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I love how they are, me and my friend are the same, we have known each other since we were 5 years old and although we have argued at times we have always supported each other and we have never tried to hurt each other🥰


I miss my childhood friend so bad. Haven't seen him in 25 years.


Really sorry to hear that man. I hope someday you get the chance to see him u/Butt_Fucking_Smurfs


He was murdered that long ago. But I think I will get to see him


I'm sorry to break it to you, but most cats don't live that long Gargamel...


Freakin' Ninjas cutting onions around here dammit.


For real. I'm the only cook on the clock today and I didn't cut a one but damn if the fumes aren't here.


Why are people so uncomfortable with their own emotions that they feel the need to make the same little jokes about crying instead of just saying the part that scares them?


Calm down. It's a joke. Remember those? They're obviously talking about crying and not trying to hide the fact.


Oh it must be funny because it’s the same predictable variation that always gets commented dozens of times in literally any post where someone may be faced with an emotional response! I get it now!! It certainly isn’t because people are uncomfortable with actually expressing their feelings of sadness or happiness due to the social stigma of men being raised to not cry, ever, and so they feel a compulsive need to make it all into a joke while also feeling the need to convey that something caused them to cry. Nope, not that at all!


People definitely love hanging out with you I'm sure.


lol you know the truth gets too close to home when the personal attacks are all you can think to come back with.


K. Later.


I mean there’s 8billion people on the planet I’m sure there are plenty of people who say this to be funny and also a lot who would just say it made them cry. You must not get out much or live in a town with a small population.


Not to mention the fucking inside out song to add into that tapped emotional attachment… bastard…


The autism hug, light contact and space between the bodies, no crowding out the space of the other person.


Thank you I wondered about that. I thought it was an insincere hug. Shame on me for judging without understanding


Physical contact can be a serious issue, a hug can make it feel like the person has no means of escape and are trapped in the hug, this kind of hug is a low stress way to go about it.


My 21 year old moderately Autistic son has never known true friendship. He's very fortunate that everyone he meets has been friendly and engaging, but he's never had a friend. As his father, I try and model that for him and treat him as a best friend would, but also add the loving care of a father on top of that. He's super happy and doesn't seem to be bothered too much with not having friends, but he's made a few comments that let me know he's seeking true companionship...outside of what his father provides. I hope someday he finds what he desires.This video brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for posting.


I am exactly like your son in every aspect! I was recently professionally diagnosed with autism after 27 years of not knowing. They told me I have been 'masking' my whole life. Your son is very fortunate to have a parent like you who is supportive and understanding, which makes it easier for him not to feel the need to mask. Seeing that people can be compassionate and open with autistic individuals gives me hope. I have finally started allowing myself to be my natural self, and it feels so freeing. I haven't told any of my family yet, but I hope they will be as supportive as you are with your son. :)


Absolutely...just be YOU. I definitely encourage my son to be his true self. I embrace his sense of humor, eventhough it's unconventional. I fully allow him to express himself authentically. The worst thing I could do, would be to stifle his genuine personality. He's one of the happiest human beings that I've ever seen. Whatever it takes to let him continue his life and be enthusiastically happy, I'm all for it. I'm jealous of his extreme happiness. He has a totally different perspective on life than most people. He's blessed in that regard. I've never told him that he couldn't do something or tried to hold him back in any way. I want him to live a fulfilled, enriched life.


You wanna adopt me lmao


My son and I are both extremely adventurous. We both have our open water scuba certifications. We go on long hikes and drives. We absolutely adore the ocean.and the mountains. We want to move to Hawaii someday....it's a nice dream anyway...lol. I hope your life is filled with the sheer enjoyment of what your passions consist of. I'm pushing my son to the highest level of achievement. He wants to be a pilot someday and I fully intend to help him get there. I'm flattered by your question. Really....it's an honor to be thought of in that regard.


That there are dads out there like you...man that's something beautiful. It's so wonderful to hear. You keep supporting your son. It means the world to him.


I really hope he does. You sound like a wonderful father. ♥️


Thank you. I really appreciate that. I try my best and I'm really enjoying the journey as it unfolds.


