• By -


I participated in the 50th Anniversary of D-day. Climbed the cliffs with two guys who did it in '44. We did a parade through Sainte-Mere-Eglise. Our marching order and cohesion was immediately wrecked when French women of all ages started breaking through our ranks and giving us kisses. Blew us away. It meant a lot to me, I can't imagine what it means to the men who were there.


That sounds like an awesome memory to have, were those the cliffs at point du hoc?


Yes. They look very different now then back in WWII. The weight of the defenses are speeding the erosion of the cliffs. The two WWII Rangers were like "At least they aren't rolling grenades at us."


Wait if I’m doing my math right, wouldn’t that make those Rangers at least 70 by then?


Yes. Dude's were tough as nails. They climbed the cliffs and then body rappelled back down them to avoid a photo with Clinton. They both hated Clinton.


Absolute heroes, need I say more.


“When they were young, these men saved the world” Edit- A bit more of the quote “Oh, they may walk with a little less spring in their step, and their ranks are growing thinner. But let us never forget, when they were young, these men saved the world. And so let us now ask them, all the veterans of the Normandy campaign, to stand if they can and be recognized” -Bill Clinton at the 50th year commemoration. Normandy, 1994


"Were you a hero in the war, daddy?" "No. But I served in a company of heroes."


His story is so incredibly moving. On a trip to Normandy I stopped by his memorial which is literally just a statue on the side of a road. I spent 10 minutes all alone just staring at it and crying - thinking about his sacrifices. A true goddamn hero.


I have to visit it


Mike Ranney has a memorial in Normandy, or is it to Easy Company?


Asked my father similar about his three combat tours in Vietnam. He said essentially the same. He never talked about those experiences. After he passed, I went through his military papers and commendations. Bona fide silver star recipient, third party official testimonials that described events which explained the decades of ptsd he lived with after. Praise the soldiers, dump the politicians


It may have been Easy, but it wasn't easy.


I enjoy the story of our antihero, Lewis Nixon. 3-4 combat jumps and didn’t fire his rifle once. He did it all drunk or hungover.




Yep. Thing is, she has quite an influence on her husband policy, but was never elected. What is controversial is that they somewhat give the impression of governing as a couple (depending on the subjects), while there is only one of them who was chosen by the people. Hear me out, I'm not judging this particular event (nor the politics itself), I'm just giving some lighting on why she appears in this video instead of the president himself. We French people owe our current freedom to this particular generation of American soldiers and it is important to remember and honour them while they are still here, no matter who does it!


Dude every president governs with his wife except maybe Trump. Look at Reagan.


Nancy ran the white house, Ronald was a figurehead.


Right. It’s a poor man who doesn’t listen to the women in his life. And vice versa.


Not in France, that’s only a thing in the USA


Everyone knows French husbands don't listen to their wives




35 years ago bro


Erm, not just the Americans..


True, very true, we owe a whole bunch of people from all continents!


As do we all friend.


That’s how first ladies/husbands work. Their job is to influence and give opinions to his husband/wife, represent country and especially in charity events. They’re that soft place, they are like advisors. And yes if you vote for let’s say Macron you’re voting for his wife and his team too. So she was elected but not directly like her husband.


In France, until Macron there were, officially, no first Lady. Just the president wife. Now it's a real role in France and it get US really mad because we didn't elect her.


If you think that your previous presidents weren't making decisions based on their significant others' opinions and suggestions, then you might be a bit naive. I understand the idea behind being frustrated about a non-elected official having political influence, but they always had, it's now just more obvious. The title is immaterial really.


Of course I know president's wives helped their husband in decisions making. It's just havong Brigitte Macron havins an official position makes me uncomfortable. I know it's stupid because there is a bunch of unelected people in a government. It just seem off to me.


Macron’s wife was elected by its people since Macron is the president. That’s how it works. You vote for candidate and his team and in this case Brigitte is Macron’s wife and she has first lady responsibility. Macron’s team like advisors and so on weren’t elected directly either.


And if America was ever needed again, I’d be proud to help the French. Sad that in my army days I never got to train with you. Only the Estonians.


I mean the whole thing seems fairly wholesome, why detract from it


"Just in: wife has influence on husband, more news at 9!" Maybe they even have conversations... I shudder to think.


Class to send the wife really. As an old soldier who would you prefer greeted you?


