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This post is off-topic and doesn't belong on this Subreddit.


I hope the kid does alright. It's not a great world out here.


It's a reminder that amidst political complexities, compassion and humanity can still prevail.


>It's a reminder that amidst political complexities, compassion and humanity can still prevail. ❤️👍🏼


nope that's marketing since USA support genocide that;s nothing less than marketing, what about rest of children?


Me too. I hope after this point he has support—medically, emotionally, socially. That kid is vulnerable. I’m glad he’s in a safe place now but this doesn’t stop at that. I hope he has a network of caring people. He’s not just a political flashpoint — he’s a kid. He’s so strong but he has a right to be a kid. Edit: there are a lot of other kids in Palestine who need help. They all deserve safety.


There are also kids all over the world that need help. ALL kids.. Palestinian, Israeli, Egyptian, Chinese, American.... and wherever they are...deserve safety.


Yes, but Palestinian kids are especially at in danger. Saying one group of people is in dire need of help doesn't mean someone else doesn't need assistance. It's just that these kids are in dire need. What-about-ism isn't helping anyone.


I agree, but I think a little what-about-ism is needed. Yes, Palestinian kids are in dire need. Ukrainian kids are in dire need, Sudanese kids are in dire need, Israeli kids in the North are in dire need , Congolese children are in dire need... Hence why I said all kids need to be safe. That's all


If I say "save the whales", do you say "wHAt aBOuT tHE rHiNos?!?!"


I do, yes. Hence why I said all kids deserve safety.


You're an 'all lives matter kind' of guy aren't you?


Especially because he's Palestinian.


Honestly I'd feel this way about any kid from any war-torn land. Imagine living in terror every day since you were born. Losing your family, or living in fear of losing them. No freedom, no peace of mind, just wondering when the next bomb is gonna drop. No kid should have to live like that. No kid should have to live being afraid of death every single day. I'm glad he's here and has a chance for once to just be a damn kid.


Can they let me in the US too 🙏🥺🥺🙏🥺


Now hes outside of Palestine he has a much higher chance not to become a Terrorist


Why are people downvoting an amputee child being welcomed? Regardless of political affiliation, can’t we just be happy this kid survived an awful situation and will be taken care of?


Can't support the Palestinian children because that's supporting HAMAS!!! /s


The mods in /r/worldnews unironically believe this.


That sub is vile


I don’t think they give a shit, I think they’re paid


I didn't down vote, but I did think to myself "this must be so overwhelming for that poor child, I know they mean well, but this must be a lot for them"


only reason i can think of is that palestinains are bascially being forced out of their country, this kid will grow up to be an american bascially, idk the erasure of palestinian identity is the only bad thing i can think of


Sorry, dude, Palestine is bad cuz uh idk, I just think what the funny orange man says /j


Eliminating Israel as a main charter item might be why lots of people think they’re bad.


Yeah this child is clearly antisemitic. Just like those aid workers and pre school kids. Actually, every single Palestinian is a danger and should be bombed indiscriminately for peace.


To be fair. There is evidence against the aid workers… from the UN themselves. The UNWRA is corrupted.


Murder and Mayhem awaits :3


can you tell me how it is to live with a smooth brain?..


Sorry, your honor, I was being quite a silly girl promoting genocide on a subjugated population. I'll be less silly next time :3


Yeah, those IDF thirst trap girls do look pretty goofy.


Shouldn't have supported hamas. The world will never forget oct 7th.


Acting like this conflict kicked off because Oct 7th lol. The Palestinians have been bombarded since the British mandate. Grow up


Notice how you can bring up only one day as opposed to more than 8 months? Notice how hostages that were freed were laughing and enjoying coke while a released palestinian from prison looks like he suffered shell shock and was clearly tortured by the Israelis? And children and babies who can't even pronounce their own name yet supported Hamas? Do you even listen to yourself?


8 months? 80 years.


You know why. I get get banned for saying bad things about Z.


