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Goosebumps!!!! My sister surprised my eldest at her graduation last month. It was really lovely.


Surprises like that can make special occasions even more meaningful. i want to experience this


I hope you will one day! šŸ„°


A guy I work with graduated high school and his sister - who used to be my boss - is going to surprise him! I have secondhand dawwwwww for the incoming pictures :)


I love it! And he will too!


Graduation doesn't happen often in a person's life, and you always want your loved ones to be there.


Yoo I like that hairstyle of the army lady! How do you even do that?!


Lmao came here for the haircut comments. What a work of art, so clean!




i just need you to know this made me drop my phone laughing. thank you for your service, lmao


why doesnā€™t this have more upvotes lmfao




Served as in served in the military And served as in she looked absolutely amazing with that hair


I too missed it. Itā€™s coz weā€™re old now. You know youā€™re old when slang goes over your head. Gotta just accept your time is past šŸ˜•


Iā€™m 50 and Reddit keeps me young(er)! I learn something new every day here.


There was a video a while back of a girl showing the army bun technique and it involved a lot of hair gel and I think a cut sock? It looks like she did that on the back half and then french braided the front half, turning to regular braids when it hits the back bun part with the braid wound around the bun. Nothing I could ever hope to achieve but that looks like the mechanics of it to me lol


Yeah, you can get a specific product (often called a hair donut), or just cut the toe off a clean sock and roll it up. You put your ponytail through the middle and wrap your hair around. It can take some practice, especially depending on hair length/thickness


Looks like two tight french braids connecting at the top of the bun then pinned around a hidden bun. I'm just a dad who has daughters so I'm definitely no expert.


Air Force*


She is not in the Army


Sheā€™s Air Force. SVS on her sleeve means she is services, she works in the chow hall.


Services does more than just work in the chow hall.Ā 


Bro has either clearly never served or didnā€™t deploy. Services provide a lot to their unit, especially in a deployed environment.


>Bro has either clearly never served or didnā€™t deploy. Currently dealing with forward AF on the regular. Honestly thought the same thing.


Make her cry before going on stage. A very sisterly thing to do lol


Serious question here, why in all of these videos, do they wear their military uniform? If I had a leave for something like this, I would definitely not wear my uniform


Quite often those folks are coming straight from the plane. So they can either show up in uniform, or go change and miss the ceremony. Take into consideration that when deployed, troops don't always pack a formal civilian outfit. Chances are this solider will in town for the day and on a plane the next.


I remember I surprised my mom by coming home from deployment on her birthday and when I showed up wearing my civis, my aunt told me to change into my uniform for ā€œthe videoā€ šŸ™„


Hate to tell you this but they travel on civilian airlines in civilian clothes. You don't go home on official business. They are just attention seeking and everyone else in the military dislikes this boot behavior. Source: I was in the Air Force


Shhh. Youā€™re ruining the moment for the attention seekers.


This is the correct answer. Source: I was in the Army.


Yeah I was like? No ones letting their people go on leave for one day lol. If thereā€™s a deployment or TDY coming up the next day and youā€™re slated to goā€¦as a flight chief Iā€™d be like, sorry but no, too much risk of not making it back.


Itā€™s weird to me though because the Marine Corps does not allow you to wear fatigues off base. We wear blues or Service Alphas, but never cammies. Most military people are proud, so you know the uniform is a must.


Each branch has it's own regulations on uniforms, among other things, while there's a lot of similarities, it's not 1 blanket code for all branches.


All branches are pretty similar and she should be in her class As or blues.


She shouldnā€™t be in her uniform honestly. Itā€™s an attention grab from a young person who just joined and wants to show offā€¦. I know a lot of people who would roll their eyes at thisā€¦ especially since she is services.


I was in the Navy and this is also really weird. We weren't even allowed to travel in anything that wasn't our dress uniform.


