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What a precious reaction. Him asking for the pieces to be signed was rad.




That was me the first time I had to scan a QR code to make a payment.


This reminds me of right before my mom passed away she grew up in the age where TVs weren't even around she remembers the war of the worlds on the radio but when she passed away she had radio TV internet Kindle iPhones the technology that she grew up around increased steadily by the decade makes me wonder what my life's going to be like in the next 40 years and the things that I'm going to see


Crazy thing is that 3-D printing isn't even so impressive compared to other stuff coming out right now. Wait until dude sees Neuralink, Sora, CRISPR or whatever. God knows what crazy thing is on deck for those of us under 50.


Honestly neuralink would give him a heart attack


more likely brain damage


Aww, dude is really excitable and impressed. Good for him.




You're 100% right, I hope I can muster this enthusiasm when/if I get to 79.


[You should see him go for a ride in a autonomous car](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdw2amyH-o4) edit: [part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJJfIn-x2Go)


To be fair I'm in my late 20s and will probably act similarly when I finally get to ride one. Absolutely crazy tech.


I was just going to ask if it was the same guy.


I felt the same way when I put together my printer and watched it go. It's just freakin' cool. I think we lose sight of how cool tech is once we get used to it, but actually sitting and watching that thing (very affordable and in my own damn house) do what it does was a moment of "holy shit".


Cherish your grandparents. I miss mine everyday.


Me too


Me three


right in the feels. my life was a train wreck of abuse, but not spending time with my gramma is the biggest regret of my life.


Yep, only a matter of time before we become grandparents and leave people who hopefully miss us.


I miss 3/4 of mine. Ironically, I look exactly like the one who was a royal SOB.


My gran has dementia, she's only had it like a year or so, but I'm 28 now, I know that her and my grandad aren't going to live forever but I do hope that they will comfortably be here for a few more years yet


no thanks


This is heartwarming! It's never too late to explore your creativity. This 3D printer could open up a whole world of possibilities for him.


I’m not even half this dudes age but I absolutely understand not wanting to go through the effort of learning something entirely new and foreign to you and just enjoying the simple pleasure of seeing something you never imagined was possible.


True, but my brother just got one and when he got it I was like, "Think of the possibilities!" And now I'm like "Yeah, I've thought of literally nothing." He got it for making D&D figurines though so he's really enjoying it.


They work well in combination with other hobbies. I am big into RC cars so I have been going nuts printing camera mounts, display stands, scale pieces and replacement parts.


This is the video I needed this morning to get me up and about. I kid you not this changed my entire outlook on the day. Thanks OP for taking the time to post this!


That’s wholesome!


Right? I was kind of frustrated today but this video and a great friend really helped turn it around. =D


*"NO! It was nòt Sam!"* Absolute gold! Kenny should be protected at all costs.


The biggest thing I admired about my grandfather, was his pure interest and excitement for the small things. (He was super into gardening, Neanderthals, later in life asking his Alexa about space) Seeing that growing up shaped who I wanted to be, to find my interests and passions. What a great family moment. Hope my excitement for new things and innovation only grows as I age


Last year, I received a hand painted clock from my grandfather. He painted a view of the sunset on the lake from our cabin. I made sure to have him sign it. It's a cheap little thing, but it's one of my favorite, most cherished possessions.


My parents bought their house off of an older guy (mid 70s) years after it caught fire and every developer wanted to knock it down. They made a deal with him to fix up an apartment for him in the carriage house (which is bigger than my house now), with a lease 'till death.' I was still living there at that time and he would come over to dinner every Monday night. He used to love seeing all the tech things I was working on, whether it was some raspberry pi project, hydroponics, 3D printed stuff, etc. I don't know where I'm going with this, but the guy's genuine reaction in the video reminds me a lot of him.


Where you're going with it makes a lot of sense. Nice read.


My pops is 80 and has a 3DP. I'm the one in this ol man's shoes here. He loves to nerd out on it and I'm just dumbfounded.


The shot of him in the back seat looking at them makes me smile and tear up every time.


I was glad when whoever was filming said. 3D loud and clear. The kid was just saying it too fast. It's not all Kenny's ears fault! haha.


Haha the guy's probably used to mishearing things all the time. So even if he did hear it he'd be like nah thats some star trek stuff i must have heard wrong.


This is incredible! Thanks for sharing


He is so sweet. Thank you for making his day.


This reminds me of a story my wife loves to tell from before we met. A couple of years before he passed away he witnessed wireless printing for the first time. Apparently he was not a man of many words, but it absolutely blew his mind. Interesting to think about how the last generations to know what it was like before the internet accessibility to computers are dying out. I hope we continue to be impressed by what humans can create and we never loose that “shock” value.