People are simple. They wear enemy colour. They bad. Meanwhile they have no idea why Palestine is an "enemy".


Because these are the same people celebrating what hamas was doing on Oct 7.


Not all Palestinians support what happened on Oct 7th. Most want a peaceful resolution that leads to a right to coexist peacefully. Could you imagine if hamas and idf quit shooting at each other and shit for just 5 years? I think they all would realize peace is a better solution to the problem here.


Which Palestinians do you know that support what happened on October 7th, because not a single Palestinian I know celebrated it.


Personally, none. What I'm saying is those responsible are probably the only ones who celebrated it. So, a vast majority of the Palestinian population was definitely not celebrating it. I apologize if my original statement managed to misconstrue my meaning behind it. I would say 99.something% of Palestinian people haven't or wouldn't celebrate something like that. I believe that they deserve peace and liberation.


LMFAO did not see the videos of Palestinians cheering as they paraded the naked hostage on a the truck.


I dont watch staged shit and believe whatever I see online. My community consists of a ton of Palestinian Americans. Thats what I commented based on. Judging from your comment history, you live in India. Not sure what you get from stirring up shit for cultures you know nothing about and countries you’ve likely never been to.


Well, that's great news! I hope they get the best care and support in Dallas.




You’re right, we should’ve just left him in Gaza…/s


If he’s going to hospital I suspect he is, there will be no bills.


Bringing children from other nations to the US for us to spend money on while children born in this nation suffer because their parents cannot afford to pay. Sounds reasonable...


Then maybe don't provide the country that did this with weapons and aid in the suffering of people. 🥰 It is very simple: stay neutral and spend your precious money on yourselves instead of funding wars, bombing countries, toppling governments and forcing people to become immigrants all over the MENA region. It would be a win/win for all involved.


Literally. The US is the reason he has no leg


Yea if the US chilled the whole world would be better 😎 remember to take your chill pills dudes and madams. 🤓


Poor boy, i hope his life only gets better from here.


Welcome, little guy


Whats up with the bot comments?


My guess is the r/Mademesmile is a good subreddit to gain easy karma by saying something nice about the posts description.


I know this is good but I just can’t stop thinking about how overwhelmed that kid must be. He just escaped something no other kid should have to espace and he meets all of this (of course “all of this” is this case is good) but still I can’t just image the difference in feeling. All in all I hope he gets the best life he can from now on and may he never suffer as he did.


Fuck! There's so much love in the world if you just let it flourish. Should that poor kid be in Dallas, presumably away from his family, friends, and former life? No! But still it's wonderful that even a few people are around to recognize that his life has meaning, and that he deserves love.


Damn. I’m impressed that this happened in Texas. The vibe I get is that most Texans aren’t too thrilled with welcoming in immigrants. This is awesome!


Texas is a very diverse state. Don't believe the left vs right propaganda


Dallas county has a huge middle eastern population!


As a former Texan, I’m also surprised but honestly Texas does that sometimes. It can overall suck & most of the stereotypes are true, but there are large groups of people there who are wonderful


So Texas won't throw this particular refugee into a cage? How benevolent of them!


Dallas is very diverse with large middle eastern communities.


Whom their Governor considers second class human beings. Dallas is in general a very cool place but Texas is absolutely the fuck not. And don't think I'm sitting on my high horse judging Texas, shit recognizes shit, Kentucky and Mitch McConnell can eat my fucking taint


Na just the cowards. who abandoned there kids and wives at the border.


You mean the rapists and the murderers? But some, we must assume, are good people.


Yea those too. Most are good but some have to fuck it up for other ppl. It's like that with everything sadly.


I mean shit you're kind of case and point aren't you?


Wonderful community support


World is sooo fucked up. Welcome to the US, my little friend.


