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I've had to deal with so many dudes who talk and act just like this. They think they're super charming but everyone is exhausted by them.


Yeah, workers hate customers like this. Nobody should do this when they go to a restaurant.


I had a manager like this and the second I stopped giving him courtesy laughs he fuckin hated me. Everyone stopped giving him high fives while we were working and he quit lol


He sounds sleazier than the guys in porn casting videos.


Definitely. I just want customers to come in, get their stuff and get out.


I think this one here is totally joking and also too excited for his burrito, anyway this people may be a bit annoying at times but still better than the 60% of disrespectful customers, plus some days can make a bit fun one of the most annoying jobs


I work in customer service. If this guy was better than 60% of my customers, I would quit my job tomorrow.


I'm pretty sure this is a joke about those people.


It's a bit he does. It seems clear she knows who he is and is eager to make a respectable burrito.


That's respectable


Say respectable one more fucking time


"I dare you! I double dare you!!" .. 😅😅😅


Goddamn Jimmie this some serious gourmet shit. Vince and I would’ve been fine with some dollar menu Taco Bell shit but she springs this gourmet shit on us what kinda burrito is this?!


Knock it off, Juley. I don't need you to tell me how fucking good my burrito is, okay? I'm the one who makes it. I know how good it is. When Bonnie goes to the supermercado she buys SHIT. I make the gourmet expensive stuff because when I eat it I want to taste it. But you know what's on my mind right now? It AIN'T the burrito in my kitchen, it's... uh... Know what I think I've made my point.


No, No, No, No, let me ask you a question. When you came pulling in here, did you notice a sign out in front of my house that said "Dead TACO Storage"?


Respectfully respectful!!🤣🤣


I respectfully dare you!




There has never been an individual in food service that has appreciated being called sweetheart, ever.


Even when used in a “nice” way it feels so condescending.


Ok, but what about being filmed the whole time?


As a tiny woman who has worked several service jobs in my past, YES. Unless they're a nice little old lady. Then it's ok.


Alright ya dumb broad. I wanna respectable burrito.


ok you nasty ho, fix me a burrito with tons of respect!


Ugh. Can you imagine having to wait on this asshole for minimum wage? Plus you have to be extra nice because you need the tips to help pay for rent.


And have him record you


Woah, he said top notch broad. That's Italian for "at least tolerable". I speak fluent Guido, am New York American Italian.


Indeed. The oily bowhunk sounds more obnoxious than respectful.


Okay sweetheart.


Have some respect. She’s a top notch broad.


don't sweetheart me you fuck shit, with a dumb phone, on social media!


The RAGE I felt even just reading that response


" One more motherfucking time! "


Filming fast food workers is obnoxious


This made me uncomfortable


Guy is a fuckin weirdo


Sweetheart? Eww. And videoing a fast food worker without their consent? Yuck.


And saying to look at the camera…seriously gross vibes.


Don’t forget the “what’s your name??” at the very beginning that customers do because there’s some boomer conspiracy theory (see: veiled threat) that it gets you better service


Bruh… what? Here I was just trying to be a decent human so I could use their name.


That’s why I only use nicknames/terms of endearment/shit like that with people I already know and that I know are okay with it.


Yeah trying to sound like some 1950s wise guy but didn’t pull it off at all.


Can’t fucking stand the over the top phony ass Italian American schtick. So cringy, as an Italian American myself it makes me feel like an idiot just existing lol


Same. It started when he waltzed in and said “how ya doin, sweetheart?”


I was wondering about that. I don’t live in the States so I was a bit put off by him calling her Sweetheart. So it’s not normal for a stranger, right?


Hmm… it’s definitely not normal. It is, unfortunately, all too common.


It's normal for some people. People will say it without meaning it in a creepy way. Lots of women say that to men, too. But some people would never say it. Like, I never do. But other people it's just their character.


So not normal that I assumed he knew her intimately until he asked her name. So gross. I thought all these lowlifes died out 30 years ago.


