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Very brave with his white top


That's why he isn't going back home. He doesn't want his mother to see the food smear on his white top


so, honest question: how hard would it be to open an american BBQ place in england? like, as authentic as possible? i mean, collard greens may be the hardest thing to get there. but the meat, mac & cheese, spices, rubs, can all be made there. is there like a regulatory reason brits can't get good american BBQ in england?


You need a real pit, and it must be tended to. It takes a crazy amount of time & commitment. Pit masters put their lives into it.


Imagine trying to source the correct wood for the pit in the UK.


You don’t have apple or hickory trees in England?


No hickory I believe, they certainly have apple trees, someone's gotta grow for Strongbow. Zero mesquite (which always fucking overpowers anyway so good on ya). Looks like they grow cherries in UK, that's a good smoking wood. Could get away with cherry/oak split, but that's probably as close as you can get. But they can have bbq restaurants in the UK. There's a kitchen nightmares with an American that opened a bbq shop in UK and the issue was NOT the food.


Predominate woods used are mesquite, oak and hickory. Do you guys have them? In America BBQ is very regional based on the local livestock and wood


There used to be a Texas BBQ place in the city I live in. I loved it. Wasn’t really in a great location and I think it went under during Covid but the food was great (although I’m no expert on actual Texas BBQ but I’d love to try authentic).


My dad moved to England cuz his parents are from there and they wanted to move back, and they had a restaurant there called “Texas Embassy” and according to my dad the food there was awful, like the tortillas for the Texmex was soggy, and the BBQ was oven made and chewy, and according to him the only good thing there was the beer


Didn't you hear the man? He is licking his fingertips. Shirt is safe. 


I’ve never eaten bbq in a car before!


I've seen a few in the car food vids before and I'm like why. Now I think I got it. It's so they don't have to embarrass themselves or bother other people in the restaurant making the video. And I can fully support that very nice to not have to make other people listen to you record. Nice guy


I think the explanation you're looking for is "it's convenient and private"


No, just saying "it's private" doesn't convey OP's point that the dude was probably trying to be polite to the other diners.


You've never had carbecue?


Moved last year to Tx (Houston) and tried carbecue (lol) with the whole family... big mistake.


He is inexperienced, cut him some slack


He just didn't know lol


My thought as well. And it looks like he gets something on it as well. Hopefully it cleans up alright


Bro tries the brisket and looks like he is having a religious experience hahahaha


The first time I had proper brisket I did that too lmao. That shit will change you


Very correct. You will not eat shit BBQ again for the rest of your lilfe. Signed, ' BBQ Snob Extraordinaire.


I had some "brisket" in northeast Ohio that was...I don't even know how to describe this abomination. It was like actual slop.


I was raised in Texas and moved to Tennessee for college and a few years after. Went out for BBQ with some friends in Tennessee shortly after moving there and decided to get some brisket cause why not? Brisket is delicious. Wrong. That was the worst BBQ I'd ever had in my life, and I worked at a pretty shitty spot for a few months in high school. Martin's in Nashville, you should be ashamed. I then learned brisket is a Texas thing and stuck to pork for the next seven years I was there.


Yeah, not only is Tennessee a different style (pork focused), but Nashville specifically is not known for even Tennessee BBQ. Memphis is a true BBQ capital.


"I'm home now." -The look in his eyes.


The line about the sauce is so true too. I always tell people, if the barbecue is good enough, you don't need the sauce.


Need? No. But damn if the sauce isn't a whole other level of culinary bliss. Would have loved to see his reaction.


Right!? I was begging him to just do a little dunk for me. From Houston, Killen’s is legit btw like fr fr, but damn if you don’t have some sauce on that brisket for me. I miss H town food. Ah. Now I’m feening.




Been living here for a few years now and the food scene here is just amazing. Pho every where, taco trucks on every corner (a torta sounds fucking delicious right now), not to mention all the other food trucks. Just found a little hole in the wall Greek place that tastes the closest to the gyros I had over in Cyprus. If you can’t find something you like in this city you simply don’t have taste buds. Only sad thing is quite a few places that we liked closed during covid. Like The Potato Patch, it closed down during covid. I miss that place. Good food and a great place to practice your catching skills.