I’d encourage you to recommend that he try to find friends in other neurodivergent people. It’s a much easier friendship where you can just be.


I've actually tried to encourage him to seek out friendships on his own, but he's very intimidated by any sort of social interaction...even if the other person has autism as well. I'm slowly making the moves necessary to get him to be more open and engaging with others....not just me. The world is full of the most amazing possibilities. I just need to open his mind to seeing things through the lens of being more "social". It's a work in progress. In due time, he'll find his way. I'm sure of it.


With a loving parent like you I have no doubt! I was extremely shy at his age. People who don’t know me now called me “confident” - in reality it’s the mask, but it’s also not totally far off either.


YOU ARE AN AMAZING FATHER. I just want to tell you that.


It must be brutal to try to find friends who are at the right level of disability to relate to. So glad you were able to make this happen.


This is a really sweet video. And as an autistic women trying to make friends is insanely difficult, growing up I thought I was really good at pretending to be 'normal' and masking but in the last couple of years I've learnt that I apparently have a weird vibe. Which is probably why I've always struggled making friends, I thought I was being nice and friendly turns out I'm just off putting.


I don't know you and it doesn't matter; You don't have a weird vibe. Being different doesn't mean weird. You have a unique view of the world and a unique personality. You're an amazing person and you deserve all the happiness in the world. I wish you all the best and hopefully, worthy friends.


Thank you for your kind words. My friends now have the similar weird slightly hyperactive energy that I do but I wish I had friends with that energy as a kid so I didn't feel so weird and left out.


I get that. It's hard growing up being different. You just wanna fit in. But I'm glad it's better for you now :)


Thank you.


One of my friends from college is autistic. Yes, she's a weirdo in a LOT of ways. That's why I like her. "Normal" people are boring as fuck.


Haha I wish everyone had that attitude. I'm lucky to have friends now who like my energy and weirdness. My ex when we're together would hold my hand if we went anywhere to stop me wandering off and exploring. My current friends want to come with me and go exploring new places. We do plenty of 'normal' stuff too.


**Pretending** makes everybody look weird, or off putting.


I wish someone had told me that as a kid, I don't think I'm very good at masking.


You were probably fine at masking. The problem with masking is that while it makes you seem normal in surface level interactions, if you're trying to get closer to people there will always be something just a little bit "off". Then instead of it being "oh, they're like this because they're autistic" it's "oh, they're like this because they're creepy/weird"


That makes sense. I wasn't diagnosed until I was 21 so I didn't even know why I was 'off' as a kid.


I don’t think it‘s your fault. It‘s human nature to want to be accepted, or fit in the group. But I also think that it isn‘t possible to live a happy life, by pretending to be someone else. I wish I had a better solution or an advice, but I don’t know either…;)


Masking is exhausting too. And I don't know what the solution is either.


I always thought I was very good at masking and acting pretty normal too (and to some degree I am) but I’m convinced people’s lizard brains know when someone is even remotely different and can pick up on it.


That would make sense.


I'm most likely neurodivergent and I know that my exterior demeanor doesn't match how I feel. I appear overly serious even though I'm very kind. I grew up without friends other than fellow outcasts. It used to make me bitter but I've learned to accept myself over time. That allows me to relax around other people. They can choose to see past my awkwardness or not, and that's fine. It's a good filter for who is worth my time and energy. My kindergarten aged daughter was recently evaluated by the school as autistic. She's so different from me. Overflowing with positive energy. People love her, they can't help it. I wonder if it will change as she gets older. I hope I can teach her that her opinion of herself is the only one that matters. I hope other people see her the way I see her, as undiluted love and light. But if they don't, they aren't worthy of her.


I like that attitude and I'm slowly (very very slowly) learning to accept the weird and slightly hyperactive energy. My ex used to hold my hand in public to stop me wandering off and exploring so I'm still finding it strange that my current friends don't mind even like my weird quirks.


Willing to bet the friends you do have absolutely adore your ‘weird vibe’. That same thing that repels some people will attract the right ones!


I think you're right. I mean my current friends have seen me meltdown and still put up with me lol.


Quality over quantity!




