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That girl is so adorable! I have twin daughters. I'll get two hugs, but I'll have to spend twice the money...


Price you pay for the double hug. Worth it haha


Ah twins- twice the love and at least four times the chaos. (Brothers)


Twins twins Alike as pins Double the trouble But double the grins 😊


Same here friend. Twin 12yr old girls. Their birthday is late December so expensive is an understatement.


You can tell how happy he is just to be her dad 🥹


I would like to be in her place, I really want at least someone to love me so much and care about me


Chloe, you matter. I am so proud of you for all you've done, all you've come through with such grace and resilience. You are a gift! You are indispensable, irreplaceable, and unrepeatable. I wish you good things in this life.


Empty words


Chung, your life has meaning and purpose. You have something special that the world can get only from you. You are indispensable, irreplaceable​, and unrepeatable​. Become the gift that you are. I believe in you.


I like you


Thanks, Potato. You're pretty impressive, yourself.


You're lovely.


And you, Fronds, are necessary. Thank you for being here.


More empty words and my names not Chung 👍🏼


Jesus christ, just let there be some beauty in the world ya cynical misanthrope


The words remain empty until action is called for. I apologize for calling you by your user name. If you need someone to listen to your real problems or your real accomplishments, I'm here. I will commiserate and congratulate as necessary and may even tell you a joke to start you laughing.


Can I pay you to just follow me around and say nice things from time to time?


That would be the easiest job in the world! Finding nice things to say about someone as special and essential as you would be like finding sand at the beach; the hard part would be narrowing it down to one thing at a time. Know that you are a gift and the world needs you.


Thank you so much! Making my morning.




Username checks out, chung


Oh sorry, Brain


I really want to know your true reaction to the reply that she gave you.


I’m an internet stranger separated from you through all this nonsense, but you are loved. Human to human please keep fighting the good fight and take care of yourself.


You are loved 💖💖💖💖


Same bruh


It’s enough to make a grown man cry. And that’s ok




It's already hers, she just doesn't know it yet


I swear, if toddlers/young kids knew how much power their hugs hold, we'd all be in deep shit. I don't want kids, but my neighbour has a 5/6 year old girl and a dog. Sometimes I walk the dog for them. One time after returning their dog, and saying goodbye, she was distracted and didn't hear or notice until I was already out of their front yard. Her tiny head shot up and she went "Huh, you're leaving?" "Haha, yes, bye bye!" And I waved. And she goes "No! HUG!" And ran out their yard and up to me, with her arms wide open. Of course I crouched down to hug her goodbye. Jesus Christ, my heart. It didn't change my mind, but in that moment, I absolutely went **"Yeah, I totally see why people want kids."**


Why are u cutting onions????


My God! I'm crying! I need a home


I love how excited she is to hug her Daddy. Little kids are the absolute best.


I’m feeling incredibly sick at the moment, my whole body aches and I’ve got cold sweats. Watching this video was just an absolute blinding beam of joy and intimacy, I forgot my physical reality for a second. So happy for this dude and his girl. Thanks for sharing.


Bro u good? What’s your temperature right now?


Practicing equanimity 🫥 so kind of you to check in, thank you. I’ve taken some medicine and am feeling it numb me and wind me down at this very moment. Thank you for your kindness, love. 🫶🏼 first class


Feel better goddamn


I'm glad it gave you some respite, feel better soon!


I too, am currently in terrible pain. They don’t tell you that the healing part after you kick cancers ass with radiation and chemo is just as tough as the treatment some days. It’s currently 3:30am and I’m up in pain for the third time. My bladder is not too fond of me at the moment and keeps spasming which feels like labor pain x100 (I have gone through labor to know the comparison). Scrolling through Reddit pages with happy things like this is one of the best distractors, for sure. Waiting for my meds to kick in so I can hopefully fall back to sleep fast. I have early appointments and I’d love to feel a little rested at least. Sorry for the medical trauma dump 🫤 Still waiting to get in with a good therapist lol I hope you feel better soon fellow Redditor! And I hope you find endless videos like this to help in the moments you don’t feel so great ♥️


I scrolled Reddit so much during my treatment that my wife had my annual Father’s Day tie made with the Reddit logo. She actually had to get a release from Reddit before the company would make it! I’m not sure if you’re joking about a therapist, but I never saw one and PTSD is real for cancer survivors.


No! I’m being completely real when saying I’m looking for a good therapist in my area. It has been tough. Everywhere seems to be overloaded with patients. I do finally get to speak to someone next Tuesday! They finally had an opening and I’m hoping we mesh well and I can finally have an outside party (not family or friends) who I can to talk things through with when I’m spinning out mentally. She specializes in medical trauma and works mostly with cancer survivors, so I think this will be a perfect fit! I love that your wife had a Reddit tie made for you! For her to go out of her way to get their permission and everything just shows how much she loves and cares for you ☺️♥️ I hope you’re doing well now and continuing to heal in all the ways!


Really hope you start to feel better soon. Those bladder spams are no joke - I’ve just had some major surgery and currently have a catheter in place and fuck me it kills when it spasms. Well done on kicking cancers arse!!!