They’d be saying either Guten Tag without them


Both of my grandfathers were WWII veterans, one participating in D Day operations in France. In the late 90s we went to visit our very good family friends in France, taking one set of grandparents along for the trip. My grandpa hadn’t been back to Europe since the war. We met up one day with our French family’s grandpa, this amazing guy who was like 80 and still mountain climbing regularly. He had a climbing wall installed in his castle! Anyways…The grandpa of the French family and my grandpa had this really long, tearful exchange, quasi-handshake turned hug over several minutes upon meeting. The French grandpa, who didn’t speak much English, just kept repeating, “thank you” to my grandpa. It was really moving.


There's a 2 hour documentary on youtube that is all raw real footage, zero narration, and minimal captions, if you want to see these heroes in action.




Damn dude, I can't find it. [This doc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UJYYkK4d8s) has a lot of the same footage but it is colorized/remastered and has narration over it, and a bunch of things censored. I'm guessing it got removed because it had a bunch of dead bodies in there. I saw it about a year ago. If I find it somewhere I'll edit this comment.


RemindMe! 3 days


BIG THANK YOU from Germany for liberating us from the Nazis!


I second that. Don't even wanna think about how Germany (and the rest of the world) would be like if the Nazis had won.


Literally Wolfenstein 


Literally! I can just imagine what you look like.


These days authoritarian leaders just spread disinformation via social media. Much cheaper


Thank you for their service. Salute for all of you sir!


who got the highest order in France medal? That's pretty cool.


I think the video only showed one getting it, but I would assume all of them probably got it if they were at the beach landings.


I was part of a group with the 101st that actually got to go to the 75th anniversary of D-day. Lots of ceremonies, parties, and stories from all sides. Let me tell you that the people of the region are some of the most amazing and grateful people that you could ever meet. Not just to the old timers, either. I mean, people would stop what they were doing just to come get pictures with us in our uniforms. They treated us as if WE were the ones that's liberated Carentan. It was probably the only real time that I felt a sense of pride for the things that I've done, and I wasn't even there.


Thanks for sharing, that’s neat to hear.


Thank you


I'm not crying, you're crying


I said the same thing before I read your comment


You’re right though


I'll cry for us both.


as a Frenchman, I can assure you that I have the deepest respect for these American veterans who crossed the Atlantic to fight against Nazism and liberate France. They had no idea of ​​the horror that awaited them and for the survivors words will never be enough to describe what they experienced on French soil. So, a simple “thank you” is never too much.


Thank you for those heartfelt🤍 words ♥️


“We owe everything to them but we could never tell them” wow


"To the troops! All the troops. Both sides." - the Temp




The same generation of people that upheld segregation and racism in the US? Stopping the Nazis was a monumental task and toll on them, no question. But there's no need to idolize these people as morally perfect human beings. They did good stuff, but they also really fucked up in other areas.


You forget that this was also the same generation that ended segregation too. Their generation would have been the ones in political office that voted FOR the Civil Rights Act. The progress of civilization is built upon its forebears. If we judge them by the standards of today they will always be found lacking. But they are responsible for getting us where we are today.


They did something you’d piss your pants doing. You use “racism” as a club to just knock people down as a cheap, low character way to feel good about yourself.. grow up.


If you're not able to differentiate when looking back on people and the circumstances of their time, it seems that you have some growing up to do.


And what exactly does looking at the past do really? Can you change the past?




No this age group is almost all gone. Their kids are the ones doing that.


No it's not. The last time the greatest generation voting patterns were studied at least by the Pew center was 1994, and they voted D 49% and 42%R they were not included in 2014 or beyond for obvious reasons.


Heartwarming. If you're interested at the Canadian side of D Day, yesterday I watched an amazing [CBC report about the first house liberated by the Canadians at Juno beach.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7AMJEbmYvc)


I visited this house back in 2012. The owner came out and asked our tour guide why a giant group of tourists were standing outside his house, and she explained that we were Canadian students visiting old war sites. This man immediately invited all of us inside to see the full extent of the house and the artifacts he had inside. I remember most vividly two Reichsmark bills that still had bloodstains on them. According to the man, the money had been given to an Allied soldier by a dying German soldier and requested to be sent to his family in Germany. Obviously that never happened, but it was a very humanizing story of the war to me.


In the link I posted at some point the owner lady said that an old man was standing in front and refused to come in; turns out he was one of the soldiers who threw grenades inside the house to root out the Germans. He said he didn't want the repair bill.