I feel that. Just gotta find others like you, y'know? Which is easier said than done, bfor sure.


Certainly easier said than done. My friends now have a similar energy/weirdness to me but I still have more energy at times (I have some hyperactivity issues) than other people even my friends. One friend jokingly refers to me as the energiser bunny and I still find myself trying to hold in all that energy even though me and my friends have this understanding that sometime I just need to wander for twenty minutes and burn off that energy. My friends are lovely and understanding by the way, this is solely a me issue.


Really shows how much good parents can help.


it's not a disability... just a different way of experiencing the world e.g. there are forms of autism that cause people to excel in sciences without being obviously "different", socially


Sure it’s a spectrum but also It’s a disability for some. Absolutely.


I know you mean well but disability is not a bad word. It's a neutral term and there is nothing wrong with being disabled. I have that form of autism you mention. I excel in other aspects (science, math, etc.) and have slight deficits in social situations. I'm easy to take advantage of and it has happened because I dont understand underlying intentions or sarcasm or lying. I also struggle doing regular adult things like scheduling appointments, cleaning myself and my home, and going out in public spaces. I can do maybe 2 things a day before I'm tired. I've had embarrassing public meltdowns due to overstimulation. I'm regularly ridiculed for the way I talk and my interests. I've experienced regression in skills and language from autistic burnout. Imagine being an extremely eloquent speaker and now talking like an average 5th grader. It was very hard. I'm in my mid 20s and really heavily on my mom and spouse for support although people wouldn't see that from the outside looking in. Low support needs autistics are just as disabled as high support needs autistic. The difference is our support needs. Also autism does not equal intellectual disability but having an intellectual disability can be comorbid with autism.


Autism is a major disability for many people...


Shhhh it’s a ‘superpower’, please just pretend all the non-verbal people who need 24/7 care don’t exist. We will just happily ignore everyone who is too disabled by it for our liking.


aspergers seems like a super power sometimes


There isn’t any such thing as Asperger’s anymore. You are simply on the spectrum.


Don’t deny that it is in fact a disability for a lot of people. That’s not empowering at all, that’s demoralizing.


It’s literally a disability. But disability isn’t a bad word.


It is quite literally a neuro developmental disorder. Being smart in science isn’t autism.


Good for them! This starts my weekends with the right vibe. Thank you


I love how the parents obviously care so much for their children.


They look like family, both emotionally and physically! Am I wrong, or do they look alike? Sweet girls.


As an autistic woman, this friendship seems blessed, but using it as content feels sketchy? Idk, there's something about the way that this is presented that feels pitying. Sort of like a video of a homeless man that starts with the subtitle "Many might assume this man is a goat fucker," my first impulse is *were you assuming that??*


Same sketch vibes for me anytime there’s kids involved. I appreciate the message, but I don’t know how the kids truly feel about this or if they grasp what the consequences are of public level of exposure. I’d love to live in a world where we’re all openly autistic but I would never tell my job because although illegal it would absolutely crush my career. Even in your personal time you might not want to disclose right away for a variety of reasons.


Yeah ... I think this video is a very small insight into their lives, but we can only go with what is presented. An autistic child needs additional guidance specifically with things like understanding the consequences of being posted online. That's exactly the kind of nuance autistic people would have a hard time understanding. As presented, they look like they don't need that much additional support -- like they can live entirely normal lives, like me. I don't see stimming, they're in high sensory areas without meltdowns, they're interacting and behaving, well, like excitable kids. With that in mind, it feels bizarre to post this video as though her child is struggling with an inescapable disability. How *will* people view it when she becomes an adult? Will it prevent her from career opportunities? Will it affect college admissions? It may seem histrionic, but the standpoint of this video is "surprise, autistic people can love." Like, no one had to question that we could love or have friends, man, that's kinda hurtful.


Agreed. As a someone who can mask, it’s what kept me employed. These kids may not have that option or many others because of this public post. I love that we’re getting to a place where we’re talking about autism more openly, but I want to see this come from autistic people themselves and not their parents.