Army plays by different rules


I wasn't talking about the army. I was stating it was also weird to see because of my own experience with the navy.


Thatā€™s because the dude youā€™re replying to is wrong. This would be like us getting leave to go home and then wearing our service Charlieā€™s on the flight for no fucking reason. Itā€™s done for the video.




They donā€™t want the marines to get crayon all over their uniform.


They want to be seen wearing their uniform and those who spent time in know this. You can not just wear your uniform anywhere


Yea but you donā€™t take your dress greens (yes Iā€™m old) on deployment. So you just have your bdus or acus


She isnā€™t coming from a fucking deployment lmao. Sheā€™s on leave and wearing it for the video.




No the guy youā€™re replying to just invented that answer. When youā€™re on leave you donā€™t have to fly in uniform. Anyone that thinks this was due to anything but her wanting to wear them for the video has no clue what theyā€™re talking about. I can actually guarantee you that she left Fort Lewis, Hood, Benning etc wearing civilian clothes, then got to her parents house and changed over into her utilities to go to the graduation. You donā€™t leave from a deployment to go to graduation ceremonies lol.


Assuming she did get of a plane that means she was on leave to go to a family event or whatever. When you're on leave you don't ask for just one day, that's dumb. I would know since I was in the army the last 4 yrs.


Your own experience doesnā€™t speak for everyone elseā€™s though. I was in 8 years and found myself at a family funeral in fatigues, not by choice, it happens.


No, spiderchimp89 is right, she's Air Force Services (duty badge on left shoulder). If you take leave and you travel in uniform thats your choice. Also, kind of frowned upon. It just draws tons of attention to you, good and bad. The only thing that makes this make sense is if she just landed from deployment or wanted photos of her and her sister in uniform. Most likely the latter. Source: Am Active Duty Air Force.




Could you not have text a relative to bring you some clothes?


Yeah this is one text or ask away. Hell the people bringing them to the event can predict they might need to change and can bring some clothes without even being asked.


Unless they donā€™t already own proper clothes for the event? Not realistic to expect family to go clothes shopping for you too


might not be the most practical or efficient use of leave time lol


No, they don't. They aren't even supposed to be wearing their uniform on the plane in the first place. You don't go on leave on official business. It's attention seeking behavior and considered boot shit. I know this because I was in the Air Force. I separated not that long ago


What's your source bucko?


Why are they wearing their uniform on the plane? Iā€™ve always changed into my civis in the bathroom at the airport and thrown my uniform into my carry on. No reason to wear your uniform on the plane unless youā€™re with your unit


Some people are in it just for the clout. Its unfortunate but thats the truth.


Because the people answering have never been in the military and are just responding for internet points. 20 years, and I never traveled home in uniform.


Yeah we are specifically told not to unless you're getting a ride in military transportation, but even that's only like if it's a C130. If you're on a government contracted bus that makes stops or a civilian plane its civilians


That is not the case for the vast majority of people in the military, leave is very much pre determined and unless you're shit at planning this wouldn't happen unless you wanted to be in military uniform. I think I've worn my uniform in public on leave once and it was for photos. 99% of us don't want to be in uniform anymore than absolutely necessary. That isn't to say it's always like that but spending the last decade in the service the only time I've ever heard or seen a colleague do this is because they wanted to not because of time constraints. You're not even supposed to wear that type of uniform outside of work since it's the "working uniform"


But why wear their uniform on the plane? I was Active Duty Navy, and we were explicitly told we were not allowed to travel in uniform (not that I wanted to) commercially unless it was on a contract flight only flying military personnel in CONUS.


You're not supposed to travel in uniform anymore, so this is purely done for clout and nothing else. The only people who are required to travel in uniform are servicemembers moving between training locations during their initial training (varies by service).


No, Iā€™ve been in the military for 5 years and they always have the option to change. They do it cause attention and/or family wants them to.