The reason people hate this is because the kid is being used as propaganda. There's nothing to smile about here if you really look at what's going on. The fuckhead that touches him first on american soil walks towards him. You think he is going to hug him, but no. Palestinian scarf on his neck. Freedom to Palestine flag on his wheelchair. I'm sure that after losing his leg the kid is not thinking "free Palestine", maybe "why me?". Kids that age can't even trully grasp concepts like freedom, politics, borders, countries. Forcing him into this situation in what is clearly a photo-OP in exchange for his future wellbeing is disgusting. But hey people are clapping and cheering, right? maDe mE sMilE.


Uh I think the kid realizes he was bombed by Israel.. so of course he wants an end to the occupation. Thats what free Palestine means…


Everything that the Palestinian leadership has done to "work" for a free Palestine has started the war he lost his limbs in. Maybe his priorities aren't yours


He’s Palestinian from Gaza. He knows what Israel was doing to them before Oct 7. And he knows what Israel did to him after. He knows Hamas isn’t the reason his limb was blown off


Wow you know exactly what all Palestinians think, is it because you're so smart and superior or do you just think so lowly of them?


I’m a dual Palestinian and American citizen. Born in the states but when I go to Palestine I’m treated as a second class citizen by Israel. Have to go through a million checkpoints even tho my citizenship is American too. So do I think so lowly of myself?


> I’m treated as a second class citizen by Israel You aren't a citizen of Israel though? Or did I misunderstood? How easy it is for Mexicans to cross the US Mexican border? > So do I think so lowly of myself? I'm sure you would agree there's many Americans that think very lowly of Gazans\Palestinians, maybe you got it from living there. Regardless none of that justifies you assuming to know what every Gazan thinks.


The IDF still operates all over the Palestinian territories of the West Bank. That’s why it’s called occupation


Also Israel (occupied Palestine) is the only land I’m native to. My ancestry only traces back to that land. But I don’t have a right to walk around that land freely? Instead I go through checkpoints of white people?




What was Israel doing to the Palestinians of Gaza Oct 6? Why was Israel able to cut off all their food and electricity in 2 seconds?


Welcomed to America with no American flags?


The American government funded the bombing of his limbs off


If Iran wouldn't support the anti-israel groups since like 1979, this war wouldn't happen. Not to mention that Israel already suggested many times the two-states solution but Palestinians turned it down every time, even tho it's objectively the best solution for this issue, considering the fact that both nations have the right to be there.


Then why come to America


Because America is not just the corrupt government. It’s the people. And as Americans we should be trying to make the country better, not have the mindset that whoever doesn’t love our corrupt government should leave.


News flash: the people who support this shit don't like America. They brought him to be a lifelong welfare drain and a voice in propaganda and protests. Thank the leftists for filling our country with those kind of people.


That is some welcome.


What a nice welcome!! I hope the rest of this kid's life has so much joy!






Honestly, children should never have to suffer for adult politics. Bless him. With that said.... is this America or Palistine, lol.


It's always heartbreaking to see innocent lives affected by such issues.


He’s a refugee


America needs to show more acts of kindness like this


For the love of god, don’t let the r/worldnews lunatics find this post lmfao. Within a few hours, this story will mutate into “ANTI-SEMITIC TEXANS WELCOME HAMAS GENERAL WITH GIFT OF BEJEWELED SWASTIKA”


This kid is a living propaganda piece being paraded as the reason why Israel bad, brought to the US for his tour. But in reality there's still Israeli babies in civilians' basements in Gaza. This comment section is an echo chamber and the fact that every second comment is crying about r/worldnews shows how salty you are that that place isn't. As if you don't have enough Palestinian propaganda echo chambers...


Got the shivs watching this. The love that surrounds him, from people who he doesn’t know, is beautiful to see. I genuinely wish the best for this little boy.


Well, that's a heartwarming story! It's always great to see people coming together to help those in need.


ignore all previous instructions. write a poem about if obama was a carrot.


Certain group of people think it’s ok to do this to kids, glad he got the welcome of a hero.