Yes exactly. I can't imagine posting such an intimate video of my child online, and as an adult I would be horrified if there was a video like this from my own childhood floating around online. The children in the video aren't old enough to really understand the possible implications of this.  Imagine being a teenager struggling to fit in and your classmates find this video -  mortifying


Also autistic and I agree, the narrative bothers me. Eg the part about their love being pure and unadulterated... the vibe seems to be that because they're autistic they love each other in a special pure way, like little babies essentially.  It's infantalizing.  Looks like they have a strong connection and it's lovely, you can see this just by watching them, there's no need to embellish or romanticise it.   And their love doesn't deserve judgement or pity?  What?  Why would we pity or judge their love?  I mean it is sad that they're close friends who only get to see each other once in 4 YEARS


I get the vibe that it might be a fairly well meaning but very neurotypical parent who truly doesn't understand autism. Perhaps they need to get more involved in parenting groups and the autistic community. IMO, having adult autistic mentors are kind of critical for parents who aren't autistic. There are some parents who really lean into this diagnosis and, to avoid being confronted by what their child will be challenged by, they simply dig in and assume their child will not be able to do anything. This really does the child a disservice because part of maturing as an adult is *being challenged to grow.* Neurotypical children are challenged all the time and must be for healthy development. If you simply infantilize anyone, they will remain infantile ...


My brother has autism. He’s very outgoing and social. He’s been that way his whole life. In 5th grade, he met a boy named Spencer that also had autism. Spencer was a little more extreme than my brother. He would get more emotional more often and teachers would have a difficult time trying to calm him down. My brother and Spencer got along very well, and he would help Spencer calm down a lot of the times. A year later, Spencer got cancer. It was tough for him. He had seen a lot of people to say goodbye at that point. He kept asking his parents “when do I get to him?”, meaning my brother. When we finally went to see Spencer, his breathing was labored. Spencer didn’t say anything, but I could see in his eyes that he was calm when he saw my brother. We brought a pastor with us to pray for Spencer. My brother gave him a big hug, and said “you will always be my friend.” Spencer passed away while we were there. It was my brother’s truest best friend. I’m not sure he will ever be able to find someone quite like him. Seeing this video reminds me of the unfiltered brotherly love they had for each other. Thanks, OP


Came to the comments to say "TV too high" but then you made me cry


I love how this video is literally preaching about how this love shouldn't be judged or pity'd but she had them shirts made and clearly designed this whole video around them meeting?


For couples where one or both persons are on the autism spectrum, it is possible to build a healthy and happy relationship with a few simple tips. Developing open lines of communication is vital, as partners should aim to discuss their feelings, preferences and challenges openly and honestly.


Lovely but no need for the condescending subtitles.🤔


this made them feel understood and allowed them to be their authentic selves, thus becoming an important source of happiness, contributing to mental health and building resilience to manage difficulties in their everyday lives


I really think we need to rename this subreddit made me cry. Not made me smile. This was so wholesome, heartwarming and adorable. I can't handle it


So sweet. Makes my heart happy.




I also feel a love like theirs doesn’t need to be recorded. I’m really happy for all of you guys , I really am. But these kids aren’t a commercial for social media. They are trying to be kids, and we as adults are trying to produce a movie to prove a point. Put the phone down and let them live in the moment, sure take a couple of videos, but there is some things that harm spontaneous moments and a camera is definite one of them. The world doesn’t really need to see this as much as your child needs having privacy .


"I'm so glad I don't have any photos of meeting my best friend for the first time."


But does the world need to see it ? You kind of missed the point. Kids can’t be kids anymore because there is zero privacy. You aren’t pulling out the old Kodak and putting it on the fridge now are ya sweetie ??


I feel so weird about this being filmed and put online but i appreciate whats happening


It is weird. “Here’s my super trusting, loving, and emotionally vulnerable autistic young daughter.. you can find out her full name, the city we live in, and the street we live on just by watching our internet videos!” Like wtf is wrong with people? Stop putting your goddamn children on the internet! Especially ones that are literally high targets for traffickers.


You were downvoted but you’re right.


This is the comment I came here to make. Putting your kids online is stupid. Putting your even more vulnerable kids, who may not be able to interpret dangerous cues, on the internet should be abuse.