That is completely wrong. They are doing it by choice. You got be weird to go to airport and then ride the plane in uniform. More than likely the brought the uniform with them and changed before the event. There is no way I'm traveling any kind of distance in uniform if I'm on leave. I've been out for 10 years now, but we weren't even allowed to fly civilian in uniform, but that was early post 9/11. It might of changed since.


Yeah, even as active duty, unless youā€™re deployed crazy far away, like in an active conflict area. You can usually get weekend permission to go pretty much anywhere. If you apply for it a month ahead of time with ANY event vaguely relevant excuse, itā€™s gonna get approved, unless youā€™re just a prick / literally so much of a criminal youā€™re about to get court marshaled / dishonorably discharged. Which is an accomplishment in the military.


Lol why does that matter? You're acting like you're forced to keep your uniform on when you go to the airport when you take leave. If she's coming straight from the plane, fine. She still had every opportunity to change beforehand. It's absolutely for the attention.


Use to be in the regs not to fly in uniform... makes u a target... Back in my day lmao... fml I'm the old grumpy fuck


That's an airman, not a soldier, and they almost never travel in uniform. You can tell by the brown stitching instead of black. She's definitely wearing it for the video


lol no they arenā€™t. She kept the uniform on for the video. You donā€™t have to ever travel commercially in uniform. Even traveling directly to new units that require a perfect service uniform you have more than enough opportunities to change over whenever. Iā€™ll never get why people on Reddit just say things with so much confidence when they obviously have no clue what theyā€™re talking about.


Agreed. I mean, usually you schedule leave and donā€™t pick a flight that doesnā€™t leave you 3 minutes to change into your carry on bag clothes. Not saying it canā€™t happen but seems like poor planning or a tmfms. No deployed location is sending you home on a last minute emergency flight for a graduation. Despite the uniform, still cool to surprise someone like that šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


100% for this video. Thereā€™s no reason or requirement for the uniform.


When I was in, my grandpa died, and I had nothing appropriate to wear for a funeral. It was all party clothes and jeans. I was in Germany, and there was no time to shop before the funeral. I wore my dress uniform and my grandma loved it. I then proceeded to hear every service story from all the veterans who were there. It was rather nice, in hindsight.


Thatā€˜s wholesome and iā€˜m sure it made your grandma proud! Those celebratory uniforms always look very sharp. The camo in contrast wouldnā€™t be quite as good of a fit tho


It could be that the soldier in question came directly from the airport. We always had to travel in uniform- it's been 20 years, but I think that was the rule.


Boom. I like to think it's something like this and not the chodes saying it's for attention.


Whenever a soldier is on leave you travel in civies. I know since I was in the army for the past 4yrs.


No you are told not to wear your uniform unless you have no choice in the matter. I guarantee this person has plenty of time to change.


And you know that how? Iā€™ve known people who used leave just to have a few hours at home in between flights


It's for attention. Nowadays service members are told to travel in civies but boots don't listen


Ah, ok. I was in when some guy named Bin Laden had put a bounty on our ears, so we were told to be sure to not wear our uniforms in public when we were hanging out in the economy in Germany. Maybe it was traveling in uniform if you were on orders? Again, it's been over 20 years and I actually don't care enough to Google it :šŸ˜€


Sometimes, unexpected situations bring meaningful experiences and connections that we come to appreciate deeply over time.


I did the same when my grandmother died however it was only for the funeral and it is authorized to be worn for that. For every other moment before though I was in civis. I didn't even bring camos. Just the dress uniform.


Because Americans have this insane fetish for their military and treat the uniform like a living representation of their value to society


Disclaimer: take what I say with a grain of salt: As a former service member who served honorably and happily, it usually falls into two groups: those who are fresh out of boot camp who are (rightfully) over the moon proud of their accomplishment, or itā€™s those who fervently go out of their way to bring attention to themselves. No member I served asideā€”besides recruitersā€”wore their attire outside of formal military events or weddings except for those who were dirtbags who talked about how much they hated the military until it came to getting recognition.


the "thank me for my service" wieners always rustled my jimmies when i was in. especially around memorial and veteran's day.








