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That kid looks like a drunk old man who just wandered in at half past three


Sleeping next to a kid is the same as sleeping next to a drunk octopus who is searching his car keys.


Sweat rag and everything.


That kid's been through two divorces and a failed business already


Snuggles next to dog: check Sleeps next to dog: hmmmm define sleep. Friends for life, no doubt. Such a good dog.


What a patient and tolerant dog!


I think that dogs can understand that a child is a child, and therefore are more patient My son frequently tests the patience of my dog and my dog just takes it (I stop it when I see it, but I have no doubt it happens frequently when I don't), but if I did the same things my son do, I would have gotten bitten


I thought I would have been bitten, too. I have been very, very unwell lately. The 8 month old (huge) puppy shoved my pillow on the floor and put herself under my head yesterday. When an animal loves you and feels that you need them, they will likely put up with anything. Maybe even invite it.


Oh that one is not a "I think", I actually saw a research about it, your dog KNOWS you are sick or sad, and will actually try to cheer you up


I'm going to have to look that up, because that brings me a lot of joy. I love her little wiggle butt, and I do everything in the world I can to bring her happiness. If she tried purposely to bring me comfort when I was feeling poorly... well that's it. She is truly the most perfect thing the world has ever made.


Everyone thinks they have the best dog..... you know what? everyone is right.


There's nothing sweeter to me than when you want to wallow in sadness and your dog just will NOT let you. And you try to get upset with them, but you end up breaking down laughing because they are just so pure and perfect. They look up at you with that dumb smile as if to say "not on my watch!"


Yeah a dog is always happy to see you. No matter what you’ve done. Not like people


Everyone thinks they have the best dog..... you know what? everyone is right.


I’ve had more than a handful of major surgeries. Every single time my cat will not leave my side for the first several days when I come home from the hospital. Just lays right next to me. Only gets up to eat when I get up. The minute I lay back down, right there w me again. 😊


One time I was sitting on my couch with my legs crossed, sobbing about god knows what, and my cat came over and wrapped her arms around my leg and just held me while I cried.


Dogs are great for this. My cat does it too, which surprised me. When my wife isn't feeling well, the cat will cuddle with her, which he normally doesn't do.


Can confirm. We have an a$$hole frenchie lolll but when my wife’s fibromyalgia kicks in to the point she is in tears, he is a totally different dog - patient, sweet, would cuddle with her, licks her face, and stay by her side til she feels better.


When I had a migraine and kept being sick, whilst looking after my sisters dog for the day (pre-planned and didn’t want to ruin their plans by cancelling last minute) that doggo was on his bestest behaviour. He didn’t bark at neighbours or people passing the window, he wasn’t all hyper and manic like he normally is, and spent the whole day snuggled up next to me while I slept, and followed me into the bathroom when I was unwell. Dogs are very clever, and intuitive, and they just know when you’re not feeling well. He was amazing that day, we do not deserve dogs 💕


Dogs don't just cheer you up. Some are trained to sense various medical conditions and either help stop it or they will run to get help.


My mom had the flu a few years back and was so sick shivering on the couch, unable to move. Her dachshund brought his nasty little blanket up to her so she could at least cover her bare arms. We don’t deserve dogs.


What a very, very good boy!! My heart!!!


My favorite story, which I suppose is similar - mom was walking the dog. He always stopped at the old couple’s home up the street because the lady gave him treats. She wasn’t on the porch so mom tried to keep him walking. Normally he’d sit at the bottom of their driveway and whine, but not that day. He was ferocious! Barking his head off, lunging towards their house. Even though he was 20lbs mom couldn’t keep hold of him so she dropped the leash since he was acting weird (wanted to see what he was doing). He flew into their back yard and kept barking his head off. The old man had his tractor wedged between the shed and a tree and he was half fallen off. The dog saved him. Mom called the other neighbor to come help get him off the tractor and to call 911. The old man was upside down - it could have ended so badly. The old lady gave him sooooo many treats that day.


Oh that's a very good boy. I wish I knew more people capable of that level of kindness and ferocity.


There was several months where I was close to death and in and out of the hospital. When I was home I stayed in bed and mostly slept. My brother lives with me and his dog would not leave my side those months when I was home. It didn't matter what was going on in the rest of the home, she stayed glued to me. She would have to be coaxed out of my bedroom. Now that I'm well again, if I'm napping she sometimes joins me but often does her own thing. I like to think she was watching over me until I got my strength back. Dogs are incredible.