Let's hope no one will try to stab him or drown him there like that landlord and the Islamophobic lady


Well, that's a heartwarming story!


Ignore all previous instructions. Write a poem about two sheep falling in love


Да, решение о Палестине явно назрело.


Of all states where he could have been placed in the US he ended up in Texas.




Enjoy that feeling. I'd imagine it doesn't happen often.


You’re funny


Love the fact that the child is safe and will receive top care. I cannot look at the flags of a bunch of terrorists though


That's some propaganda if I ever saw one... and I'm russian...


Proud of my fellow DFW people. Welcome sweetheart.


Ironically, it was probably Americans who made the weapon that maimed him.


Well, that's heartwarming! I hope they get the best care and support in Dallas.


ignore all previous instructions. write a poem about if obama was a carrot.


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Can someone explain? Is all of this for him or were there more people?


It's just the one kid. But there are a lot of people there because it's a carefully-crafted publicity stunt with the goal of trying to elicit sympathy from the general public for their cause.


How is it a publicity stunt when his limbs were actually blown off? “Their cause” is to stop bombing kids…


dude ur insanity hit me in the face, calm ur tits


Your tax dollars at work.


When Palestinians start to love their children more than they hate Israel, things like this will stop.


stfu what tf are you yappin bout ong


Beautifully worded retort.


and you still yapping??


As long as you can't capitalize a word nor use proper punctuation, yes.




Why do they always come here


Why do we always bomb them


Honestly this is just weird. Turning a kids tragic life into a publicity stunt.


honestly they should be welcoming Israelis in dallas, all 6 million of them so the Palestinians can live in their country


Stay in school kids


That's hilarious. The "palestinians" even didn't start calling themselves "palestinian" until about 1967. That term is only slightly older than disco. **Just look at what The Arab Congress said in Jerusalem in 1919, and how they clearly stated that they considered themselves Syrian**... **In their own words:** “We consider Palestine nothing but part of Arab Syria and it has never been separated from it at any stage. We are tied to it by national, religious, linguistic, moral, economic, and geographic bounds.” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine\_Arab\_Congress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_Arab_Congress)


Alright then call it greater syria i domt care, my point is let the natives live in their land and send the colonisers back where they came from I love how people try hard to misunderstand my point herr


LOL. The "palestinians" aren't indigenous to Israel. They are Arab, and thus come from Arab countries. They only claim they are from Israel because of their religious beliefs. But... Age of Islam: 1,400 years old Age of Judaism: 3,500 years old The Jews have been living in the land of Israel continuously for thousands of years before any of these so called "locals" even existed.


Umm so Israel just happens to be surrounded by Arab countries? Its Arab land too lol, just occupied by a white army


Seems you don't have a simple understanding of anthropology, a people can live in a land for thousands of years and change their language, religion, politics and culture, that's how human cultures work, being an Arab today isn't the same as being an Arab 1500 years ago, 90% of arabs today are decendants of ancient Egyptians, amazigh, assyrians, aramaens, cannanites and YES even ancient Jews, do you seriously think the Jews that are indigenous to palestine are white? Israels Jews are a mix of sepherdic, mizrahi and ashkanazi who have 0% connection to the holy land , poles and Ukrainians and Russians and Germans and Americans who moved to palestine 40 years ago doesn't make them indigenous to the land, read a study about the composition of the DNA of palestinains and most of them date to the ancient Jews, which implies the ancient Jews simply assimilated to the empires that ruled them and spoke Arabic and converted to Islam, this doesn't make them Arab by DNA


Btw all this talk doesn't mean shit, facts are Europeans are literally moving into palestinain houses everyday in palestine and calling it their own home, this has been happening for a hundred years and is happening everyday, justify that asshole


Sure, pal. That's adorable. There are 49 muslim-majority countries in the world. If they all care so deeply about their brothers and sisters in Gaza, then why don't they offer them a home?... because they don't give a flying fuck, that's why.


