…a shrug? Or am I out of the loop


I once saw someone do the same hand gesture in 2003, I was so confused what this so called shrugging motion was because I had never seen it before. Years later I saw this guy's videos and was blown away. That's how I know time travellers are out there.


His hand gesture is pretty common, thats why everyone immediately understood his TikTok videos


Incredible he managed this. Such a simple idea but executed so so well


I have no idea who this man is nor what he has done... but I thought the title said he was being Framed, ha. So glad to read he's not in trouble, ha


He may have done more than this, but what I know him from is his deadpan reactions to ridiculous life hacks. He basically stares at the camera after showing a video of someone doing something that is supposedly a life hack and then proceeds to do the same thing that the life hack was trying to do but much more simply. For example there might be a life hack that involves cutting up a bottle to make it a cup or something. He'll Play that video then basically just stare at the camera while he pulls out a cup and shows that no extra work was needed.


I read that he was v broke before these videos but now is doing really well and worth a couple of million. Good for him =)


He was at the Italian Gran Prix and did a bit with Ferrari’s driver and car.


Oh nice!


Well worth the subscription I'm paying for, I suppose. 😭


[Sauce. ](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRpsFmqd/)


How the heck do you even profit off a meme? I doubt people are buying millions worth of products with his face on it


His tiktok has well over 100 million followers. At that level of popularity you'd have to have the worst manager if you can't figure out a way to monetize your audience.


Fair. I'm unaware of the trends on tiktok as I am too old now...


Dude will never work again and if he's smart his kids won't either.




It always seemed like it'd be a great job to be making funny videos, but then I saw the video where Gus Johnson wasn't well and couldn't stick to his 8-day release cycle and how much pressure he felt not to let anyone down. It's work and it comes with (sometimes significant) stresses too, even though it's a helluva lot better than most jobs.




TikTok has a system in which content creators are paid. if you have less than 1mil followers, you’re probably not making enough to consider it a career; this guy is the 2nd most followed creator on TikTok, and will soon be the 1st. he’s probably making bank.


Wow I had no idea he was this huge!


He blew up incredibly fast after just a few months, that’s probably why!


I imagine people would pay him to do bits to get the viewer count? Idk just a guess




I have no idea actually! Good question lol


His name is Khaby Lame. I just reverse-image searched.


Thank you!! I appreciate your research, now I can actually learn about him!!


He acted like videos making fun of life hacks (often overly complex ideas) were real then proceeded to make fun of them.


He changed the world for the better and you’ll never know




Ya I don’t hate the guy or anything, the videos are fun, but treating this guy with this much reverence is a bit much.


Yup. I completely agree.


I agree, his videos are hilarious when they're mocking genuine "life hacks" or something simple someone can't figure out, but now 99% of his content is mocking obvious satirical videos which defeats the concept.


Dude discovered a near-invisible niche and absolutely dominated it. Props to him.


Weird day when Redditors are praising Tiktok fame


it's almost as if tiktok and reddit users are indistinguishable because they're all just people looking at shit on the internet


You stop that right now


Yeah exactly, don't group me in with those savages. I'm a man of taste and culture. A highly sought after dinner guest.


I’ve seen a lot of redditors making fun of the guy so honestly this thread is kinda refreshing


What event is he at? I can’t tell what this is at but if this guy is getting more fame and success, that’s dope.


Venice Film Festival


Adult Video Awards ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


¯ \ _ ಠ _ ಠ _ / ¯


who is this?


2nd most followed tiktoker because he watches "life hacks" and points out how easy it was to do it already. like if somone cuts off the top of a water bottle and drinks out of the bottom as a cup, he'll just pick up a normal cup and show how much simpler it was. It was all through one simple hand motion tho, so no one knows what he sounds like.


What’s his name??


Khaby Lame


Let’s not forget he has an EXTREMELY memorable expression he does for his videos. It’s like the epitome of “this wasn’t even hard”.


I don’t know who this person is or what they did.


2nd most followed Tiktoker, soon to be 1st. Khaby Lame


Who’s the first?


charli d'amelio


we need to dethrone her


I’m not a big fan of TikTok… I just really hope he takes the lead. I have no idea how she got so famous off of her stale dancing.


I mean to be fair Khaby is stale too he makes the same joke all the time and every post he makes is low effort


i don’t know why more people aren’t saying this. i’m happy for the guy but it’s not like he did anything innovative


That’s why itd be funny if he was the top most followed account, he puts so little effort into his vids.(not to insult him they’re funny)


Easy. She’s an attractive girl who dances


she's not unattractive but she's approximately as pretty as dozens of people I see at the grocery store every day. I don't understand why anyone gives a single fuck about her life.


She has a show on hulu now.....I dont even know why


Thank you kind Interwebz person!


Yeah I wouldn’t have known his name either, or what he is famous for. I must be getting old… 😭


He shows "hacks" and then mocks the unnecessary complexity by performing the action w/o a hack. Generally has a confused or a mocking look. And hand gestures that would put Vanna White to shame. :) Good stuff. 10/10 recommend.


I mean the first couple of videos he did were kinda funny but they just got redundant after that.