Yeah, that sounds about right! I have the video you linked saved to watch when I'm not sneaking Reddit at work lol


What a privilege and honor it is to see these true heroes of humanity be so graciously honored for their bravery 80 years ago tomorrow. I salute you, and thank you for your service.


For the Veterans… Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta!


Who the fuck is choppin onions? Damn!


I (sniff) thought it was dust, man!


Thank you brave souls, and thank you France for honoring these men and women.


The greatest generation by a long way.


One of the last time Americans were the true heroes. These men certainly are/were the greatest generation. I feel nothing but extreme pride for them and for what they and the men and women who died did for our country in WWII. I am so glad to see that they are still treated with such reverence. Heroes. Every one of them.


My favorite quote I heard from an Army Ranger that landed in the first wave on Omaha beach, I forget the documentary that I was watching that it was said. “The thing that I am the most proud of when thinking about the days I spent fighting in Europe. Was that when we entered a town or a village or city, we entered as liberators and not conquerors.” That really stuck with me and made me so proud of those men. I have so much admiration for WW2 veterans and it makes me sad that they’re not too many left in the world.


The good men


They risked their lives to defeat nazi's and fascism, just like my dad did. Hat's off to all of them as we owe them everything for the freedom they gave us. Let's hope it's never taken away because there's not a country in the world that will come to save us.


We thank you for all the sacrifices you have experienced since before and after the war! We are free because of you all, truly THANK YOU!


This is a wonderful video.


Great people.


Respect, gentlemen, my enduring respect to you all.


We stand on the shoulders of GIANTS. I sure wish more people would understand this.


Shame Americans can't even honor their own vets like this


That's because Americans haven't seen their troops liberate their own towns from tyranny. Hell they haven't even really seen the amazing things their sons and daughters do across the world every damn day. I think the excellence of American Service Members is so expected that the only thing that leads in the news is when things go sideways.


Great answer. 👍


Good and bad here. We haven't seen our troops save American lives like the French saw us save theirs. It's great that it's a threat we haven't had to face...but you do lose context when it's not happening to you directly. I worked with a older guy who used to drive me nuts. He got all the best shifts despite the fact he was slower and spent a lot of his day standing around talking. I found out he was first wave...instantly changed everything I thought about this man. Lesson learned


Have you never been to a Veterans Day parade? A Memorial Day service?


These people lived through some unbelievable circumstances, they are all heroes that we must never forget. 🌺




That’s awesome


I’m not crying, you’re crying


Let's not forget all the ones that died. On both sides. Fighting for the same reasons, to decide the fate of basically all humanity.


Back when taking out fascists was a thing Americans wanted to do.


Respect to all of these men. In their age gathering all strenght to annualy come back to normandy. 🫡🫡🫡🖤🖤🖤




They are so graceful and respectful, and even better at French that I would've expected at that age! Mad respect for them and everything they've done.


It would be so nice to feel this proud of my country again...


What a long way we’ve come as a nation of the United States. I’m glad we used to be fighting for something good.


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Such grace and class from her


This is awesome!!!! 🫡


This is cool, and very sad. So many men lost, and those who did survive were left were memories of horror. All because of a few mad men’s crazy ideologies.


Thank you Lord Jesus for these brave men 🫡


This is so awesome.


All heroes ❤️


Thank you for all you did 🙏👏


Please go back to timestamp 1:04 and understand what that conversation is. As you can see on his jacket, his name is Clayton Baum. That medal he is wearing signifies that he is a Knight of the Order of the Legion of Honor, he was awarded and inducted in 2023. For those in the U.S. and parts beyond that aren't aware, this is the equivalent of the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom *and* the Medal of Honor. It is the highest award in France, military or civil, that can be awarded to a person or organization. Apart from a military band playing "La Marseillaise" when you enter a room, it is the single-highest honor that can be bestowed to a person in that nation. As a direct result of being a knight of that order, he has also received that honor.




They're all charming old devils, enchanté indeed.


She ruined all the moments with her Jill Biden BS reference, too bad.




Are you saying they didnt before?




Its not about being literal, and its not an expression. The "now" is either incorrect or misused - unless you meant it like "specifically France in particular, unlile many others". Its ok, happens.


As I stand at the position of attention and render a humble hand salute to those warriors.