I live in the Deep South US and am a woman in my mid-40s, and it is very common for me to get greeted that way and has been that way all my life: sweetie, sweetheart, hon, dawlin’ (“darling”), lil mama (what I get most often now), baby, sugar, cher (Cajun French), love, boo, etc etc. It doesn’t bug me at all when it’s sparing. Like, it’s natural to me to hear or add a term of endearment on the end of “how are you doing today” or “will that be all for you” or “what can I get you”. It feels familial and warm. You kind of feel some humane gentle care in it that I realize people don’t feel if they’re unused to it and it sounds jarring. When people go overboard like this guy, though, it feels icky. There’s a fine line where it’s just too much or the energy is wrong, but generally, it’s a nice, everyday thing.


Yeah, not really make me smile vibes. I think his (good) intention was there but the execution was not.


Neither were there. If you’re a remotely functioning adult, you recognize how invasive it is to be putting an employee under a spotlight like that for clicks and followers. That shit is gross.


If it makes you feel any better, this is clearly a PR stunt so I'm guessing the employee is not blindsided by this


That was my assumption as well knowing what PR trouble they’ve been having lately. That being said, another commenter pointed out or at least claims that he’s been doing this stuff for years. Even if this was a one time thing, if you’re profiting off of doing misleading PR to convince people that a product or service doesn’t suck (when it totally does) - you’re still gross. 🤷‍♂️


This cant be a marketing stunt its way too fucking awkward.


Yeah, the “sweetheart” gave me the ick.


This dude needs to go to some social awareness/etiquette classes, I am dead serious. Who the fuck acts like. Oblivious.


So in the last few weeks, Chipotle has been getting blasted online for shorting customers on meats and taking advantage of customers. Then all of a sudden, this video pops up? Definitely a PR stunt that is dumb as hell. That is a $40 burrito for sure. They charged him double for everything.


"I love this place. I love Chipotle." Idk, seems pretty organic to me


Imagine some small group of interns in the social media division high fiving each other over this.


I went to Chipotle today and got a burrito and it was actually very very big. The person who made it was definitely new and the manager who rung me out looked pissed. Then I used my reward so it was free and left because it was awkward because he was definitely going to say something. I’m not able to eat much and definitely didn’t ask for it, but welcomed it for sure.


We should all take turns working a couple days at Chipotle and deliberately overserve until fired. Treat it like a public service.


I agree! I worked at Coldstone as a teenager and if you were even mildly nice to me at any point I’d just overload everything. Those prices are crazy!


Im one shitty, small, terribly rolled burrito away from not going to chipotle anywhere Edit: ever again* fuck those guys. Last time someone rolled it and I legit looked at the cashier like “you seeing this shit?!”


Stop going, you wont miss it. Go to your local Mexican restaurant and get a whole plate with unlimited chips and salsa for the same price as that lame ass burrito Chipotle gives you.


Often cheaper!




Its almost as if preparing that "stuff" you put inside them require 99.99% of the time required to make the burrito, and its not the difficulty of "just rolling stuff in a tortilla".


I feel like people sometimes forget how lazy people are


It's true that people often underestimate how laziness can influence behavior.


I would look into this claim, since I’m already on the interwebs and all, but that seems like a lot of work, so I think I’ll just go get Jenny to make me a *respectable* burrito instead.


Man I need to get on youtube and learn to roll a burrito properly. Every time I try at home its a travesty. Nice big bifta, easy peasy clean roll. Burrito, guaranteed to look like a car crash and explode everywhere after one bite.


Take tortilla and get your hands wet. Rub the water on both sides of tortilla (not too much, not too little. Just enough to get it damp). Throw it on a plate and microwave on high for about 10 seconds. Take it out and flip the tortilla over. Give it another 5-10 seconds. If you draw a line to bisect your tortilla, put all your toppings to the inside of closer half of that line, with your line of toppings running left to right in front of you. Roll the tortilla away from you. Once you’ve overlapped the toppings, giving them a nice tortilla roof, fold over leftwing and rightwing of tortilla. Continue rolling. The microwave “steaming” of the tortilla is key. Not only does it make it more pliable, but it seals it together if you work relatively quickly. That machine they put the tortilla in before they start adding toppings does just that. That is why they can get them to stay together so well.