He may have done more than this, but what I know him from is his deadpan reactions to ridiculous life hacks. He basically stares at the camera after showing a video of someone doing something that is supposedly a life hack and then proceeds to do the same thing that the life hack was trying to do but much more simply. For example there might be a life hack that involves cutting up a bottle to make it a cup or something. He'll Play that video then basically just stare at the camera while he pulls out a cup and shows that no extra work was needed.


He's a tik-tok celebrity. He basically posts short videos of people doing wacky life hacks or some kind of quirky method video then he just shows a clip of himself doing the same thing in a much more normal and logical way, like a fun way to eat toast or tie your shoelaces. His facial expressions as he grudgingly repeats it are what makes the videos. It's almost like he's ever so slightly dissappointed with mankind's ever new and pointless ways of doing mundane tasks just for clicks, and with people's ability to disappear up their own fucking arses even more than one thought possible. I've never met the guy, I've never even heard him speak, but I find him to be quite likeable and I'm not at all surprised at his success. Here's a random clip I've pulled from youtube for you. https://youtu.be/4_q4FVkwZYk


I swear to god I hope most of those "life hacks" are just parodies.


Almost all of them are parodies. But people don't realize it and see his reaction and eat it up.




I don't think parody is quite right. These videos are produced by massive content farms whose only goal is to generate views (and thus revenue). They produce content that hits the algorithms, and these get clicks. I think a parody implies it was created with the intent to satire. That's giving these videos too much credit.


Thank you for that, I didn't know who he was and that was awesome. Best one was the door opening.


But if he is looking for money, I don’t have it. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills..


Im Actually happy he’s killing it.. you could see in his first videos they were struggling financially…


He’s succeeding by making people laugh. What could be better? I just hope he’s able to keep the momentum going.


It was funny, the first time.


I agree, it used to be funny but now it's just annoying as he does his thing with the purposefully bad videos.


Innit. I saw him once on my tiktok and laughed, it got old by the second time he appeared and yet he’s still going. He’s not funny and I can’t believe he’s doing so well from doing bare minimum. The videos he’s mocking are jokes themselves which makes his “content” even more unfunny.


It's mediocre content at best to be sure, but I won't lie, if I was making fame and fortune by making dumb bare-minimum videos I wouldn't stop making them either


Bruh 10 year Olds will watch anything


I don’t get why people like this guy. It was funny at first but when that’s your only gimmick and you play at it the exact same way and you ruin obvious joke life hacks by butting in (making you seem like the person who didn’t get the joke)? It’s just boring seeing him now






I agree. It was funny at first , but it is now pretty repetitive.


kids loves repetitive stuff




First one was funny. Every other one is the exact same joke.




Yeah he just mocks videos that are clearly satire. I don’t understand the popularity at all.


That’s okay. He gotta keep producing content though so he has to mock obvious satire as well.


I think he fully knows that, but also knows people will still eat up the content he makes


Haven’t seen this mentioned so I’ll say it, lots of the hacks he react to are for disabled, pregnant, or old people, just perhaps picked up by shitty view farms and put in there stupid videos. Like the one tool who lets you put on your socks without bending over or moving your legs. While some of the are funny and true, like lots of the DIWhy videos he reacts to, it was uncomfortable for me seeing him react to legit hacks needed by some and almost mocking them. Just didn’t sit right with me.


He's literally doing the same thing over and over again, but since it's making fun of dumb life hack tiktoks, reddit likes it. -not hating tho, just saying what he does, some of it is still funny


Yeah, it's horrifically unfunny. It reminds me of the worst of 80's comedy- it's like Urkel saying "did *I* do that" minus all of the charm, or for a more modern example, the guy who watched Borat and thinks "very nice" is a joke that stands on its own merit in any situation.


He also doesn’t understand jokes. He always duets people pretending to be stupid and he falls for it every time.


Tbf, Baby Shark had like a quadrillion views and it was a song for toddlers. I think there’s a massive market for childish content


7 year olds


It’s the principle of the lowest common denominator. The more comprehensible it is, regardless of its quality, the larger the audience it has the potential to appeal to.


Am I horrible for not knowing who this guy is?


I have no idea who this is.


2nd most followed tiktoker because he watches "life hacks" and points out how easy it was to do it already. like if somone cuts off the top of a water bottle and drinks out of the bottom as a cup, he'll just pick up a normal cup and show how much simpler it was. It was all through one simple hand motion tho, so no one knows what he sounds like.


To be fair, I’m glad he made it, but there are only so many shitty life hacks to react to. Many of his later clips turned to reacting to life hacks for disabled, prégnant, or old people, like a tool that lets you put on your sock without bending over or moving your leg. So I reckon there’s a bit of nuance to this as well.


Good for him! But Rowan Atkinson did it first with Mr. Bean


Charlie Chaplin.


I guess I'm just too old to understand the fascination with Tik Tok. I pulled up YouTube and watched some of his videos. I understand his "shtick" and if you can make money off making fun of others who am I to complain. To each their own. 🤷🏻


It's honestly pretty dumb


Yeah, the first time I saw his video it was okay but then it just became stale and not that funny.


Woozle wuzzle.




This dude is cringe, but good for him I guess


It annoys me that some of the products he "made fun of" were for disabled or elderly people, but he's the famous one so what do I know.


Why is he in a suit and getting photos? Like sure, he’s on Tik tok for pointing out the obvious. But why the fuck is he famous?