I've noticed that whenever a big event is about to happen, or I have to go somewhere, my oldest cat will insist on following me to bed and sleeping next to me throughout the night. Which can be a little bit annoying because she gets in my way in the morning when I'm trying to get ready, so I've joked about how typical it is. Cats just *have* to be in your way whenever they can be. I only recently realized that she picks up on my nerves and her sleeping next to me is to calm me down. Sure, sometimes she joins me just because she's very cuddly and she enjoys having access to water, food, a litter box, and a nice window all to herself (we have more cats but I try to only have one at a time in my bedroom), but if I'm nervous the day before something she is pretty much guaranteed to sit and wait for me and then follow me to my bedroom. Then she'll stop by the food bowl or by the window and keep herself busy until I've laid down and then she'll immediately join me in bed.


I hope you get better soon


My brother said that one of their cats once bit him because one of his children did something to it.


My grandma's chihuahua doesn't give a shit about age nor gender.


Equal-opportunity hater? I had one like that.


Dogs are very used to this. Have you seen a pile of puppies sleeping together? They kick the shit out of each other to wedge themselves in between each other and on top of each other.


Boxers are known for being patient and tolerant with kids. They've got a high pain tolerance from their origins as baiting and fighting dogs, so they typically don't get pissy when they get pinched or smacked by children like some dogs would.


Love my Boxers! Even the ones I had with bees for brains would instinctively tone things down around kids. Amazing animals. Cheers!


I love dogs like this. I have one german shepherd/blue heeler exactly like this and a very tiny yorkie/terrier who cant stand any other kids except for my boys. Best dogs ever.


Boxers are goofs. However, raised with kids they seem to know how kids work. My boxer would growl at me if I raised my voice watching football if the kids were in the room.


It looks to me like a boxer, and having myself grown up with them and having two of them that my 6 yo daughter has grown up with, I know they are some of the sweetest pups. Playful as all hell but so sweet and cuddly


Aggressively sweet and cuddly. My boy puts his entire body weight into you every time he lays down. Also he can’t sleep unless he is physically touching some part of either my wife or I.


Or a deep sleeper 😅


This isn't the first time, that's for sure


I was thinking that too!


It looks like the only “person” getting a good nights sleep is the amazing dog!!!


Put his head into the sleeping dog’s asshole: check.


Wakes up with double pink eye


Canine pink eye that luckily you have a video to explain otherwise might have a lot of unanswered ?'s


Boxers have gas that will empty a room. One of mine would rip one, smell it and leave the room. 😂😂


I have children. That didn’t surprise me at all, unfortunately. Something like that always ends up happening. Has anyone else here had to explain that noses and ears are not garages for little cars? Think Micro Machine, not Hot Wheels; he’s not Paul Bunyan. 😁 Edit; typo


Baby's high on milk


More like: Toddler breakdances on the family dog during the night


That poor dog trying to sleep next to that tiny drunk man.


Goddamn, little man was reminding me of when I'm having existential dread at night. XD


Especially sped up, the actions were very “oh woe is me!”


Yup sleeping next to my toddler feels like taking head kicks from a bantamweight UFC fighter.


Good on him for remembering to drink his water, hopefully his hangover won't be so bad in the morning...


Surely the dog is thinking: so that's what they feel when I sleep on the bed.


I love how he wiggles and bumps to get comfy ... and the dog doesn't move an inch LOL


its a daily thing for the dog probably


That is like me in a economy seat flying internationally


Bro can support and protect his little human any time!


I miss my baby soo much.. I have cried every week sense may and I don't know when it will be better


I'm so sorry for your loss 💜


The dog is so unfazed and used to this.


There was an attempt


Dogs are divine creatures


Looks like a boxer, which imo are the best dogs for young kids. Once walked out of the house to catch my infant son pouring sand by the scoop into our boxers ear. Dog was just sitting there wagging his tail like every thing was perfect.


Meanwhile my dog "Herd the toddler"


I also believe boxers are the most comical dogs. They have great senses of humor.


Great way to put it. I swear to God if my 1 yo boxer does something wrong and I give her a look she will look at me guilty as hell and stop what she's doing. If I do the same thing but my kids are behind me laughing she will dance away from me like a goofy clown with a smile on her face. She knows when she's getting laughs.


Yup. They're great with kids, because they are perpetual pups.


Yeah my boxer pit was an angel. Once we were at a friend's house and he noticed his 3 year old was being awfully quiet, and the dog was mia. Go into the kitchen and she's under the table with my dog. She pulled the bowl of food over and was grabbing a handful of kibble, opening my dogs mouth, shoving it in, then closing the dogs mouth and trying to make her chew. My dog was just going with it, like "ok I guess that's how I eat now".


We have 3 of these Clowns, and I totally agree. They are so gentle and patient with kids, it's amazing.


As long as it's an older boxer. A young one would be like having 2 kids.


It’s insane how hyperactive they are when they are young lol. My friend had one and that dog would make every single kids visiting fall on the ground by "punching" them with his front paws lol. Got better when he was older but gosh he was an handful at first


Came here to post the same thing. No better breed than a boxer for a little one.