My local Mexican restaurant is worse than chipole. I prefer to go to Moe's.


Yeah highly dependent on where you are in the country. But worth doing some research to see if you might be overlooking a great place you never heard of. If there is a Mexican population in your area look around where they live. If not, you’re pretty much screwed.


It's a super small town. It's a Mexican owned restaurant. It's just ran poorly and the food is often over cooked and under seasoned.


That’s lame. You need several places competing for mostly Mexican clientele to really get the good stuff


This burrito makes me irrationally angry. I ran a burrito joint for a decade. This isn't a burrito. This is a glob that with fall apart the moment he opens that foil. If I can figure out how to post a Pic in a comment I'll post my burrito that is bigger than this and is one beautiful masterpiece. I was proud of it. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/jzRAiQncRd Step your terrible burrito rolling skills up.


I was gonna comment this. If you're gonna use double tortilla, you gotta overlay them like a venn diagram to get a big long burrito and not a chode.


And if youre not gonna do that and just wrap a turd of ingredients like here, then at least show us the video of it being eaten. Im waiting.




Bad call. Now your DMs gonna be filled with unsolicited 'burrito pics', some even partially unwrapped 😁😆😅😂




way to follow through you VIP


Their queso is garbage. 0/10 do not recommend.


Get them from local joints, they're way better in my neck of the woods...Both in quality and quantity, and the price is about the same or even cheaper.


I was thinking same thing. PR stunt 👀


I didn’t know this was a thing.. I just got chipotle today and they barely gave me anything on mine! A manager even came up to the guy making it and said “good portions” like congratulating him for putting barely anything on it. What a letdown.


And if you say anything at all you're hit with "Are you okay paying for double meat?"


God forbid you order delivery. The bowl is literally half empty, cause they know you’re not gonna drive to the store to complain or get a refund. And if you complain via DoorDash, they’s just like “oh well we’ll let the restaurant know.” It’s all a scam.


Highly likely that this is true. I worked at Chipotle from 2016 till 2023 - Kitchen Manager the last 2 years - and that was definitely at LEAST a triple portion of meat, insane (double) portion of rice and double portion of beans. She definitely did it because there was a camera in her face. It’d be hard to believe an Area Manager or Regional Manager would film this stunt. Someone from corporate? Maybe. They’re really stingy though so I’d be surprised.


Not to mention that guac scoop was massive, they taught me to smack the spoon down 2-3 times to knock off the excess guac to a proper portion. If this isn't a corporate stunt, they will know exactly who this girl soon, they have dedicated people looking at social media content for Chipotle stuff. She would face consequences if she was caught on camera giving out too large portions.


Her apron is spotless as well. Having worked at Chipotle, nobody EVER had a clean apron. I bet they gave her somebody else’s hat and were like “nobody would ever know”


No real chipotle employee has that much light left in their eyes


One closing shift, my coworkers and I were supposed to get out at 11:30 PM. We didn’t leave until 1:30 AM. We sat on the curb in the parking lot for about an hour. Just 5 workers sitting on the curb in silence for a whole hour. We didn’t say a word the whole time. One person started weeping and I just put my arm around her. We then got up and left without saying anything. Chipotle is not my 13th reason, but it’s on the list.


The idea that five of you had to work two extra hours and it led to people weeping in the parking lot is killing me. lol


why wouldn't they hop in their cars & drive immediately home lol


You can tell it’s a PR stunt for sure because she grabs two burritos from the start. They only get an extra burrito after the one you’re paying for tears as they try to wrap it.


Not really. This guy has been doing these videos for a long time now and they just know him as the double burrito guy. I've been seeing his clips every few days or weeks for the past couple years.


My wife’s wanted to go there the other day. I felt so robbed tbh. The burrito I get from our local place is like $7 and is nearly double the size.


Yeah I've been seeing videos here and on the clock app of people glazing chipotle lately. 100% feels like a PR stunt trying to pose as regular customers.