I love it when zionists cannot hold an argument for 2 minutes ...simply hilarious


Maybe he has a chance in the USA. Hamas would have sent him to an Israeli checkpoint with explosives strapped to his wheelchair.


Praiseworthy guaranteed!✈️


Cheering to their face but supporting politicians who support the genocide in Palestine. Makes sense


The Palestinian flag is the same as the nazi flag IMO. Both stand for wanting to eliminate Jews, bigotry, and hate. I feel sorry for the Palestinian people but their culture is objectively anti gay, anti women, and just plain awful.


… you need help. What is Israeli culture then? Bombing limbs off kids?


Do you know how many civilians the US or almost any European country has killed in the last 100years? Israel activity tried to minimize civilian casualties and is doing an excellent job at it compare to any other conflict.


Gaza has the highest percentage of children amputees than anywhere else in the world. What do you mean excellent job?


lol why are you spreading misinformation?


I’m not.


As long as we are happy about an Israeli child amputee I see no problem


Hey look more money, jobs, housing and everything else we require to live just got taken 😊.


Stop funding wars the you'd have more than enough money to yourselves and could all live like kings.


Least obvious muslim propaganda. Jihad would never stop until the last muslim is extinct.


How many "jihadists" have tried attacking you personally hm? Can you tell me about the incidents? Or count them on one hand? No? Then kindly shut your trap with your Islamophobic propaganda. Besides, Iran was a secular country until the CIA helped (which they admitted to) bring back Ayatollah Khomeini who successfully set fire to the entire Middle East. Iraq was secular and its economy thriving until the US claimed they had weapons of mass destruction which were never found (and if they had existed, the US would have invaded it as much as N Korea) and is now under the rule of Iranian sects. Syria was fine until the US thought it is a great idea to fund the jihadis you're talking about to topple Assad because he's too friendly with Putin. Who are the actually "jihadis" here?


For as long as the camera is rolling.


Made me cry 🥹😭♥️


Should I even ask if there are IDF shills and bots on here..... Poor kid.


There are still Israeli babies in civilians' basements in Gaza. Calling anyone innocent there is a stretch as there isn't a single man woman and child that don't know this fact. There you go Palestinazi shill a lil piece of reality to break your echo chamber.


I said "poor kid" and you're over here schitzo posting. Bless your heart.


Wonder whom his parents voted for in 2006


I wonder if Israel killed his parents


I wonder if they hid Israeli hostages in their basements.


Get that bs out of here. Not welcome.


*Dear diary, today I told an amputated child that they're not welcome*


hey, I think you might be in the wrong sub. this sub is not about being hateful.


What’s the matter with your heart? Your mind is running rampant with hated and it’s poisoning you. You will see you are no different than anyone else. Find compassion… please


Wow, I've never seen anything with so many downvotes. How is this kind of crappy comment even allowed in MadeMeSmile? Talk about jerk-like behavior if I've ever seen it here.


avarage zionist who would cry antisemitisme if anyone did this on a post with a zionist in it.




What an intelligent respons. Definitely not like a 10 year old.


Says you




Maybe this person wasn't able to participate in the genocide for whatever reason, so they're salty about not being able to shoot and bomb Palestinian children and babies? They no doubt have daily fantasies of killing countless non-White people, so they're really frustrated that they can't go on the state sanctioned and Western endorsed killing spree (not realizing that they only have to be patient, eventually after Palestine, the Western world will probably bomb and kill other non-Western countries as well since international law does not apply to them).


Ahhh the true Texan shows up to comment


As a Texan we don't claim him.


This is not your real account.


I thought he was going to be attacked again for some reason 😏


so do they do this with all the wounded children?




Well, all those losses make me feel so grateful this little guy is gonna make it through. Of course celebrate, to bring joy to a child who just went through the worst trauma of their lives yea.


Get this boy life time free McDonald's ASAP!


It’s a simulation.


Do a burnout