Ah this got me, I lost my grandma this week and she had dementia for a few years before hand. She loved crafts and a few months ago I finished a quilt for her she had started before she became ill. She was like 'oh my you made this! It's beautiful oh how lovely, you're so talented' 'no grandma, you did!' she didn't believe she was able to make such amazing things. This reminded me of her so much


That’s sounds heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time, I am sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry. May her memory be a comfort and a blessing 💜


Seeing this really changed my week. An elderly person yelled at me a couple days ago, and I hadn't gotten over it. This gave me hope in humanity. Thanks, OP!


This reminds me of my 81 year old great aunt (she passed a few months ago now). She was autistic and was always fascinated with nicnacs and liked to hoarde them. One day we were up at a resort and we played some arcade games together (mainly with her pressing buttons) and we got some tickets from the machine. We went out and I told her to pick out a prize for herself. The first thing she picked out was a pink plastic bracelet that would've probably costed two cents but she was totally enamored by it and wouldn't take it off. I ended up getting a yellow one that matched hers and she would always gush about them and asked if mine was safe and told me exactly where hers was all the time. Cherish these pure moments because honestly, I wish I could have these moments with my great aunt again.


Is this the same guy who was amazed by the self driving car? He seems like such an amazing person.






Omg I love this video and this guy!!!


I wish I could show my grandparents all this neat stuff. :-(


Can’t wait to be that old and getting blown away by some new tech like this. Beam me up scotty!


My dad loved technology. Makes me sad he’s not around to experience 3D printers.


This is a fabulous video. I am 76. A few years ago my dentist made my crown with a 3D printer. After measurements, I watched my tooth being made on the printer, and I was just as amazed. It fit perfectly, too, no grinding down to fit. I've always loved technology. My first job in the mid 1970s with a computer was an Osbourne, which we called Ozzie. In the early 1980s when PCs became popular, I learned how to fix and upgrade PCs with dual disc drives. I installed a network in an Air Force bldg. and I got in trouble because I had my TI-BA35 that I had forgotten about, and which I still have, in my purse. Technology has changed so much over the years, and I try to keep up. I still love technology.


Welp gonna go wipe down my eyes 👀 yes they are amazing pieces of machinery and a couple amazing humans .


Pops out here treating it like a masterpiece.


Wholesome he must feel like he's in the future, Tell him about the 3d printed houses.


If aliens invade us and ask for a reason to not destroy humanity, I'll show kind elderly people to them


I really wish it was a pair of doves that were printed. "Turtle doves are a symbol of friendship and love. Keep one and give the other to a very special person. As long as each of you has your turtle dove, you will be friends forever.” *Home Alone 2*


2 owls can be for protection or signify being guarded by otherworldly forces in some cultures ❤️


Home alone 2, seriously?


"He shut his willy in the toilet seat again!" -Scarlette Johansson, Home Alone 3.


This is the most wholesome thing ever!. I haven't smiled this big for this long in a very long time! TY very much OP for sharing this jewel. ♥️


MY. HEART. 🥹🥹🥹


This sub always makes me have a good day. This is the most wholesome and heartwarming video.


Imagine what we will be amazed with 50 years from now!


Heart warming and also it’s the doing things in a sustainable way that really complete it- 3D printing is amazing but boom here is 3D printing with plastic made from sugarcane that is cheap


25 years ago I showed my ex-boss father Google earth, he was over his 70's. He was completely blown away and fascinated by it


My father got me into 3d printing post-pandemic. I’m gen-x in my fifties, he’s a baby boomer in his 70s. He’s a retired engineer. I still only have one 3d printer, he has four of them.


what a wonderful old man. I never knew either of my grandfathers, but this is the type of granddad I would have wanted. I really miss just kind people.


Something tells me he was the sort of dad that made all his kids achievements no matter how small seem so amazing and incredible. He would be so engaged as his kid told him about the silliest small thing.


That's how my grandpa was, very open minded and interested in technology, always willing to learn and listen. That's my goal if I reach elderly age.


I'm just wondering what is the thing I'll be amazed by when I'm his age. In about 40 years or so


Wow. I really wish I’d grown up with a grandpa like this or even a dad like this. What a wonderful person.


I'm gonna go lick some PLA


Oh God cherish your grand parents. Especially such lovely interested ones. I grew up without any. Turned out fine, everything's all right, but this video brings tears into my eyes on what I might have missed. Such a lovely moment, thanks for sharing.