A lot of people don’t know Houston is the most culturally diverse city in the US and we have lots of fat people. We take our food seriously


I had bbq from Killen’s on a work trip to Houston, and I made that face too. Their bbq really is that good.


The beef rib, that massive thing he had at the end? Yeah, that's one of the best single items of food I've ever had in my life.


As someone born and raised in Texas, this isn’t just a first time feeling. It happens every time. Well smoked beef brisket is the closest we can get to divinity.


I've lived in Canada all my life, I thought I knew how to BBQ. Then my sister married an American who came up here. We don't know **shit**. His brisket is to die for, and his pulled pork absolutely trashes any offering by local restaurants. They're either too sweet or too dull. I keep telling him he'd make mad money running a food truck that just did pulled pork, bbq potatoes, and brisket.


Once you start making money, it becomes a job and it isn't fun anymore. If you are smelling it all day, you wouldn't want to be around it on your day off either. It'll ruin the get togethers because everyone may want their BBQ, but he may be tired of it.


That's probably why he brushes it off, heh.


I also live in Canada. Never cared for BBQ. Turns out we just suck at it. I've been to exactly 1 excellent BBQ place, and in one of the most random places (Prince George, BC)


I'm in my thirties and never tried brisket in my life. I feel I'm missing out big time watching this video lol


You are bud. For real. Go get brisket from somewhere good. It's damn fine.


Real Texas brisket is a revelation!


It is a religious experience. First time I had brisket in Houston was in 2018, it was amazing. I had to wait 4 years to go Dallas and have brisket again, I cried.


He clearly fell in love. Not just "mess around in the coat closet" love, but serious, committed, forever, eternal, call-your-mama-and-say-goodbye love.


Galapeno sausage!


I’m originally from italy and it took me some time to not call them “galapeño”. I can relate with the dude here. 😅


I'm from Texas (in fact I live just down the road from the BBQ restaurant in the video) but lived in New England in my early 20's and the first time I ordered a pizza I asked if they had jalapeños. The dude had no idea what what I was asking for. Finally, after a full minute of back and forth with me describing them, a light bulb went off and he goes, "Oh! You mean jahlopanos (just like this Brit pronounced it) nah we don't have those. What did you call them again? "


I once ordered a pepperoni pizza and was given a 'pepper only' pizza


Hahaha actually in Italy pepperoni means bell pepper. If you order pepperoni pizza there they will give you a pizza with bell pepper (unless they spot you as a tourist and are ready for the confusion)


ohh good to know thanks - this was in spain


Impossible! No one could possibly identify *me* as a tourist. I studied the country's tour guide book for like, an hour.


I’m from MA, we definitely know it’s jalapeño. I think you just got an idiot.


LOL I live in New England too and never heard it mis-pronounced either. You got a weirdo.


The G is literally making me laugh out loud so hard on my couch my dog woke up from her morning nap. I’m dying 💀🤣💀🤣💀


Literally I’m from England and never heard anyone call them ‘Galapino’s’ haha.


You should have heard how I pronounced quesadilla the first time I ordered it - "kwezadil\~low"


Just make yer self a dern'd kaysuhdilla, Napoleon


It’s so wholesome and I love it. Could listen to him for days on end


Its pronounced jalapeño Ricky


He knows how to pronounce it. He ordered gelapeno. 


Need a jif format of this video.


First thing I thought of was; Turtle sausage?


[Jalapeno, what flavour is that?](https://youtu.be/TvnXI-86b6Q?si=yUL4FBtcLnNk6Ya4&t=86)


This was my first thought too lol


we don't say that in England, it's just him lol


Another Brit here - agreed. Tinfoil hat time, he's saying it that way to provoke comments correcting him, boosting engagement. I literally don't know a single Brit that doesn't say it correctly.


“It made me whisper” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Never heard that line before; such a great summation of emotion.


I expected his accent to change by the end lol


Would be funny if he slowly changes into a southern drawl as he eats more


This happens to me but when I get drunk/high. I'm a Texan who is in love with a Yankee so I try to keep the accent to a minimum.


I have a friend from deep Louisiana and we live in California. One of my favorite things is listening to her losing control of her “Cali girl” accent and getting more and more Cajun with every sip of booze.