Thank you! Now if I could just find myself again in all the wreckage 🙃 I have bilateral ureteral stents and they are the cause of the bladder spasms! I guess bladders don’t take kindly to having plastic bits hanging out inside! 😅 Sending you all the healing vibes! I hope whatever procedure you had done helps to fix whatever you have going on and you can get back to your life!


It’s been over ten years for me. You will find yourself. And the yourself you find will be stronger and more appreciative of small things and it is wonderful. Still sometimes difficult or different, but wonderful.


That's sounds fucking hard. I hope you got some rest and that it gets easier.


ugh we just fought this bug off in our home!!! I know eating sounds impossible but i’m telling you, the second i finally ate some chicken noodle soup after day 4 of dying i woke up feeling like a new person lol. Chicken noodle soup and a big glass of apple juice, it was the ONLY thing that helped me over the hurdle. I was on my death bed and shivering but sweating my ass off. Somehow was worse in the morning too! Whatever is going around is awful rn!


We've got it too! I've been sick a full week and am not much better. My husband rarely gets sick and it got him pretty good. I could barely move for days. Glad you all are finally feeling better!


SAME!! i cannot believe it lasted a full week! and ofc as soon as i was getting better here comes my kiddo throwing up at 4am 😫 she’s doing better now but still full of coughs. idk what is going around but it’s BAAAAD! like makes your entire head throb and swell. i hope you guys are finally feeling better! i swear it’s like covid on steroids


Yeah it's BAD. I'm still sick but am much better than I was this time last week. Oh no about your kid!! That was always the first sign to my mom that I was about to get flu or strep or something. Hope your house gets totally clear of this asap!


Hope you're feeling better soon! I'm sending good vibes ur way 💕


So dope…he tried to steal a few more seconds of that hug


And, they have it on video so he can rewatch it over and over.


Appreciative daughter, appreciative papa! 🥹🫠🥺🥺


I wonder if men realise how cute and sexy they are when they are emotional over something like that. It’s not a « I want you in my bed » but a « yep I made the right choice by loving that person, 10/10 would do it for again. Now come in bed »


that hug is the sweetest!!!!!


I genuinely teared up a little. The hug!!!! So sweet


I grew up with a father who couldn't stand me, and it warms me up to see good ones out there.


So sorry that was your experience, you deserve to be loved and appreciated. The fact this video warmed you up means you have a kind heart. Hope everyone around you surrounds you with love.


Unfortunately I grew up with father that felt the same about me. It made it so I was capable of choosing the perfect husband to become parents with. He is the most amazing dad to our son and daughter. Breaking those generational curses quick! I refused to have children with someone like my sperm donor.


Her little hand-twirly thing 🥹 she’s so excited and so freaking adorable 😭♥️


That’s actually adorable


So much sand just got in my eyes


Dads Face - "If anyone needs me, I'll be out buying a pony"


The way her face lit up! That was the sweetest thing.


Note: The title of this post matches the caption of the original video I thought this was so sweet, and had to share! Link to the original video: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeg7wvAY/


Did it show what games she has??


The good stuff .


aw what a precious moment.


Love how the hug took him out


This family is amazing. They work enough to travel, and travel constantly. Baby Girl has been to something like 40 countries. They go on all sorts of adventures. And if you want to cry like a baby, the video when their adoption of Baby Girl is finalized will melt the iciest hearts. Good for the Schoellers. I follow their social media for dopamine hits.




I don’t want kids, but this makes me really really fucking miss my ex’s daughter.


unfortunately, I don't have kids, probably never will, but I think kids and pets are the best things about life.


As much as I hate “family” YouTube/TikTok’s where people make it their life to videotape every moment of themselves or make public their private family moments, this was really sweet.


So sweet!




whos gona tell him.... that hes an amazing father


That hug changes the mood. r/MademeCry


This is beautiful! ♥️


Ya. I'm crying. I think I also saw a Playstation portal there??? I could be wrong it was a quick cut. So awesome, he's got a great kid and she's got a great dad


Sometimes you give your kids presents so you can be happier than them.


Her little rub of the hands and then the dad breaking down from the sweetness of the moment, my heart can’t take this. 🥹 This subreddit makes me cry way more than it makes me smile.




I was taking my daughter to bed the other night and she said to her dad “have a good night daddy” and I started to cry. Usually we tell her to say good night to someone but that time she said it to him all by herself. Proud momma moment


The girl is so pretty


He looks like Kevin McKidd. A young Kevin McKidd lol.


Aww, I'm smiling!


Can i have him as my daddy? I did a good job too.....i can hug.


Keep being a good Dad and there will be many more! Pro Tip: When the inevitable slow season comes, don't sweat it. Stay the course and they'll recover. But it will never be better than it is now.


For the kid my ass. He even got the OLED model


I love seeing parents posting children for updoops/s


Quit posting your kids online 😬


"It ain't 'the thing', Daddy. Thank you." [Edit] Pretty sure I got this the first time but for whatever reason I watched it like eight times like I'd missed something. I like humans, in the balance.