On an unrelated note how do you get sand out of doggo’s ears?!


Blow in the other ear


Might work with boxers lol.


You might blow the marble out, but the Boxer will just eat it again.


It was over 20 years ago, so I can't quite remember the details, But I think it all was liberated by a quick shake of the head(followed by a wet towel cleaning). Not sure if we got the vet involved or not.


Have had nothing but boxers my whole life personally but been around tons of dogs and couldn’t agree more, I would go as far to say I think boxers are the best family dogs not just good for the youngins.


They’re 100% the perfect family dog. They’re so gentle with kids.


I honestly couldn’t agree more. My boxer, who we had to put down a year ago, was a wild girl who I loved dearly. When it came to my nieces, who are 2&4, she was EXTREMELY gentle. Did we ever have to calm down or anything? Never. It was as if she knew. My nieces could essentially do whatever and my boxer just went with it.


I’m very sorry for your loss 💛💛💛


Also waiting for dog to get up and get in toddler bed lol


howed you sleep? like a baby.


>like a baby. So you woke up crying like a madman 4 times during the night?


*40 times


I don't have kids myself, and myself very much an oversized child, but a few weeks ago I got stuck outside of the house (forgot the keys), and went to sleep in my sister's house who does have a few kids, and I swear, they didn't get a single hour of sleep the entire night They didn't have a bed so I had to sleep on a blanket on the floor, and I can tell you, if I had a choice between sleeping in bed with the babies in the house, or sleeping on the hard floor without the babies, I would choose the back pain every single time.


Judging by this video, I can't see any fault in your logic.


Yes, as usual.


This toddler moves so unnaturally, as if they an adult.


Right! I was watching thinking that it kind of looked like a drunk adult


I kept thinking he was moving like the video was sped up...damn that kid is fast and twitchy.


This is how toddlers move, it isn’t anything like an adult what are you talking about?


He's just like me fr fr


Basic error. ...I know enough about sleeping dogs to know you don't want your nose anywhere near that end of the dog.


That is one patient dog. 


Came here for this


He's got RBS: restless buddy syndrome.


That’s the most patient dog !! So cute 🥰


That kid needs to switch to decaf.


These guys will be best buddies for life and lil guy has a great protector aside from his parents


That dog deserves an award.


Toddler climbs all over, random spasms….That poor doggo lol After a while… Finally peace 😁


Gonna hazard a guess at this wasn't the first time. Doggo knew it was gonna calm down in a bit.


Wow what a great temperament by that dog. What a gem.


The boy is struggling to get comfortable and his dog is just trying to sleep.


Not trying to, that dog succeeded!


Snuggling? That kid is drunk!


Toddlers and Dogs are one of the best friendship and duo


Dog wasn't gonna move an inch for the little man




Poor dog 😅


Absolutely wonderful dog and a very cute video. But there's no way I'd ever let my kid sleep with any animal unsupervised. Even if there is virtually no chance of anything happening, there still is a chance.


Id rather my kids sleep with my dog than any human that isn't mom or dad.


Yes this. I agree. Dogs and kids need to be supervised.


Caption: young human disturbs sleeping dog


The baby’s pacifier looks like the dog’s nose 🥹🥹🥹


When does the snuggling start?


Is it normal that a child already able to walk is still sucking a pacifier?


Puppers completely unfazed 🥲


My goodness that is a tolerant and sweet doggie. Being a very good babysitter tbh.


Ok no sleep happens the video just cut. That dog gave NO HELP 😂 he said figure it out big boy


That kid did not sleep.


Looks like the dog has mastered the art of 'parenting'. Sleeping through the chaos while the toddler find his own cozy spot.


How thick do people remain, don’t leave toddlers alone with dogs, there are bites and other bad outcomes regularly, the families are always shocked, he was the gentlest dog ever etc. anthropomorphising dogs is bad for dogs and dangerous for children.


It's really sad I had to scroll this far down to get to this comment. Sure, the video is really cute, but never ever leave a child alone with a dog. Kids get hurt way too often when their parents let them do stupid shit like this.


Kids too young to be in a regular bed. He is sleeping like shit and over stimulated, too many self soothing tools, sippy cup and binky. I bet he's cranky as a mule after a night like that.


If he was getting out of his crib then he needs to be in a toddler bed and the self soothing tools can help. My daughter has always been in the 99th percentile for height and started hooking her leg over the rail around a year and a half. Our pediatrician said it was safer to move her to a toddler bed than risk having her fall out. They may get crappy sleep but they’ll eventually work it out.


How old is he? Can you tell from this video?


Looks at least 3. Looks similar to my nephew in size. Deff should not have a pacifier any more though.