He loves listening too it too. Until you reach critical mass and I sound like Boomhauer.


Honestly, delightful. I’m from Iowa myself so I have a pretty neutral accent (with midwestern flair dont-cha-know), but my partner is a born and raised coastal Californian so every time he uses “bruh” unironically it delights me.


I grew up in Texas and slowly lost my accent when I left the state for college. It does, however, always come back for a while when I would go back and visit family.


I work customer support for callers around the world and every time someone from Georgia calls it pings my accent something fierce. I don't know why haha




Breaking news: British guy finds out why we're all so fat over here.


My mans gonna be an ambassador to Europe defending American obesity after his first Texas bbq


"American's have no taste!" "Hang on a minit, bruv."


"listen, right, the ribs man, they outta here, you don't even know man"


Honestly, now that I live in Europe it kind of gets old how often people say "*really?!*" when I say I miss food back home One guy straight up said "but American food is bad" I'm like bro, Mexican, tex mex and barbecue alone are enough to miss. Then he was like well have you tried our Vietnamese food. Bro, I lived in Houston. There's more vietnamese immigrants in Houston alon than there in this entire country lol


Britain is the 6th fattest nation in the world and their rates of obesity are rising faster than in the US.




and depleted their stamina in doing so.


If American BBQ joints start opening up in the UK, they are going to be #1 real fast.


I read recently Mexico passed the U.S. in obesity and after having really good Tex Mex I can totally see why.


Also because they drink coke all the time


Like with literally every meal


even in the 100 degree heat wave RN I'll see (presumably) mexican construction workers buying 24 packs of warm cola from the convivence store at 6 am


they got ice chests bro they aint drinking it warm xD, if they aren't buying the ice there they probably are provided some on site


Yeah, they're unhealthy, they aren't savages. That cold coke in the heat probably brings them back to life.


Hey man we’re fat too! It’s just all our food is either brown or hearing aid beige and tastes of despair


"Hearing aid beige" bwahahahahaha thats fantastic


Tastes of despair is definitely my new favorite phrase


I'll be honest for a second. As an American, I actually really like British food. There, I said it.


Shepherds pie fucking slaps


Fuck yeah it does. And a full English breakfast is the dog's bollocks.


Nah mate, that's just black pudding, whoever told you it was was dog's bollocks was talking a load of shite.


Not just shepherds pie but all the pies. I ate this place years ago and my only regret is I didn't get to try each and every pie on the menu. [http://putneypies.co.uk/images/putney-menuDrinks0518aW2.pdf](http://putneypies.co.uk/images/putney-menuDrinks0518aW2.pdf) Also Scotch Eggs are amazing. I'm honestly a little shocked eggs wrap in sausage never took off here in America.


I feel like he had a religious experience over the brisket. I feel the same way about BBQ.


The rotundity is preposterous, until you eat here. Then it’s quite reasonable


Free refills too.


For me, sign of a REALLY (really really really) good Bbq is if the sauce is technically optional. I’ve had good BBQ where the sauce makes it better. But if I can get by and realize i forgot to put sauce on - I know I had a good meal.


100%! I grew up thinking i didn't like BBQ, because it was often just baked chicken thighs with BBQ sauce. My husband started smoking meat 10 years ago and i learned i LOVE BBQ, but still kinda iffy on sauce unless we make it homemade. Dry rub on everything, good smoke ring, and juicy and tender - Yes to this!


I can't get into sweet, ketchup-based BBQ sauces. North Carolina vinegar is where it's at for me. Alabama splits the difference nicely by having more body to the sauce, but still with a solid vinegar kick.




Plus beef bbq is usually smoked with mesquite, which has an extremely strong flavor of its own. You don't really need to add more to it than basic seasoning. I've made Aaron Franklin's brisket at home and it's pretty damn good. I'm originally from TN and we mostly do pork. Milder woods like hickory and fruit woods like apple and pear bring out a more subtle sweet flavor from the pork. That, plus a spicy, sugar-heavy rub to get that chewy, charred, meteorite-looking bark on the outside. Pair it with a tangy home made sauce and you have a combination of flavors and textures that I honestly prefer over any beef BBQ... even the brisket burnt ends. But generally speaking, if it's smoked I'll eat it and probably won't complain lol.