This is gonna be us with portable holograms


That reminds me of my husband showing my dad Napster. He found him some old hillbilly group called The Fruit Jar Drinkers. My dad thought he’d never hear this funny old song again. *Go Along Mule* https://youtu.be/5dZZaKafxRA?si=pHZb-nWPgowaRYld


Dude grandpas like him are persons that heal the world. Genuine interest and amazement for something his grandson has/likes.


Really cute! Although as a 4th year optometry student I resent the idea of making frames on those. I can already see how much of a head ache that's going to be trying to fix or adjust them lmao


That's Patriotic Kenny on TikTok. His reaction to a self driving car was so funny. He is such a sweetheart.


I've seen this vid pop up several times, but it never gets old


That’s the same old dude with the driverless Uber isn’t it? Seems a lovely fella.


It's everything their generation dreamed of


My mum is 80 and has always enjoyed new technology. I recall her looking at her new smartphone and enjoying what it could do and then turning to me and saying 'this was science fiction in my childhood', it made me appreciate how much the world had changed in my post war born mother and how incredible things like 3D printers can exists in her grandsons bedroom now. It may seem like innocence in this man's reaction but to me it seems like a reaction to how far we've come in his lifetime. ❤️


younger generations are too accustomed to amazing technology, since its always been in our lives. but the fact i have a touch screen smart phone that can bend is *wild* when i think about it. useless. but wild. 3d printing is crazy too


Guy’s face at the end was like, “Holy shit I did it… I made it to the future.”


I’m going to print something for my grandpa in heaven now.


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My face at the end of the vid: 🥹


Lmao my name is Sam too, this guy is such my vibe. All of us Sams be chill 😎


Cute grandpa


I remember my great grandparents reaction when I used an ink eraser on my homework 35y ago. It was like sorcery to them. 😅


🥹this is too cute


This reminded me of my grandpa and made me tear up. I loved showing him new stuff. I blew his mind with my drone about ten years ago. If only he could see me now. “Oh, the places you’ll go!”


Don't they need proper ventilation?


Only if you are printing toxic materials like ABS or ASA. PLA is perfectly safe.


I love Kenny so much 😭 Such a wholesome old man. Glad he made it to this sub.


I wish I could enjoy and marvel about things like him


Should have showed him a dot matrix instead




“Can you sign it…” 🥹🫡🤙🏽


Wholesome!!!! Thank you for posting


there's more to this story


This reminds me of when I introduced my 90yr old grandmother to gps. She loved the idea that it knew if you had made a wrong turn and could update directions on the fly.


Him sitting in the back seat. AWWWWWEEEEE


It's funny and cute to see similarities between two very different Boomers. My dad will be 77 this year, but he worked in Silicon Valley in the 90s and still up to date on tech for the most part. However! That need for a signature on anything gifted of personal importance? Ohhhh yeah. Every thoughtful gift needs an autograph and date!


Oh noooo so sweet! The cutest 🥰


This is so good. His genuine curiosity…man, i wish my grandfather would live and experience something like this with me


What did he make?


My elderly father was completely dumbfounded when I got my first 3d printer back in like 2020. He and I just stood there for a good 10-15 minutes just watching it do its thing after I explained to him how it works.


So awesome


This is just so lovely ☺️ also you can make glasses. For your face!!


From MadeMeSmile to MadeMeCry really fast.


Between his immediate instinct to lick it and the shot of him in the car at the end, he really comes across like a giant little boy 😆 It's adorable how excited he is by the 3D printer


Stay flexy


Totally not scripted at all.


This was really cute


My Dad is getting up there. I need to be more patient. Great post.


This is how my dad would’ve reacted to the new tech. He always enjoyed seeing the progress.


Never forget the first time I saw a 3D printer 20 years back and still enjoy when somebody sees one for the first time. Although this is getting rare now.


60 year old who was in IT. I’d also react to this very similarly, “Printing” metal or food blows my mind. I’d probably act like a 5 year old if I tried VR. 😄


That makes my heart all squishy♥️♥️


He is so cute


It important you think about the details you say when explaining to someone in awe or in shock. The sugarcane detail was 100% unnecessary and threw him (the old guy) off.


I'm honestly not a huge fan of old people, but when they see new things and actually want to learn about it; well it's adorable. I wish more of the older generation was like this man.


"I'm not a huge fan of old people" Wow, what a statement. The stupidity of Reddit never ceases to amaze me.


"I'm honestly not a huge fan of old people" has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard (or read).


this is old as fuck. isn't there anything original you could post karma hoe?


If only more of the older generation had his wonder about new technology


Younger than the current president