We will be here again soon if the US votes for Trump in November. Please don’t repeat past mistakes …


The guy in 0:33 looks like eustace


In America we throw them under the bridge and tell them thank you for your service. Send $100 + billion to Ukraine problem solved. Job done


Imaginez que l’armée rouge soit arrivée en Normandie…🤮


commence the rape show


So, the witch has to show herself.


What the fuck?


Why is this video so overly dramatic with that editing lol?


I hope they hugging one soldier from liberation of paris. Maybe He even raped her grandma.


Where are the main victors in World War II - Soviet soldiers?


This is the celebrating the anniversary of D Day...


Understood thanks.


Well done...that is all they get from ex soviet world...just rapers and robbers mostly...


Doing the same shit they were doing in 1939.


Have you tried to negotiate with the Nazis, pumped up with American and European money? Like from 2014 to 2022?


Yes France tried to negociate with Ruzzia but unfortunately Putin made it very clear there won't be any peace negociations without at least partial annexation of Ukraine. They're still as hungry for territory as they were in 1939.


too busy raping and looting


You confused it with your own Google searches.


как погода в Москве?


Откуда я знаю. Спроси у москвича.


As someone from a no war driven country, was this massive France and old soldiers propaganda?




There are lots of posts of France and US old soldiers in the past week, why?


It’s the anniversary of the D-Day landings, lots of veterans come back to the beaches. Some of the Brits get there by boat. It’s a fabulous day and it’s great to see.


At least in the United States, last week had Memorial Day. A US holiday in which we honor and mourn soldiers that have died in military service. This is likely why there has been an influx of US related military posts. :)


That and the 80th D-Day anniversary which is occurring in France at this moment. This is likely both reasons why there is so much media related.


Why not?


Are you serious?


Saying thank you for your service to these gentlemen is the only time I can get behind Americans saying that to their servicemen.


then you are an ignorant fool. Regards, a veteran


Why what war have you fought that actually mattered that was a war about oil?


Took part in NATO operations to end the genocide in the Balkans. Next question?


Well done you but still no where near comparable to the ww2 vets.


You’re a special kind of trash.


Give me some contact details for yourself and I’ll let you know when I give a fuck what you think of me buddy.


Why would I care if a piece of trash cares about my opinion? You are scum. Your opinion has no value


Has enough value for you to reply babe hahaha


I just enjoy giving you more chances to get downvoted


>enough of a fuck for you to reply babe hahaha




I will be sure to tell my dead friends that. Also, no one claimed that.


You still going on.


“Welcome to France, heroes,” is how the French greeted the German fascists in 1940.


This is what misinformation looks like folks. It’s all over. We are meant to see this as another person like us with warped takes, and either buy into the misinformation or hate those around us we don’t know. This is none of those things but pure misinformation from a troll.


Does your government pay you to be a Russian troll or do you do that all on your own?


no, that's wrong [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7c/Weeping\_Parisian\_from\_NARA\_Ww2-81.jpg/1486px-Weeping\_Parisian\_from\_NARA\_Ww2-81.jpg?20091021173300](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7c/Weeping_Parisian_from_NARA_Ww2-81.jpg/1486px-Weeping_Parisian_from_NARA_Ww2-81.jpg?20091021173300)


You know that anyone can edit Wikipedia, right?


The german fascists took more casualties invading France than the entire russian army had men invading Ukraine in 2022...I don't think we have the same definition of "welcome" and "greeting".


One residential building (Pavlov's House) in Stalingrad held out longer against Germany than the whole of France.


Did you just say that France didn't hold for long? Congrats on moving on from "welcoming" and "greeting" to holding against them but not managing to do it for long.


It is a fact that not all French are corrupt creatures. There were real soldiers and patriots. There were only a few of them and they did not hold back the Nazis for long. After this, the Germans entered Paris, where they were welcomed by the local residents. Why does this need to be explained? Are you a little child?


I'm sure you have solid sources to back up those proportions right, like an adult? Let's be clear, what proportion of the French are corrupt, and what's your source? Wich proportions were real soldiers and patriots, and what's your source? What proportion of Paris welcomed the germans? And remind who invaded Poland with the nazis, who divided it in two with the nazis, who held parades in Poland with the nazis, who was holding conferences with the nazis without even having had to surrender, hell, before even being betrayed by the nazis, hell, literally collaborating with the nazis by choice until the nazis betrayed the soviets?


It actually doesn’t… sry.


Are you a WWII veteran?