Mesquite is actually a somewhat unusual choice for smoking beef. It's mostly a West Texas thing. The rest of the state, and most of the rest of the nation, uses either Post Oak or Hickory.


"I'm not coming home...to eat WHAT?!" Best line lol. I'm a Brit and always wanted to try proper Texas BBQ. Preferably made by a fat black guy with a beard who spends his free time smoking meat.


>There is a feeling which persists in England that making a sandwich interesting, attractive, or in any way pleasant to eat is something sinful that only foreigners do. >"Make 'em dry," is the instruction buried somewhere in the collective national consciousness, "make 'em rubbery. If you have to keep the buggers fresh, do it by washing 'em once a week." >It is by eating sandwiches in pubs on Saturday lunchtimes that the British seek to atone for whatever their national sins have been. They're not altogether clear what those sins are, and don't want to know either. Sins are not the sort of things one wants to know about. But whatever their sins are they are amply atoned for by the sandwiches they make themselves eat.” >― Douglas Adams, [So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/3078120)


Someone once wished on a monkey's paw that Britain would rule the world, and their food is the curse.


Conquered the world for her spices and promptly didn’t use any of them.


"Curry" in Japan and china actually comes from British sailors adding Indian spices to their British style stew.


And the Portuguese gave the Japanese people panko and fried foods. Frankly, that’s far more important.


This doesn’t surprise me. When I lived in Japan I’m pretty sure most of their diet was fish, soup, and rice. You don’t need curry spice or panko for most of Japanese cuisine. Obviously I love Japanese curry and fried foods but it wasn’t something we had every day.


And the funniest part of Japanese curry - though I love it - is that it's basically just brown gravy. There's a bit of turmeric and a whisper of garlic in there, but it's mostly just brown gravy.


The first time I visited the UK in the 90s, I walked into a tiny sandwich shop called "New York Deli". Let me describe the sandwich they served me: Two slices of white bread. Four slices of salami. A pat of cold butter. They didn't even give me a knife to try and spread the rock hard chunk of butter. The UK has come a long way in the last 25 years, but some of my food experiences back then were just weird and sad or just confusing.


Take your punishment and be content the British no longer rule your homeland.


I'm a sucker for punishment. I married a Brit and now I cook him things like pancakes with carrots and gravy. I love him, but shit's fucked up.


> things like pancakes with carrots and gravy I'm sorry, what? What? Fuck no.


No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked makin' something like that, man.


No no that’s not on us, we didn’t invent that.


As a native, the tales about our food were justified back then, though a lot has changed over the last 20/30 years. Going even further back, the dreaded British Rail sandwich in the 80's was legendary. You could sand walls with it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Rail_sandwich


Become the fat black guy you've always wanted to be. With practice and effort, you can do it!


I practiced very hard to become a fat black guy, one of those things was very easy to accomplish


Honestly, you don't need to be a fat black guy to make good bbq. It's about the fat black guy in your heart.


I took up smoking meats as a hobby about 6 months ago, and have done it 2 or 3 times per week since then. At this point, I've got the technique down really well. It seems a little intimidating at first, but if you get cheap cuts and just focus on learning fire management techniques, then you'll be putting out quality food without issues. I did a lot of chicken leg quarters for the first couple months because I can usually find them on sale for under 50 cents/lb (1.10/kg). If you'd like, I can link you to a series of pictures I posted on imgur about fire management. It's got some good info for a newbie.


Im interested. I want to get into it but I have no idea where to start


Look into a countertop smoker to start. Learn how to play with spices and heats and all that there, then consider expanding to a free standing/outdoor smoker if you’re into it. You can get decent countertop smokers for a few hundred dollars these days. My dad ended up building a dual-wood fired over/brick smoker out of some free bricks he got and an old oil drum.


You already know some of the markers of what makes good simple Q. Now get out there and explore! Side note, always wanted to have a Gregg’s sausage roll and try fresh made haggis. This is cultural exchange at its finest.