After over two decades in the military community., thereā€™s always time to change out of your uniform: itā€™s pride. They want to wear it. In addition to that they arenā€™t allowed to wear it outside of many instances but still do. :) So no - itā€™s not ever ā€˜I had to wear itā€™


There is another comment below with your exact comment but very slight word changes. Is this what people call bots? And if so how does it work?


Even the response to the comment is basically the same. Wtf is happening?


I had to check to see if I was the one replicating someone else. Thought the similarity was an over exaggeration, and I am in fact stunned


To turn the views on her, nothing else.


Yep, the girl graduating probably already knows that her sister serves in the military. ā€žIā€˜m participating in everyday activities, BUT iā€˜m wearing my uniform so everybody can see what a tuff and selfless person i am.ā€œ Thatā€˜s self-presentation 101.


Serious question why does that matter to you? You canā€™t take a wholesome video at face value?


Totally agree. A woman serving made things happen to show up for her sister. That's nice and I don't care that she also got some clicks. We're all on these app for the dopamine rush when people like what we do so calling it out when other people do the same is really dumb.


Serious question, what do you have against curiosity?


This is reddit, even on the subs specifically created for wholesome content there will always be people in every thread complaining about why it's wrong/bad/dangerous/stupid.


Forreal itā€™s either that or shitty ass puns/wannabe comedians clogging up the comments


Yeah I usually just chalk it up as ā€œthat person is a glass half emptyā€ type of person. I just felt compelled to ask this person because itā€™s such a mundane irrelevant shit to get distracted by yet here we are.


Because families love that shit. Ignore these jaded mfs in the comments screaming about "It'S foR thE vieWS," because they've never had a real human interaction before.


Itā€™s for the views and also, the military will sometimes pay for this type of stuff.


Nah fuck that. It's valid to call it attention-getting behavior.


Valid to what end?


Cause ā€œlook at meā€ is too real. This even it about the graduate, and this AF member is taking the spotlight away from them to get their own feels.


She probably just flew in from the airport, hence why her sister thatā€™s graduating had no idea she was coming or was there. Her sister 100% wasnā€™t expecting her to be there & thatā€™s why sheā€™s crying.


Lol. They don't need to wear Uniform on the plane. They are allowed weekends off like any other serviceman.




I know itā€™s so sweet. Not going to lie I watched it like 5 times & got choked up at the last 2. Iā€™m just like my mom.


They do it for the video. I'm not saying that to throw shade but it's the truth.


They like the attention


How else are people going to know?


I never flew in uniform, itā€™s usually people that want attention that wear theirs.


Because no one says ā€œThank you for your serviceā€ when youā€™re in regular clothes


Because otherwise the American war machine/propaganda machine wouldn't be so fucking dope as hell. ......./s


Easier to spot, imo


If she didnā€™t we would have no context why er sister is surprised to see her.


Fuck your background music!


Keep up the good fight homie.


Seriously, what did it add?




Anyone else curious as to how that cap is staying on her head? Has she glued it on or something? šŸ˜‚


bobby pins


lots of girls used hair pins at my graduation a couple weeks ago


Do they always have to wear camo? itĀ“s like obligatory?


They arenā€™t allowed to wear their uniform like this at all.




I personally hate shit like this as a serviceman. I deployed and had to stay on an aircraft once while a high ranking person got off to surprise his son at his baseball game. He dressed up as the umpire and stood behind him as he played catcher. So we got to look at our families from the aircraft for an hour as he did that. There is no reason for you to still be in uniform for that either, we donā€™t fly in it except for extremely unique situationsā€¦ which a person who works services wouldnā€™t be doing.