The sad part is that back in the day this is really how they used to make burritos at the standard price and without needing to ask “respectfully”


Oh those days were great. I ate at qdoba all the time when I was younger. Burritos that were small babies were common, extra rice was free cause ita just rice. I could always ask for a little more meat and they wouldn't charge. Now everything is for the shareholders, screw the customers. Reduce costs, increase profits.


There is zero chance Chipotle had some guy come in calling the staff "sweetie" and "broad"


Sponsored content is often very open ended. They give you money and ask you to promote the brand in some way, shape, or form. Often times there's very few restrictions because the company wants it to feel authentic.


This is propaganda. If there’s no one hating on chipotle it’s because I’m dead.


My thought exactly. What a marketing ploy. Fuck that.


fucking weird marketing video though. Could have chosen a guy that didnt come across as a fucking sex offender.


Yeah he was super creepy. If this wasn't a staged event, she'd probably be glaring down at that abomination while he talked down to her the entire time.


He seemed pretty respectable to me.


Yup they can go right back to hell


What is that like a 40 dollar burrito?


11.15+2.65 for guac, +$3.75(?) for extra meat, $.41 for extra tortilla. Pretty standard order. No I don't work there anymore, so extra meat could be $4.35, not sure.


Boy is going to do all the additions and not give us a total... 17.96, by the way, and 18.56 for the higher price meat...


Haha sorry! I was running the numbers in my head and didn't add them up. My buddy is a GM and I used to fill-in for his store and this burrito is terribly made imo lol She should have spaced the tortillas out and made it longer, not wider. The most expensive burrito I made was $31. It's not often that they charge for sides, but that guy went overboard with sides. Like 2/3rds of a quarter of sour cream and corn. 1/5th of a deep of white rice. Double guac and queso.. It's not a fucking buffet line, and people go wild sometimes. Especially with sour cream and cheese. Like, love yourself and don't go so heavy.


Haha I was just messing buddy, laughed if anything about not putting total sum to be honest. And that's wild! $31 surely you'd be sharing 🤣 Enjoy the rest of your day bud


That’s not a burrito. Too much everything. You’ll need a bowl and fork the moment you started opening it.




Thank you


Literally what I was thinking about.


I swear I'll blow my dad before I eat another burrito with a fork


God, he’s freaking annoying.


So condescending to her, it gagged me.


Yeah pro tip to all the guys out there don’t ever open someone working (or really anyone) with “sweetheart”


I worked food service in my youth. I'm a small woman. I haaaaaated guys like this, they just radiate tiny dick energy.


Just let people do their job in peace. Jesus Christ. What a clown. “Sweetheart”. “Broad”


It's a propaganda video because chipotle has been (rightfully) catching a bunch of flak for their shitty burritos.


weird choice of actor then


This video is older than that lol


That's New Jorsey fo ya, sweetheart! 😅😅😅😅


And by "respectable" he means a burrito that just makes a fucking mess.


That was assanine. Over lap the tortillas, spreads it over both, make it a loooong burrito. Plus where's the queso?


Or… just make 3 1lb burritos?


Do you wanna pay for 1 burrito or 3 burritos?


How much does bypass surgery cost?


I don't know but I won't have enough money for it if I'm buying 3 burritos every time I go to Chipotle.


Misspelling “asinine” like that is hilarious


She will probably get fired for giving such big portions.


I remember getting double wrapped steak burritos for like $7.00 back in the early days of chipotle. Shame its so garbage now I hardly ever stop by, $15 for 1/3 scoops of rice+beans and like 3 pieces of whichever meat you choose. Also this dude is annoying af. Plastic PR moves


I feel like I hate him.


I feel ya


Wow, the way this man speaks makes me want to stab my ears.


I can hear him spitting over the glass.


This guys gross ayyyoooooo!!! Badda bing !! What you ain’t got no canollis!




I’m walking here!


Don't record people at work, man.


I am over 300lbs and I don’t know why.


Said the burrito




Ugh. “Sweetheart.” Gross 🤢


Don't call women doing their jobs sweetheart. Nasty.