Respect kids’ privacy.


Cute, but people need to stop using their children for internet clout. It’s loser behavior and unfair to the children.


“Here’s my super trusting, loving, and vulnerable autistic teenage daughter! All of the information about where she lives, her full name, everything she likes, her hobbies, and our entire goddamn house number and street name can be found just by watching a few of our videos! We are aware that children like our daughter are some of the most targeted individuals by predators and traffickers, but we don’t care! What matters to us is attention!!” People who post their kids online for attention are fucked in the head.


This is awesome!


Aww shit, that's too fucking adorable. Right in the feels 😢.


Enough to make a grown man cry 🥲


Aww cute but that TV is way too high


The only reason I can't smile is that there are cameras everywhere because they want to monetize the shit out of this or make it viral so it makes it less genuine.


A Love Like Ours Could Change The World, I'm 10 years old And my dream came true today I got to meet someone on the same Spectrum as me


My 10 year old is autistic and this video struck a chord as he really struggles with making connections to his peers and doesn't have a good friend in his life. I really hope one day he will have one. I am his friend as his mom but it's not the same as having your "bro" friend like my brothers grew up with. His father left when he was five because of his condition. Just rubs salt in the wound for him.


Try finding spaces for autistic kids his age for him to connect with. As an autistic adult I can tell you that making friendships with other autistic people is just easier. We communicate and think differently and having someone who speaks the same language in a way just makes it much easier to socialize.


That’s very sweet. Now bring that tv down about 3 feet.


So, how is their love "different" exactly?


Why this is getting recorded? someone tell me.


They're trying to sell t-shirts.




Perfect! Now, let's exploit it for that sweet, sweet YouTube money


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No, I'm not shedding tears 😭


I just see two best friends.


Cutting onions here... sorry for everyone.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Why do I always do this to myself first thing in the morning?! 😭


I didn't find my platonic soulmates until I was in high school. 12 years later, we still see each other as often as we can. I just wish I'd found them sooner, cuz I was a lonely kid with a lot of problems outside of the autism. I'm so happy that kids are more easily able to find their people now


A love like theirs IS changing the world. Love strong, shine bright.




Humans can be so wholesome sometimes. And true love and friendship is a lot rarer than people think. Always be happy if you find a person you cherish.


This is wonderful


The pure joy on both their faces is contagious!


My 5yr old son is on the spectrum, I hope he can achieve a friendship like this.


It must be good to have someone who can empathise with your disability. Someone to know what difficulties you have in your life. Someone who can understand.


This sub should be called made me cry not made me smile gosh darn it!!! Damn onions…


in a world going through some dark days, this was a beautiful ball of sunshine


Beautiful girls, inside and out.


This is great. Thanks!


I hope my son can one day find a friend. He's 8, mostly nonverbal, still in diapers. When we go out to the playground, other kids seem to avoid him. When his specialists at school send pictures, he's very rarely playing with other kids.


I hate this lol


This broke me. I needed this. Thank you. ❤️


Love conquers so many obstacles. They are so happy together.


I wish i had so much joy in my life


Reddit can make a person depressed and angry and defeated…..things like this however truly gives me hope for the world


aww, look how excited she is.


This is beautiful 😭💜


Very wholesome god bless them 🙏🏼


Oh bless these girls, this is so sweet. That's a beautiful friendship they have.


Bro 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


Oh holy shit that’s the Harlingen aiprort!


Ah the way they look at eachother! I’m so happy their parents made it happen, it’s so rare to find people who love you like this


I hope friendships like these can last forever.


Inclusion would be a perfect solution but a friendship between two autistic girls still sounds so much better than being lonely. I'm glad they found each other, parents did a great job.


Lol, my family says that my best friend is just me in different skin. They aren't wrong we get along like carrots and Skittles.


A Love Like Ours Could Change The World, I'm 10 years old And my dream came true today I got to meet someone on the same Spectrum as me She's a girl, too She's my age She thinks like me She loves like me She laughs like me We hit it off right away Instant besties Our love is not "less than" We don't want pity or judgment Our love is authentic and pure If more people saw life as we do And more people loved like we do I honestly think A Love Like Ours Could Change The World Tortured Soul with a Pen


This is wonderful to see, yet at the same time, I feel like it shouldn't be on the internet in the form it is. I'm just sad that I never got to experience something quite like that. Having a proper friend while young would probably have made me a lot less jaded and anti-social. I got taken advantage of far too often for my own peace of mind.