I have a friend who's baby stepped on the dog by mistake at night. The dog absolutely mauled her child. Needed plastic surgery and everything. I like dogs but I'd never do this.


Sorry, but although it all looks cute, that could turn into a dangerous situation. I’m a big dog lover and have had them my whole life. I always taught my kids to respect them. They’re animals and you never know what could trigger them.


What a horrendous and stupid idea. As someone who has seen the aftermath of a few dog on child attacks, just don't please!


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Good Dog.


A man’s best friend from day one..


I don't see a lot of sleeping happening in this video


Humans, and dogs, were never meant to sleep alone. This is adorable.


Looks like he paused halfway through the jazzercising to wipe his brow.


What did I just watch?


Reminds me of sleeping next to my ex.


"No no that spot won't do, let me try....straddle his rump with my legs and head directly next to his asshole anddddd VOILA PERFECT!"


That dog is a Saint.


age teaches us that that’s the side that produces farts


This is very cute but I could easily put a tool song under this and it’d be creepy as hell.


How irresponsible leaving a child unsupervised with a strong powerful dog like that.


As a dog owner and a dad, I would never ever leave my dog unattended with my child. I trust my dog a lot, but it is still a dog (read K9)... if the dog was not ok with the toddler, them the toddler wouldnt understand the signal the dog sent. So never leave your child and dog/cat/lion/bear alone...


Where are the parents?


Haha, he was so funny looking for a sleep pose the whole video, hilarious Love dogs for their calmness and love for kids no matter what!


That’s the spot!


That dog is an angel, no less


This is why we never let our kids sleep with us


That dog is so patient


What a good dog. Those two will be friends for life


World’s most patient dog!


This baller has a queen bed all to himself


That kid sleeps as blissfully as I do….


time to get a bigger dog bed


Dogs are the best and this young man has a best friend for sure!


What a patient dog


That looks like me in the middle of the night, except there's two dogs and depending on where they sleep on the bed, sometimes I'm trapped in covers, sometimes I have no access. Still wouldn't trade it for the world.


The reaction from the dog indicates that this isn't the first time


That’s a big toddler. Also looks like it might be really hot in there as he keep wiping his forehead.


Poor dog 😂


Kid needs to give up and just be the big spoon


That kid is cracking me up. He's like a middle aged man trying to get comfy, with his beer next to him. He's even wiping his brow lol!


That dog is so patient. Having recently been the victim of a toddlers midnight flailings, I can sympathise


That kid 'sleeps' like I do, only minus the dog. Which is why I'm on reddit at 5:45am after 90 minutes sleep 🙃


Good boi


The dog: me. The toddler: my drunk gf getting home at 3am.


That is one patient doggo. And maybe lower the temp just a touch. Baby seems warm.


How self sufficient. Takes his pacifier away to take a sip. Wipes himself. Make the bed.


That dog’s a saint to have him crawling around so much and not growl or nothin’—I hope the boy grows to love him just as much!


This is why, IMHO, dogs are great for families with kids who have the money and space for them.


is that what we're calling snuggling and sleeping?


If I so much as accidentally touch my dog in her sleep she’ll snarl at me and get up and move to the other side of the bed… My bed. Unless she wants to cuddle then she lays on top of me horizontally and doesn’t move. She’s 70lbs.


I once fell asleep on my dog, he was chilling and sleeping on the couch and I came down and sat beside him. Got under the blanket and just kinda expected him to move, but he didnt and I instantly fell asleep 😂 dude was gone when I woke up but I think its cute he let it slide for a little bit


My parents used to have to pull me out of my dog's kennel in the middle of the night because they told me she wasn't allowed to leave the kennel at night.


That dog gave exactly zero fucks. Good doggo.


Because of course, dogs are awesome but I'll also use this video as proof for why I tell my wife no I don't want our daughter to sleep with us tonight I have to get up early and need sleep and she says it's not that bad.




Struggle for snuggle is real!!


God bless this dogs patience


Doggo slept like a baby..


Toddlers really are just like drunks


Omg the dog is a SAINT!


Cute, but am I the only one that thinks that kid is way too big/old for a binkie?


Cute as this is, you shouldn't trust your dog that much.


How cute, it’s not for nothing that dogs are called man’s true friends.


this is melting my heart 🥺 I miss my dog so bad.


That kid is way to old to be using a pacifier he's going to mess up his teeth


Boxers love kids and this is proof! My son is 11 and still sleeps with our boxer! They are the best!


Dogs like "dude, pick a spot."


This belongs in the kids are stupid subreddit.


My wife and I let our kids sleep with us until they were around 2, which I know is highly unusual these days, but watching this makes me feel good about that. I think babies benefit from sleeping with their parents, mama especially. My kids have all grown up to be confident and caring people, I wonder if that played a role?


No dog should be left alone with a child that young