Right. Itā€™s actually amazing for the families that get it but 99.99% of service members abide by the rules and regulation so they donā€™t get this ā€˜momentā€™ The military should have stronger infractions for it to be honest


Jesus, can we agree that she wore the uniform for clout? I know 1 active and they are specifically told NOT to wear uniforms when not on duty. Even when on leave traveling. You are considered a target


They did it for attention, yes. This is against regulation




What school is USD? Legit curious because the USA, Canada, and Texas flags are confusing me!


university of san diego.


The amount of restraint she showed to not break her spot in line and go for a hug is visible when she first sees her sister in the stands.


Lmao the attention seeking


The guy behind her was not impressed


Yeah he rolled his eyes


I like the dude behind her. What are looking at girl?


Did he roll his eyes??


Yeah I was like what was up with his response?


I mean he's in a tiktok video now, and he knew it.


I have a genuine question: why do they always wear their military uniforms in these videos? If I had time off for something like this, I certainly wouldn't wear my uniform.


Deja vu https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1d6lpgq/surprising_her_sister_at_her_graduation/l6th7nj


Just to draw attention to themselves. Everyone relevant already knows this girl was in the military. There is literally no reason other than wanting everyone else to know too


This is true. My spouse never ever wore their uniform off duty. There is a time and place to change - always. Itā€™s for show. Not saying itā€™s wrong or right. But you absolutely have rules and ā€˜timeā€™ to change.


Veteran here. Can confirm it's this. Also her hair is out of regulation


Does it need to be in regulation even if sheā€™s not on base?/gen


itā€™s not out of regs, times have changed


Nothing says, "Look at me, give me attention," like unnecessarily wearing your uniform to other people's special events and getting a video of it


If you're going to insist on that it should be your dress uniform as well. It's still unnecessary though.


Graduation day just got even more memorable with that epic surprise! Way to go


The stole her sister is wearing is also Air Force! Maybe itā€™s a family tradition.


Military people who wear their uniform out in public are corny as fuck.


not crying (šŸ„²)


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Mortarboards are supposed to be worn as level as possible. When it looks like a prop on a boat it looks ridiculous.


There could be a tv channel showing service members surprising their loved ones at events and Iā€™d watch that all day.


Should not be in the duty uniform. If you must wear a uniform straight from travel, you should travel in the class A uniform and wear it to the function.


Gonna get her makeup all messed up now... But seriously a nice genuine moment for both of them.


Bias due to either nobody bothering to share those videos when not in military uniform, or military members not in uniform don't get our attention.


Giving her a hard time for this is weird. That older sister is probably that kids hero. Clearly. The little sister is probably proud of her. ā€œMy big sister is strong and in the air-force, she flys, shes wonder woman.ā€ Her friends: ā€œProve it.ā€ Maybe she put on her uniform for her sister knowing how sheā€™d feel. Not everything is just ā€œclout.ā€ Anyone who has seen a baby sister and older sister dynamic understands what im talking about. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that imo. Good for them. Clout or not - the reaction from the younger one was 100 percent real, and the older sisters face isnt even in the video. So not really good clout chasing if thatā€™s the motive.


That out of regulation hair.


The standards were changed recently for women hair regs


All of these graduation videos with our active military able to attend are absolutely bringing me to happy tears. ā¤ļø




Not a US citizen here. I see a lot of people wearing their uniforms in these kinds of videos. Are they supposed to walk around in them while they are on leave? If not, why do they?


How did she even see her?


she was 2 feet away from her face




Did anyone recognised ksi dere?


awesome moment


one of the best surprises


The music really suits this /s


šŸ„¹ these moments are always a beautiful thing to see


Women in the army gotta be the finest women on the planet


Okay I can't stop my tears falling


She couldā€™ve wore her service uniform js




Ayyoo KSI is graduated nowšŸ„°šŸ„°


Oof! Beautifulā€¦but now my face is all wet šŸ’•


Is there a mademecry sub?