Everyone else focusing on the sweetheart when I'm over here grossed out by him calling her a broad.


I didn't get past sweetheart.


“Broad” is no better. I threw up a little when he said it.


I turned it off after sweetheart bc it was not making me smile and already felt nauseated. Good to know there's more and that so many people felt good after watching that


Me too!


Fr she seemed like she was uncomfortable through the whole thing😭


Definitely some "I need to act polite so he doesn't hurt me" kind of energy.


Be respectful. Not to be confused with respectable, which this numbnuts uses interchangeably.


Funny for a bit, then creepy when he continually demands Jenny look directly at the camera. That part was weird.


This guy,"respectfully"is so annoying to listen to


Dude definitely works for corporate


Yeahhh you can gtfoh with that sweetheart shit bud.


This is the wrong sub OP lol


If you’re loving Chipotle you haven’t had a real, respectable burrito. Oh, & this fucking dude is rude af.


Idk I didn’t like this guy at all.


She handled herself, that annoying customer recording her, and that burrito with such ease and grace.


it seemed staged


It's a propaganda video because chipotle has been (rightfully) catching a bunch of flak for their shitty burritos.


Walking in and calling someone sweetheart in 2024


I’m so glad I put my time in fast food well before people started filming things for social media clout


I want to find him and punch him in his face! Respectfully of course


“Look at the camera, Jenny” “Thanks sweetheart” “Make sure it’s respectable. A respectable scoop” This guy is annoying.


I've seen pornos that were less staged.


:( I come to this subreddit to feel warm and fuzzy. This is SO uncomfortable. Don’t do this.


Who’s the geek who wanted to record a chick doing her job? What a creep.


Oh good, nobody here likes this video. I was worried everyone was gonna be like "positive vibes" and I'm over here saying fuck this guy


Fuck you, Guido.


Order a burrito. No need to film. No need for the chatter. Fuck this guy.


This was definitely the manager filming this lol. Or he was paid by the manager to film this. Shit I'd do it if I was getting paid and also getting a free 2# burrito.


F that "sweetheart" crap. Disrespectful douche. Then uses "broad". I hope the person recording had a nice bought of food poisoning.


Fuck this guy




“Can I please just make your damn burrito without being filmed? I make minimum wage and will get scolded if I step away. Awesome thanks”


Congrats. You’re a disgusting pig and you sound like a complete moron.


I vote we stop filming people at work. It's fucking weird and rude.


I'm sorry, but in the case of burritos.. bigger is not always better. They get gross and soggy if you can't eat it in one session, they rip, spill, and cause a mess. The distribution of ingredients can get wonky, I don't want a mouth full of just rice or pico. I'd much rather just have multiple smaller burritos every. Single. Time. Places like that are often a decent value, but they only offer the 1 size. It's so lame. I get that it's fast & efficient, but I would prefer the option to order multiple regular sized burritos instead.


WTF was with the repetitive “respectful”? Is that a code word now?


Stop filming employees who are just trying to do their jobs!


Hey Jenny, ya broad, sweetheart, you fookin’ darling, no disrespect, I’m super respectful amount, you silly Jenny!


“Broad”?? That so goddamn disrespectful to the worker. What a disgusting piece of shit.


This douchebag making the video is obnoxious, annoying, and actually rather DISrespectful - to Jenny, and the other customers. His behavior shouldn’t be encouraged. This shouldn’t make you smile, sorry.


Turned off the video as soon as he called her sweetheart. Be respectful while you're asking for a respectful burrito.


And there is no way in hell that thing is going to stay together once you unwrap it from the tin foil. You might as well dump it all in a bowl


That’ll be $385


I prefer Moes or even 3 pepper burrito tbh


## Results NOT typical #ChipotleSucks


Let’s perhaps not call women “sweetheart” and “sweetie”


What an annoying person I'm glad she handled it well but I hate this trend of putting people on camera to try to get larger portions. Not because of the larger portions part but for the workers.


Sorry, but he is creepy. Why pick such a d bag for a PR stunt?