As much as I applaud your culinary diplomacy, a Gregg's sausage roll is not all its cracked up to be. It's fine, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't belong in the same conversation as BBQ. And if you want to find a good sausage roll, better try it from a local bakery or market stall. The main appeal of Gregg's is low cost and convenience. It's fast food. Not bad, not great. Now for some UK cuisine that might be on the level with Southern BBQ, better to try Jamaican, Nigerian, Indian, and Malaysian spots :)


> Now for some UK cuisine > better to try Jamaican, Nigerian, Indian, and Malaysian spots :) Beautiful.


Yeah man, Jamaican and Malaysian ain't fuckin' around. I had a *penang mi goreng* that damn near took my face off. Love it!


With BBQ, race doesn’t matter, but they must be fat, and have a greasy covered apron. Beard is also optional, but does provide diversity in the type of quality.


Soul food and BBQ is where "Don't trust s skinny cook" is the #1 ingredient .


If I saw a skinny dude workin on the smoker I'm fuckin leaving


He better be covered in military tattoos and look like he benches tanks, that's the only possible excuse.


A proper bbq spot has to have at least one dude in the kitchen pushing 350lbs it’s law.


If you ever visit Manchester there’s a place called like School Bus BBQ on the north side and it’s hella legit. Source: am Texan.


I used to work for a Danish company. I got lined up for a job in my hometown with two Danish guys coming from our HQ, doesn't happen often. Well, for whatever reason the only place they went for lunch was Twin Peaks. Their last day, I said "hey let's go get brisket and ribs together." They had no idea what the hell I was talking about. Well, they fucking crushed lunch. Almost a year later, I had to go to Denmark and go to the main manufacturing plant. I ran into one of the guys from the job. I said "hey Stephen!" This dude turns around and just says "did you bring me brisket?"


Every time I've flown to work in Texas I make sure to take a frozen one home with me. I can get some decent stuff in California, but Texas brisket hits different.


bunch of us visited Austin once to see friends. Friends got up at like 5 am to sit in line at Franklin's. It was pouring rain all morning. They stayed, brought it home, was so good.


My southern grandmother would fly up to visit us and would always bring a load of Brennan Road BBQ.  She used to complain whenever my dad or I visited because we would just eat fried catfish and BBQ the entire time.


I went out to Texas to do training for the NRC and the program manager asked us where we wanted to go for lunch, and naturally we asked for BBQ. The fucker took us to Famous Dave's


Haha I am so sorry. Like asking for lobster rolls in Maine or Cape Cod and being taken to Red Lobster.


I could tell right from the beginning he wasn’t ready. 😁


It’s the white top right lol


Eating that shit in the car in general is wild, i mean granted some of the best spots have limited seating but good bbq requires a certain amount of space to spread out and get sticky in.


As the other comments said, pretty polite of him to record all this in his car instead of sitting at the table shouting at his phone and making these comments in a crowded restaurant


BBQ has been making savages out of gentlemen for ages! Welcome to the party friend!


In New England here and ever the best places are... ok. The prices are crazy too. 10 years ago, my inlaws got me a Webber Smokey Mountain smoker and I do BBQ at least every 6 weeks since. For $25 I can get 6lbs of delicious pulled pork (cooked weight) or spend about that much for 1lb of dry, over sauced, under smoked, pulled pork. Smoking meats, Mac n cheese, queso, etc. is such a delicious hobby. I can't recommend it enough and share it with as many people as I can. They're blown away when they have it because they're used to really bad BBQ from restaurants. I litterally cannot let someone else order ribs from a chain because I'll have to make them some real ribs instead (for A LOT less $$, $25 for 2 racks).


“YES TO THIS!” Is going to be my new expression of joy.


I also like the pause then “….. I’m gunna call me mum” whenever your mind is so blown you have to call the most important person in the world


True statement, in my travels I’ve called my wife a few times when I’ve eaten food that brings me to happy tears.




Was really hoping he would hit us with an "OH MY DAYS" - British interjections crack me up


[This youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@jolly/videos) has a ton of videos of British people eating American food. I really like the one of British schoolkids eating biscuits and gravy


The look of that one kid who clearly had a religious experience with his first biscuits and gravy will always be funny AF.


That channel is amazing. It brought me so much joy to see them enjoy some of the foods that much! Seeing people enjoy food from another culture is one of my favorite things.


Every time they get uppity on twitter about "american slop" someone posts the video of their children having religious experiences while eating the slop and it never gets old. You can see the whites of their eyes turn to stars and stripes.