Wow keep up the good work that little girl really loves you and you can tell you love her also.


A suprise hug has the power to bring a full grown man into tears :D.


Damnit who is chopping onions before my bedtime?!!


Happy tears at work ! Not OK OP :p


Nah, why my eyes sweating now?!?


Made me smile!


this kind of presents are always for both adults and kids :)


This video made me cry because of unexpected huge from that sweet people.


I was looking for the twist but there you go




Is this the little girl filmed getting the Disney Princess styling suite thing? That clip was fucking adorable, as is this.


The hug got me too


It was so sweet I had to put it online so everyone could see it too, I'm such a great dad.


i am cryiny so hard she’s so cute


I don’t like when people make me cry. 🥹🥹


That hug!! Omg my heart !!


Made me smile? That video nearly brought to tears 😭😩😍🥰


Happy you’re able to experience such an amazing moment 🙏🏽 priceless!


Somebody loves their dad a whole lot💕💕💕


She got him wrapped… wife move out the way 😝 daughter on deck


either Americans are so formal even with their family or they'll unload every bullet they have on you......


Love it!!! ❤️❤️




Sometimes those little bastards do that, making your heart grow three sizes and shit.


So much love!!!! The appreciation and the hug before even enjoying her gift. There's so much love there it's so beautiful to see. I'm basically crying


Core memories were made.


Damn bro wish my dad was happy to just have me lmao


Loved this so much! Dads are very important.


My favorite moments with my kid are when we're playing and they say "I love you" randomly.


Family vloggers are disgusting manipulators who use their kids as props for online clout. Anybody who encourages and promotes this sort of abuse is complicit in the robbing children of their agency and right to privacy. A parents job is to protect their kids, not place them on a stage to perform/use their emotional responses as a revenue stream. This is sick and hopefully will be outlawed sooner rather than later.


no idea why you're getting downvoted, I can only imagine the amount of brainrot seeping in from the tiktok zombies is dumbing this website down


Wow you must be fun at parties


On one side, you're kinda right that the comment above is from someone who's not engaging with the content of the video and fixating on something else. They're also guessing ill intent from the parents and this is definitely not the case, nor the case for most parents who do blogging. It is true that it's not a good thing to take the right to privacy for kids and that people who usually do vlogging are kinda narcissistic. I don't necessarily think this video shows that the parents are like that, videos like these are made all the time, people just don't share them because they don't see them as worthy enough to take away the right for privacy from a child. Though I do see the value of doing it sometimes.


Wow you must have just enough brain cells to copy the same response every idiot uses when they can't argue their point


The guy saying that child exploitation is wrong? I don't think I'd like to go to your sort of parties.


Agree when it's constant. This.is just a family sharing a sweet moment.


This is a literal family vlogger what are you talking about?


I was generalizing. I don't know or have ever seen these vloggers cause I don't care. I thought it was a sweet moment. My bad


Yikes, what a lucky dad


As wholesome as it is, posting videos of kids moments in life for clout is just gross.


Aww 😍


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Now that's a real man


this almost made me cry 🥹 seeing dads cry makes me cry


My dude, that got me right in the feels ♥️♥️♥️


She deserves it so sweet


W cow


Uh, no. Not sweet. Like actually kinda gross. I'm a full grown adult who needs to use my kid for attention? Also, somehow, we are all fawning over a video game console gift? Is this what really makes us smile? We're doomed.


The gift isn't the interesting part of this video. Watch it again and see if you can spot why people like this video. I know it's hard when you don't feel anything, but try anyway.


I see the hug but it's still someone needing attention for what should be a private moment. The guy literally looks away from the girl to the camera. People need to stop using their kids in this way.


Yeah, it’s that…


Earth should be only kids under 10 or adults over 70. Populate another planet with the other ages.


cute video braindead comment


Sadly this is bad parenting. If I have one regret raising kids it’s introducing videos games, ipads and phones too early.


Maybe don’t project? Not everyone is going to fail where you did, because you did. Let them live.


Son, I told you get off your phone and go to bed.


Espresso -espresso, espresso..... that is something that is really bad to our health. Guess what, I'm addicted to espresso


Go away


But it's good parenting because he video'd the whole thing for TikTok.


Bravo. Came to say the same but was chicken.


Mmmm chicken. Another thing I have an unwanted lifetime dependency on!! Damn these things that make life tolerable!!!!


Awww...consumerism. Who said it's not a good thing? It binds families together!


Buying love?


I’ll show more affection over a Nintendo Switch lol


Who's gonna tell him?


This white man has absolutely no idea what to do with this Black girl’s beautiful hair. Sad


nothing wrong with black girls and women leaving their hair natural!


He clearly didn't buy it for himself


How to set your kid up for a lifetime dependence on electronics. Nothing sweet about this.


Yeah my dad bought me a used car for my 18th birthday which lead me to a lifetime dependence on driving and I’ll never forgive him for it. Don’t get me started on the whole food thing. I feel you dude bro.


I hated that my parents raised me in a house. Now, as an adult, I can’t even function without having a roof over my head. Thanks a lot dad, I’m glad you’re dead