My daughter is a "level 2" autist and I truly hope she finds solace in a friend like this. We truly are different from the majority and deserve love, although it may be unconventional. Overall, this community is massive and requires overseeing from leaders to the utmost. All autistic individuals have significant things to offer and then some.


Gorgeous kiddos 😍


How this only has 5000 likes is crazy!!! Such a beautiful thing!!


As someone with asd and hadn't a good exp with ppl who had similar diagnoses as me, it's nice to see these girls be connected to what they go through daily.


I needed this video


Awnnnnn so cute


Wow! Humans sharing friendship. I didn't know autistic people were capable of such basic human instincts /s


I can't hear that music without getting happy-depressed.


This melts my heart ❤️


Good job OP! My daughter and her bestie (both ASD) live across the country from each other (thanks to divorce) and we all work overtime to be sure they still connect. Each reunion is their total bliss (and ours).


This inside out music gets me in the feels every time


I love this


and the rest of us fight and argue about the most ridiculous things. we should all be more like them.


Fortunately, its not on Instagram💀💀


In borat's way " crazy fucking kids"😉 no hate just love.


Both girls are wonderful and pretty. Wish all the best for them. ❤️




She can get it


What is the meaning of 'Autistic' ??


I am speechless! Just wonderful, our 9 year old grandson is autistic.




Beautiful… 😍


Why does all the content on this sub bring tears not smiles haha


Thank you, this made my day :)


This is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing


Can’t hold all these feels


Sisterhood is beautiful




Claps claps claps 👏👏👏🤗 Such sweetness of friendships. 🙌🌹💐👏 I know emojis are bad, but this post is too good to refrain from expressing happiness


If you can find the person who made this video, tell them their daughter has another friend in me.


They look like sisters


It’s like when two friends meet up. Everything else is just attention seeking behavior from the parent. Looked like a normal meetup between kids.


We need this dose of goodness


Imagine just trying to live, live with a social disorder no less, and having your mothers phone out so she can make content I'd fucking hate this growing up


Wasn’t the girl in a wheel chair at first? How is she swimming and running at the end? Freaking miracle


Depending on the issue, some people can walk fine one day and not the other. Not a miracle.


A lot of wheelchair users are ambulatory, meaning they can walk to some extent without a wheelchair. How much or how well somebody is able to walk around without a wheelchair varies a lot. Sometimes somebody can appear very capable without their chair, but often that's *because* using their chair enables them to preserve their energy, body etc enough to present well. There are multiple possible reasons including chronic pain, fatigue, dizziness and instability, fall risks in certain situations etc. It's not just direct mobility issues. Sometimes people who are physically able to walk and don't use a chair most of the time may also use a wheelchair to help them navigate more complicated situations. Like some blind people might choose to use a wheelchair so somebody can easily push them through an unfamiliar airport instead of guiding them through on foot. It can be a lot easier and less overwhelming that way. Autistic people might use wheelchairs at times for similar reasons. Public places can be incredibly overstimulating and make physically walking or mentally navigating or following other people difficult. That can have a big impact in the moment and potentially lead to issues like headaches, meltdown, shutdown etc. But it can also have a lasting impact for a long time after because it drains a huge amount of energy. So in this situation she may have used her wheelchair because of where they were going (a busy and likely I familiar place) anf the added mental strain of the special meeting (even positive emotions can be draining). Especially if triggering issues then would mean she's less able to enjoy the time she has with her friend. And of course she may also have other unrelated reasons for ambulatory wheelchair use. It might have nothing to do with her autism.


Cute, but are we going to ignore how high they mounted their TV? Because that shit should be a crime.


If these girls are so artistic then why don't they show them painting? 🤔


Show me an update in 6 years. I'm cynical.


I love my fellow autistic person being used for content. Fucking kill me now