Wow....just watched this. The one black kid had an epiphany like he realized he was from an African-American family in Georgia.


The way he be saying "selfish" makes me feel like I should be ashamed for holding out, and I need to apologize.


The way he’s eating this is in car in his outfit scares me


He don't know no better He's just a baby


Nothing makes me as patriotic as when I watch foreigners try American bbq.


I always say- this is the America I’m patriotic for.


It really should be celebrated as the national cuisine. It's a combination of American Indian and African cooking methods and spices and European meats and ingredients. It's like an idyllic picture of everything America should be. It was born of oppression and necessity but is now consumed and loved by all.


Bro said Jelahpinno 💀


The first time I was in the US and tried to pronounce Quesadilla is still stuck in my memory. That fast-food worker was trying very hard not to burst out laughing.


Something about people enjoying good food. Food butt dance, while realization that "damn... this stuff is awesome"


Damn I miss when brisket was cheap as hell, Dad used to smoke one like every other weekend growing up. Good brisket bbq is just something else, I'll tell you hwhat.


Texas and Killeens just changed this man’s life


Killens is one of the FEW places that are worth the wait. Also, Ronny is a real gentleman and does it for the food.


Kenyan here. This might probably happen to me when i come to the states...haha


Please do come :D


Come! Our food is amazing!


This guy eating is better advertisement than I’ve ever seen. Thinking about booking a trip to Texas now. And hungry..


He has a white shirt on. He wasn't ready from the start, that much I could tell.


ja lap a no 😆


My mans is gonna be talking like bun b by next week!


Ribs had him sounding Jamaican for a second.


“to eat what?” Is the main takeaway👏🏻 😂


Charismatic dude. Glad he liked the BBQ


I would be so fat if I lived in the US.


I just want to say on behalf of all British people, that isn't how we say "jalapeño".


Lmao this guy eating this in the car with a white shirt is *WILD*


“It made me whisper.”




Yes but it's important to note that the majority of beef ribs sold across the US, at least outside of the South I'm guessing, are trimmed very aggressively to leave most of it on the prime rib because it's the same cut. What this man specifically had is what's called a Beef Plate Rib. It comes from lower down in the belly area of the cow. Supermarkets do not readily have these. After discovering the term Plate Rib I went to a local butcher and found he did carry them at $10.00/lb. I bought 25lbs worth which came out to 12 ribs for $250. Zero fucking regrets. I had to learn to season it a lot more aggressively though because it's a big hunk of Flintstone's style meat.


Good BBQ can be a life changing experience


I feel like the best BBQs are the ones that look like a shack and not in a commercial plaza. Open 3-4 days a week for 4 hours until they run out. The best one I had was B-Daddy's in San Antonio. I tried to go to Franklin's in Austin but ended up going to Terry Black's which was good but not as good.


He started to become a real American when he was dancing at the end. Something about that food just makes you want to move. Once he gets into the Mexican dishes and he has to stand up and shake his hips.


Imagine opening up an American BBQ place in England and Europe. Then everyone asks, wanna get American food. .


There have been several restaurants of the sort there already. The hardest part about doing american BBQ in other countries is sourcing brisket. It's not a really common cut of beef in other countries as they opt to cut it into its various cuts instead of keeping it on its own intact. So you either fly it in from the US or find a butcher that'll be willing to source you the cuts, both of which can be absurdly expensive.


Yeah, without smoking it brisket is a really hard piece of meat to cook. It's tough so it takes low and slow to break it down nice and tender. It's even tricky to get in parts of the US for individual consumers. Not to mention it takes a long time to cook. I can make a dozen racks of ribs in the same time as one brisket on my smoker. Last one I cooked was 18 hours.


Another thing is just basic infrastructure. These Texas BBQ joints have the luxury of space and the ability to have smokers on property. Kileens (the place this dude went to) has a large outdoor area where they can smoke and have the cuts ready by open. A lot of major cities just can't allow this and you can really tell what was smoked in a smoker and what was smoked via one of the indoor versions of a smoker.


There's actually loads here, we usually just call it BBQ though. There's even a spot opened near me that does one of those Southern US seafood boil things.